Why can't I search for Articles or Discussions on this Site?
I'm kinda new to this site and maybe I'm just missing something here...please help me if I am..but I can't seem to find the functionality on this site that allows me to do a search for prior articles or discussions. Wouldn't that be really nice to have? And is ubiquitous elsewhere on the web? (By the way, whats the difference between an Article and a discussion? The difference seems insignificant, somewhat pointless and confusing. I would suggest just having 1 of them.) Anyway, Search on this site seems to be limited to finding Member names and SCs. So the only way to find an article or discussion is to bookmark it once it comes out or to manually go Next 10 Articles, Next 10 Articles, etc until I find it? I sent mail to whomever operates this site and got no response and it doesn't seem to be in any FAQ. Searching for articles or discussions would seem like a really basic feature to have but I don't see it and its a major omission if it doesn't exist.
Malibu, generally-speaking, articles are lengthier, more thought out efforts which are given "safe haven" from the Quasi-Dougster Zone (otherwise known as The Discussion Board) and rewarded with a free month to the author.
If you're in Malibu, did you hear of this story? http://www.cnbc.com/id/44490767/ TUSCL should've taken up a collection to make a bid & have an official west coast pad!
@CTQ.. - Thanks..I'm not from Malibu. I like your suggestion about the ratings. In general I find this site a treasure trove of useful info but a relic of 1990s internet design. For instance in addition to being able search for things, I'd like to be able to tag articles and discussions as my Favorites.