Americans Still Greatly Overestimate U.S. Gay Population
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
In a Gallup poll in 2002 people estimated the gay population to be about 20%
This year it’s risen to 25%
In actuality it’s less than 5% (although progressives try to push a number closer to 10%)
It’s no surprise people vastly overestimate the percentage given the leftist agenda Hollywood and the MSM push. Seriously did NFL and NBA teams and TV networks have to change their logo for an entire month for 5% of the population
This year it’s risen to 25%
In actuality it’s less than 5% (although progressives try to push a number closer to 10%)
It’s no surprise people vastly overestimate the percentage given the leftist agenda Hollywood and the MSM push. Seriously did NFL and NBA teams and TV networks have to change their logo for an entire month for 5% of the population
White Room, School of Rock…
If corporations really gave a fuck about LGBTQ people, they wouldn't erase all mention of gay people in China and the Middle East. How about those rainbow logos for BMW Middle East?
It's marketing by another means.
Multicultural society, not a monoculture.
School of Rock…
In the nation as a whole it is very hard to say, as most gay people have not even come out to themselves. They don't even know it.
I think sexologists have consistently estimated about 10% of the total population. But when you add in bi people, it will be a lot higher.
As a counterpoint, Black people are 12.5% of the US racial population. I'd argue that they get many many times more equality outrage.
See, most families have gay people, they are not just out. Many are not even out to themselves.
And then with Kinsey he did introduce this spectrum, and that did broaden it.
So I would say that if you do include Bi people, it would be about 20%. Though in artsy areas of big cities, more like about 50%.
But you could never find this by doing surveys.
Gays are hidden, and often hidden from themselves. Afro-Americans are out in the open.
talking about it being about 20%…
I have noticed that with these younger people the % is much higher, especially in a progressive minded area.
Whole Lotta Love - School of Rock…
There are some definitional issues here.
Is a guy LGBTQ who got drunk once in college and let his gay roommate suck his dick once? Or a girl who fooled around with another girl a couple times? Or a girl who occasionally likes to kiss other girl but finds the idea of eating another girl's pussy gross?
I'm not sure I buy the huge spike in trans identification among children who seem to be encouraged to identify as such if they have a single gender dysphoric thought. Teenagers in particular are uncomfortable with their bodies. "Gender identity disorder" was like 1:10,000 not long ago. Adults, post puberty, are a different story, but jumping a hundred-fold, not sure.
But Gallup is a reliable organization.…
Produce superior data, please.
Today with Kinsey there is a continuum and we do have the Bi identity. So I think it has to be larger. The article I posted said 20%, and that is also about what I would speculate.
I would trust this:…
Here, Kinsey Institute…………
An estimated 3.5% of adults in the United States identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual and an estimated 0.3% of adults are transgender.
I would still say that most LBGTQ people are not out to family, to friends, or even to themselves. It is only in some coastal cities that they feel that it is okay to be. And even for those who are, they will not disclose it on a survey.
Very hard to get data on this unless you can learn to calibate the suvery.
I still go by the 100 years of sexology which says 10%, and the a recent increase of people accepting a Bi identity and the Kinsey scale, and I still think it is about 20%. BUt lets look to see what other data we can find.…
"identify as LGBTQ" is just a small sliver.
More Americans identify as LGBT than ever before: Poll
More than half of LGBT adults (54.6%) identify as bisexual, it found.…
"According to a Gallup poll released Wednesday, 5.6% of United States adults identify as LGBT. That's up from 4.5%, based on the company's 2017 data. In 2012, when Gallup began tracking the measure, that number was 3.5%.
For the first time, Gallup also asked respondents to indicate their precise sexual orientation, as opposed to responding "yes" or "no" to whether they identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.
I still think the real number nationwide is more like 20%, or at least for people under age 40. And for the women in the S.F. strip clubs it is like 30% to 50%.
Jane - School of Rock……
Women (especially dancers) - perhaps yes
Men - no, at least I don’t so
You always hear about college women “experimenting”
Some here want to pretend the number is smaller just so they can disparage the gay rights movement
“Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people make up an estimated 4.5 percent of the U.S. population, and, according to Nielsen's inaugural report, they were 6.7 percent of the top 10 recurring cast members in the top 300 programs on broadcast, cable and streaming platforms in 2019. The report also found that 26 percent of the top 300 programs included at least one cast member who identifies as LGBTQ.”
I believe (as Iceefag mentions above) there may be some who would have been gay regardless, and now are more comfortable "coming out" which adds something to the statistics. But I'll bet there's a whole lot more who would have grown up normal and never gave it another thought, if not for the constant messaging about how wonderful it is to be gay and to walk around acting like a fucking fagot.
Kids growing up today are presented with "gay" as a perfectly normal way to be, even desirable to a certain extent. Every single kid, doesn't matter if you're a tough guy, a wimp, a jock, a nerd, a genius, or an underachiever, every kid goes through socially awkward phases of young adulthood when they might question their place in society, or their acceptance among peers. These are the challenges that motivate children to define who they want to be, and shape them into the adults they will become. They are also the times when young people are most vulnerable and open to suggestion, modeling their behavior after those they see around them, and based on their perception of social status, which is one of very few things that seem important to a child.
Now we have this widely available and celebrated community of queer, trans, gay, questioning, fluid back-and-forth fruitcakes who are welcoming any sort of societal outcast with open arms, and offering absolute inclusion and acceptance. So at the first feeling of social awkwardness, which again, everyone experiences at some point, the kid can't help but look to this group of misfits as quite an easy solution to their hurt feelings and/or damaged ego. Before they had to confront their feelings, make decisions, and take action. Now they just have to throw themselves into a world where anything goes, and everyone else has no choice but to accept it and celebrate their "bravery" and their fucking "pride" for walking around acting like a goddamn homo.
How does that count?
1. I identify as LGBTQ.
2. Sometimes engage in same gender sex acts.
3. Sometimes think about same gender sex acts.
4. Might consider same gender sex acts.
And then how your do the surveying.
Kinsey did it via 1:1 interviews with people.
Darla Beaux “Try”(Just a little bit harder) Janice Joplin cover ft. Sina…
Other times, people just don't want to tell the truth, or they are not even aware of the truth themselves.
And so you ask, How Many Gay People? Well why are you asking and how do you define it?
I have spoken before of the super cute black girl in high heels that I was going to ask to lunch. I thought she was an office worker on her lunch break. BUt she ducked into New Century.
So when she did her set she peeled down to nothing but those high heels and she finished calling another girl up on stage and doing some open tongue kissing.
Well in San Francisco, the ways the Victorian Era laws are written there is nothing two women cannot do. It is only if there is a man involved that it becomes crime. So girl on girl action is a long standing tradition at MBOT and New Century.
But you get the impression that they are just doing it for a male audience. It is a show of power, that the women control the erotic.
And in porno movies they usually have that, girl on girl action. Actually I would usually FF past it.
But face to face when you potentially have access to one or both girls, it is an extreme turn on. And I've explained about what happened because next she was on my lap.
Okay, but male homosexuality, legal or not, that would be totally unacceptable.
And then the same goes for swingers clubs.…
Ladies are always putting on shows like that. And it gets the guys heated up, and the ladies love this.
But male homosexuality would be completely unwelcome.
And I hear you motorhead about this. For me this is never going to change. Gay men are people who deserve their civil rights. BUt I am never going to partake and I don't really relate to them at all.
I do think though that for lots of younger people this has changed and they don't see any big deal in it, so most are potentially bi-sexual.
AIK, in Ancient Greece a young man would start of with homosexuality, getting his pleasure that way. Sex with women was something for later, when he was ready for his social position and ready to procreate.
I do not relate to that or to the sexuality and thinking of gay men. And I do not relate to lifestyle lesbians who present themselves as something other than heterosexual feminie.
But I believe that for a huge swath of the people under 40 yo today it is very different.
Darla Beaux “Try”(Just a little bit harder) Janice Joplin cover ft. Sina…
Never Been Any Reason - SOR…
And Icee, these are not weirdos arguing. It is a legitimate issue motorhead raised because recent poles say one thing, but many people feel it is a much higher number.
The porno movie, strip club, and swinger's club culture that I know of encourages a degree of female homosexuality, but does not tolerate male homosexuality. To me this is how it has to be. And it is not just over AIDS. It is just how it has to be.
But I suspect that for a lot of younger people this is not so anymore.
I mean they talk about how long ago there were always these drag queen hookers in every major city who would service conservative male family men from the suburbs. So it is those drag queens, but then also it is the much larger number that is their occasional clients.
People believe that it was Dwight D. Eisenhower who was sometimes one of those clients.
But would such people count themselves as LGBTQ? I would think not.
And Mexican bars here have Drag Queen shows, and it is the same sort of thing.
In SF strip clubs it is the same for the dancers. And lots of women customers in strip clubs now, and the dancers seem to accept this.
Now for me it would never be like this with male homosexuality, but I suspect that for a lot of younger people it would be very different.
Yes, for me it is like that. But feel that for a lot of younger men it is not so, they don't care about strict orientation and gender boundaries.
This guy, an obvious hipster, wrote a review of SF New Century for Yelp. He brought his girlfriend in. Soon as they were in, dancer grabs the girl by the hand and runs off with her.
This guy really had to hunt for them, finally finding them DFKing on a couch in a small alcove.
Interceding in this almost got him 86ed.
Okay, well for women that is what the Sexual Revolution has done. At Sunnyvale Brass Rail, there were several times per day when they had lots of girls on stage. Even though it was not supposed to be topless, there was still always lots of nipple licking and kissing. This is how women have become.
But for men like me, men may age, same gender sexual contact is still off limits, and it always will stay that way.
But I suspect that for a lot of younger men, they are starting to become as loose as the women are.
Yeah we saw that too, the creep isn't just loud, he's also proud!
Yeah we already knew about your hat dancing boy fetish and I recall you talking about your deep appreciation of drag queens when you posted as sjgay so even though you've previously outed yourself it was never 100% official.
# Let it be known that the sjcreep officially came out on July 15, 2022!
** during library hours *
BUt asshole sewn shut, AM hours for ingesting, PM hour for regurgitating.
I can read just fine creep, you officially came out of the closet on TUSCL on July 15, 2022!
** during library hours **
The sjcreep is #LOUD AND PROUD!!!
But you will have to direct your buggery desires towards your goats as none of us are interested, Lol
Tetra, understood. The sexual revolution did that for women. And okay, 20%.
BUt for men, no, at least not then. But I believe that for younger men it has already started to change.
Now for me. I like strip clubs and prostitutes because men are men and women are women.
Aquarius - Hair - Team 5 2019 School of Rock AllStars…
Officially came out of the closet on TUSCL on July 15, 2022!
** during library hours **
The sjcreep is #LOUD AND PROUD!!!
I doubt the # of gay people has increased over-the-years or increased much - just that it's currently more "mainstream" if not "celebrated" as has been posted above; and I wouldn't doubt a certain # of people may claim to be something other than heterosexual b/c it's the woke in-thing.
Most people who claim to be non-heterosexual are just seeking attention. It should be classed in the psych textbooks along with cutting, nicotine, and other self-injuring, attention-seeking behaviors. Anyone who encourages a child to LBGTQ?+@$%^] should be as ostracized as someone feeding a child drugs. Most "homosexual" individuals can be cured with therapy and counseling. Those who do not respond to non medicinal therapies should also receive prescription medication.
What the liberals and self-prclaimed elites are doing was actually started by the Soviets decades ago. The KGB seeded and directed Marxist groups to drive these divisive and corrosive issues. The USSR has collapsed, but the old cold warriors and KGB veterans are still around. The latest generations of their seeded groups persists, having become independent of their Communist handlers and overseers. Their efforts to divide our nation, distract us from their other global activities, and corrode our moral core is plainly successful.
Well besides you iceydougee, the creep came out of the closet yesterday so that makes at least 2 of you homos here now but no problemo we still homiez, faggot! Lulz
The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter ('Havana Moon' Live) w/ Sasha Allen…
I'm sure you'll try to change that now that you've come out and admitted your gayness.…
I spent 8 years as a National Guard Infantry officer during the Bush 41 and Clinton administrations. There was a Sergeant I worked with regularly and one time somebody told me (in strict confidence) that he was gay and lived with another man who was his, you know, lover or whatever. I absolutely didn't believe it. He was tough as nails, used the most vulgar language I ever heard, and was a real cigar aficionado. In fact he had a connection for Cuban cigars and a lot of the guys including me used to buy them from him.
Well, after a few years, we became close friends and eventually he told me about it. In fact, it turns out his illegal cigar connection was his significant other. Of course I was sworn to secrecy. Only a few people knew about it. I didn't think any differently about him. I didn't feel uncomfortable around him either. I felt like our friendship must be strong for him to trust me with that information. And if, God forbid, we had ever gone to combat (which we didn't) I would have rather had him in my foxhole than a lot of other straight guys who were less competent soldiers.
Anyway, I'm fine with gays in the military as long as their gayness doesn't define what kind of soldier they are. That means keeping your sexual preferences discrete and not "acting gay" all the time.
No shame...…
Ok maybe some shame, Lol
That said, estimating the percentage of the country that is LGBTQ is tricky thanks to the large chunk of people who are Bi but living in a heterosexual monogamous relationship. Even the LGBTQ community doesn't always accept those folks as bi. And then there are the wonderful women who will eat pussy in a threesome but still call themselves straight.
Really I never noticed that I use it only to get a rise out of you, I figured that since you luxe it so often as an insult I’d try it and it worked great, I mean Icee just doesn’t capture the essence of what a shit for brains you are.