
Comments by jerikson40 (page 33)

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    10 years ago
    thursday best go go bar to get layed
    In Irvington, near Newark, is a place called Vic's. Awesome skank-nicity
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Greatest Rock Groups in History
    "Best band ever, The Who. Hands down no contest." Okay, well at least top 5. Daltrey was one of the greatest vocalists, no doubt. And of course Keith Moon was insanely good. And just plain insane. Possibly the greatest, I agree. Townsend was an incredible songwriter, insanely innovative. And their sound was legendary. So yeah, can't argue that the Who was right up there. But has anyone noticed that in all of this discussion of the greatest groups, it's all (or mostly) from the 80's or earlier? Personally, I think music now is just this commercial crap, scientifically designed to absolutely maximize revenue with no waste whatsoever. You think you could ever get away with "Stairway to Heaven" nowadays, or "Tommy"? No way. They want a 3 minute song with a catchy hook that makes all the young girls get up and dance.
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Greatest Rock Groups in History
    Regarding keyboardists: Slick sez: "Best keyboardist-Ray Manzarek." Mikey replies: "..but what about Kieth Emerson, Jon Lord, and Rick Wakeman?" Okay, I'll admit I'm not a keyboards guy, and never really pay much attention to them, but Ray Mazarek was with the Doors right? I always felt that the Doors' keyboard stuff was like super simple and uninteresting. Though I was never a Doors fan, so I could be way off. But like Mikey says, compare that to Wakeman and Yes? I mean, the entire Yes group were rock legends. Incredibly talented, innovative, and have to be in at least the top 10 of rock groups of all time. And geez, Keith Emerson of EL&P? that's some insane keyboards. But Manzarek? I dunno. And their guitar player, Robby Kreiger? I suppose you can call him a good songwriter, but a great guitar player? I dunno. I'm not seeing it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    thursday best go go bar to get layed
    Do you like nasty skanky black chicks who will give you an hj, bj, or fuck right at the bar with everyone watching?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Greatest Rock Groups in History
    Oh, and by the way, the Spirit song that Zeppelin ripped off is Taurus by Spirit. Check it out if you want a laugh. And I read an article saying that early this year Spirit decided to sue Zepplin for copying their song. Go no, right?
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Greatest Rock Groups in History
    "Also if you are talking about innovation what about guys like Zappa?" Zappa was beyond innovation. At least in his own mind. He was apparently very talented according to some people. And I loved listening to his moronic, off the cuff stuff from "Just Another Band from LA". Basically a garage band making up goofy shit to entertain themselves. But that's why I included 4 criteria. Zappa was innovative, but he ultimately produced shit. Does anyone on the planet remember anything he produced? Is it timeless? At the time most people thought it sucked, which it did. Just because you produce weird complicated shit doesn't mean its good. Kind of like the people who claim that Andy Warhol's stuff was brilliant, only because they want to sound cool and hip. It was, and always will be, shit. That's my point. Innovative alone means nothing. Zappa is a perfect example. Eddie, are you kidding?
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Greatest Rock Groups in History
    "Moody Blues who figured out how to bring cutting edge studio effects to the live stage in the late sixties/early seventies." Absolutely. Moody Blues where incredibly innovative, incredibly talented musicians (well, most of them), and they had a lot to say musically that is timeless.
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Greatest Rock Groups in History
    By the way ime, here's a test for you to see if what I'm saying is true... Look online, and find a recording of Miss Etta James singing "At Last". Listen to it, and if it doesn't give you chills, and smack you up'side the head and leave you dizzy, then yes, you are a white guy with no rhythm or soul whatsoever.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Greatest Rock Groups in History
    ime, really I'm not criticizing, but the guys who are into punk are generally white guys who don't mind this continous, mindless, 4/4 beat over and over. It's for guys who have no rhythm whatsoever. I mean, Rockin' the Casbah? And London Calling? It's all the same song, same beat, over and over. Dude, seriously, accept that you're one of us white guys who can't dance, and have no sense of rhythm whatsoever. And to say that technical skills don't matter means your only evaluation is the "I like them, therefore they're great". And that doesn't apply. We're trying to make an objective assessment, not your personal likes and dislikes.
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Greatest Rock Groups in History
    "Van Halen isn't even in the discussion as best group of all time....Oh and the correct answer was The Clash. They are "the only band that matters"" Have you considered seeking counseling? Seriously.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Greatest Rock Groups in History
    Oh, and someone mentioned that Zeppelin copied a lot of their stuff. Very true. The basic contents of Stairway to Heaven was a direct ripoff of a Spirit song (I forget the name). But here's the difference. Spirit sucked, and they turned that song into nothing. Zeppelin turned it into the greatest rock song of all time. That's because Zeppelin was the best, and Spirit sucked. Though I did like Sardonicus, and they had some good stuff for the time, but otherwise nobody even remembers them. Every musician copies everyone else. It's a good thing.
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Greatest Rock Groups in History
    And by the way, keep in mind one important rule of the universe: "White men can't dance". Now, I'm a white guy, but I admit that white guys in general have no soul, no rhythm, no funk. That's a fact. And the black guys know exactly what I'm talking about. We can't dance cuz we don't have rhythm. Of course, thank god, there are exceptions, and we have such incredible musicians who happen to be white. But when evaluating music, you have to keep in mind that many white guys only know what they like. And that includes country music and shit, and line dancing, which all should be outlawed. So before the white guys start evaluating music, keep that in mind. :)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Greatest Rock Groups in History
    The biggest difficulty with any evaluation of "best" rock group or musician is this: People never agree on HOW they will evaluate. Usually it's either "because I like them" or "they're technically really good" or "well they sold a lot of records" or some such stuff. Here are the correct criteria for evaluation: 1. Technical skills 2 Innovation, in a good way 3. They have something to say with their music; it moves people 4. Their music lasts over generations Now, is the fact that a lot of people copy someone's music part of the evaluation? Well, yeah, I suppose, but people also copy crap too. Example: Hendrix gets a 10 in innovation. Hell, he gets a 20. No question. But does anyone listen to "Purple Haze" for the last 30 years? No. Because it was shit. At the time, it was awesome. And everyone copied Hendrix, because he was the greatest guitar innovator ever. But overall, is he the greatest because of that? No. The greatest is the one who has it all. Not perfect in any one area, but overall the best. Stevie Ray was the best in blues. He had an awesome voice. He had very good guitar skills. He had a lot to "say" with his music. He had a great sound. He'd sit down with some of the blues masters and jam, and they'd just look at him in awe, and sound like shit compared to him. Now, is "because I like them" grounds for voting someone the best? Hell no. Because you like the Beatles, does that make them the best? No. Technically, a lot of what they did sucked. Great innovators for their style, for that era. Now, one more thing. It's not fair to mention guys like Buddy Rich in this thread. They're not rockers. Although guys like him are the without a doubt the best for their type of music (jazz, whatever). Personally, I don't think Clapton was very skilled at all. And he didn't have the blues "feel" that someone like SRV did. If you look back now at what Clapton produced, does it last? In hindsight it looks pretty boring, IMO. Very boring.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Greatest Rock Groups in History
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Greatest Rock Groups in History
    "Penny Lane"??? "Strawberry Fields"?? "Yellow Submarine"?? "I am the Walrus"?? Okay, I'll stop there because I don't want to further embarrass you, but like I said, if you're 60 years old and love elevator music, then yes, the Beatles tunes were "catchy". They don't even belong in contention for anything to do with rock.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Greatest Rock Groups in History
    Oh, and of course this is obvious to everyone and not even worth mentioning, but just for the sake of completeness... Most overrated rock group in history? Of course the Beatles. The Beatles were good of you're over 60 and like elevator music. And Ringo Starr was the most overrated drummer on the planet, and somehow got people to put his name in the top 10 list of drummers? Yeah, nobody takes THAT seriously. And we all know the #2 most overrated rock group is the Stones. Those were rock musicians for white guys with no soul. And speaking of white guys with no sense whatsoever for the blues, Eric Clapton was, by far, the most overrated blues guitarist. Ever. Played the same riffs over and over and over and over. And they weren't that good in the first place.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I'm glad they didn't have teachers like tihis when I went to school. :)
    I remember I had a teacher in high school who as absolutely smokin' hot. She'd dress up very prim and proper, but her body was so fucking awesome she couldn't help but give every guy a boner. She'd go braless, and you could see those incredible nipples. And these really short skirts and high heels. Anyway, word got out that she was a stripper in the evenings and on weekends. So one day she came into homeroom and someone blurted out, "Hey Miss xxxx, Johnny saw you at a strip club last night!!" So she says "Oh yeah? You mean doing something like THIS ???!!!" And suddenly one of the walls of the classroom slides open and there's fucking VAN HALEN, and they start playing "Drop Dead Legs". HOLY SHIT !!! She starts stripping to Van Halen, and she slide out of her skirt, and... Oh, wait...that didn't actually happen did it....sorry, just a dream I jerked off to in high school... Never mind.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    San Francisco Clubs
    "...days will be impossible for me due to business... for nights it sounds like CH is going to be better than MBOT?" Dude, since you haven't given any info on what you're looking for, "better" doesn't mean much. What kind of girls, what's your budget, whats "good" in your mind, do you need extras, etc. Personally, I'd shy away from MBOT because of the prices. Chicks are generally pretty hot there, but it's always a coin toss based on the night, who's working that shift, and what you're looking for. MBOT does have the theme rooms if that's fun for you. Crazy Horse used to be pretty good because of an almost all-Asian cast of hotties, but it was also expensive. So I'd say give both a shot and see what you like.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    San Francisco Clubs
    I didn't realize that Market St. Cinema was actually closed now. Apparently about a year ago they shut down, early 2013. Too bad. That was a fun place. Started as a big, legit movie theater, and when it converted to a strip club in the '70's they kept the theater, including the auditorium seats, and had a big T-shaped stage for the dancers. And then in back were the different theme rooms. Pretty cool. There was a small movie theater where dancers would come in and you could have fun in the auditorium seats while watching porn or whatever on the big screen. HJ's, BJ's, etc. And there was a wall dancing area at the top of the theater aisles where some craziness would happen. Damn. And behind that an actual strip club with some small stages. And some other rooms I don't recall very well. I think a room with booths or something. Unfortunately the girls were quite often pretty skanky when I visited, but occasionally you'd hit pay dirt. And they'd usually have some features who'd give laps and shit. It was a cool place. Great place to just wander around and see what's going on. Shitty neighborhood, but if you were in the mood for a lot of skaniness in a filthy, skanky club, it was pretty awesome.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What is your type?
    Oh, and Pole_Doc, here's an urbandictionary reference for my response of "word". "Word" is the shortened form of the phrase: "my word is my bond" which was originated by inmates in U.S. prisons. The longer phrase was shortened to "word is bond" before becoming "word," which is most commonly used. It basically means "truth." Or "to speak the truth." "Yo, I fucked twelve bitches last night." "Word?" ("You speak the truth?") "Word." ("I speak the truth.")
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What is your type?
    "99% of the bad dances I've had were white girls." Word.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What is your type?
    "Often confused with petite." And kids in grade school....
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    10 years ago
    What is your type?
    "What are "spinners?"" Tiny chicks that are so small you can lower them onto your dick and spin them around.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    From CNN foreign correspondent to stripper?
    Well written article?? Are you joking ? Its written as if everyone already knows the story, and gives half a sentence explanation on what the fuck happened....SO WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED ?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What is your type?
    "...redhead" Well, there are only a few real deal breakers for me, and redhead is one of them. Especially the bright red with freckles. Not good. And really white skin. Which often goes with redheads. Not gonna happen. I HATE really white skin. Which is why I tend to dislike Japanese girls. They try very hard to keep this really white skin. And they also tend to have fairly featureless bodies, with no tone or shape, no muscular definition whatsoever. Not good. Deal breaker. BBBZZZZTTTTT !!! Penalty...Flag on the play. It's kinda strange. In some SE Asian countries (Thailand, etc.) the girls try very hard to get and keep white skin. They'll carry umbrellas when it's sunny so they don't get a tan, even if their skin is already dark. And skin whiteners are really popular. I feel like telling them, "Honey, chicks in the US pay big bucks to get tanned/dark skin like yours !!" I guess they think it makes them look rich or something.