Comments by MonacoGP
review comment
a month ago
@MidnighCowgirl305 We care what you tip because when some dumbass over pays it drives prices up for no reason.
discussion comment
4 months ago
The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
review comment
4 months ago
In NJ. Goes to Pa for BJ.
The string is there to dissuade the less determined or undesirables. It's tough enough to get these girls to show up. Being on their period is an automatic excuse not to work. COUNTLESS times that string has been removed for me over my years and only a couple of times was there even any spotting at all.
discussion comment
5 months ago
The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
Hey take it easy on Harris. Her biggest accomplishment according to Pocahontas is that she went to an abortion clinic. Obviously she's fit to be president.
discussion comment
5 months ago
The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
A cult is a group of people that are ok with getting lied to about their leader, having their choice taken away from them, and then falling in line like sheep when they're told to follow a new leader. In short: Blow your projection out of your ass.
review comment
6 months ago
The girl you primarily see is the owner's wife who OD'd on premises and wasn't found for a couple of days.
review comment
7 months ago
Problem is, on the Akron scale, zero itc mileage.
discussion comment
7 months ago
The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
Go outside and touch some grass. Making that comment on a tita and ass site has your TDS showing. P.S. She didn't do any favors for the prosecution. 🤣😂🤣😂🤡
review comment
2 years ago
She offered to give you $100 back because the $300 (lower had you negotiated) you gave her was in her mind for full service.
review comment
3 years ago
A catch-all account
Man that was filled with typos. 😂😂😂
review comment
3 years ago
A catch-all account
Of course they "know" what it means but proving it beyond reasonable doubt is quite another thing. You l know what it means so why mean about it to begine with? Are you dumber than LE?
review comment
3 years ago
PS. Somebody get minnow some remedial reading course so he cam make sense of all the "incoherent" reviews.
review comment
3 years ago
$3-500? Fuck outta here. 200 MAX and that includes the house fee.
review comment
3 years ago
Any info on VIP dances from Lacey? Is mileage available?
review comment
4 years ago
Buffalo, New York
Reads like a club ad.
review comment
4 years ago
Ummm to make it sound like you're an idiot simp? Because that's exactly what you'd be if you spent $$$ in the VIP and didn't get extras.
review comment
4 years ago
There's a couple of assholes that make it their job to downvote every post they see. One douchebag only has reviews from two clubs over and over again and I've never seen an upvote from him. You can make a detailed post and they'll complain you left out the price for beer. If you're worried about that find another hobby.