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Joined Dec, 2012
Last Seen Jan, 2024


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5 years ago
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Pittsburgh: Rundown of the Steel City
Good information. Thanks for posting. $221 for 30 mins VIP at Cheerleaders is certainly an interesting amount. I wonder what the…
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5 years ago
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What would you name Your Strip Club?
The Landing Strip. Admittedly that is not original. I appropriated it from the TV show Friday Night Lights.
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5 years ago
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Tilted Kilt
The nearest TK to me never actually opened. They went bankrupt during the buildout and wound up being sued for the many thousands…
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5 years ago
North Central WV Question
Last year when I was travelling through Clarksburg WV I drove past JB's to see if the space was occupied, as it had been…
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5 years ago
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First Lapdance
The late Brass Stables Nashville TN in 1994 or 1995. I was travelling by myself on business. At the time I had…
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5 years ago
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Friday night at the Best Pplace in Suburaban DC
Generally accurate review. Could have used some additional details about costs. I would add to the parking warning to also not park…
avatar for trpterp
5 years ago
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Decided to give CCR another try...
Re: your comment about liquor or lack thereof. When I visited in January I asked about liquor. The gentleman behind the bar…
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5 years ago
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The most precious and valuable gemstone.
^Thanks for the intel on Sapphire. I have debated approaching her in the past but have yet to do so. Layla hasn't…
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5 years ago
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The Bodyshop
11313 Maryland Avenue Beltsville MD 20705
Opening Night At The Body Shop
This is a review of my experience on opening night. I had been at Showcase earlier in the evening of Jan. 31 and…
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5 years ago
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Have you had sex with a stripper in the club?
No. It was the first time I had ever been to a club where FS was apparently available. At that time…
avatar for trpterp
5 years ago
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Still the MVP of the DMV
Excellent review. My $.02. There are actually 3 VIP areas. The other one is to the right of the bar area…
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5 years ago
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Elysium Gentlemen's Club
9734 Winchester Ave Bunker Hill, WV 25413
Not Too Wild Or Wonderful In West Virginia
I recently spent a weekend in Berkeley Springs WV and wanted to check out one of the Eastern Panhandle clubs. I didn’t really…
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6 years ago
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First time setting up OTC. Need advice...
My advice would be similar to Bavarian's. I have next to no OTC experience but IMHO there are too many obstacles to overcome…
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6 years ago
A Legal Question
My CF was telling me about one of her colleagues who cut her foot pretty badly onstage because the pole is coming loose from…
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6 years ago
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Drinking or sober when you club?
My two goto clubs don't serve any alcohol/liquor. One only sells sodas, H2O and Red Bull. The other sells nothing AFAIK. …
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6 years ago
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Did I make a faux pas?
^^SJG - And also you might just hand her some money and try to make some kind of a compliment.
No. No. No.…
avatar for trpterp
6 years ago
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no air-conditioning in the strip club. tell me about it
One of my goto clubs in PG County Maryland has no A/C (it has no heat either, other than one of those flame-thrower type…
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6 years ago
Eastern Panhandle West Va Recs - Repost
I'm reposting this in hopes of getting some responses...

Fellow TUSCLers, I will be in Berkeley Springs WV for the upcoming July 4 weekend and…
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6 years ago
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How do you communicate wanting a specific extra while avoiding LEO?
I don't normally ask for extras but if the dancer makes an offer first, I've been known to counter with asking if she is…
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6 years ago
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Wondered what happened to him. He always supplied good intel on my queries. Hope he's OK.
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6 years ago
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Being white in a black club, and club recommendations for AC
As others have stated, as long as you don't act like a jerk you should be fine. If you're nervous maybe make a…
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6 years ago
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Saturday Nights at Showcase
If this review is for early Sunday 6/16 he's right that it was never this crowded on any of my previous visits over many…
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6 years ago
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Field trip to WV
Nice review. Thanks for posting.
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6 years ago
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Still slow, but had a decent time
Wow. $40 to get in on the first visit. $70 for VIP entry. $60-$70 per song in VIP. Who pays…
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6 years ago
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Washington DC Trip - TR 3 of 3
I'm thinking you probably did confuse Millstream with Showcase. Based on your stated preference I think depending on the night you *might* have…
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