
Comments by dalex (page 13)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Being the only person in the club
    I was never at a club alone, but my favorite time is when there's very few people there, I don't get dances at that time, I just talk to the girls, since there's not a lot of people they don't have any other customers to run to after you turn them down, I had some very interesting things come out of situations like that. Tuesday nights are strip club heaven for me. Friday and saturday nights are waste of time, too many people, too much going on, and unless you're getting back to back dances, good luck getting a girl to spend more than 2 minutes at your table.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How Strip Clubs Saved My Life
    @scpatron that's exactly how I feel. Now traveling makes sense, where it never interested me before. Being so anti social, what am I to travel for? Especially being alone, I don't care about museums and pretty mountains. But now, there's a purpose, I can go to any city, and I know there's a strip club there, and if I have some money and nothing to do for the evening, I sure won't be in my hotel room watching TV.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How Strip Clubs Saved My Life
    Being a loner w/ no social life, no addictions, no kids, little responsibility, zero distractions, never getting into trouble, and being this way for years, your mind tends to venture off into something that can potentially make money. It's no big deal, most of us trade that in for have a meaningful life early on, I haven't, so I suffered being in pretty much a self made prison.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How Strip Clubs Saved My Life
    Thanks for complimenting my writing guys, probably for the first time in my life have I received such recognition, being a high school drop out and all. Not sure what would be the point of me lying though, I make a lot of money so I spent a lot of money over the course of those 4 months, and pretty much went out every night. The serial killer shit is meant to be a joke, don't crucify me for that, lol.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How Strip Clubs Saved My Life
    But thanks for advice guys, trust me I know how much that is to be true, and I was already somewhat played, but hey you live and you learn, I wasn't straight up robbed or setup in that type of fashion, which is a real possibility, so I'm glad for that. But I do have few rules I came up with through my journey. 1. Going the long way home, making sure I'm not followed. 2. Nothing in my car that would reveal my identity & my residence. My wallet carries my ID/insurance card. Sometimes a girl has to be left in a car under some circumstance, I don't want her digging through there. 3. Nothing in my car to steal. 4. I have 2 cars, I always take the shitty one out to strip clubs. Unless it's a nice strip club or one far from my home. 5. Don't come across that you have bunch of money, unless, that's your thing, in which case you shouldn't actually have a lot of money. 6. Don't bring out too much money with you. (very easy to get 1000 in 1s and make it rain, very easy, yeah it'll get you attention, but you'll throw it fast & get worse mileage than a '78 dump truck filled with sand) 7. Don't eat at the strip club. (thanks Pin Ups in Atlanta for that) 8. If you do get a girl's number, arrange things asap, delete her number after she tells her that she's struggling to pay her rent couple days later. 9. Don't drink at the club. That's about it off top of my head. Oh and, absolutely on point about not becoming a strip club dweller, this has improved my overall life, and now I find it much easier talking to girls (and men, in non sexual way) and doing stuff in a regular social environments, it really does wonders.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How Strip Clubs Saved My Life
    regarding my physical existence now my writing skills. nobody is confident in everything, I also mentioned that with the whole "I'm confident with my work but not as a social person" point.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Detroit 2PMer.
    Regarding guns in the club, I don't know how it is in Detroit, but here in Akron, you don't even need an ID to get into majority of the clubs, let alone a pat down.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Just wondering, are some dancers so forgetful they can't remember you from 30 mi
    To test this thesis you should've moved to yet another spot and see what happens. Sometimes I feel like strippers should be part of some high level scientific study, definitely provide way more entertainment to my life than just visual of ass and titties.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How Strip Clubs Saved My Life
    Haha you right, I should, never been a good writer or a reviewer though, so I'm not really comfortable with that.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    minimizing risk of STD
    I'm concerned because of the ignorance of some posters on here, wow.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Threats From A Significant Other
    This is a common problem, not just dealing with strippers. What you guys should be concerned about is nobody following you home, specially if you have families, these guys are really shady, and will do whatever it takes if they sense you have money. Despite being 6'6 300lbs with a large frame being pretty intimidating guy, once I started messing with strippers I changed my ways to a lower standard. Bought a cheaper car, stopped carrying much money with me. Remember, telephone threats aren't exactly harmful, what's harmful is the really psycho dude who will find a way to get to you.
  • review comment
    11 years ago
    This place is pretty busted. Has...
    Pretty sure you're talking about Crazy Horse, which is down the street, my friend.
  • review comment
    11 years ago
    Went here for my bachelors party...
    awesome, writing a review for a club you last visited 8 months ago. Now I'm forced to write a current one, since the little information you provided is dated, dances aren't on the couches, you sure this is Brunswick Christie's & not Canton? If any reader
  • review comment
    12 years ago
    A catch-all account
    The hidden gem. If you're not...
    the review is inaccurate, the description is inaccurate, probable shill review.