
Comments by whitesun777 (page 4)

  • review comment
    3 years ago
    BSC + Hi Liter Review
    I won't name names... but someone from one of the clubs suggested by Meat wanted $$$$$ + another $$$ for extra all in activities... can you say GPS?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Saturday night trip
    Agreed, I used to live near this joint and would stop by before heading to "other" clubs. Most visits are just waste of time, maybe once or twice it was actually good but that's on Fri or Sat night when they were holding special events. Haven't been back for years now. I stay away from Candy store, only went ONCE in my lifetime. Bouncer told me no physical contact when I had my hands on her hips and that was it, I was done with that place.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Hard sell followed by a soft landing
    Thank you for the review, you made the right choice to bail after upsell with the 1st dancer, that really kills the mood. At least the 2nd dancer made up for it.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Strip Clubs!
    First visit....in quite awhile.
    Great review as always HL, holy cow, you weren't kidding about 66 6 pages long.. nice touch. I definitely need to check out the day time dancers. I spent way too much last time I was there on Fri (10/29) night. You already know the whole story...
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Phoenix is getting closer to being back to Pre-Covid, at least here
    Great review, thank you for putting your time writing it. I was here last Friday after visiting Bandaids. I can concur the room prices went up. My ATF was there so I went ahead anyway. I noticed new waitress (I think her hair is dyed a bit blue) She seems real cool. Find the right girl and you can have fun at this place.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    New Mexico
    Overpriced and underwhelming
    Thank you for the report, my last visit was similar as dancers are able to make their own prices. One wanted $30 per song AFTER she did the floor dance, it was 3 total so she's like you owe me 90 bucks. I'm like fuck you and told her ass get the manager. I gave her 40 since I don't have change and she never came back. Same with VIP, prices were as high as 40 per song... thank you but no thank you. Staying away from this club.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Twice on the same day
    I was just here last Friday night, somewhat crowded, definitely not a lot of floor dances going on. Saw only one and it was a lame dance. Rooms were all booked up. Dancers list: Katrina, Odasa, Avis, Shantel, Alice, Simoan, Giselle, Luna, Pandora, and I think I saw Charlotte at the bar. I had fun with my favorite so it's all good, might try to do OTC next time.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Richmond VA
    The Best I Know Of in Tucson
    I hate to say it but it does sounds the reviewer is promoting this club... some of the facts seem to be copy and paste (starting with Drink prices) I mean who the hell recalls exact hours of drink specials, prices, etc.. I was there just last month and it is a wild west there, with management letting dancers make up their own price. Floor dances range from $15-$30, it's insane! Same crap in VIP, I've got quotes up to $40/song. Thank you but no thank you. Avoid, especially dancer "Beauty"
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Best in the Valley
    Yes thank you for the report, I was just there Saturday night, much better than my previous visits. The sliding door is a nice touch, not to mention the new shower. If you're not looking for extras, this is definitely the place to be. OTC action would be nice but sounds like it'll cost an arm and a leg (according to meat)
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Not Quite Hi-Liter, but Definitely not Low-Liter
    Thank you for the review, I was just there last Sat around dinner time. Got the ribeye steak and potatoes, not the best but did the job. Celina was there super busy, I suppose a lot of guys want massages now. Saw Missy, she lost a lot of weight, it was good to reconnect after a year.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Thursday isn't it.
    Thank you for the review, I was just there Sat night, I do agree the new girls aren't really hustling much. I had one dancer sat down briefly before going to stage then just hang with another guy. Names I recall Lala, Sunflower, Destiny, Babi, Giselle, Silver.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Getting back to normal
    HL, next club was Bandaids but it was a very "bland" visit so I'll skip the report. Wow tough crowd, I don't know why I even bother... this isn't even my first review and I'm getting jabbed left and right. Thanks guys keep them coming. I'm going to go back to my basement and cry to mummy now...
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    First and last time going to this club.
    I wish I was getting the attention you're getting at BSC. But it's true they can't sit and drink with you (they can drink at the bar last time I checked) so if you were sitting there already should be fine. This might be "old" info but last I time I was there it's free self parking, there was valet at one point. Cover I believe was 10, VIP was 20 per song, no entry fee
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    A catch-all account
    COVID is crushing Candy - rules are enforced
    Same here, I recall going there ONCE probably 7 years ago... it was basically air dance, no contact, and when I tried to put my hands on the dancer's hips, bouncer was quick to enforce no touch policy. Bye Bye Candy... no more candy for you! NEXT!!!!!!
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Labor Day weekend visit
    Floor dance is $10 per song. Mileage wise is what I can get on the floor, hands on action, nothing crazy, bouncer was looking although I never had them come over and stop me unlike other club. Didn't bother with VIP, that's usually $20 per song, no wristband or house fee. As for details on the dance, Estella is usually very hands on and she'll rub and grab. She's got a routine so after 2nd song or so she's basically doing more of the same.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    No more floor dance
    Yes I don't mind the no floor dance policy if there's signage about it before I walked into the club. If they have signs outside saying "Mask Required" then how hard is it to add "No Floor dance" outside. I just don't like the idea of paying the $10 cover goes in, get my drink on, talked to a dancer, then realize I can't get no floor dance. So I just wasted $20 and my time to find out. Great...
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    First time at Follies
    Thank you desertscrub for vouching for me... It's funny how he's got one review and most of his comments are "Club ad". The sponge was strange but it tasted ok (a bit stale I would say) I still can't get over the heavy smokes in ATL clubs... it's almost like you need to wear "disposable" clothing. But I do agree there's plenty of T&A to endure the smokes if you're not a smoker.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Strip Clubs!
    Friday after Thanksgiving -visit with some pretty dancers
    Thank you for the review as always HL. I had no idea Q is gone.. I might have to hunt her down as I never did get VIP dances from her... her floor dances were amazing.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Our "gang" grew to six!
    Great report, thank you for that. Just wanted to add my experience with "Ember"... stay away.. I was a bit drunk at the time and took her to VIP.. unless you like being choked out, I would avoid. But for those that are into dominatrix, she's your girl.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    High alert! Very abnormal security incident!
    Odd.. I was just there about 10 days ago and I did not have to sign anything... that's very strange they would make you do that and compared it with the ID... that's fine, my signature is already a scribble so it'll match the ID for sure...
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Brown Sugar on a Thursday
    Thanks for the review, good stuff... yes I believe it's normal to just walk in during the day/no cover and bouncer doesn't get in till later
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Strip Clubs!
    Favorite club visit -not a bad way to spend another Saturday night
    Thanks for the review HL, great information and details as always. I swear I always see Raven but she's always busy (for good reason). Saw Q in my last few visits but again she's busy or with regulars... still want to try her in VIP, her floor dances are pretty damn good. Not sure about BeBe, I recall trying floor dance with her and it was average at best and she was pushing for VIP. Same with Cutie, I've tried her in VIP and it was not worth it, we didn't seem to click so maybe that's why.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Something Sweet On A Thursday NIght
    I was just here the other night.. saw Savanna and her BFF (forgot her name). They both seem fun and great to talk to initially but then the hard sell comes in (not jut for VIP they were pushing for CR) Was waiting for Q but she was busy all night.. so I did break down and try them out in the VIP. Just as I suspected, they were just OK. Very PG-13 if you know what I mean. Then I got some VIP with Sammy, her dances were way better so it wasn't a total lost.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Strip Clubs!
    Friday fun (wish I could go more Friday nights)
    Very detailed review as always HL, thank you. I was just there the other night (again) and ran into the Infamous Venice. I didn't want to be rude (ok maybe I did) but she came by and pretend she doesn't know me... didn't even ask if she can sit on my lap and she just applied herself and started to introduce herself. I told her ass we've met already and her excuse was "oh I see a lot of people", kept repeating that too. I'm like whatever and now I told her I'm good now buzz off. And then she had the nerve to say "Oh I haven't even ask you yet" And I'm like "well you were going to ask right?" And told her ass no again. Man she got so mad (I'm not kidding) she went to the DJ shortly after and complained "I've been here for hours and NOT one customer, I'm leaving!" I'm thinking well it's about time.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    The ROBs of Vegas
    This is a good review of what happened in the club. Names don't really matter as ROB will make up some other generic name.. maybe tramp stamps to ID them might help. I've been there myself... another reason why I only bring what I want to spend.. no credit cards, no ATM cards, nada.. to avoid getting myself in trouble. IMO, mileage in Vegas clubs are always on the low side unless you're willing to shell out tons of tons of cash.