Comments by JohnBoehner

  • review comment
    5 years ago
    North Carolina
    Indy girls are life like race cars, fast and loose!
    Your review makes ME want to go visit your family!
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    Disappointment in my Cincinnati area choice.
    As an area resident, I agree with Harderlap. It's really worth the cost to rent a car and go north to Franklin or Dayton or south to Lexington. More action in Lex, but it's a quieter drive back late at night.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Early morninng fun
    I can't help you, NW. I wasn't looking for a VIP, so even if someone told me, I tuned it out.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Great place to relax and have some low key fun
    It was still $100 when I was there a few weeks ago.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What do you do when you arrive at the club and your favorite girls are with othe
    A combo of the approaches of Papi and JS. She's there to make money, and unless I am going to replace what she will be missing out on (and I have no interest in doing that), then I expect her to spend time at the club with other guys. If she is an ATF, then we've exchanged numbers, and she knows I am there to see her. In such circumstances, we will exchange a few words, often when she breaks free to go on stage, and she will estimate when she will break free. If she is someone I have not spent much time with, the burden will fall more on me to find an opening to touch base with her. If I have only met her less than a handful of times, I will give her a while, but unless she outclasses everyone else in the building, I will move on to someone else after a reasonable amount of time.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    HELP!!! :( I like a dancer but not sure if she likes or not
    If it were me, I would call her bluff. Tell her you really enjoyed and appreciated the first night and that if you shell out $, you do not mind shelling out $ for that type of experience. Then, tell her to pick a night that has the appropriate attendance level for you preferred activities. If the setting is right, you engage in activities akin to the first night. If conditions are not right, you will just hang out for a while to talk and then leave for a better night with the right circumstances. Or, you can suggest that she text you from the SC when the setting looks good. This way, if the conditions really were not sufficient the second time, you assure that you are there - or only shell out $ - when you can get what you want. And, if she does not agree or you do not hear from her, then you know she was full of it, or conditions (spoken or unspoken) changed, or whatever. I once met an ATF, and our first set of dances were unbelievable. She was exactly my types looks-wise, intelligent, lots of DFK, and all over me. We met right before I was scheduled to go out of town. We exchanged numbers so we could reconnect. I came back three weeks later, and it was basically just a standard dance. She could tell that I was disappointed, and I let her that was because the quality of dancers were trending backwards (which hacked her off). I did not see her for a couple of years. We danced, and things were better than ever (much DFK and mutual O's, she asked me if I wanted to meet OTC, etc.). I reminded her of our initial meetings, and she came clean that she had a boyfriend who roped in her ITC activities. So, sometimes you never know what causes things to change for them. You may find out now, in a few years, or never. Either way, I suggest you decide what you want, pin her down on what she wants/is willing to do and how to make that happen, and then enjoy the fruits of your labor . . . or move on. Best wishes.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The Shift Change
    I'm with flagooner. There are obvious advantages to shift change - you get to view twice as many shifts worth of dancers, you usually get in cheaper, and often they have happy hour pricing on drinks. But, the downsides can hurt. The club may let the dancers off shift early, in which case you may miss them altogether (and in my experience it is usually the better looking ones, because they have been in demand). Or, you often need to make an immediate decision on a dancer without seeing the whole shift. I have been in this second circumstance. Usually while waiting to see the rest of the shift I end up watching an earlier target in her street clothes heading out the door. So, if nothing else, I would recommend that you do not cut it too close on your timing.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I'm calling it here and now
    What Nina said (initially, about the Electoral College). National polls are irrelevant other than for the broadest trends. If HRC wins FL or PA, the game is over. Even if she doesn't, she probably already has VA locked up, and NC is going her way. DJT is going to need to defend AZ and GA and possibly UT, of all places. Like Nina said, it won't be close.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Lap dance and prego
    By way of quick background, I am in Cincy, which is an SC desert. As a result, Dayton has a disproprtionate number of clubs. When I first went to one of the bigger Dayton clubs (Harem), one of the dancers told me it was known for its pregnant dancers. I have noticed that it is not uncommon to see two or three pregnant dancers at a time, and rarely do I not see any. So, I guess there's a market (though I am not a part of it - I prefer slender). Best wishes to you and Luna.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Taking your shirt off in VIP
    Definitely have had dancers unbutton my shirt in regular, non-VIP LDs. Most say they like the skin on skin. One dancer used to tell me that she thought unbuttoning buttons was like opening a present. One dancer liked to unbutton my shirt and then pull it down and back to semi restrain my arms. In general, they just unbutton it, but once or twice it gets taken off. Anyway, care to guess how often I wear button down shirts nowadays when I go to clubs?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Lockable VIP rooms with no cameras
    Camelot East in Lexington, KY, definitely has no cameras. Never tried locking a room, but as I recall there is enough furniture in the room that you could probably block the door.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Considering MILFs
    I find MILFs much more reliable. They tend to be more level headed and appreciative. Also, they usually give very sensual dances. In my experience, a lot of the 20 somethings constantly bounce around and/or thump like pile drivers, rarely giving a good, sensual grind. MILFs tend to be slow and sensual and better grinders. They are more likely to engage in DFK and push other boundaries. I think this is in part because they know better what works in a dance, they need the business since half the room or so will not even consider them, and you are closer in age, so doing the things that make a great dance does not seem so weird. As already noted, they actually have something to talk about. Plus, they are more reliable – when they tell you their schedule, they stick to it, unlike the kids, who blow off work because they do not feel like it, are having issues with their boyfriends, or are hung over. I am assuming, of course, we are talking about an attractive MILF who has taken care of herself. Given a choice between a comparably attractive MILF and a dancer in her low 20s, it is not a close call in my book. My ATF was 35 at the time. DFK and mutual Os with her. Several other MILFs with similar times. What's not to like?
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Still the best club around dayton
    I'm with mdfmk. Usually, referencing well lit air dances is not much of an enticement. Fairly bare bones review, but completely accurate and not presenting only the good. And, I also agree that even the least interesting dances I have received there are still almost never air dances.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    LA Grand
    Sorry, been away. No extra charge. She just started going for it while we were on the dance floor. She did the same thing the next time I danced with her in March. Both times I just gave her the standard tip equal to the fee to the club. I'll PM you more specifics.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Went by there on a Sunday...
    What's wrong with this picture - Diamond's averages a 3 (2 for value), yet this person who just joined gives it a 4.5 across the board? Looks like someone else who got a free membership for his work of fiction.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    A catch-all account
    Made another stop after a long...
    Count me in, too. But, one trip was all I have been willing to invest (just too damn far off the beaten path). Yes, cheap, high contact dances, but the dancer quality is quite low and the regulars syndrome ties up the few quality options.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    I'm still here and writing review- not good
    As my earlier review and another recent review note, on some days and shifts this club can have a very strong regulars vibe. Sometimes the regulars hang out and then take their dancer to the Brass room (200 for 30 mins); other times they just pay them for their time. I suspect the dancers may not need to give the club a cut for the latter. Need I say more? Still, if you have the time to be patient, usually some other real lookers will appear and be happy to take your money. But, on a slow night or during the day, your viable options may be limited. Unfortunately, it comes with the territory.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    New York New York Cabaret
    Agree with skdii. The review pretty well tracks my experience last night. Not every first review is a club ad.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Not great
    Re contact, things may be different during the day, or I just hit the jackpot. During a two for $41, my dancer moved my hand from her nipple to down below. I quit while I was ahead with FOV, but I have no reason to believe FIV was not available. More details to come shortly when I review the place.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Assuming they don't have multiple dancers with butt plugs, you met Paisley.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Location, Location, Location
    Perfect first review! Great details about everything. Thanks for the information.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    West Virginia
    Terrible Experience
    Well, actually, I do find being able to understand a review to be a plus. But yours was far from the bottom of the barrel, so do not worry about it. I went to GLL a few weeks ago on a Friday afternoon (reivew on the way), and it was pretty scary. By the way, the problem is not KY but Louisville - check out the clubs, or at least the reviews, of the Lexington clubs.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    I just finished up working here
    Agreed, you write informative yet succinct reviews. Definitely you give the dancer's perspective, but you also include info that informs the guys. Please keep the reviews coming and best wishes.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Why did i think this was going to go well?
    Unfortunately, there is a reason Dayton clubs are filled with people from Cincy. Sorry you had to find out the hard way.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    2nd Go
    I concur, mention the names of ROBs. if dancers are nice or give good dances, mention their names so they get more business. If they do something special that may get them fired, let people PM you and you can decide whether the person has enough credibility (sufficient reviews) to provide him iwth a name.