
Comments by Dr.F (page 2)

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    11 years ago
    Hong Kong Club: Part Deux in TJ
    As a newbie to TJ, you'll have to buy a drink or 2 in order to negotiate the bang upstairs. The drinks are $8 and the girls in HK Club will start negotiating at $80 for the bang. Snog the girl for 10 minutes then offer between $60-70 if she seems responsive to you. You can only be real cheap (and have success) in TJ if you are a veteran of the scene Estafador. It is what it is, but if you're observant and a quick learner, you'll start to understand how to cut corners and save money.
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    11 years ago
    Hong Kong Club: Part Deux in TJ
    Lots of hard core TJ mongers want the bareback and anal, Estafador. They seek the thrill. You can certainly shoo the meseros away, but do it with some flare or respect, instead of just saying "fuck off." However, you have only a few seconds to decide to spend $$$ if a chica wants to sit down w/ you -- you can't hang w/ the girls unless you're buying drinks (fichas) for them.
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    11 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Tijuana Strip Club Binge
    Four times to La Zona and counting for me!
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    11 years ago
    Japanese Confessions of an International Strip Club Monger
    Ahhh, I just recalled it was you "wwpmi" who recommended the TJ Amigo site to me in the first place; many thanks! My handle is the same, how about yours? Cheers.
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    11 years ago
    Japanese Confessions of an International Strip Club Monger
    Interesting post. I spent a week in Tokyo many years ago before departing for Osaka to fulfill a 1 year teaching job. At that time (1993) we just pulled gals from the "gaijin (foreigner) bars" because we had our own apartments, although there are "love hotels" everywhere. But in those days, some Japanese men still wanted to use their cock & balls, so we had some competition to be sure. Further, we found that women either loved us or hated us, no in-between sentiments. So it was easy to understand their intentions. But from what I understand in Japan / Tokyo today, 98% of Jap men just have no interest in fucking, so there is a total plethora of women (the 25-45 year old crowd) who are absolutely gagging for it -- but most are pretty fucked in the head as compensation. I had a friend who lived near Tokyo about 4 years ago and he cruised fancy grocery stores that sold mainly imported goods and picked up 3 married women (over the course of a year) who spoke some English and were actually fairly well traveled. They were quickly DTF and frequently bought him gifts. He added them to his rotation, which also included a University student and a goth looking girl who approached him on the subway. None were gifted in bed of course, but my buddy mentored them in the ways of porn stars... These girls / women didn't cost him much because they were happy to go to his place for the deed and eat at the corner sushi / noodle place, if at all. His biggest expense was probably his phone bill! In terms or P4P, I'd opt for the hostess scene, but count on spending about $1,000 per satisfying pop, unless a 10 minute CBJ while stuffed in a dark, hot closet is your thing. It's probably fair to say that Thailand is 1,000X better at 1/10th the cost, so avoid Japan unless you can live there, make big money and do the pick-up scene. Just my 2 cents. Are you a TJ Amigo, "wwpmi"?
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    11 years ago
    Hong Kong Club: Part Deux in TJ
    Yeah, it's the same handle "wwpmi."
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    11 years ago
    Hong Kong Club: Part Deux in TJ
    Ah, thank you "harrydave" for your comments and Merry Christmas as well. Yes, Dubai is certainly a hotspot for mongers from what I can ascertain, but likely one that I won't see -- I'm more intrigued by Thailand and the Ukraine at the moment, but haven't visited either yet. Sooo many places to see, so little time (money)... Next year will likely involve the Western side of Germany, Belgium and the red lights of Amsterdam, as well as 3-4 visits to TJ of course! "wwpmi": I joined TJamigos upon your advice and am currently browsing the forums -- thank you and happy holidays!
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    11 years ago
    Hong Kong Club: Part Deux in TJ
    jls911: yes, HK offers a "free" limo service, but the taxis are cheap ($5 each way), quick and truly hassle free, so no need for an itinerary change there in my opinion. Plus, I'm sure the limo driver expects some sort of tip anyway... Yes, parking on the U.S. side just makes me feel better at this juncture, but I may experiment by driving directly from Penasco to Tijuana next time if I can see evidence of truly secured parking that's close to the HK Club -- they claim they offer it to hotel guests. We'll see.
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    11 years ago
    Hong Kong Club: Part Deux in TJ
    Toomuchcover: Thanks for the kind words. Hey, flying from Chicago to LA has gotta be pretty cheap, no? Plus weekend deal on a rental car (from LAX), $70 per night for decent American motel, then about $150 or so per night in the HK Club (depending if you're a boozer). I would think that's all under a grand if you're smart / efficient about it. My Spanish is not fluent by any means, but I'm no longer shy about spitting it out. I think some Spanish ability greatly contributes to the TJ experience, but if straight banging is the only thing important to you, then all it takes is some dough and wood...
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    11 years ago
    Hong Kong Club: Part Deux in TJ
    Estafador: it's always a good idea to bring your own "equipment", whatever that might entail, but the girls and the hotels likely have a good selection of offerings, either for free or a small fee. The 3 nights I've been in the HK Club I noticed only about 3-4 black guys total -- surprisingly low. The foreign mongers seem to be about 80% white, 10-15% latino, 5-8% Asian and the rare African American, from my observations at least. Some local Mexicans frequent the clubs too, but not that many. At least 2 girls in the HK Club had African blood in them, that I saw, but neither were dark skinned. I think a few real dark skinned girls would be popular in that market, but I have only seen 1 or 2 on the street -- none in the clubs. Well, there was 1 at Mermaids "massage parlor" / bar (directly across the street from HK) if I remember correctly, but I'm sure you get my point. I get your point about self-esteem -- it must be a real roller coaster ride for the chicas... I would think that most men they are in contact with are assholes, regardless of nationality. But let's face it, if gender relations in the U.S. / Canada / Western Europe were not such a complete FUBAR at this point in history, then I wouldn't be even thinking about TJ and the chicas. However, as long as society is the way it is, I need those chicas for psychological / emotional therapy (not just the sex) and they certainly need me for $$$. I like to think that along w/ my money, I also give them some self-esteem and laughs too. I tell them that they're beautiful and fun to be with. I strive for a win-win scenario at all times, and try not to be predatorial or parasitic in my relations w/ people. There's enough of that psycho BS in the world as it is.
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    11 years ago
    Hong Kong Club: Part Deux in TJ
    mjx01: for the love of God, man, it's because I haven't found a secured parking lot close to the club / hotel in TJ!!! As such, regardless of where I'm departing from, I feel better parking my car on the American side -- but that will likely change in the future as I collect more information. Why can't you get that? I hate the entire border crossing drama probably as much as anyone -- in fact I had a moderately confrontational face-to-face w/ a border patrol asshole a few days before heading up to TJ, which is another story... Furthermore, I've only been to TJ twice (as an adult -- a couple other times as a kid in the 1970s...), so I'm not an expert on the Zona Norte. Rather, I'm a relatively adventurous guy who has the lifestyle to be able to sample and the motivation / time to write about it. So quit being petty with the messenger, dude.
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    11 years ago
    Hong Kong Club: Part Deux in TJ
    Yes, I hear Tecate is a great town to see (famous for it's beer) and a convenient place to cross the border. I hope to drive past it on my way to TJ next time.
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    11 years ago
    Hong Kong Club: Part Deux in TJ
    Pseudo political social commentary is my specialty, "farmerart", so expect any future articles written by me to include a least a dusting of it. Somebody has to say it the way it is -- or at least stimulate thoughts / discussions on something more than tits and pussies. Surely as a fellow Canadian who travels the world, your mind asks itself from time to time, "Why are things thus, and who or what is behind such a circus"? Thank you "Estafador". Anyone who uses the word empathetic (and actually sounds like they mean it) get's my thumbs up. BTW, not too much hassle to get to TJ for me. Regardless of my route, it's about a 5 hour drive -- and I, like virtually all Canadians, enjoy road trips and are accustomed to driving long distances for adventures. San Diego is closet to TJ obviously, although it's likely cheaper for you to fly into L.A. and rent a car. L.A. to TJ should be no more than a 1.5 hour drive on the Interstate. Make the traveling part of your adventure and not just a hassle / inconvenience. In terms of the girls, I'm not sure what you mean by letdown... they all love their country and are very proud to be latinas, but are trapped in an ugly economic cycle for sure. I try to spend the little that I have fairly and with respect. Further, I always try to make a human connection before an economic one -- just makes me feel better about my mongering.
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    11 years ago
    Hong Kong Club: Part Deux in TJ
    I'm already bent to the left, too late... I'd dare say that Americans don't live like most other folks in the World, in one way or another. Having 2 houses that are only 3.5 hours from each other is not nearly as odd as many things I see and hear in this country or read on this forum. So who's the oddball actually? Regardless, I get your point Papi_Chulo and no real offense taken.
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    11 years ago
    Hong Kong Club: Part Deux in TJ
    Wow, gents, take it easy. I'm a Canadian citizen, although resident of Mexico (for tax reasons), who also has a house in Arizona. Put differently: born and raised in Canada; worked in Northern Mexico for over 7 years, which is why I have a place there; eventually bought a house West of Phoenix when prices got ridiculously cheap. Is everyone on the same page??? Does it fucking matter? Yes, my lifestyle is not conventional, but is anyone expecting an apology or something? And MJX01, I didn't start my journey in Mexicali, that's merely where I crossed over. When I find a parking lot near the HK Club in the Zona that I feel OK about parking my nice car in for a day or 2, then I'll simply drive there from my casa in Mexico, but in the mean time, I prefer to park just across the border and walk in. The hassle of course is walking back out, especially on a Monday morning. Having said that, I had absolutely no wait when I walked out a little past midnight on Saturday and Sunday nights (during the trip prior). And Alucard, you're sounding like a broken record, so why bother us w/ your blither-blather about the "Dangers of Mexico"? And Papi_Chulo, are you a Latino descendant of Sherlock Holmes or something? Southern Arizona is crawling w/ Canadians this time of year -- they're called Snow birds. In fact, a half dozen other family members of mine have places down here too -- no big deal. In fact, here's a detail that will undoubtedly blow your mind: I once lived and worked in JAPAN!!! OMG, I must be really taking the piss now, eh?
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    11 years ago
    Hong Kong Club: Part Deux in TJ
    Well, sorry to upset your sense of travel logistics, gents! I spend most of my time in Mexico, so that's where I departed from on this occasion. I have never driven that particular route before (003), so I spent time looking at the map trying to decide the best / safest drive. I didn't want to drive straight to TJ within Mexico because I was unable to see where the hotel's "secured" parking was and exactly how it looked. Furthermore, crossing over from TJ into the U.S. by car is always a nightmare and frequently exceeds 2 hours, so I thought my best bet was to cross at the new border crossing in Mexicali then hook up to the #8 in Cali heading West to San Diego. It was all good in the end (keep in mind also that I was heading back to my house in Arizona on that Monday), but it took me 1 hour to cross by foot from TJ back into the U.S. to pick up my car from a secured 24-hour lot ($10). If I can confirm that there is a truly secure parking lot within a few blocks of the HK Club, then next time (if I'm departing from my casa in Mexico) I will drive directly to TJ -- the roads are fine and not many Federalis. My issue is that I don't always return to my casa in Mexico after these road trips, so my logistics are usually a little complicated. Does that make sense now, gents??? This time I went Northern Mexico->TJ->Arizona via car, whereas the other time I went Arizona->TJ->Arizona.
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    11 years ago
    Definitive Tijuana Hong Kong Club and more...
    My god man, you were in the Zona Norte and DIDN'T stop in the HK Club?! That's like going to Paris and not seeing the Eiffel Tower... or NYC and not seeing Times Square... or Texas and not eating BBQ... or or or... Adelita's is no slouch, but not the heart stopper that is HK. I'm going back next weekend and will probably skip Adelita's all together, but to each their own.
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    11 years ago
    Definitive Tijuana Hong Kong Club and more...
    Yes, Papi_Chulo, I do work in so-called healthcare / science. I prefer to see the world how it is, and although I wouldn't describe it as bleak per se, OBVIOUSLY it's no picnic, even for middle class white guys who have some dough -- and if that's the case, then most others are completely fucked. We are all in this together, particularly us men who are increasingly under siege, BUT I have much more hope than most people I talk to about various issues. I feel BIG changes are finally underway, which actually makes me look forward to the future. Our future in this country (and all others) is likely beyond what most Americans dare hope because of how they've been beaten down over the decades. Change and serious resistance have actually been underway for a handful of years (and many regular people "feel" something is afoot), but I suspect it will take 2-5 years before the landscape is dramatically altered for the better. Doesn't mean it will be paradise right off the hop -- on the contrary -- years of mind fucking, propaganda, fear porn, and general lack of ethics, morality, trust and self-respect will take some time to rehab / reverse / purge or whatever. In the mean time, I like the refuge of my tight circle of like minded friends / family and enjoy the SC experience from time to time when the urge to flirt, laugh and play -- all on my terms -- reaches a crescendo. And the HK Club in TJ is at the pinnacle of such establishments, IMHO. Cheers and happy hunting.
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    11 years ago
    New York
    Holding the $20 line
    Excellent points and discussion, Yankee428. I've found the $20 LD to be a significant line in the sand. A few weeks ago I was at Xplicit Show Club (or something similar) in Glendale, AZ and actually went for a LD with a "7" I never would have considered normally, but for a couple of good reasons: 1) I noticed how well she treated a guy who came to the stage to tip her a few dollars -- genuine smile, sensual hug, generous amount of titties in the face, lingering kiss on the cheek, some flirty conversation, acknowledgment of where he was sitting so she could join him later. Great stage game and the guy was beaming while he walked back to his table / friends -- and again, she wasn't all that hot... 2) Lots of time (at least 15 minutes) spent talking with me at my table, laughing and building chemistry. No hustle. 3) $10 LDs in a relatively private area, which I had to inquire about -- she wasn't pushing it on me. I eventually insisted on 2 and tipped on that because of the great price and the very good quality of the dances. Not my regular type at all, but she got some hard wood out of me, which is not always the case when a legitimate hottie hustles you for $25-plus per song and gives mechanical grinding. Plus, I bought another drink while I was talking to her -- so the bar made more money on me too. You're right, I don't want to do any calculations or risk / reward assessments -- I just want to flirt, laugh and snog all within my set budget, which may be as low as $50 or as high as $250 depending on many factors. Some may find it ironic / crazy that I wear very expensive watches and drive a Porsche, but still get bothered by an unwarranted $25 up-sell, but that's how I play in this sordid little game as a monger. That was one of the reasons I had such fun in Tijuana, because it exceeded my expectations, gave me a tremendous experience to remember and came in UNDER BUDGET. SCs in the States / Canada have wondered far off course with their misguided pricing structure and marketing strategies. P.S. Thanks for the kind words on my HK Club in TJ article. Cheers and happy hunting.
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    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Well I'll be damned! This article and dialogue about squirting, plus my recent failure in Tijuana, got me really thinking about technique and why my main gal hasn't done it in 6 years -- although I essentially gave up trying many moons ago. So last night I dug in and refused to be deterred. We've never actually talked about it -- she's not a down and dirty girl -- so she is oblivious to my squirting mission. Well, I really took my time and built up to it and low and behold... jackpot. Not a huge gush, but one nonetheless, and she was quite surprised by it. I really couldn't believe it -- I guess she just needed more time after all -- about 45 seconds. I didn't say a word, but she obviously realized my new-found gusto and keen interest in her. In fact, I tried to grab her this morning before she was off to work -- to no avail -- but you should have seen the look of lust in her eyes. In short, thanks very much Papi_Chulo! You inadvertently re-energized a relationship.
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    11 years ago
    Definitive Tijuana Hong Kong Club and more...
    Which part of the country do you hail from, boogieknight369? It may be easier / cheaper to get there than you think. I'm Canadian, but I split my time between the Phoenix area and a beach town in Northern Mexico. About 5 hours to San Diego by car from either place, so not much deterrent / hassle in order to experience the pearls among the swine in TJ.
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    11 years ago
    Definitive Tijuana Hong Kong Club and more...
    Well pabloantonio, as long as you don't tire-out my Desiree, go at them! Niki was a sweet girl with class, but in over her head on that night; Mel was a pure party girl and probably down for anything. I'm heading back to TJ on Nov 30th and staying in the Cascadas Hotel above HK for 2 nights, so I should have a bunch more stories. I may have to take a run at the 2-timing Lulu, because she has the best body (for my tastes, at least) I've ever come across, plus a real pretty face. Wish me luck.
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    11 years ago
    Definitive Tijuana Hong Kong Club and more...
    Very well said DoctorPhil and skibum609, but let's not be too hard on Alucard because the propaganda that flows into most States, particularly Arizona and California, is audacious and constant. I've walked downtown in Detroit a couple times (when I didn't know better years ago) to see the Redwings play and it sure didn't look or feel safe in the least -- in fact I would describe it as hostile, bleak and hopeless -- and I was with 3 or 4 other young bucks, all of us white. Shit, I was accosted in downtown Seattle many years ago along with some baseball teammates and our Moms! Compared to those, flying solo in TJ was a complete non-issue and even enjoyable, although I didn't venture from the 1-2 block golden radius on foot. I'm Canadian, well-traveled and have many first-hand experiences, but I understand the American mindset that's still glued to their TVs and watching the fear porn spill out. News reports of killings are certainly no proof of anything in this current world -- one in which the mainstream media has become so shameless in their lies, distortions, coverups, false flags and general misdirections. Anderson Cooper and his boyfriend should be fucking horse whipped IMHO. But hey, less horny sausage in HK Club benefits me, so I won't try too hard to convince anyone of anything that they feel is contrary to what they believe. Fair enough, but I prefer to live with the blinders off -- it's so much more interesting!
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    11 years ago
    Definitive Tijuana Hong Kong Club and more...
    Not in the small 1-2 block radius that I mentioned; very tiny risk for huge reward, but thanks for your concern. I've traveled extensively in Mexico and even lived there for 7 years, so I feel very comfortable, but I understand how others might not feel the same. To each their own, I suppose, but it's a shame that a little propaganda goes such a long ways.
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    11 years ago
    Definitive Tijuana Hong Kong Club and more...
    Fine, Alucard; more great chicas for the rest us! And better tacos...