Comments by san_jose_guy (page 83)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Gun control
    ^ that is not true. Mainstream media has always been institution and govt oriented, like during the Vietnam war. Left media is very rare. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Americans Still Greatly Overestimate U.S. Gay Population
    Gays do need to be out in your face because for so long they have been closeted and shamed, so it has become a social and civil standing issue. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OT: Background checks
    I believe the gun shows and the person to person sales have been the loop hole. Don't know if this still true. SJG Dakota Cohen - Heart - Heartless with the School of Rock 2017 AllStars Team 7
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Gun control
    We have Right Wing Nuts here. Maybe we don't have as many as some other places do, but we have enough. These claims of gun usage where there is no record have been around along time. People have looked at it closely. I think these claims are being fasified. Right Wing nuts have been spawned by Right Wing Media. SJG Dakota Cohen - Heart - Heartless with the School of Rock 2017 AllStars Team 7
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    2 years ago
    Gun control
    I think this is anecdotal and grossly exaggerated stuff. And we have enough right wing nuts where I am already. SJG Dakota Cohen - Heart - Heartless with the School of Rock 2017 AllStars Team 7
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: Power Semiconductors, recent books about
    Heaving, you said that Agilent sold off some fabs. Do you know where they were and what they did? World class digital or more specialized things like precision analog or RF/Microwave/Millimeter wave. Any GaAs or anything like that. This TSI Semi, in Roseville CA, 200mm wafers. That looks like it probably belonged to one our major chip makers, but then they unloaded it so they could build a new 300mm fab someplace else like AZ or NM. The equipment will be old, and the lithography will be longer wavelength and coarser. But for more specialized things like power, analog, mixed signal, and for making the special epi layers Robert J. Mears wants it could be idea. Do you know who it had belonged to? SJG Dakota Cohen - Heart - Heartless with the School of Rock 2017 AllStars Team 7
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Abortion has been banned
    Well so that aspect with the mother does show that there is some real problem here under the surface. As the DemocracyNow guest explained, there is real threat to the 10yo woman in question is the story comes to the surface. This will be talked about more. But the Ohio AG side is not credible. People were trying to make trouble for the girl and the doctor, and so journalists need to operate at much higher level of security so that identities can never be determined. SJG Dakota Cohen - Heart - Heartless with the School of Rock 2017 AllStars Team 7
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    2 years ago
    Gun control
    But these kinds of law an order gun nuts report everything to police. The gun lobby promotes those stories because there is no record. Creates a very distorted picture. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Gun control
    If they were used to fire, the walking wounded count would be very high. So of course the gun lobby reports it this way. Do you really believe that, that these kinds of people don't report to police? Its preposterous. SJG Dakota Cohen - Heart - Heartless with the School of Rock 2017 AllStars Team 7
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    The women who work in strip clubs are by all accounts subjected a great deal of emotional stress. So they have to know how to conduct themselves. It is not for everyone. If she is always melting down, she will get run out. If the management doesn't do it, then the other dancers will. SJG Dakota Cohen - Heart - Heartless with the School of Rock 2017 AllStars Team 7
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Gun control
    It is rare that personal guns are used for a good outcome, but it can happen. Buy a large margin, they are used for bad outcomes. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Abortion has been banned
    10-Year-Old Ohio Rape Survivor Shows U.S. Not Ready for Post-Roe “Unimaginable Abortion Stories” ^ this is good, refutes the stuff that was coming from the Right about this case! SJG Dakota Cohen - Heart - Heartless with the School of Rock 2017 AllStars Team 7
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Going to a club while neurodivergent
    Talented teenagers : the roots of success and failure / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Kevin Rathunde, Samuel Whalen ; with contributions by Maria Wong Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. (1993) So they are specifically looking at students with talent in Math, Science, Music, Athletics, and Art. In particular they are looking at the first three. And this was not done with IQ tests. They have the PSAT test, but then they also have teacher recommendations. They wanted those who the teachers thought could build a professional career based on their talent. And then they wanted to see what factors contributed to the development of this talent, as opposed to impeding this. They note that in times past talent development was not done in school, it was with mentors and apprenticeships. Now sometimes it is easier to do this kind of research with younger children, as you can better order their lives. But these authors feel that adolescence is when the critical decisions are made and the important habits about the use of time are developed. So using this experience sampling method, the students wearing pagers which will go off at various times when they will have a notebook to make an entry in. Seems like much of what is being asked on the report forms is multiple choice or numerical ranking. This is because someone will be transcribing this into a computer data base. And these authors say that when the talent is not developed, people will tend to end up doing things which really don't need any kind of particular talent. They give the example of: Selling Cars. Really I would say that today it is Selling Cars, Selling Real Estate, Financialization, and Multi-Level Marketing. SJG Dakota Cohen - Heart - Heartless with the School of Rock 2017 AllStars Team 7
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Spree Shooting!
    Today: White House officials on Uvalde school shooting report, declining gas prices and more | full video (gas prices seem to be dropping) SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Spree Shooting!
    Spree Shooting Indiana, 3 killed, shooter had 2x 5.56mm rifles and a .357 pistol. Shopping Mall Food Court, Greenwood Indiana 3 killed in mass shooting at Indiana mall l GMA Uvalde school shooting report reveals 'systemic failure' in law enforcement response | ABCNL Opening statements underway in Parkland school shooting trial (2018 Florida school shooting, death penalty jury trial) SJG Schumann: Klavierkonzert ∙ hr-Sinfonieorchester ∙ Khatia Buniatishvili ∙ Paavo Järvi Ekaterina Mechetina plays Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 3
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Hunter Biden had the finest prostitutes
    Well I don't know that that was true for them. Got any links about this? SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Hotel Cascadas vs Hotel Rizo De Oro
    desertscrub comes up with some interesting stuff. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: Power Semiconductors, recent books about
    Thanks heaving! SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: Power Semiconductors, recent books about
    Well this thread was originally about Power Device Technology. I did drift into talking about the federal America Competes ACT, just because it was on the table. I guess that is pitched at resolving bottle necks, but to me it is more about relaunching a domestic semiconductor industry which has dropped out of a number of applications, leaving us depending on Pacific Rim suppliers. BiCMOS is not something new, it goes back many decades. The biggest thing about it, AIK, is that it takes lots of processing steps. The growth area instead has turned out to be CMOS using multiple supply voltages, and then just getting higher levels of integration and Application Specific Designs, so that you don't have so much on an off chip stuff. The Bi was supposed to be for going chip to chip. Now stuff runs at lower internal voltages to amount to less power and less heat. 180nm may old, but compared to wavelenghts of light and lithography limits and the need to also vertically scale and to push doping densities up, that is still very challenging. And then there is the problem of who any of these firms are owned by, and what becomes of them. I did stumble upon this Atomera and Robert Mears and I decided to find out what I can. And yes I guess you could all that "fancy stuff". And then the question arises of how they figure this stuff out. And it looks like it comes down the same sorts of numerical quantum mechanics which is being used to develop fancy new magnetic materials. I agree with you though that the bottlenecks in US production right now depend on other issues. A lot of it has just been the receding profile of our domestic semiconductor industry, and the extent to which it has been picked apart by these overseas interests. You information is good. Thank you for posting here, and please continue to do so! SJG Sammy Hagar, Your Love Is Driving Me Crazy
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    My Organization's women will not be anything like that. And gangbanging them will only be for the culmination of their sex slave initiations. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: Power Semiconductors, recent books about QuantumATK is fully supported and delivered in an easy-to-use interface, tailored from state-of-the-art methods, and developed by experts to the specifications of our customers. Atomic-scale modeling tools in QuantumATK range from Density Functional Theory (DFT) simulations with either LCAO and plane-wave basis sets to semi-empirical models and classical force fields: conventional and machine-learned. All simulation engines share a common infrastructure for analysis, molecular dynamics and parallel performance techniques. What is Density Functional Theory (DFT)? Density functional theory (DFT) is a quantum-mechanical atomistic simulation method to compute a wide variety of properties of almost any kind of atomic system: molecules, crystals, surfaces, and even electronic devices when combined with non-equilibrium Green's functions (NEGF). DFT belongs to the family of first principles (ab initio) methods, so named because they can predict material properties for unknown systems without any experimental input. Among these, DFT has earned popularity due to the relatively low computational effort required. The DFT approach is widely applied in organic and inorganic chemistry, materials sciences like metallurgy or ceramics, and for electronic materials, to just name a few areas. A very brief historical background The ground-breaking developments of quantum mechanics in the early 20th century finally provided the answer to many outstanding questions about the nature and properties of the atom. Applying these principles to more complicated systems such as molecules and solid-state materials proved more difficult, however; even in classical physics there is no general solution to a three-body problem (such as the combined orbital motion of the sun, the moon, and the Earth), and to describe just a water molecule we have to deal with ten electrons and three atomic nuclei. The success and applicability of DFT lies in some very clever realizations in the mid-1960s by Walter Kohn, Pierre Hohenberg, and Lu Jeu Sham. By not focusing on the individual electrons but instead using the electron density as the fundamental variable to solve for, and furthermore reformulating the many-body problem as an equivalent single-particle problem, density functional theory was born. Over the following decades the method was turned into a practical tool by many contributors, and through the use of powerful numerical computers, DFT became an indispensable tool for materials science, chemistry, and many other fields. Relatively straightforward additions of the spin degree of freedom have enabled the description of magnetic systems, and on top of that, relativistic effects and even superconductivity can be treated. ^ Not for High Energy Physics, but for Industrial Physics this is getting at the Holy Grail, how to treat the electron to electron interactions. Walter Kohn, Pierre Hohenberg, and Lu Jeu Sham Walter Kohn (German pronunciation: [ˈvaltɐ ˈkoːn]; March 9, 1923 – April 19, 2016)[3] was an Austrian-American theoretical physicist and theoretical chemist. He was awarded, with John Pople, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1998.[4] The award recognized their contributions to the understandings of the electronic properties of materials. In particular, Kohn played the leading role in the development of density functional theory, which made it possible to calculate quantum mechanical electronic structure by equations involving the electronic density (rather than the many-body wavefunction). This computational simplification led to more accurate calculations on complex systems as well as many new insights, and it has become an essential tool for materials science, condensed-phase physics, and the chemical physics of atoms and molecules.[5] He then accepted the Founding Director's position at the new Institute for Theoretical Physics in Santa Barbara. He took his position as a professor in the Physics Department at the University of California at Santa Barbara in 1984; where he worked until the end of his life. Quantum Chemistry,a%20theoretical%20and%20computational%20challenge. This is an ancient book: Quantum chemistry / by Henry Eyring, John Walter, George E. Kimball. (1948) * Quantum chemistry / [by] Ira N. Levine (1974) a little big newer * only 108 pages Quantum chemistry : a concise introduction for students of physics, chemistry, biochemistry, and materials science / Ajit J Thakkar (2014) * Quantum chemistry : a unified approach / David B. Cook (2012 313p) * SJG Sammy Hagar, Your Love Is Driving Me Crazy
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Hunter Biden had the finest prostitutes
    3050 PSI would take chunks out of concrete and I think steel too. Well I am peripherally familiar with the Weather Underground. But I don't know how any of our Presidents connect to this. SJG Sammy Hagar, Your Love Is Driving Me Crazy
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: Power Semiconductors, recent books about
    Synopsis QuantumATK - Atomistic Simulation Software SJG Sammy Hagar, Fall in Love Again Your Love Is Driving Me Crazy
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: Power Semiconductors, recent books about An advanced multidimensional (1D/2D/3D) device simulator Advanced Logic Technologies Sentaurus Device simulates advanced logic technologies such as FinFET and FDSOI, including stress engineering, channel quantization effects, hot carrier effects and ballistic transport and many other advanced transport phenomena. Sentaurus Device also supports the modeling of SiGe, SiSn, InGaAs, InSb and other high mobility channel materials and implements highly efficient methods for modeling atomistic and process variability effects. Compound Semiconductor Technologies: Sentaurus Device can simulate advanced quantization models including rigorous Schrödinger solution and complex tunneling mechanisms for transport of carriers in heterostructure devices like HEMTs and HBTs made from, but not limited to, GaAs, InP, GaN, SiGe, SiC, AlGaAs, InGaAs, AlGaN and InGaN. Optoelectronic Devices: Sentaurus Device has the capability to simulate the optoelectronic characteristics of semiconductor devices like CMOS image sensors and solar cells. Options within Sentaurus Device also allow for rigorous solution of the Maxwell's wave equation using FDTD methods. Power Electronic Devices: Sentaurus Device is the most flexible and advanced platform for simulating electrical and thermal effects in a wide range of power devices such as IGBT, power MOS, LDMOS, thyristors, and high-frequency high-power devices made from wide band-gap material like GaN and SiC. Memory Devices: With advanced carrier tunneling models for gate leakage and trapping de-trapping models, Sentaurus Device can simulate any floating gate device like SONOS and flash memory devices including devices using high-K dielectric. Radiation Effects: The impact of radiation on semiconductor device operations can be studied with Sentaurus Device. Both single event effects, which include single event upset (SEU) and single event transient (SET), and total ionization dose (TID) effects can be simulated. MASSIVE BRAIN POWER ADVANCES IN SEMI-CONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY, AND I THINK THIS IS TIED TO THE VENTURE CAPITALISTS LIKE KP GETTING THE FUCK OUT! HQ in Mountain View old info: Numerical Technologies Headquarter Location 70 West Plumeria Drive San Jose, California, 95134, United States 408-919-1910 Jan 2003, acquired by synopsis Numerical Technologies, Inc. develops and markets technologies and software products. The Company designs and manufactures semiconductor devices with subwavelength feature sizes. they mean sub wavelenght of visible light, like "deep submicron" This seems to be some other kind of a company other stuff,8_IM761_KE9,29.htm SJG Sammy Hagar, Fall in Love Again Your Love Is Driving Me Crazy
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Hunter Biden had the finest prostitutes
    I care. Got some links? Thanks for the info desertscrub. SJG Sammy Hagar, Fall in Love Again