minimizing risk of STD

avatar for dalex
While, of course the risk if elevated due to the nature of women we're dealing with, and besides the obvious use of condoms & keeping your immune system strong, I was wondering what other ways we can lower the chances of catching STDs.

So far I came up with one.

Going for younger girls. These girls had less time to catch an STD, (real concern should be something incurable such as herpes), therefore they're less likely to have them. They're also generally healthier, which lowers the risk of transmission, and were born in the age where people are generally more aware.

What other protocol do you guys use to lower your risk?


last comment
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
You are making a lot of assumptions about young people these days.

From [1] "Regardless of race or gender, data show that sexually active adolescents and young adults are at increased risk for STDs when compared to older adults."

Maybe you should spend more time in the "how it is" world instead of the "how it should be" world.

Also, a few of us reading no doubt are scratching our heads and hoping the best on your statement "Going for younger girls."

The only way to not play russian roulette with your pecker is to not play at all. Reduce risk with science - STD tests - not nonsense.

avatar for gsv
12 years ago
If you are going to partake in lots of sex, herpes is not an 'if' - it's a 'when'

avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
abstinence. You didn't say you HAVE to have sex, just lower your STD risk and I feel that's the biggest one there.
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
Do your clubbing in Virginia.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I use the RickDugan protocol. Imagine I am a RICH STUD (since rich studs are too good to get STDs) and ask the girl if she is "clean" (since this is not something a lying, thieving whore would lie about). With the two levels of safety condoms are no longer necessary and the chance of an STD is negligible.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Take no chances use a hazmat suit
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Living in a Plastic Bubble like John Travolta. LOL
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Stainless steel condoms work well. :)
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
Know your sexual partners. And practice safe sex.

It helps to have favs.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
Going for younger dancers based on the OP's reasoning as a way of minimizing risk is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
Only hang out with dancer's who don't have sex with customers. That way your chances are low. I'm not sure what the risk is if a dancer thinks a bj is not sex. Sc might say wash your hands and whatever else. I don't know if that is effective except in preventing someone else from catching a cold from you.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Ask the person if they have any STDs. :)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
On a serious note - I read not too long ago that if one is circumcised, they can significantly lower their risks (don’t recall if it was w.r.t. all STDs or HIV specifically?).

I had not heard this before – was kind of surprised.
avatar for vinstud
12 years ago
Keep immunity up? LOL. That aint going to protect you from STDs. Also sleeping with younger girls increases your chances. The only sure way to not get STDs is to (1) have only one partner who is STD free or (2) don't ever drop your pants.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
"I use the RickDugan protocol. Imagine I am a RICH STUD (since rich studs are too good to get STDs) and ask the girl if she is "clean" (since this is not something a lying, thieving whore would lie about)."

I am a god - LOL. How could someone like ME ever catch an STD. And even if I COULD catch one, she would never lie, right? ;)
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I heard that wearing a condom makes a significant reduction in the risk of getting an std. As far as the studies about circumcision, I kind of wonder how accurate those are. I heard another study indicated if you are circumcised, there is an increased chance you will experience impotence so maybe that has some truth. No erection, no std. Kind of like not sleeping as well if your eyelids are cut off, or not getting carpal tunnel if your arms are cut off. I don't trust studies that much when doctors can make the numbers appear in their favor so easily.

Another example is that taking statin drugs to lower cholesterol is good for you. 1 in 168 may be saved from heart attack or stroke but 1 in 10 is likely to suffer muscle loss and pain and cognitive loss I read the other day. The doctors only talk about one side of the story. Of course std's and too much cholesterol can both be fatal. I prefer just to weigh the odds and look for a better alternative. Stick to what you know works, such as not screwing every girl under the sun or using protection if you do, and use exercise and natural substances that reduce cholesterol.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Actually I think the OP is right that younger would have had less time to catch STDs. You might also want to play it by race. Also avoid the injection drug users. Problem is they are able to hide it well. Many here have said "I would know" and "no way, not my girl" and then reported back they were wrong, so unfortunately I doubt you would have accurate intuition guessing about that one.

I don't think your or their general health is going to make any difference. Have not heard of any evidence that that matters.

I think sclvr is on the right track overall though, if you think you have found some trick to lowering your chances beyond what everyone learns in sex Ed you are probably just deluding yourself and are wrong. That being said I still try some of these (scrubbing up afterward) because although they probably don't do anything they don't hurt either and if they might help why not?
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
I'm concerned because of the ignorance of some posters on here, wow.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Don't know how I missed this the first time, but further to the RickyBoy Dugan protocol - always wearing a suit to a strip club is you wish to minize your STD chances. This is true even in, no especially in a dive club. You see the suit helps convince the dancers and yourself that you are a RICH STUD (even though, in reality, you may only be say, a low level sales guy). Now we all know that RICH STUDs are too good to get STDs and that strip clubs are all about fantasize. If you can convince yourself and the dancers that you are a RICH STUD who are the bacteria and the viruses not to play along? So the suit basically eliminates any and all STD risk. (Quite remarkable since it makes you chances of ITC and OTC about 13,423% more likely.)
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
There you go - lesson for you all: SUIT = STD TERMINATOR :)

Now I've never really figured out exactly how this works when one's suit pants are down around his ankles, but I'm gonna' go with it anyway. ;)
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Hazmat suit?
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
Wear a full body condom like in Naked Gun 33 1/3 .
Wear a condom and piss right afterwards (straight out of the WWII VD prevfention handbook)
avatar for Lone_Wolf
12 years ago
I once knew a guy that was stationed in Thailand during the Vietnam war. He'd brag about how he'd start at one end of the red light district and fuck his way to other end almost every night using no protection.

Supposedly he never caught an STD. He said the secret is to, after fucking, take a long hard piss and then poor hard liquor over the dick.

avatar for bustanutz
12 years ago
And don't forget many carry std's and don't show any symptoms and they don't even know they are a carrier.

The bottom line is these girls sleep around with clubbers and the scum of their inner circles. And like someone said earlier in this thread, it's not a matter 'if', it's a matter of 'when' and hopefully when is not now and you don't even know it.

Play safe or don't play at all.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
I thought everyone was circumsized. Is it a rarity?

You can also become a celebite
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
“… I thought everyone was circumcised. Is it a rarity …”

If you were born in this country, then perhaps it is more on the rare side (I think it may have to do w/ the Judeo/Christian heritage prevalent in this country’s history?). It is not as prominent in other cultures thus there is a better chance a male is not circumcised if they were not born in the U.S.

I do not have children, but my older brother has two boys and my brother told me that the recommendation was for the boys to be circumcised if the father was circumcised, and not otherwise – I imagine this so the boy does not see himself as different when he sees his dad naked?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago

“… If you were born in this country, then perhaps it is more on the rare side …”

rare side meaning that it is more rare *not* to be circumcised if you were born in this country.
avatar for Player11
12 years ago
If a girl is an IV drug user better stay away from her or any druggie for that matter. Getting them PG is a bigger risk than STD's.

I use condoms and stay away from gals I consider high risk. Get to know the girl so you can access risk. If your doing itc, is she doing a lot of others? Are gals off sugar dating sites like Seeking Arrangement less risky than strippers?

Unfortunately we don't have a computer like they have on star trek which might tell you all the sexual partners a stripper has had.
avatar for bang69
12 years ago
A hazmat suit will work
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
Make sure that hoe is shaven. Or at least trimmed low. Pubic hair can transmit even if waring a condom. Or just rubberize around your pubic area too. Better strech that condom
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