
Comments by jerikson40 (page 22)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    A real live blow up doll.
    Her plastic surgeon should be shot. What a fiasco. She was kinda cute before all of that.
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    10 years ago
    Dancers with Butt Plugs
    Anything to do with ass that is inside the crack is just wrong and nasty. With all the awesome stuff that women have to offer, why focus on the crack and the hole and shit? Butt plugs are not something I want to see or think about. I have no clue what they are used for, and I don't want to know. I've thankfully never seen one on a dancer or anyone else, and I never want to. Case closed.
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    10 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    I need my space
    "I give her a $50.00 tip and encourge her to circulate" Gee...I wonder why she's hanging around... Come on dude, as others have suggested, be a man and tell her to get lost. You're waiting for someone. Or ask her "who's that hot girl over there, can you tell her to come over?" Damn, you guys are so worried about politeness and etiquette.
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    10 years ago
    So what's worse in sports?
    "Now I have no idea what "Jerickson" said and it doesn't matter." Ah, Mr. Clubber, you should know. And it does matter. Because with that knowledge you'll achieve true enlightenment..... :)
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    10 years ago
    So what's worse in sports?
    It's kinda like the popular case of the asshole who drinks a hot cup of coffee, doesn't realize that hot coffee can hurt you if you're not careful, burns himself, and who's at fault? The guys who sold him the coffee. Geezus, what the fuck are we thinking?
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    10 years ago
    So what's worse in sports?
    "All I'm getting is that it's the victims fault. That's pretty narrow minded" I just don't understand this attitude that is becoming so popular in our society that everyone feels so sorry for irresponsible morons who do stupid shit, pay the price, and somehow it's everybody else's fault. Nobody wants to accept responsibility. Everyone is a fucking helpless victim. Some dipshit runs out onto a freeway causing cars to swerve and crash, and somehow it's not his fault, it's the guy who can't swerve fast enough and clips him. Somehow the world is responsible for anything stupid I do, no matter how many lives I endanger, or how fucking stupid and irresponsible I am. I just don't get it.
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    10 years ago
    So what's worse in sports?
    I swear, this is why if I ever get in front of a jury I'm better off just putting a bullet in my head. The irrational thinking of some people is scary. You don't know what Stewart did or didn't do, Mikey. You, like everybody else, ASSUMES you know, based on your biases and lack of knowledge. But what is fucking clear as crystal is that Ward did something beyond stupid and endangered everybody else's lives. That is the real tragedy here. If they later find that Stewart didn't follow some rule of dirt track, which I assume don't even exist, then fine, he's responsible. And if they find he did something premeditated, then fine, he should pay. But only a court case will determine that. Ward's stupidity is beyond doubt.
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    10 years ago
    So what's worse in sports?
    And by the way, you asked mockingly if "Stewart is a professional driver???". What about the moron who gets out of his car and endangers the other drivers' lives because they now have to swerve so they don't hit them, and might end up crashing into somebody else. Un-fucking believable. The number of things that could have legitimately caused Stewart to not see the guy or not be able to swerve to miss him are in the thousands. Mud on the windshield, too dark, maybe the thought another car was on his tail and didn't want to kill two more people, etc. Get real. I've never been in a dirt track racer, but I guaranteed it's not NEARLY as easy as you think.
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    10 years ago
    So what's worse in sports?
    "They should throw the book at Stewart." Are you fucking serious??? I don't know shit about NASCAR and dirt track racing, but what fucking idiot gets out of his car on a muddy track in the dark with guys speeding around and fishtailing, and starts strutting around in all that insanity cuz he's got some macho "fuck you" beef with another driver??? Geezus, it's far more stupid than getting out of your car on a freeway with people driving 80mph in predictable lanes of concrete. I can't imagine that Stewart suddenly becomes a murderer, but until the jury sees all the evidence NOBODY knows. But the Ward guy who got killed deserved what he got on the grounds of total stupidity.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: On the social stigma (or lack thereof) of being a “Sugar Baby”
    "Having one SD, is not stooping to a lower level of stripper/hooker in the SB's eyes. She's desperate for $ but not desperate enough to go 'further' than being an SB." I agree with steve229...those could be very perceptive comments...if I could just figure out what they mean....
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    OT: Hottest Ass on the Planet
    And here's another. I mean this chick is perfection. Tiny waisy, perfect apple bottom, sexy gown, blonde hair... Damn, if a stripper like that ever came to me and asked if I wanted a lap dance I'd lose it right there. But chicks like that are so rare....just not fair. http://chicksintightdress.tumblr.com/post/96895456702
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    10 years ago
    New York
    OT: Hottest Ass on the Planet
    Why can't there be more chicks like that in the world? I don't understand. In all my years I don't recall ever seeing an ass that perfect. Why should something so wonderful be so rare? It's like a cruel joke being played on men. I swear, if I walked into the bathroom and saw my girl putting on makeup and looking like that, I would fuck her, nonstop, for a week. I would spank that ass, and fuck it, and spank it again. And the outfit she's wearing....holy shit. Talk about clingy !!! Why? Why can't we have stuff like that? It's just not fair.
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    10 years ago
    OT: On the social stigma (or lack thereof) of being a “Sugar Baby”
    "What about the stigma of sugar babies with stigmatas? What about that?" Stupid, but still hilarious.....
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    10 years ago
    OT: On the social stigma (or lack thereof) of being a “Sugar Baby”
    And by the way, there are probably a LOT of strippers who have unemployed loser musician boyfriends, as well as older, rich, sugar daddies on the side. The best of both worlds. The money and security they crave, as well as the bad boy, narcissistic manipulator who makes them cum in their pants.
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    10 years ago
    OT: On the social stigma (or lack thereof) of being a “Sugar Baby”
    "How many other post have come and gone about stripper or even civies with looser/unemployed BFs?" True, but if we're looking at the population of women as a whole, strippers with unemployed BF's aren't really typical. I think it's safe to say that's small group of emotionally fucked girls who have so many other issues that even they don't know what's going on. Some go for the umemployed loser musician, others, who can and are hot enough, go for the guy who will throw money their way. What we're talking about is general and pervasive tendencies with women. Of course it doesn't apply to everyone....nothing does.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Empty tanks
    "So you did get some of that amazing Vienna Roast." Dude you're killing me...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    a discussion board with the ability to post pictures aka screen shots
    By the way, in no way whatsoever did I intend to offend seals, seal-type creatures, GIF's, Eskimos, or ice golfers. Or foundations. Amen.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    a discussion board with the ability to post pictures aka screen shots
    "Why doesn't Clubber's guy move anymore?" Not sure, but I'll venture a guess... Maybe some sort of "Save the Seals" foundation learned of the presence of a seal-bashing GIF and decided it promotes seal-o-phobic behavior, and intolerance of seal-type creatures, and requested that it be destroyed. Of course, along with any computer that has ever had said GIF on its harddrive. And in a compromise, they acquiesced to removing the animation portion, leaving a fairly harmless photo that looks like an Eskimo doing batting practice. Or maybe practicing ice-golf with a 9 iron.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: On the social stigma (or lack thereof) of being a “Sugar Baby”
    "Majority of women spend their lives looking for a guy with a lot of money" Clearly I overstated that point, especially when there are people like you who are so intent on finding fault on details, rather than accepting the general premise and concepts. My point was that women's prime focus, throughout their lives, is money and the security it brings. Different women define "money" and "security" differently, but it is still a huge player in their life decisions. And even if they are married, if they have an opportunity for a much better deal show up, they will, in general, seriously consider jumping ship. The fact that increasing numbers of women have chosen to work and make more than their partner is further proof that money rules. Not staying home and taking care of the family, as was past practice. But making twice as much money. It's all about money. Now women can afford much nicer houses and cars and vacations because there are two parents working. What happens to the kids? Who gives a fuck? Leave them with a nanny. Because money rules. That's why they don't want to give up their jobs.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: On the social stigma (or lack thereof) of being a “Sugar Baby”
    "Women get married fairly young, usually to guys not much older than them. Those guys generally don't have a ton of money? So explain that one?" To the extent that is true, women are searching for, as I said, security and money. They WANT big security and big money. What they can get, or BELIEVE they can get at any point in time, and based on their situation, is up to them. Many get married early SPECIFICALLY because they want the security and money that a guy provides. They want it NOW, so they don't have to worry about being on their own and getting a job. Ideally, they would, at age 19, have handsome, super-rich guys banging down their door and life would be grand. However, practically, they usually don't have that, so, as I said before, they SETTLE for what's available. It's a battle between what they want, and what they can have right now. But the primary issue is that MONEY and the security associated with it are major factors in their life decisions. Sure, some are also very stupid and don't know how to get the best deal, and instead go for the quick win. But what they WANT is the big bucks and the security. Geez, dude, is this so difficult to understand?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: On the social stigma (or lack thereof) of being a “Sugar Baby”
    And keep in mind many or most women don't have the opportunity to mingle with the rich or very rich guys. Depending on where they are and their situation, a "rich" guy could be one making $100k, or one making $30 million a year. So you take the best deal you can find, marry it, and hope for the best. And 50% of the time it fails because of, primarily, money. Ever wonder why women are so very intent on MARRIAGE ? That is the prize, the gold ring. In the words of Beyonce, "All the single ladies...If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it". That's the goal. Not being with a guy and being in love and living together...MARRIAGE. Legal and sealed with a ring. Because it's about money and support. How many guys really want marriage? Hot sex, yeah. Someone to take care of them and cook and clean, yeah. But marriage? Guys never win with marriage. Especially when it's over.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: On the social stigma (or lack thereof) of being a “Sugar Baby”
    Damn, I hate when you guys use big words and I have to look them up... Misogynist...hates women... Well, not really. What I despise is men or women who are dishonest and self centered and hypocritical and childish and money grubbing and a bunch of other things. And in my many years on this planet, unfortunately, I've found that many men and women have, at their core, many, most, or all of those bad traits. As one great philisopher once said, "People never grow up. They just learn how to behave in public". So I have become very practical, objective, and suspicious of people who claim to be otherwise. And, as others have mentioned, I've found that many negative cliches have truth at their core. Unfortunately. If you honestly believe that most women are not, to a large extent, driven in their life decisions by money and the desire to be supported at a high level, then either you are incredibly naive or just have never dealt with women to any significant degree.
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    10 years ago
    OT: On the social stigma (or lack thereof) of being a “Sugar Baby”
    Yeah, I think you have a good point Papi.... I think with the self centered internet/Facebook/"ME" society, now being selfish has become more of a way of life. Chasing money and being famous and being envied and promoting yourself is the new way of life. And posting BS about yourself is standard practice. Maybe the negative stigmas against sluts are slowly dissolving with the younger folks. Although even in other cultures that is a HUGE stigma against sluts and "easy" women, and I can't imagine it just fading away. Maybe people just suppress it in favor of big rewards.
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    10 years ago
    OT: On the social stigma (or lack thereof) of being a “Sugar Baby”
    jester, honestly, you're a young guy with pretty much no experience with women correct? There's nothing wrong with that, but at least accept that maybe you don't know everything. Some of the stuff you come up with is just, well, freakin' naive.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: On the social stigma (or lack thereof) of being a “Sugar Baby”
    jester sez: "If this was remotely true then "most" of the men and women in this country would never find a partner." Well if you thought about it just a LITTLE bit you'd realize why. There are few rich men in the world. There are many poor men in the world. Therefore, women who are seeking money must be able to attract the rich guys, or, if not, progressively set their sights lower until they find the guy who they can nab. Women find a guy, but usually its after having to set their sights lower and lower. Every woman wants the perfect guy who is rich and handsome. And many think they deserve that kind of guy. But then they realize that a guy like that probably doesn't want HER, so they learn to settle for less. And less. Until they find a mate. They settle. Understand?