
Comments by pacer317

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Football or sports in general
    I like to be able to check on the game as I'm at a club. I was at Temptations in Kansas City and it has absolutely NO TVs at all. There was plenty of talent but it felt kinda empty with nothing else to occasionally look at. I know the show is supposed to be on stage or in your lap but with a Monday night Chiefs game one night and the Royals first playoff game in 29 years the next, I'm sure that place could've been a lot busier if the locals could've checked on their teams as well.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Tampa clubs and GOP
    Ahh... the Party of 'Family Values'. Always eager to try tell us what we cannot do whilst doing that very thing themselves. Rules are for the 'little people', not them.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Tampa Fun
    Ahh... the Party of 'Family Values'. Always eager to try tell us what we cannot do whilst doing that very thing themselves. Rules are for the 'little people', not them.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer names the same as your family members.
    I'm with the earlier poster who said a name is just a name. Of course I can't think of a time I encountered a stripper with the same name as a family member. I have, however, had trouble with seeing classmates or others I knew from school working in a club and then forgetting to call them by their stage name...
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    9/11 revisited.
    I was working on the 17th floor in a 22 story office building in downtown Indianapolis, and my mom was working in the tallest building in Indy. So after the planes hit the towers and the initial shock began to pass somewhat, the next thing on our minds was whether or not our buildings were going to be evacuated. It seems silly now given all the other targets that could've been chosen on that day other than the tall buildings in a mid-sized city, but at the time no one knew how widespread the attacks might be. My building wasn't evacuated, my mom's was. Not a whole lot of work got done that day as everyone was preoccupied with what was going on in New York and DC.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    In the wind
    Show Me State Showdown: Nudity or Not?
    The problem with these churches is they often can't keep their noses out of other people's business or bedrooms. Those who want to attend those churches may do so. Those who don't don't need those church members preaching to them about how they should live their personal lives. If what I'm doing isn't affecting you, stay the fuck out of my business.
  • review comment
    12 years ago
    I had been hearing a lot...
    Waaaaay too complimentary and no other reviews.
  • article comment
    11 years ago
    Top Ten Things I hate in SCs....
    If I may add one of my own pet-peeves... Bathroom attendants... I can take a piss, flush the toilet, turn on the water, and wash and dry my hands on my own. I don't need some old fart in there expecting a tip for turning on the sink for me and handing me a paper towel. I know the johns are kept cleaner this way, but I'm there to tip the dancers and the occasional VIP attendant, not some old dude in the john.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Building the Perfect Strip Club: Part 1 - The Overall Factors
    I know of clubs where the DJ often doubles as security in the backup or floater role. The Brass in Indy is like that during the day at least. Or maybe the DJ is such a hothead he can't help but interject himself in an altercation. Hmmm... could be either I suppose but I think he's probably expected to help when there's an issue.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Tampa Strip Club Owner Insults Rich People and Republicans
    Link to the article in question: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/01/adult-industry-2012-gop-convention_n_943906.html And for the record, I agree with Redner on this one. I've got no problem with people making money as long as they're not doing it by defrauding or gouging their customers. That being said, more often than not it is Republicans and their 'family values' that seek to pass laws against the very establishments we on this site frequently visit or work at and that Redner owns. Funny thing is, they're as likely as anyone to get caught with their pants down at one of these establishments. Their flaming hypocrisy in these matters... passing laws against these clubs while seemingly getting caught in them themselves - their "Do as I say, not as I do" attitude - is among the many reasons I mostly always vote the other way.