
Comments by whitesun777 (page 3)

  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Sunday evening at Sugar 44
    Thank you for the review, my last visit wasn't that great here so I've been going to Hi-Liter instead. I recall seeing Pixie performed on stage and I have to admit she's pretty good (at least compared to the rest of the dancers) Been wanting to get VIP dances from her but she was always busy, I'm good as long as it doesn't turn into BDSM session...
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Sunday Evening visit to the Hi Liter
    Thank you for the report, Sunday evening is not bad (if you find the right dancer), it's more chill, less crowded than Fri/Sat night. I don't know about that dancer promising "more fun" during daytime. Sounds like she's roping you to go back to see her. You show up during the day and she knows she got you and will most likely "upsell". Might be more fun but definitely more $$$
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Tuesday night was ok, not great
    I would try walking out but stand outside by the door so the guy can see you. Pretend you're talking about leaving for a few minutes and see if he caves. If not, just start walking back to your vehicle or to next door. There's plenty of other clubs in Vegas for this bs. You can get bottle service at Sapphire for $360 (after taxes and fees, split 4 ways it's about $115 a person) and they pick you up in a limo. Not trying to be club ad, just saying other or better options are out there.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Hot dancers and that’s about it
    I was here with a buddy about 2 weeks ago.. it was Saturday night but it was still early (around 7pm) It wasn't crowded yet but one thing I noticed is you really have to tip the dancers on stage to get any attention. We were there for about 2 hours and left without getting any dances but planning to hit up Hi-Liter after so it was more of a eye candy show for us.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Tuesday night was ok, not great
    This is odd as it seems to be a pattern when you show up with a party of 4+.. I was just there recently with +1, it's 30/each (local discount) that included 2 drink tickets each. I say the next time (if there is a next time), is if they force you to buy a bottle, just have your buddies start walking out. there's plenty of other clubs (Chicas is just right next door) My bet is he's going to drop the bottle BS crap and just let you with 2 drinks min tickets. I mean this was on a Tuesday night, I can see if this was Fri/Sat and they're at near capacity. I do agree this club is fairly tame, but with the right dancer you can have "slightly" more fun.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    BDSM in the club, what the what?!?
    No because apparently my dumbass told her I have no limit but didn't realized what I was consenting into...
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Good times at Chicas
    Was just here recently, some dancers will offer $100 for 5 songs packaged deal. Tequlia shots seem to be the favorites here for dancers at $11 a pop. Corona is $8
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    No lap dances on weekends. Girls were highly attractive.
    Buying a bottle is only required if you want a table or booth here. Sitting at the stage is free so is at the bar. There's also 3 small bar tables that's up for grabs (but usually they're taken) No extras in this club at least not in the standard VIP, I don't know about the rooms as I've never done those. Typical rules in the VIP 15 minutes, can't touch kitty. And definitely no smooching.. best bet is next door Chicas Bonitas if you want extras but it's a different environment.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Decent experience at the Hiliters -- Still some way back to the glory days
    Thank you for the review, I was just here last weekend (Fri/Sat) yes they're still scanning ID's.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Nice two visits, though beware new old scam
    I'm not sure about this club but I know other clubs charge you extra if you're buying drink for a dancer. I don't mind buying drinks but I do hate it when they ask about it. I recall buying someone a drink (rookie mistake) and as soon as the drink gets here, she bolted. so my rule now is unless she's hanging out at least one song and I actually like her, I'm not buying squat.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Having BJ’s in VIP in Arizona
    A good trip which was surprising given the travel talent.
    Nice, thank you for the review. I had no idea Grace the waitress been there this long. I do agree she's one of the best ones there.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Review stolen from another site
    Thank you founder, greatly appreciate it. It's too bad about that guy, especially he's a long time member, not sure what made him do this since he's local in Vegas (I assumed) @TFP, thanks! My main thing when posting reviews are the Adjudicators Adjudicators - Anyone can be one I suppose, so you've got someone from East Coast who's not familiar with clubs in the West Coast. That person will of course need Club details, layouts etc as well as dance prices. It seems a bit redundant to repeat the same info on every review, especially for a club that you visit frequently. Most of the time they will complain during the approval process. It would be nice if we can have adjudicators from the same state to approve these reviews. At least they're local and most likely are already familiar with the club layout and dance prices. You can already get the dance prices now if you click on the club info. It would be nice to have another section to describe the club layout here, that way people don't have to repeat this in their reviews and focus more on their club experience.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    1st Time Palomino Visit
    Thank you very much founder!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Review stolen from another site
    Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it. I just had vent about it as I was reading "his" review then the light bulb hit me.. "hey, this guy had the EXACT same experience, what are the odds??" Then I finally realized, what a minute, this is MY experience. No worries Meat, at least in a way I feel the positive comment was for me, so thank you!
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    1st Time Palomino Visit
    This is my review from the other board. Copied and pasted almost word for word... it's from 11/23/21 btw
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Don’t Make A Special Trip
    Yes thank you for the review, I don't recall the last time I was there but I did made ONE special trip and that was enough. No floor dance and the 2 VIP dances I got was tame.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Barrett Jackson weekend
    Only been here ONCE probably a decade ago when I just started checking out different clubs. I did one floor dance, my hands were on the dancer's hips and bouncer bee lined over real fast telling me I can't do that. One song and I was done, never been back since.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Sorry but not for me
    I do concur what Lone Wolf said but you have to be VERY patient. I've stopped going here unless I have a lot of time to kill. Sugar and Hi-Liter are pretty much my go to places
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Geriatric Central
    I was there Sat night and came in during customer "shift change" as it was dead. I did notice the drink price went up to $14. Dancer names: Missy, Karma, Peach, Flore, Marisa, Summer, Leah, Christine, and Kacie. Got some good dances from Kacie, the rest are meh.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Decent experience - Force to do VIP because of no floor dances
    Thank you for the review, I can concur there's really no floor dance option. I mean, you can get one if you really want but it'll be $30 for an AIR DANCE. It's $150 for 15 minutes of VIP experience, it's fully nude but you can't touch the kitty. Bouncer/Time keeper is just right outside. The booths are private enough if you don't stand up. And yes it's nude on stage
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Weird experience
    Thank you for the review SFguy, that sucks (and not in a good way) that you had an bad apple. This reminds me similar experience I had with a dancer who was wasted (this can be good or bad) but in my case it turned out bad. Floor dance, she tried to do upside down helicopter and of course she kicked my forehead with her heel. I was done at that point, paid her, then she sat there asking I need to pay her (I'm like wtf, I just did) I refused to pay her again, she had the nerve to get the manager. He comes by and I told his ass I already paid her with brand new money. He goes and check her and of course she had them tucked in somewhere.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Not a bad place to have a drink and relax
    Thank you for the review, I was there last Sat night and parking lot was full as well. Not a lot of customers but a lot of dancers, they really need another "overflow" lot.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Strip Clubs!
    First visit....in quite awhile.
    The problem with the review system here is you've got non-local people looking at it. Of course they have no idea the club layout, dance prices, etc.. that's why they always complain. We need local people to approve these reviews so we're not re-posting the same info in every review. Another reason I stopped posting reviews here.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Nice, but South Florida has me spoiled.
    Thank you for the review, I was just there last week(night). Definitely no extras in VIP ($150 for 15 minutes) At least they don't expect tips much but some did ask to tip the "stop watch" guy 15-20 bucks. OTC is your best bet
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Thins *are* improving, trust me. Finally was able to buy dances from attractive strippers.
    Was just here Sat night during one of their "featured" dancer. Meh light and fire show. Lots of girls, got to sample some cubans in the VIP... one of them forgot name (petite, bikini outfit) very fun personality. Another let's call her "K" did the works for me, very discreet. Another dancer near the end, very sensual floor dances, took her to VIP boy oh boy that was great. I almost gave up here but things are looking up.