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My Second Visit
8 months ago
w.r.t. girls not taking off their clothes during dances; this can be an issue in these small-hood-spots were many of the girls think all they have to do is shake-their-ass and that's all (and some dancers don't give a s*** and just want to do the bare-min).

My M.O. is to wait till the 2nd-song (so they know I'm buying more than one dance) and ask them if they can take off their top ( or bottoms) although this was my M.O. when dances were $5; with dances now $10 I probably just wait till halfway thru the 1st song to ask them to take-it-off (top or bottoms; although I'm more of a titty'man and the bottoms-on is not a big-deal for me - I have also experienced a better-grind when the dancer keeps her bottoms-on although I do prefer the bottoms to be as small.as possible).

Bottoms-line is in these spots one needs to learn to ask for what they want and not let these dancers up to their own-devices.

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My Second Visit
8 months ago
These small hood-spots are a bit of a different-animal that one needs to learn to navigate with experience in them. There can be some really cool-dancers; and some nasty-b*****s one needs to learn to pick-up-on and avoid although it's not always easy to know who's-who. One is def on their own in these kinda-spots so one needs to be observant of the vibe/different-girls and not have their-guard completely down in these spots.

Thanks for the write-up.

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Fun time, I'd go again
8 months ago
Nice write-up šŸ‘ - these small neighborhood-spots usually don't get a lot of airtime on TUSCL.

Pre-Covid, floor-dances were $5 with good-2-way-contact but song-lengths were a crapshoot (songs could be cut at around a minute-long (maybe even less) depending on the Dj; which was frustrating if trying to get lots of dances (which I use to enjoy doing when I was clubbing mostly pre-Covid).

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Full-Mode Papi
a year ago
I've been in SC-retirement for almost 2.5-years; not sure when/if I'll un-retire.

Been a bit under-the-weather the last 2-days so decided to fire-up TUSCL to help w/ the current-isolation till I feel better and get out of the house.
My SC-history is a little rusty after a 2.5-year SC-hiatus - but if I recall; for the most-part dancers had to be 21 in clubs that sold alcohol which in FL is probably almost all-clubs - bc of this I don't think there were many FL clubs w/ under-21 dancers
There may be a half-white/half-thai baby jackslash running around in 9-months
YOLO on steroids

I guess when one gets to a certain age, the risk-reward curve shifts
a year ago
if u scan the Vivide-reviews youā€™ll notice most reviews are for dayshift; i.e. Vivideā€™s ā€œclaim to fameā€ has mostly to do w/ its dayshift.

There are clubs that have a staff-person keeping track of the dances ā€“ in these types of clubs a custy pays the staff-person and the staff-person then pays the dancer ā€“ this setup makes it less-likely to get ripped-off w/ the song-count but this setup is not common in ATL ā€“ in clubs w/ no staff-person dance-counter; one has to be on their toes b/c itā€™s nof if youā€™ll get overcharged/overcounted but when.

My M.O. when I was clubbing was to tell the dancer upfront before we started the dances to let me know every time she started a new song (and even then some of these girls still try to overcount u) ā€“ this method can be a bit hard when there is a language-barrier but it can be done.
Iā€™m all for getting kinky in a strip-club; but this takes it to a ā€¦ whole ā€¦ other ā€¦ level

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Pattaya, Thailand
a year ago

How many trips have you done to Pattaya and/or Thailand?

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Pattaya, Thailand
a year ago
Iā€™m not into Asian-chicks but somehow every now and then Pattaya PL-vids come across my youtube recommended list (I assume b/c every now and then I like to watch youtube vids about expat-living abroad).

Anyway ā€“ watching those Pattaya vids and the views of the streets I was amazed at how many foreigners are in Pattaya; especially amazed how many older foreign-men I saw in the vids (foreign-dudes seemed to outnumber the local-dudes at least in the vids I saw).

Seems the foreigners are not only visitors but a good # are living there (whether for a period of time or fulltime) ā€“ from the vids Iā€™ve seen; many of the foreigners living there are either retirees; or remote-workers (many seem to do content-creation/youtube-vids) ā€“ from the vids Iā€™ve seen; Pattaya seems to be popular w/ retirees from the UK and Australia (although I assume there are PLs/retirees from all over the world living-the-life in Pattaya).

Below is a youtube-channel Iā€™ve seen a few-times of a retiree living in Pattaya (I think heā€™s Brittish?):

Iā€™ve been out of the SC-game for 2+ years; but my 2-cents w.r.t. prices are:

1) nights at popular clubs (e.g. Cheetah; etc) there tends to be more hustle w.r.t. prices ā€“ this is especially more-so on weekend eves b/c:

a) plenty of fish (custies) in the sea ā€“ if there is a full-house of PLs in the house, dancers feel more comfortable a$king for a premium (if a custy passes on her quote; there is a full-house of PLs she can hit up (the ole supply and demand)

b) nights; particularly weekend eves; are often filled w/ inexperienced/infrequent SCers that are more easy to hustle (overcharge/over-quote) b/c they often donā€™t know any better

2) w.r.t. pricing ā€“ my M.O. when I was SCing was never to ask a dancer for a price; that IMO often leaves one open to being over-quoted since many-a-dancer will often assume u donā€™t know any better (will take u as a clueless newbie/infrequent SCer) ā€“ my M.O. when I was clubbing was to familiarize myself w/ the club (mainly TUSCL reviews) so I knew what the going-rate$ were ā€“ thus if I wanted to negotiate a room w/ a dancer, I *wouldnā€™t* ask her ā€œhow much?ā€; Iā€™d say something along the lines of ā€œwanna do a room for 300?ā€ (or w/e the going-rate for the particular-club is) ā€“ that lets her more-or-less know I know the deal w.r.t. the particular club

By no means is my method foolproof; but it usually worked ā€œfor meā€ ā€“ ā€œfor meā€ meaning that when I was clubbing I was a ā€œvariety guyā€ meaning I rarely needed to have any one particular dancer (if one didnā€™t accept my ā€œgoing-rate-offerā€ I was ok w/ moving onto someone else; especially in a club w/ multiple dancers to my liking) ā€“ if I did ā€œhave to haveā€ a particular dancer; Iā€™d still offer the going-rate; if she said ā€œnoā€ I would go up by $50 or $100 at the most; and if she still said ā€œnoā€ then I was ok w/ finding someone else.

Again; my method is not foolproof; and other TUSCLers are experienced enough to just ā€œgo w/ the flowā€ w/o having to do what I do.

Finally ā€“ I also avoid getting a room w/o first ā€œtest drivingā€ a dancer first w/ a lap-dance or two ā€“ ā€œmy M.O.ā€ is that if the dances donā€™t go well; then IME often times neither will VIP ā€“ but again this is not a ā€œfoolproofā€ method either and in popular clubs like the ā€œPompano Big 3ā€ dancers usually follow-thru in the rooms w/o having to do a lap-dance test-run.

Youā€™ll probably have better luck avoiding nightshift if u can or a least weekend nightshift (at least till u get better at negotiating)
ā€œā€¦ I noticed, dance prices are now $26 per song, like wtf? So Either u end up tipping $4 on one dance or u can be "that guy" and ask for change or do $55 for 2 $80 for 3 etc ā€¦ā€

I havenā€™t been in Tootsies since b/f Covid ā€“ but unless itā€™s changed, there were some ā€œbank-teller styleā€ windows in the left-corner of the main-room where one could easily and quickly get-change/brake-bills into w/e denomination one wanted (these teller-windows where kinda behind and to-the-left of the main-stage so were kinda out-of-view).
ā€œā€¦ Welcome back Papi! But since when have you been looking for cute spinners ā€¦ā€

Thanks for the shoutout

Spinners have never been my preferred type but Iā€™ll get dances w/ them if I canā€™t find curvy/voluptuous dancers ā€“ pre-Covid I was a very-avid SCer and liked hitting different-clubs ā€“ Tootsies was not part of my regular-rotation but I did like the club and I would visit Tootsies every-now-and-then when I just wanted to hang in a nice/spacious club - for the most-part I liked how spread-out/spacious Tootsies is and liked the overall layout and vibe ā€“ Iā€™m also not that big into stage-shows in general but of the SoFlo clubs I used to hit I felt Tootsies had the best stage-setup if one wanted to sit stage-side (at the rail).

Thus although Tootsies was not my club-of-choice when I wanted to get my PL-freak-on; (pre-Covid) Iā€™d visit occasionally when I was just wanted to be out-of-the-house for a while and not necessarily too-hard-up for SCing (Iā€™d sometimes hang in the back sports-bar and watch a game of interest and have a couple-of-drinks and sometimes order some food from their kitchen and spend an afternoon or evening chillinā€™ at Tootsies).

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Now a Hit of Miss Place
a year ago
Iā€™m currently in strip-club retirement (havenā€™t clubbed much post-Covid-lockdowns and havenā€™t clubbed at all in 2-years; I have also mostly stepped-away from TUSCL); thus my comments should be taken w/ a grain-of-salt.

I visited EI from out-of-town back in 2019 (i.e. my info is def dated) ā€“ but back then Sundays had reduced lap-dance-prices ā€“ my 2019-visit was over a weekend where I visited EI Fr/Sat/Su ā€“ on that visit way-back, I def had a better-time on my Fr/Sat visits, and not that good a visit on my Su visit - during my long-ago visit I surmised that the reduced-dance-price on Su actually took-away from the experience (it was more-crowded w/ custies; and seemed the better-dancers that I had seen on Fr/Sat didnā€™t show-up on Su perhaps b/c they didnā€™t wanna be making less-money on the dances???).

Again ā€“ my info being so-dated; unlikely what Iā€™ve mentioned still applies since clubs def change over-time and many clubs def changed (and never recovered their past-glory), post-Covid ā€“ but perhaps if u guys try a Fr or Sat visit maybe it may be a bit better???
In the past when it was $25/LD, one paid the LD-area attendant and he gave the dancer $20 and $5 went to the club ā€“ w.r.t. the $26 price I ā€œassumeā€ either:

1) the club wants to make an extra buck per dance - but one would think if the wanted/needed the revenue that badly, theyā€™d just increase the price to $30

2) perhaps the club wants to increase the dance-price to $30 and trying to do so little by little as to not turn-off customers

3) perhaps the club wants the LD-area-attendant to get some kinda tip and the extra buck goes to him

IDK the reason for the $26 price; but I think #3 above kinda makes the most-sense.
^ ā€œā€¦ Interesting that Tootsies and Cheetah Hallendale allows some extras ā€¦.this place Nothing and itā€™s the same owner ā€¦ā€

AFAIK itā€™s a city (Hallandale) ordinance ā€“ as the story-goes, in the late-2000s Cheetah Hallandale was so wild the city shut-it-down and it remained closed for a couple of years ā€“ when it reopened I believe it was under the condition of no private-rooms ā€“ Scarlettā€™s has private-rooms but has cameras thus Iā€™m not sure what the specific ordinance is whether itā€™s ā€œno private-roomsā€ or ā€œprivate rooms but w/ cameras that the city can ask to seeā€ (I assume the latter and Cheetah didnā€™t want the camera-evidence so it opted for no-rooms?) ā€“ I wasnā€™t a clubber in SoFlo back then so not sure how it exactly went down buy I recall the stories from when I joined TUSCL in 2012.
a year ago
When I was a clubber in the past, I usually avoided clubs on Friday and Saturday eves (I had the flexibility to hit the clubs on other days, including on dayshift which w/ time became my preferred time to hit the clubs) ā€“ in the past if I hit a club on Fr or Sat eve, it would either be a club that wasnā€™t one of the popular ones, and/or a club that was one of the bigger/more-spacious ones (Diamond Dolls is too-small to hit on a peak-night and for me it takes away from the-experience/my-enjoyment ā€“ the hustle is also at its peak in most clubs on Fr/Sat eves which for me also takes away from the experience).
a year ago
Seems like you didnā€™t do your homework/due-diligence and didnā€™t read enough reviews to know that Vivide-dayshift vs Vivide-nightshift might as well be 2 different-clubs in 2 different-locations (nightshift vs dayshift are that different and skimming the reviews one can see most are of dayshift visits) ā€“ Vivide ā€œis Vivideā€ b/c of its dayshift certainly not b/c of its nightshift - you didn't pick the wrong day; u picked the wrong time.
a year ago
ā€œā€¦ At the end of the day u are there for your enjoyment and spending money to enjoy yourself ā€¦ā€

IMO ā€“ all one owes a dancer (besides not acting like an ahole just b/c one is paying her) is fair-payment for services-rendered ā€“ as far as Iā€™m concerned she doesnā€™t owe me anything more than what Iā€™m paying-for/we-agreed-to and I donā€™t owe her any money I rather spend differently in the club ā€“ at the end of the day we are both there for our specific reasons/needs (she has hers and I accept/know that; and I have mine and we try to meet somewhere in the middle if we can) -

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OTC deal breakers?
a year ago
When I was clubbing I wasnā€™t much of an OTCer ā€“ but to ā€œstate the obviousā€; first-and-foremost ā€œOTC deal breakerā€ is a dancer wanting the OTC-money upfront (or part of it) as a condition for the future OTC meetup (something newbie-PLs can fall for and get taken).

Other than this ā€“ if all Iā€™ve done w/ her in the club is get LDs, and I want more than that OTC; then one should specify their OTC expectations as part of the upfront-negotiation - basically anything Iā€™d def want/have-to-have OTC that I havenā€™t done ITC/VIP; probably kosher to iron-out upfront ā€“ o/w if Iā€™m happy w/ what weā€™ve done in VIP, then Iā€™d likely just go w/ the flow during OTC.

Iā€™d also def iron-out the payment upfront ā€“ and my M.O. is pretty-much never to ask a dancer for a price for anything ā€“ when I was clubbing-regularly I usually knew what a fair-price for things were (given the particular club and/or region) and Iā€™d ā€œstate my priceā€ vs asking a dancer for hers ā€“ e.g. Iā€™d say something like ā€œis $300 good for youā€, or something like that; vs asking her something like ā€œhow much for us to meet outsideā€; etc.
a year ago
ā€œ... how do you handle what to me was an awkward moment ā€¦ā€

Thereā€™s no easy way ā€“ at the end of the day strippers are ā€œsales peopleā€ and no salesperson will be happy losing a customer/income ā€“ all one can do is say it politely but not be a pussy about it b/c some of these girls will try to guilt-trip/manipulate a PL (some PLs resort to hitting a different club to avoid ā€œthe awkwardnessā€).

At the end of the day u are there for your enjoyment and spending money to enjoy yourself - clubbing is already expensive enough when one is spending on the dancers one wants to be with w/o having to ā€œsubsidizeā€ dancers whose feelings one does not want to hurt.

Dancers know the deal and know most custies like to ā€œplay the fieldā€ whether itā€™s sooner or later; so itā€™s not as if one is hurting their feelings (especially the vets) ā€“ at the of the day itā€™s part of the biz and both experienced-dancers and experienced-custies know this and accept this as part of clubbing

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Papi_Chulo MIA
2 years ago
Even w/ my lack of SCing-interest since late-2021, I kinda still kept posting on TUSCL mainly out-of-habit ā€“ but w/ my lack of SCing-interest, TUSCLing started to feel more and more like a moot-point/endeavor ā€“ but I kinda kept doing-it out-of-habit.

As @wildRover pointed above, itā€™s fallen to me to look-after my 86 y/o aunt ā€“ my aunt had lived w/ us (my immediate family) since the mid-80s after she got divorced but she never had children ā€“ she had been living w/ my mom till my mom passed-away in 2021 ā€“ now my aunt lives-alone for the first time and I look-after all her affairs including going by her apartment a few times per week usually around dinner-time b/c she kinda needs the company (I live 8-blocks from her so itā€™s doable).

Anyway ā€“ there have been some issues w/ my aunt that needed extra attention/time in the last month or so and that was the main-reason I stepped away from TUSCL for a bit to tend to those things ā€“ but this TUSCL-break was good so I could ā€œbreak the TUSCL habitā€ and Iā€™ll likely not-post-much going-forward for the time-being ā€“ I have a hard-time w/ moderation and if I post ā€œjust a littleā€ on TUSCL, knowing-me Iā€™ll probably get sucked-into over-posting as in the past.

Anyway ā€“ when I stopped SCing in late-2021, it was meant to be a break vs quitting SCing altogether (SCing retirement) ā€“ but as is stands right-now IDK when, or if, Iā€™ll become an SCer again ā€¦ and the same kinda goes for TUSCLing (time for a new-generation of PLs to pick-up-the-mantle šŸ˜Ž).

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Papi_Chulo MIA
2 years ago
As for me personally ā€“ I had started posting several years ago (even b/f Covid), that I was starting to get burned-out w/ SCing ā€“ looking-back I assume this was b/c, as Iā€™ve often posted in the past, Iā€™m a variety-SCer ā€“ for most of my SCing-career I would get more-excited when I was in a new/different club (as long as the club to my liking), vs hitting the same-club over-and-over again even if it was a club I liked ā€“ and similarly, I would get more excited when being w/ new (to me) dancers (as long as they were my type) vs being w/ the same/repeat dancers on most visits even if I liked those dancers.

I guess after a while, and w/ as much SCing as I was-doing/have-done, there wasnā€™t much ā€œnewnessā€ to experience and I guess this is part of what started making SCing feel kind meh/same-ole-same-ole for me.

By 2018/early-2019 I kinda accepted SCing wasnā€™t doing it for me as much as in the past and I started to wind-down my SCing a bit (at least as compared to previous-years) ā€“ part of that wind-down was decreasing my local-SCing and taking some SC-trips to clubs that had been on my PL-bucketlist and I hadnā€™t gotten around to (or had not been to in a while).

I kinda did that in 2019 although I didnā€™t get around to doing all the bucketlist SCs (I only had so much time and funds to do SC-trips) ā€“ then Covid came along and kinda threw things off track.

I stopped SCing in early-2020 b/c of Covid, and didnā€™t start SCing again till about April 2021 (after my 2nd Covid vax) ā€“ IMO the small-black-dives I used to mostly hit (and enjoy) had a harder time getting back to their pre-Covid levels vs the big/popular mixed-clubs (e.g. the Pompano big-3; etc) ā€“ thus I wasnā€™t enjoying my post-Covid 2021 SCing I assume in part b/c I didnā€™t find my local-black-dives as good as pre-Covid.

Post-Covid I SCed from ā€˜April till late September of 2021 ā€“ and I had started to hit the mixed-clubs more since my local-black-dives were not doing it for me post-Covid ā€“ Cheetah-Hallandale started to sorta become my go-to in 2021 post-Covid b/c IMO/IME it had the best-dance-mileage and IMO pretty-good dancer variety (small girls; thick girls; etc).

Then in late-September 2021 I was at Cheetah-Hallandale on a late-weekday-afternoon and I got into-it w/ a Cuban-ROB ā€“ she got the bouncer involved ā€“ he told me to pay-up or leave; I chose the latter ā€“ by this time I was feeling like the SCing-juice was starting to feel not worth the squeeze (the negatives of SCing (ROBs; expen$e; etc) were starting to feel like they were outweighing the positives).

After the Cheetah-Hallandale ROB-experience in September-2021 I decided to shut-it-down for the rest of the year and take a break ā€“ then in 2022 I started having some health-issues that kinda made me feel like SCing even less - my health-issues were not major/life-threatening, just multiple things that took-away from me feeling my best and that further took-away my desire for SCing.

The longer I went w/o SCing actually the less-desire I had for it ā€“ I had not SCed since late-September-2021 till a couple of weeks ago when I was driving home south-on-95 on a late-Saturday-afternoon and decided to finally hit a club to see if a visit would ā€œre-spark my SCing-interestā€ ā€“ I didnā€™t really enjoy it and I kinda felt like a fish-out-of-water and that visit kinda cemented the fact that at least for now SCing is not doing it for me (seems more of a me-thing vs something being wrong w/ the clubs).