
Comments by whitesun777 (page 5)

  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Sometimes you find a replacement
    Agreed, OTC is great when it happens.. it's rare (at least for me), I've only done it 3 times but it was awesome each time... my take is if it doesn't happen right after your first encounter, then it'll probably never happen and just move on...
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Late Night Quick Stop
    Thank you for the review, I've never heard of a $15 dance at Sugar... that's funny how she said she'll come back and maybe the price will drop. I was just there last Sat night for a quick visit myself, it was not a good experience, will submit review next week.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Normalish for Summer afternoon
    Say what, 1st dance of the day and it was already 1am, that dancer is not hustling enough if that's the case.. I've heard this before from quite a few dancers.. not sure if it works on some people might feel bad for her if it's really her first dance of the day... kind of hard sell if she's been there till 1am.. unless she just showed up for work. Thank you for the review, I haven't seen Candy in a while, I wonder if it's the same one I've seen in the past.. blonde young.. probably thicker last time I saw her, she used to work at Sugar long time ago.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Lap Dance Interruptus...
    That's typical if she was just doing floor dance. I had that happened many times (at other clubs).. unless I really like the dancer, I just pay her and end it there. But if it was VIP, they shouldn't call her to stage... sometimes the dancer will tell the DJ what's up so there's no interruptions. Then again I don't go to BSC enough to know how they operate there.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    A short, but not necessarily sweet, visit
    Sugar 44 is definitely a hit or miss club and most of the time is a miss. I've gone in different times (afternoon/late afternoon/early evening/late evening) and I prefer night time (after 10pm) I've gone in during daytime and it's just dead. I've been going to Sugar for over 7 years now so I kind of know what to expect. Friday and Saturday nights are your best bet. Anything Sunday-Tues are most likely be slow.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Back again - Saturday night
    HL, well this wasn't the last Saturday, it was the first Sat this month, I try to visit at least once a month and usually either the end of the month or early the month. Really wish Q was there as I was looking forward to get some VIP dances from her. Ended up with Mocha which wasn't bad but wasn't great either. Cutie was doing VIP most of the night. Agreed, Venice is the worst, she needs to stop her sales pitch and just start working the floor/VIP already. Just glad she didn't even bother asking me this time. Didn't get a close look at Alabama, she looked young from afar... Meat, yes I had something planned already that night that was a sure thing so I was good and ready to bounce by 1AM
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    First time here since the re-model
    $10 floor dance $20 VIP
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Saturday Night
    Nice review, thank you and appreciate it. That's one thing about Sugar, they normally don't have enough dancers... but there are times when dancer was complaining too many dancers and not enough customers.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Same as it Ever Was
    No surprise here, I used to live up north so this club was close by and I would still stop by once in a while and sadly almost every visit was crap. There was ONE time (I believe it was Friday night) and the place was busy for some reason, almost every seat taken. Haven't been back in years now.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Felt like I was on a do not touch list
    hey HL, I had the same/similar experience with the bartender in Scores/Babes awhile back... it was dead in the afternoon, I try ordering ONE drink to begin with but she would point to the sign (2 drinks min) and that I need to order BOTH drinks up front... what BS. I walked out there so fast, screw that and it was dead anyway. And if you're going to force people 2 drinks, at least make it 2 for 1 price.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I know where I'm going next time!
    Don't sweat it, can't please everybody, very good review and appreciate the info. Looking up the actual guidelines, apparently the review is supposed to have at least 4 paragraphs.. 1st paragraph - describe the club 2nd paragraph - describe the dancers 3rd paragraph - actual cost of cover/drinks/dances 4th paragraph - reason why you return or would not Note it said you can describe in details of private dances just don't mention names...
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    I was duped by TUSCL members, not really.
    Thank you for the review Meat, don't worry about grand, I saw another review and he said the same thing "duplicate submission" when clearly that's not the case. Don't know why he keeps doing this.. probably just screwing around.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    i love mongering
    Sugar Saturday
    Thank you for the review, Sugar daytime is tough, there are times when I would pop in during the day, stays only for 15 minutes then return later the night.. it's really bad during the day sometimes. Thank you for the info on Ariel, I know the stage song they don't go topless till the 2nd set usually. I would definitely of kicked her out after one song if she did not go topless on a floor dance, not to mention she kicked you mid-dance? What the...
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    NM.....or anywhere wet
    Friday night in the tuc
    I must have the worst luck and timing visiting Venom... Friday night right after 4th of July, maybe a mistake on my part going in after a holiday. After 1am so no cover but boy the place was dead (dancers wise) Saw 2 AA dancers and that's about it.. the rest were on their way out. Didn't see much activities on the floor or VIP.. not sure if I should even stop by next time.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Good afternoon and a lesson learned
    Stopped by here right after 4th of July, it was Friday night, not much to report sadly. It was busy and pack but no luck getting the right dancer. One dancer came by but she's a massage girl, I try to avoid those. Saw her giving a lackluster massage to another customer later. Lots of girls going on stage and just rotating, not really working the floor. Will have to try again next time.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Sweet Saturday Night at Sugar 44
    Don't get me wrong, I was just joking that you had too much details in your review.. seeing how Heellover's review was still tagged with "Not enough details" and his reviews have plenty of details IMO. Details are always good, can't have too much of that. Probably going to try and visit this club again near end of month/early next month, I always have better luck during the times when rent is due...
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Sweet Saturday Night at Sugar 44
    Very nice and detailed review.. I'm surprise the publisher didn't say "too much detail".. appreciate it and I can't wait till I get to check out the club again.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Strip Clubs!
    Fun visit to my usual place
    Great review as always HL.. can't believe Venice is still there, she needs to go. Tried to stop by last Sat but looks like they were closed or opening late. This was in the afternoon, will stop by again next time when I get a chance. Still looking forward to catch Q again and hopefully do some VIP dances with her.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Improving but still ways to go.
    Yes the club definitely gets their share.. every club is different but I've heard dancers complaining how much this club charge... among your typical house fee, you have to be there a certain time (afternoon) for the "lower" house fee.. if you come in later you're going to pay the higher house fee. They also get their shares from VIP dances but I'm not sure how much. Champagne room is even more or so I heard.. they can take 1/2 the cut. So I can see why dancer will ask for tips (especially if you're doing CR) Good dancers also tip out the DJ and the bouncer at the end of their shift. I do admit it does suck and not in a good way that dancer ask for tip after a regular floor dance... I can see tipping them if they did extras in the VIP. Personally I normally tip them a few bucks for floor dance unless their dances were crap, VIP tipping depends on service. Same goes for CR.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Having BJ’s in VIP in Arizona
    No good candy at the candy store
    Wow this place never change, I went there ONE time about 7 years ago, got a drink, was getting a dance, put my hands on her hip, she didn't say anything but the bouncer beelined his way and yelled out can't touch her. Then she goes, you can touch in the VIP... $20 to get some hip action? No thank you. Avoided the place ever since. They really need to start looping Hammer's "U can't touch this" song over and over again in this joint.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Strip Clubs!
    Good visit, watch out for one new dancer though
    No problem HL, I hope she'll turn up in another club. Yes we can save "Zoinks!" for Venice.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Strip Clubs!
    Good visit, watch out for one new dancer though
    Great review as always HL, totally agree Venice needs to go, is that sales tactics ever worked? But sadly I'm sure she'll find someone drunk enough to agree. Q is definitely sexy as hell, I need to take up on her offer for VIP next time... and yes definitely Wowzers! from inspector gadget. And I've heard Heaven is no longer working there but I hope I'm wrong.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Just not the same
    Thanks for pointing out the wall dances are the same $10, HL stands for Horrible Lapdance.. my go to place is still Sugar44. We also went to BSC but sadly not one dancer approached us for the hour we were there. My friend was fine with snacking on popcorn and drinking their water down redbull. Might have to make a trip to Tucson and see if it's any better there..
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    A lot of new faces
    Yup that's Venice, thank you for putting a name to her as she's definitely someone you want to avoid at all cost. she actually had the nerve to come back and bug me again. what's funny is she kept saying "free tour" then walks me to the CR and say how much she like this "purple" CR. She was selling the pitch for way too long and eventually the waitress had to come in because we weren't suppose to be there. Agreed on Native American beauty "Q", thank you for reminding me her name. I liked her a lot too and I was very tempted to do VIP, next time for sure. As for Charlotte, I've heard she gives fairly good VIP dances according to my friend
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    A lot of new faces
    Sorry I'll include the cost here.. cover was $10 that night. Vodka/Redbull is $12, Vodka/Cran is $10. $10 floor dance, VIP wristband is $20, each VIP dance is $20. CR (Champagne Room) starts at $125 for 15 minutes, $250 for 30 minutes, and $500 for 60 minutes. I believe they give you a free drink or two depends which package you get.