
Gun control

avatar for mark94

Three people are dead, and three people are injured with conditions unknown after multiple police departments responded to an active shooter at Greenwood Park Mall Sunday afternoon, according to the Greenwood Police Department.

An eyewitness tells News 8 that a good Samaritan shot and killed the shooter during the incident. Greenwood Police Department indicated that the shooter was carrying a rifle with multiple magazines of ammunition through the food court of the mall before firing upon the mall crowd. Greenwood Police believe that the Good Samaritan used a handgun to incapacitate the shooter.


last comment

Anyone with a brain can tell you that Gun Control is bullshit. You can have a registry, a waiting period, and a background check but those with criminal intent will always find away around those to get a gun. No Matter what country, city, or state. Why do I say this? Because criminals break the law period end of story.

Whats worse when this shooter is investigated as have all the rest, will be found to be a loner who follows an indoctrinated manifesto of leftist bullshit.

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago

We should arm all teachers and students from kindergarten up after they complete training when we will give them little "Good Samaritan" cloth badges to see on to their clothing. Same with strippers to handle pimps and drug dealers that threaten them in the club. The more guns the better as long as they go through Good Samaritan training

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago

Actually since life begins earlier now in states than in the past we should probably explore ways of arming these little fuckers in the womb. I've known some dancers who would be fully capable of comfortably having an AR 15 inserted into their vaginas

avatar for misterorange
2 yrs ago

^^ Fucking retard

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago

And I am a proud gun owner and defender of the 2nd Amendment. I would shoot the armed husband who threatened me with his gun if he walked in on my balls deep in his stripper wife's ass

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago

Nah Mosteroranfe not a retard. I just love a good shit show forum every once in a while

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago

Ok all bullshit aside, I'm glad there are those who would take a crazy fucking shooter out. The problem I have is when either side speaks in absolute terms, engages in name calling in order to dampen dialogue, or any such behavior, I think that's the problem. And if a liberal came in here spewing extreme gun control shit I'd react the same way

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

We’re all glad it turned out well, better than hoped for actually, I agree that more well trained armed citizens can make a difference, but everyone is not qualified to do what this Good Samaritan did, that said we could use more like him.

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago

Agree with 25

The only normal people I've met with guns have been dancers carrying to protect themselves from weirdo customers.

The only people I've met who openly advocate against gun control in real life have been a meth head bartender and his meth head hooker girlfriend. A club manager who has a reputation for raping fob Cubans. A junkie selling fake lean. A trick known for trying to get dancers to fuck in exchange for free food from the pizza place he works at. Yall have good company

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"The only people I've met"

Yet you take this as evidence.

You need to get out more.

avatar for 48-Cowboy
2 yrs ago

Mark, you seem like an extreme right wing nut job. Why are you scared of guns?

You need to work on your language comprehension. Normal people don't want shit to be like the wild west. Normal people don't think you should be walking around with an arb15 or training retarded snipers

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ Normal women need protection from abusive pimps, or wannabe rape cult leaders.

I'd go into the nuances of individual gun policies, but as usual you seem more interested in insulting people and virtue signaling, so I won't engage.

PS - SJG will train the retarded snipers to go with his autistic commandos

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

“Mark, you seem like an extreme right wing nut job. Why are you scared of guns?”

Go back and read my OP, slowly this time. It’s a cut and paste about the shooting. Facts only. How do you reach the conclusion I’m scared of guns ? I’ll wait.

Tetradon right wing nutjobs like Mark et al should be exposed and cancelled not humored.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ Left or right should be engaged on the merits. Cancelling is for passive aggressive little pussies who don't have the balls or brains to do that.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

Right wing nut job = Anyone to the right of Joe Biden

Biden is a right winger. Same donors as Manchin almost the same senate record. Fuck biden

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"Biden is a right winger."

Not outside the USSR.

avatar for goldmongerATL
2 yrs ago

I'm going cruising with my homies looking for geeky white loners to waste. An ounce of prevention ...

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

When ICEY says normal people, he means total losers with nothing to contribute, like himself.

Biden spends more time fighting progressive democrats than Republicans.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Biden has to fight Progressives because like muslim terrorists and foreign scum, progressives hate America and want to kill her.

Progressives are basically Mondale democrats who want to bring the party back to what it was before Clinton

avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago

So now the baby-killing criminal-coddling lefties of Twitterland want to call people who support heroes like the one that stopped the Mall shooting "Ammosexuals".

Okay, fuck it, I'm an Ammosexual. I love America, beer, tits, and guns. God bless America, next round is on me, grab her titties, and pass the gunpowder.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"So now the baby-killing criminal-coddling lefties of Twitterland want to call people who support heroes like the one that stopped the Mall shooting "Ammosexuals"."

@gammanu, that's a Bill Maher term. It's also why, after PRC spyware platform TikTok, Twitter is my least favorite social media. It's always green-haired lesbians and un-showered soyboys saying things like that, when they have a panic attack when someone uses the wrong pronouns.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Mondale was a good guy - the polar opposite of shitbag progressives like Bernie Sanders. The gun control people seem upset that the psycho wasn;t able to kill 50 people. Talk about a fucked up agenda.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

It is rare that personal guns are used for a good outcome, but it can happen.

Buy a large margin, they are used for bad outcomes.


avatar for Lone_Wolf
2 yrs ago

It's FUBAR with no solution. A country permiated with weapons in the midst of cultural collapse governed by a government that cannot be trusted to control guns.

No, it's fucking hopeless. This country will devolve into chaos and violence. Eventually heavily armed gaurds will be at the entrance of every store, mall, bank and school. Entry will feel like a TSA check point at the airport.

There is no fixing this shit. The only thing to do is to adapt to the new reality.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

@SJG, it's estimated that 2 million defensive firearm uses (usually brandishing a weapon to deter a home invader or other assailant without firing a shot) occur every year and are not reported to police.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

If they were used to fire, the walking wounded count would be very high.

So of course the gun lobby reports it this way. Do you really believe that, that these kinds of people don't report to police?

Its preposterous.


Dakota Cohen - Heart - Heartless with the School of Rock 2017 AllStars Team 7


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

@SJG, I didn't say they were used to fire. Often just brandished.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

But these kinds of law an order gun nuts report everything to police.

The gun lobby promotes those stories because there is no record.

Creates a very distorted picture.


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

@SJG, I have met tons of these "gun nut" types, and no, they do not.

Many are hardcore libertarian "off the grid" types who distrust them as much as any BLM activist. Or they live far enough out in the country that the cops are hours away--by the time they've fired a warning shot, there is nothing to report.

These come from random surveys.

If you don't believe me, I'd suggest you visit a gun show in a Republican part of the state. It'll open your eyes.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

I think this is anecdotal and grossly exaggerated stuff.

And we have enough right wing nuts where I am already.


Dakota Cohen - Heart - Heartless with the School of Rock 2017 AllStars Team 7


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

@SJG, your incredulity is not a valid counterargument.

If you think the South Bay is full of right wing nuts, I'd suggest you range a little further out on the ol' Huffy.

Here's a survey: papers.ssrn.com

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago

' I'd suggest you visit a gun show in a Republican part of the state.'

He can't pedal his bike that far and gun shows don't allow obvious psychotic kook vagrants enter anyway.

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

@OSU, no worries. Icee and SJG deploy a common leftist rhetorical trick, to arbitrarily define the "left" and "right" as something other than where roughly half of modern America sits. They think they're being clever, but they're not.

SJG is also abnormally fixated on your anus. Freud would have a lot to say about that.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

We have Right Wing Nuts here. Maybe we don't have as many as some other places do, but we have enough.

These claims of gun usage where there is no record have been around along time. People have looked at it closely. I think these claims are being fasified.

Right Wing nuts have been spawned by Right Wing Media.


Dakota Cohen - Heart - Heartless with the School of Rock 2017 AllStars Team 7


avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago

' Leftt Wing nuts have been spawned by left Wing Media.'


Fixed it for you creepo.

BTW, didn't see you online yesterday Sunday, were you too busy to post? Lol

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

@SJG, your incredulity is not an argument. Realz over feelz.

Right wing media sprung up because the mainstream media drifted so far left that an opportunity came along to represent the common man.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

^ that is not true. Mainstream media has always been institution and govt oriented, like during the Vietnam war.

Left media is very rare.


avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago


So fucking delusional it's painful to read your posts creepo!

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

The broadcast networks, CNN, New York Times, and Washington Post, all the "prestige" media have been so deep in the tank for the Democratic party it beggars belief. Fox goes the other way but that's a single news outlet against a wall of them.

Yeah, it's upper class normie establishment Democratic opinion rather than lunatic progressive fringe, but it's left-of-center regardless.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Only true if you are defining Center as John Birch Society - NRA. It isn't.


Dakota Cohen - Heart - Heartless with the School of Rock 2017 AllStars Team 7


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

False. I'm defining center as roughly the 50th percentile of Americans. You know, the center.

NRA is a fucking mess. And most gun owners regard them as squishes anyways.

The "gun lobby" is tens of millions of active gun owners. You call it "democracy" when you agree with it, but it becomes something nefarious and evil when you don't. Lulz.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Because of Rights Wing Media, the population has been inundated with atrocious nonsense for the last 40 years. So you can't reference anything by the 50th percentile anymore.


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

Tell you what, we'll trade you Fox, if you'll give us ABC/NBC/CBS, CNN, the Washington Post, and the New York Times.

Who's inundating whom with atrocious nonsense again?


avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Fox is one of the nonsense inundators, but there are thing further to the right.


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ There's always something further to the right/left. What's your point?

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

The rise of Cable TV, and then the rise of The Internet has spawned Far Right Nazi Media, and it has pulled the 50 percentile so far to the Right that we are in deep shit.


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ That's your opinion.

Actually, identification as conservative has gone down and identification as liberal has gone up since 1992.

But you and stats are like vampires and sunlight. I'll give you credit, you're devoted to your delusions.


avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

I was just hearing that the mall where the shooting happened did not allow guns on the premises - IMO perfect example about how these stupid laws just serve to disarm the law-abiding and make them sitting-ducks.

avatar for docsavage
2 yrs ago

I live in Indianapolis and I was surprised to hear about that. That's a nice suburban mall and not one of the more dangerous malls here in town that have had shootings in the past.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

^ in today's America one can't count on the nice areas being safe anymore

avatar for wld4tatas
2 yrs ago

What about the other ~ 100 Americans that were killed by guns on Sunday?

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

The 22-year-old man who shot and killed the would-be mass shooter at the Indiana Greenwood Park Mall was armed because of “constitutional carry.” There are 25 states where a gun permit is not required under constitutional carry, including Indiana.

The good guy with a gun has been identified as Elisjsha Dicken. He fired 10 shots at the gunman, hitting him an unknown number of times. He had no formal gun training but was taught about firearms by his grandpa.

avatar for Daddillac
2 yrs ago

"It is rare that personal guns are used for a good outcome, but it can happen.

Buy a large margin, they are used for bad outcomes."


This flawed thinking is a huge part of the problem in America.

Good outcomes.... defend your home, hunt an animal, target practice, shooting range, fun, etc...

Bad outcomes.... kill an innocent person

There is NO way that the bad outcomes occur by a large margin.


avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

There are many situations where guns are used for self defense. It probably happens on a daily basis somewhere in America.

However, the media chooses not to cover it. It doesn’t fit their narrative.

And, if you consider that the threat of a gun can prevent a crime, then guns owned by good guys prevents crime daily. Just consider that the Indiana shooter chose a gun free zone for his crime, not a rifle range.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

Consider Switzerland.

They have mandatory military training and a very high rate of gun ownership. Most homes have at least one gun, including military style rifles. Owning and learning to properly use a gun is part of their culture.

The murder rate in Switzerland is extremely low. They haven’t had a mass shooting incident for over twenty years. Additionally, property crime is quite low. Who wants to break into a home knowing there is a semi-automatic weapon there and someone trained to use it.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

Yet you disagree with making a period of service mandatory, we had this conversation, you can't support mandatory military service in Switzerland, and oppose the exact same thing, here in America, two minutes later, it shows your true objective.

Don't consider Switzerland, if you oppose their policy.

avatar for 48-Cowboy
2 yrs ago

Fox news is the best news

Same people celebrating the gov regulating women's bodies are opposing gun regulat on here 🤡

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

We support the killing of murderers, but not the killing of defenseless babies

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

No one is saying that even the most strict gun control will always keep guns out of the wrong hands. It is just believed that some sensible controls will prevent much of our current state of carnage.


Khatia Buniatishvili is hypnotic


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ The left loves the buzzwords "common sense" or "sensible" gun control, but can never define exactly what that means.

The state of carnage is driven by gang related shootings in the inner cities, mostly by young black males against other black males.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

I don't claim to be an expert about gun control.


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ Then quit the conversation until you can do more than spout liberal focus group phrases.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

There are people who have looked at how to make sensible gun regulations.

But then there is another issue here. When people find themselves continually subjected to verbal denigration, then they must respond by making corpses. They must organize and engage in focused, targeted and expertly administered lethl trrrsm. When they do that they will be benefiting the entire society. And still today, blacks are routinely being subjected verbal denigration because of their race, yet nothing happens.


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ Whoa. We've got our own Uvalde kid here. Reporting this thread. Speaking of gun control.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

People being subjected to denigration because of their race do need to act with highly skilled and focused lethal violence. They are being negligent if they fail to do this.


Khatia Buniatishvili is hypnotic


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ I'm still waiting for my retarded snipers and autistic commandos. You're overdue.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

If people are being targeted with the Autism Hoax they need to act forcefully. I would not say though that that is quite as serious of a situation as when someone is being subjected to systemic denigration because of their race. Racism is at the core of America, and it is not gone yet, far from it.

Being subjected to the Autism Hoax is something that it really should be possible to address in a law court. I know of one case where Arizona did exactly this and took six children out of a severe Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy situation.


Khatia Buniatishvili is hypnotic


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

Oh, and the fastest rising groups of gun owners are women and minorities who are empowered to take lawful self defense into their own hands. You know what I say to that? Awesome! Welcome to the club, my melanated or XX chromosome having new friend!

The left makes it sound like we're all going to want strict gun control now that black people have guns but outside of leftist Twitter that doesn't happen.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

I still don't think these make up a large share of gun owners.


Newshour July 19


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

They're the fastest growing.

What specific "sensible" gun control proposals would you implement? And how does this square with wanting to see black people implement racial terrorism?

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Gun control has no effect on terrorists. Once terrorism starts, all guns will be illegal.

Reasonable gun controls means that we can get to a point where we have a working economy and serious racism is curbed.

Reasonable gun controls in my layman's view might mean a background check and a waiting period, as well as restrictions on semi-automatic rifles.


avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago


Just STFU you delusional moron!

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ I can't wrap my head around all those internal contradictions.

We're allowed to be terrorists now in a free-for-all, then we get gun control when the economy is to his liking?

Like suddenly people are going to be like "oh, SJG said the economy's OK, therefore we all need to surrender our guns and bombs?"

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

No one is ever allowed to be a terrorist. It is just that when presented with sustained denigration because of one's race, it is an imperative.

There are many changes this nation needs to make, things about it which are completely unworkable. We need to make those changes by the ballot box. But if this does not happen, then they will happen by other means.


You're insinuation that anyone buying guns is a right wing wannabe vigilante is wrong.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ "Assume" makes an "ass" out of "u" and "me." Or in this case, just "u."

It is a fair assumption, though, that they believe in a right to bear arms, lawful armed self-defense, etc.

Instead, you should be lecturing our racial vigilante wannabe who talked above about "making corpses." But he's a fellow leftist so he sits in your blind spot, right, pimpy?

It's a what if scenarios from a very sheltered mind.

Take your gun out snd be a vigilante...go kill people since you fantasize about it so much on a strip club forum

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

"anyone buying guns is a right wing wannabe vigilante is wrong."

I have never suggested this.


avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

^So whining like a bitch on a strip club forum is better? Asshole.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

^ skibum609, are you talking to me?


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ Has anyone else fantasized about "making corpses," "lethal terrorism," "exterminating," or other threats they know they can't deliver on this forum, Walter Mitty? Of course he and Icee are talking to you.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

The IRA in the late 60's and 70's was largely responding to racism. And they did deliver.

The Algerian War of Independence was largely a response to racism, and they did deliver.


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ You ain't gonna do shit.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Well, when their is sustained and serious denigration because of someone's race, there is a good chance that they will eventually act.

The MKL legacy is something which needs to be lived down.


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ All hail SJG, savior of black people!

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

"Soros Backs Beto’s Latest Campaign With $1 Million Donation"

Left-wing billionaire and investor George Soros donated $1 million dollars to a PAC supporting the gubernatorial campaign of Texas Democrat Beto O’Rourke.

Abbott has made national headlines for his stances on immigration and abortion, while O’Rourke is well known for his vacillating rhetoric on gun rights — O’Rourke famously supported gun confiscation in his 2020 presidential run before dialing that stance back in the early days of his gubernatorial race.

However, O’Rourke has pivoted back to his earlier hardline stance in the wake of the horrific school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, where a lone gunman killed 19 children and two teachers.

Soros has an extensive history of donating to progressive political causes, and in the last decade has pumped $40 million into dozens of local district attorney races, resulting in laxer law enforcement in many of America’s major cities.

The billionaire investor has involved himself in Texas politics before. Last year, he donated $500,000 to help combat a ballot initiative that would have compelled the city of Austin to hire hundreds of new police officers.


This Soros MF has done extensive damage to this country, as well as many other countries around the world, and def has plenty of blood on his hands - what an ahole - if there was someone I wished would kick-the-bucket tomorrow it would be this MF.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

Update on Indiana Good Samaritan

Ison explained to WRTV, Dicken's first shot at the gunman was from 40-50 yards away and it appeared the very first shot hit the gunman.

Dicken was able to hit the gunman with additional rounds.

On Tuesday, Johnson County Coroner Mike Pruitt said an autopsy found the suspect had eight gunshot wounds and none were self-inflicted.”

Dickens took 15 seconds to take down the gunman. That’s 240 times faster than the 400 highly trained professionals at Uvalde school

avatar for wld4tatas
2 yrs ago

The Uvalde gun massacre in May killed 22 and made global headlines. I was in Poland at the time and visited one of Warsaw's top strip clubs a day or two after. In talking with a young, beautiful blond dancer the topic came up. She couldn't comprehend why gun violence was so out of control in the US. I explained to her, in the US guns are popular and a symbol of freedom for many people. But along with that freedom comes a large number of gun deaths. She absolutely could not make any sense of it. And I was unable to help her make more sense of it either.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

It’s young, alienated, video game addicted, marijuana smoking, sexually confused, loner kids from dysfunctional families on SSRI medications who are doing the shooting. The problem goes deeper than “ guns are popular”.

avatar for misterorange
2 yrs ago

40-50 yards is a pretty good shot with a handgun. I read it was a 9mm but would love to know what make/model he used.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ Some kind of Glock

avatar for doctorevil
2 yrs ago

Eight hits out of 10 shots at 40+ yards with a pistol is excellent shooting. I haven’t seen a story that identifies the pistol he used.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

He used a Glock.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

@doctor evil

It’s funny I was thinking the exact same thing, I was at the range last week and my usual carry piece a S & W Bodyguard which is a .380 auto with a built in laser is difficult to get a tight grouping past 25-30 yards.

avatar for misterorange
2 yrs ago

^^ I consider myself a pretty good shot with most handguns. The other day I took a qualification test (for a NEW JERSEY carry license if you can believe that, lol) and had to fire 50 rounds at varying distances from 7 yards up to 25 yards, which doesn't sound very far but the 25 is not so easy. It's a little farther than I typically practice with a handgun, and if I do it's usually a 357 magnum revolver or a 45 cal 1911, both with competition sights.

For this test I was using a Walther PK380 with iron sights. It's okay for a relatively inexpensive and low powered handgun. Anyway I scored 100%, 50 out of 50, but a couple of the 25 yard shots were close to the borderline on an FBI-Q (the bowling pin target) and this was at a shooting range in a safe controlled environment.

Now you take this guy, Dicken, with a 9mm Glock at 40+ yards, and the surprise/shock of what was happening, the obvious risk/danger/anxiety that comes with that, the fact that he was going against a psycho with a rifle, and I'd say this dude is somebody no one should ever try to fuck with. That's really badass.

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