Pattaya, Thailand

Pattaya lies on the Gulf of Thailand, about 90 minutes south of Bangkok. It is the place for sunbathing, scuba diving and whore mongering.
Pattaya puts Bangkok’s Soi Cowboy and Nana Plaza to shame (so to speak). Pattaya boasts over 25,000 sex workers, and so I figured I had a chance. They can’t all be picky, can they?
My hotel room has a view of the sea. The hotel is near Walking Street, the center of the Gogo bars, strip clubs, massage parlors, weed shops, and tattoo establishments. Every evening throngs of tourists, touts, food vendors, pimps, prostitutes, and lonely losers crowd the street, making it difficult to get through. People should have more consideration for an older gentleman like me.
My goal is to bring 2 or 3 Thai bar girls back to my room every night. So far l’m on track. How long will I have to stay to bang every bar girl in Pattaya ?
last commentThe Day Sift manager of Follies, Steve Shine, recovered from long term Covid and has permanently moved to Pattaya. This comes from his brother, Barry, that is the day manager at Vivide.
To answer your question about how long to bang every girl…… Forever, as more than 3 new ones start working every day.
Just for budgeting sake, how much is your hotel room each night and what is the average cost to bring a woman to your room for an hour?
Have fun!
I stayed in Thailand 28 days I think it was. most of the time in Pattaya. My goal was not three a day because I have issues. but it was great! other than the airfare and the flight, the price was extremely reasonable. literally half the price of what Tijuana is now.
^ so you stayed in Thailand for a month, banged a girl each day and spent a total of $200? lol
jackslash I hope you’re doing a Crocodile Dundee 🐊 check 🥜 before you take someone back to your hotel!
The beaches look gorgeous.
Do they serve Pad Thai in Pattaya?
Any place with a red light district called Boyztown is concerning. Should we be worried jack switched teams?
Ya only issue is that Thai girls have small tits and ass, so shit gets old after a while . They don’t have a lot of variety. All basically 5ft-5 ft 10. Skinny with some curves here or there
^ Problem isn't small tits and ass it's when they have a dick and balls.
When I was in Thailand, not as a monger, I saw some Thai girls with nice T&A. Better than most Asians. The ones that are too tall and thin, I assumed were men, and most of them had the deep voice to go with it.
The graphic I linked to above said "my new Thai girlfriend said a small penis shouldn't be a problem in a loving relationship. But I still wish she didn't have one."
I’m not into Asian-chicks but somehow every now and then Pattaya PL-vids come across my youtube recommended list (I assume b/c every now and then I like to watch youtube vids about expat-living abroad).
Anyway – watching those Pattaya vids and the views of the streets I was amazed at how many foreigners are in Pattaya; especially amazed how many older foreign-men I saw in the vids (foreign-dudes seemed to outnumber the local-dudes at least in the vids I saw).
Seems the foreigners are not only visitors but a good # are living there (whether for a period of time or fulltime) – from the vids I’ve seen; many of the foreigners living there are either retirees; or remote-workers (many seem to do content-creation/youtube-vids) – from the vids I’ve seen; Pattaya seems to be popular w/ retirees from the UK and Australia (although I assume there are PLs/retirees from all over the world living-the-life in Pattaya).
Below is a youtube-channel I’ve seen a few-times of a retiree living in Pattaya (I think he’s Brittish?):
^^^Hey what's up Papi
I'd love to do some of the eastern countries one day but that has to be a BRUTAL flight.
How many trips have you done to Pattaya and/or Thailand?
there are a lot of retired old men in Pattaya (and I would imagine elsewhere in Thailand) I did not hear American English. very much spoken at all during my month. and it seems like most of them don't have smiles on their faces because prices are going up. but at least what little bit of checking I did. it is cheap to live in Thailand. I know my older hotel that I had for slightly over 2 weeks was half the price of the first places I stayed at. average of about $20 a night. and I understand that renting on a lease is a much better price. but it was interesting seeing all these old retirees drinking their beers in the incredible number of bars... mainly away from walking street. WS is definitely a high tourist traffic area. A lot of the beaches are nice, but is polluted along the beach in the center of town by walking street.
and there are ladyboys to be aware of. some of them are pretty darn good looking! I did have drinks with a couple for research purposes. they usually speak pretty good English.
Thailand is budget friendly. A 5 star hotel costs a little over $100 a night. The food is good and not too expensive. I’m sure there are cheaper hotels and restaurants farther from the beach.
The gogo bars don’t charge an entrance fee, but you’re expected to buy a drink immediately. You can sip a beer, check the dancers out and then leave if you don’t like what you see. A beer is $3 to $6.
The best 2 bars I’ve found are Pin-Up and XS. They seem to have the same ownership. They have 90 to 100 dancers every night, which gives you a lot of choice. Every girl wears a little round badge with a number on it like 295 or 444. You can ask a waitress to have a dancer come see you.
The dancers with money by having you buy them lady drinks. After a few drinks together, they will start asking you to buy drinks for the waitress and other staff. The lady drinks, I believe, have little or no alcohol. However, the dancer gets commission on these drinks. This is much like American strip clubs.
The dancers make their real money by going back to the hotel rooms of the customers. Unlike American strip clubs, all of this is done in the open. Nobody cares that you take a dancer out to have sex.
You must pay a “bar fine” to the club for the loss of her services for a time. And you have to pay the girl. The prices seem to be set depending on the club in the Dancer. You might be able to negotiate a better price with the dancer but I haven’t tried. I did not fly halfway around the world to save 30 to 50 bucks.
I’m paying more in Pattaya than I did in Bangkok. In Bangkok the bar fine was 1500 Thai baht ($50) and the bar girl was 3000 to 4000 TB ($100 to $133). Here in Pattaya the bar fines have been 2500 TB ($83) and the bar girls 5000 TB ($166). That’s still a bargain to have a young lady spend an hour or two in your hotel.
The higher prices may have something to do with the bars here having “models.” The models, who seem to be just very good looking dancers, go for a higher price.
I’ve been to Thailand four times. The first three times were in Bangkok. This is my first time in Pattaya.
On Walking Street you see a lot of single white men, mostly middle-aged, dorks, and geriatric tricks. I’m a geriatric trick. Pattaya would have a lot of advantages as a retirement home. The girls being the greatest advantage. But it is so damn hot here . you need to go to the beach early in the morning because by noon you don’t want to be out in the sun. In the evening as soon as the sun sets it cools off considerably and a breeze comes off the sea, making it much more pleasant.
Lady boys are not as big a problem as many people seem to believe. I’ve seen a few lady boys outside the lady boy clubs. But they are not in the go-go bars set up for men. If you want to pick up a freelance prostitute on the street, you may want to ask her if she is a boy. They are not trying to fool anyone and they would not want to go back to someone’s hotel room and be subjected to anger and violence.
had one of the top hotties from Xs... 2500 bhat bar fine and 3000 bhat for her. smokin hot. but she would not allow any photos.
A friend of mine moved there last year and rents an apartment. He says he transfers $1400/month to his local bank and usually has money left over. According to him, the most he pays for girls is $27/night and he sees 2-3 a week with come just coming to hang out at his place to watch tv and use his pool. He keeps telling me I need to come visit!
It was 27 hours from leaving Detroit to arriving in Bangkok. Two stops. I think the leg from US to Doha, Qatar, was 14.5 hours.
I was going to Asia anyway. So I might as well visit Pattaya. It’s like drowning in girls.
on behalf of all the dudes on this board i would like to thank jack for providing details about his latest experiences at the mongering haven called pattaya. i like to think of pattaya as another option for all of guys to at least consider as at least worthy of some type of future consideration. options - never can say that you have too many of them, so adding one such as this to your list should actually be mandatory.
last night i spent hours viewing vids of pattaya. asian girls are generally not my type but after what i've just seen that can change in no time. the options readily available that i observed were the bar girls. then there are those girls just standing around by the beachside - these girls i would seek out first as you can avoid paying "bar fines" and the rest of that associated bullshit.
something i observed was these storefronts that are nice looking massage (legit?) parlors. there would be 6-8 girls sitting in the front of the store wearing red or pink shorts and white tees. through the store window were a bunch of leather recliners lined up against the walls. one clip briefly showed 2 dudes that appeared to be getting pedicures. besides providing legitimate services do these spots also provide services that we all might be wondering about?
once again i thank you jack for providing the inspiration. really opened my eyes and planted a seed or two in my mind.