Comments by sharkhunter (page 50)

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    8 years ago
    Stanky Pussy
    This would be a good question for dear Abby, if someone who is an acquaintance in sales stinks, do you tell them or just walk away? What if it might affect their job performance with customers? Is it better to not say anything? As a customer, would you keep quiet or is it out of place to say anything? Worded like that, I suspect Abby would say it is out of place for a customer to say someone stinks even if you and other customers can't wait to get away from the stinky sales person.
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    8 years ago
    Stanky Pussy
    Yep I avoid such dancers. Even worse is when no one tells the dancer and no one is buying dances from her that night and she can't figure out what's wrong. Most people aren't going to tell her that she stinks like crazy. They just want her to walk away. I've smelled stinky girls on a few occasions and I can't remember if I told any of them. Some were just wondering why I wasn't buying dances from them.
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    8 years ago
    Club memberships
    I've had membership at clubs in NC and SC. No one ever mailed me anything. Now I did give my email to one club and they have been occasionally sending me emails about upcoming events but I was ok with that and still am.
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    8 years ago
    2016 Pathetic Loser of the Year
    Actually gifts in excess of 14000, I think the giver has to pay an extra tax.
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    8 years ago
    2016 Pathetic Loser of the Year
    Just ignore my rambling post above.
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    8 years ago
    2016 Pathetic Loser of the Year
    Ok .39 or 39% would make her pay about 175k in taxes for that income. IRS only cares about getting their fair share per the law. It's only fair for all other taxpayers in the country that she pays her fair share. He should talk to his lawyer I suppose to make sure his taxes are in order. It could all be entertainment expense or whatever he wants to call it. That is if this whole story is true because there is a disclaimer on this web site that all stories on this web site can be considered a work of fiction as a disclaimer. After all his taxes were up to date, he could notify the irs if he had any um err suspicions that she wasn't paying anywhere close to 175k in taxes the last two years, she could be reported to the irs as suspicious. I don't know the law though. I thought I heard you could report suspected illegal underreporting to the irs.
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    8 years ago
    2016 Pathetic Loser of the Year
    I can imagine her reaction if he files 1099s to the irs for payments of almost 250k for entertainment expenses and she gets a notice from the irs for tax underpayment. If she still has a good chunk of the money, she should be paying taxes on the money. Actually she should be paying taxes on the income regardless. What's the tax on 450k income or roughly 250k per year? 39%? Plus if she did other work, she needs to report that income too.
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    8 years ago
    2016 Pathetic Loser of the Year
    To sum up, the pursuit of fine young legal pussy can be a very expensive hobby. If you get fixated on one girl, you might be paying a very high price.
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    8 years ago
    Stock Ticker RICK Had a Big Day
    That particular stock is volatile. It does well when the market goes up but can drop by 50% or more when things go south. I'd wait for an upcoming downturn in the economy if holding for the long term. It could drop 75% and then quadruple in a recovery over just a few years. However to each their own. I have no positions in that stock at this time.
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    8 years ago
    Do you have the strip club blues?
    I heard in Greenville there is a bug going around that makes you feel like you had food poisoning. Just one more reason not to visit a sick dancer since we all know sick people like to rub all over customers. Strip club customers need to get vaccinated or fight off all kinds of germs.
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    8 years ago
    Breaking news. Obama says Fox News partly to blame for Hillary losing
    Trumps electoral campaign was brilliant. He won. Couldn't have won without Hillary though. I was wondering who was going to insult less voters. It was a long drawn out contest and I'm not sure which candidate insulted the most voters. I think Hilary won that contest.
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    8 years ago
    Breaking news. Obama says Fox News partly to blame for Hillary losing
    The Flyer I liked the best out of all candidates? Trumps Thumbs up post card. I thought it was amusing and positive. Not much to read either.
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    8 years ago
    Breaking news. Obama says Fox News partly to blame for Hillary losing
    A popular vote campaign could completely ignore Iowa, South Carolina, almost all of the lesser populated states and areas. Then everyone except the bigger states might feel really ignored. New York, Cailfornia, Florida could all enjoy months of campaigning. Everyone else could ask, what election? I wouldn't mind less phone calls, less campaign flyers. I get swamped with phone calls and Mail during the primaries because South Carolina is early in the primary process.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Do you have the strip club blues?
    I remember one stripper told me they got no sick days. I know how that feels because I heard where I work at now, we have no official sick days. I'll just go into work sick and let everyone else possibly get sick if that is the official policy. Seems like that is a bad policy decreasing productivity. It will take longer to get well and you pose a risk to everyone at work.
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    8 years ago
    Breaking news. Obama says Fox News partly to blame for Hillary losing
    I call winning by only 3 or 4 states and by only a small percentage of people in those states as close.
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    8 years ago
    Breaking news. Obama says Fox News partly to blame for Hillary losing
    On a more relevant item, we need to come up with a plan to petition Trump to build the Death Star. Trump needs to get the cost down. Obama said it was too costly but how can we be great again without a Huge Death Star visible in our skies? It could help with climate change too as it could block out a lot of the sunlight reaching the planet if it had an expandable shield. Maybe instead of a Death Star we could start simple, like an energy defensive grid in space in orbit around the planet that gets activated and explodes large objects like asteroids when it approaches the grid. Some asteroids have trillions of dollars worth of heavy metals so that could pose a problem trying to explode a rock made of gold and titanium. I'm sure Trump can come up with a plan. :)
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    8 years ago
    2016 Pathetic Loser of the Year
    The link above may not exactly be good for getting married and staying married though. I'm still thinking about that line that says never compliment a dancer you haven't fucked yet on her looks. I think if you tell a girl that she looks good today, she'll wonder why she's not looking good the other 364 days of the year. :)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    2016 Pathetic Loser of the Year
    That looks like a good link. Thanks. Same could be applied to favorites in a strip club. Have more than one so that you aren't feeling depressed or in a bind if one flakes out on you , gets fired, etc, etc. It always feels better to have options. I can't say that I spent anything even close to the op or some others. I broke things off with a dancer many years ago and she was the one crying when I told her goodbye. I liked her but I wasn't in love. At that point, she told me she was. There was even a time when she wanted something like 100 or 300 bucks for no good reason in my opinion without offering anything in return and she got so pissed off at me for saying no, that she quit working at the club for 3 months. I had no idea what she was thinking. Maybe she thought I was a sugar daddy but I had never given her any money for nothing before. Back to the ops dancer, If she's a smart dancer and knows how to budget her money, she's off milking other pathetic losers and increasing the size of her savings. If she's like every other dancer, she's already blown through a lot of the money and it will all be gone within 5 to 10 years and she'll be thinking about how good she one had it. A dancer in her 40's is pretty much either at retirement time for dancing or looking to get married or getting ready to start a different job. After working a normal job for a while and seeing a normal paycheck, I bet that money she made as a dancer otc, will seem like big money. Unless she gets a job like a high paid lawyer like Nina plans to get. Some women just luck out and marry successful guys and don't have to really work except for some extra money.
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    8 years ago
    A phrase on YouTube summed things up well. Haters are going to hate. I'm much more attracted to certain looks but I call that attraction rather than racism. If fat people were defined as a race, than a lot of people would be called racists while being racist against themselves. I'm not sexually attracted to very fat girls nor to a number of girls with other features. I am attracted to a number of different breast sizes up to a point and breasts have a lot of fat I heard. It's one of the few places where fat can make a girl look better. Different attraction applies to different guys. Just because someone is not sexually attracted to most black girls doesn't make someone a racist in my opinion. In my opinion, all those who think that way are haters.
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    8 years ago
    I'm shocked a stripper said she wanted more money. I never heard that line before. Just shocked. :)
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    8 years ago
    I understand some strippers. Does that mean I'm crazy too? I do have 4 sisters so I had prior crazy experience. lol, at the bottom of the screen it says "So easy to be a valuable member, even a neanderthal can do it."
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    OT Castro dead
    If the current leader wanted to be a whole lot richer, he could do a democracy reform of Cuba and own 20% stock in all the new companies and let everyone start or run a business and let the people hold elections and allow freedom of the press etc. As everyone else worked to grow their business etc, the current leader would grow very rich and wouldn't have to deal with all the day to day tasks of running the country.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    OT Castro dead
    If I was in power, I would like to see lots of genuinely happy people. Not people fleeing the country and hundreds celebrating the death of your brother. However if someone is evil, I guess they aren't going to change their colors or suddenly become good again. I'm not sure what the current leader is like, good or evil and no nothing about his background. I did read the Catholic Church and the pope did some work attempting to open Cuba up and they may have contacted Obama to encourage it. If dialogue encourages change, hopefully Trump doesn't cause things to go backwards. Cuba operates like it is the 50's with only small changes. I see their cars look like antiques. People are not free to move and they have lots of restrictions against starting and running a business. The communists run everything. I believe the people just want to be free to move and work as they please, not whatever the Cuban government tells them they must do.
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    School girl outfits
    Maybe I shouldn't call it a school girl outfit. I should call it a hot cheerleader outfit with a very short skirt that I like. Bikini top is ok. I like red too. That would be an improvement over the cheerleader top from High School. No panties worn under the skirt is even sexier.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    OT Castro dead
    We can all hope his brother either dies soon as well or that he opens Cuba up to allow some choice among the people, democracy where the people get to decide. For all those who want socialism, I suggest Cuba would be a good place to move to. They are diehards in their beliefs unlike the Chinese. The Chinese wanted to stay communist but they saw no problem with using a capitalist market system to make their country rich and make their economy strong while improving the lives of their people. The Castros? They want everyone to stay in poverty and apparently want their country to stay poor.