
Stock Ticker RICK Had a Big Day

Stock ticker RICK had a nice move today +4.4% on high volume (high volume for a fairly illiquid stock that is). Closed at $12.93.

It's come a long way since Feb 8, 2016 when RickyBoy finally got up the courage to talk about how bad it was, just (within a day!) as it was bottoming:


rickdugan: "While on the topic, that dogshit stock RICK is already back to trading under $8 (what a surprise - not) and same store sales are taking a beating, so now may not be such a bad time to solicit your favorite hottie at a RICK location if you have one. "

A 60% rally for a stock in 10 months, ain't bad! RickyBoy called it wrong almost exactly at the bottom. It's a common pattern for him he can finally only find the cajones to speak up about how bad something is right near a bottom.

Anyone here still think RICK is not a good ticker to own or have changed their mind on this one?

(I personally think their NYC club should do well with all the money splashing around finance. Similarly the bounce with oil should help their TX clubs. Now I happen to think these thing will be fleeting long term, but should be good for this ticker for a while.)



  • larryfishsticks
    8 years ago
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Market cap on Rick is too low and shady principals make this a stock easily manipulated. Any one that buys it is just taking a flyer Dougster Hard to trust any info about this one.
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    Remember when Dugly told us this stock was going to double or triple in a couple of years? Then it tanked back to under $8.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    I never said it "would" double in "a couple of years". Also, it was only briefly under $8 when the entire market spiked down. About a 20% pullback from early 2014. And it was no sudden "then". Like the rest of the market it was bouncing around until mid 2015 until it headed down briefly until Feb 2014. The whole market was going down from mid 2015 until Feb 2014. Jestie just keeps making up bigger and bigger lies lately.

    Right now it's up about 15% from early 2014. So I'm not sure what this "sudden tanking" Jestie is talking about is?
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Those two "Feb 2014" should be "Feb 2016", of course.
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    LOL. Tell me what other stocks you think are going to double or triple so I can call my guy and tell him to short.

    Dugly's been touting this stock for years, cherry picking his moments. So desperate to convince us he's a stock guru.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Sorry jestie. Now you're really calling yourself out as the BSer that you are. You have "a guy" you have to call in order to short a stock? All I do is log onto my broker and do it myself.

    And yeah, if you would have shorted that one in Jan 2014 you would be down about 15% while the S&P has been up about 15%. So 30% market under performance.

    But, okay, I'll give you a name that is very volatile short term but I think will double or triple: SVXY. Want to go ahead and short that one? :-)
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    Classic Dugly. In a few months regardless of what SVXY does he'll be telling us what a genius prediction he made. Lol!
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Come on, jestie, no dancing around the question. Is SVXY a good short here or not? Will you be "calling your guy" (LOL!) to short tomorrow morning?

  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    That particular stock is volatile. It does well when the market goes up but can drop by 50% or more when things go south. I'd wait for an upcoming downturn in the economy if holding for the long term. It could drop 75% and then quadruple in a recovery over just a few years. However to each their own. I have no positions in that stock at this time.
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    The dumbass doesn't realize I was mocking him?
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    @jester, Dougster is just saying he "thinks", before I would act on any stock tip I would be damn sure of who the source is. You can research that stock on your own, and maybe your conclusion will be the same or not, you need to do your own market research, it's your money that you are investing. There are very few geniuses out there mostly stock picks that work out are a result of doing your homework correctly.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    And jestie doesn't realize I'm mocking him? And apparently I out mocked him because he is not willing to say he would short SVXY (by "calling his guy"!)

  • jester214
    8 years ago
    Twentyfive, Dugly is desperate to convince us he is one of those few geniuses. He's been trying to do it for years. I would never take stock advice from anonymous strangers on the internet. I'm mocking him, mostly out of boredom.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    @shark: I assume you are talking about SVXY not RICK? Yes, it's definitely not for the faint of heart!
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    @jester I know that but these threads are mostly fun for me too, ; )
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    I facetiously suggest I'll short anything Dugly thinks is a winner and shit for brains actually suggest something? Then announces himself the "winner". Any bets on how long it takes him to start a new topic trying pathetically to insult me?
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    @jestie: I enjoy discussing the markets here and in PMs with many members here (farmerart and I discussed the markets quite often in PMs) and I know it is a popular topic here. I think everyone here enjoys my threads and posts on the topic here. My record of being consistently bullish on the S&P and RICK over the years even when (actually especially when) there has been consistent skepticism speaks for itself. At the same time I have offered a few gems on how to profit from short term pullbacks (for those willing to do other than buy and hold).

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Of course, jestie, if you make that bluff I am going to call you down on it. To show just how much BS you talk (along with the thing about "calling your guy"). That is you pattern, when push comes to shove you lack the balls to back up anything you say on here.

  • jester214
    8 years ago
    "I think everyone here enjoys my threads and posts on the topic here."

    LOL. Half the site has shit for brains on ignore and dumbass thinks everyone enjoys his posts.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, I have neither the time nor the inclination to actively manage my stock portfolio. I pay someone to do that, they do it well. If you can do it yourself and make money, more power to you. I'm seriously considering finding another guy to manage some of my real estate, I've had to play landlord a lot recently and it's not fun.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    It's not even close to half the site, jestie. For one thing I bet less 5% of the site even looks at the board. Also if I click on people's names who do post to see if they have me on ignore or not it might be 5 to 10% of them. (The funniest part is that many who claim to have me on ignore don't in reality). Again a great example of you talking BS pretty much continuously. An then the funniest part is that around half your posts are you wrongly accusing others of BS'ing. Talk about a serious case of projection. Why not try cutting down all the BS you talk in your life?

  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    @Dougster how does clicking on a name tell if or not they have someone on ignore this is just a question not looking to be provocative?
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    @25: click on the mail icon. If they have you on ignore it will say they are not accepting messages from you. Otherwise you can send them a message.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    @25: In some ways I think making good stock picks is matter of doing one's homework. But it depends on what you include under "homework". For example, with RICK I only got interested it back in 2013 when I saw the consensus was uniform bearish on it. Not a single person thought it could go up. Despite this it wasn't tanking but was just flat. So when I looking into the balance sheet, etc, it did seem to be as bad as everyone seemed. But still it was tanking. And the market itself was strong. And feeling against it was overwhelmingly bad. And it was "hard to borrow" so shorting was difficult. And it had 100% margin requirements. But still it wasn't tanking. That's why I decided it was a buy. Despite all the indications it wasn't tanking when it should, so that meant the next move was up. The market obviously knew something that the rest of us didn't.

    So I guess in some sense that is "doing homework", but I'm not sure it's what you meant. I didn't much good in balance sheet or public info at the time but it still screamed an obvious buy to me.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Oh, and, btw, I don't see any news to account for Friday's move on RICK, so that indicates to me that Friday's move was legit. I'd rate it a strong buy for 2015. Hold until people realize the rebound in finance and oil ain't gonna last forever.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Most of what I call home work is the usual mundane stuff that you know as well as anyone, I am not a great one for faddish type investments I try to pick companies based on fundamentals I lean towards large cap stocks like Amazon, General Electric, or companies that are either the the largest in their sectors or most known for innovation and have an ability to change the agenda, keeping the rest scrambling to catch up.
    I also like stocks that are based on brands that I am familiar with like LVMH where the products they pitch are known as a standard for quality, and even if the economy is not so hot they have customers that are not quite so tied to the economy of the moment. I do realize that occasionally I might miss out on a profitable opportunity, but nobody can be everyplace and I have had some good luck, using a professional manager for a large portion of my portfolio, leaving me with plenty of time to manage my own business.
    As far as RICK is concerned I know something about it, I do purchase their product from time to time (Tootsie's is part of their business) my concern with that stock is the small market cap of a company like that making it an easy stock to manipulate in so many different ways like, pump and dump, to share inflation scams, even creating different classes of stock and declaring a privileged dividend as the management is the holder of too many of their outstanding shares . For those reasons I dislike stocks like this, but hey that's what makes the horse-race exciting.
    If you want to exchange ideas regarding investing send me a PM and i will respond.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    maybe my just posted comment on the other discussion blog on rick's stock is not true. maybe i'm a few cents ahead.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    @25: Well I don't like how illiquid it is because it generally has a pretty large bid ask spread. Even if you try to buy just 5000 shares of this one you'll often be moving that spread. (Sometimes, however, they'll be someone there eager to gobble up your order). And of course that can be a disadvantage if you ever need to get out quickly for some reason. But I think there is actually less manipulation with this name, since that bid ask spread is going to kill off day traders and their arch-nemesis: the high frequency traders.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^ you may be right I need to think that through.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    I sure wish SJG would chime in
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    @ mikeya and he would add something of value ?
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    No, he amuses me
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Stock ticker RICK had a big week on nice volume. Up nearly 15%
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Okay up 17% in 6 trading days but getting a bit silly now. Short term people should consider taking profits here (and I remember I just gave you 17% in 6 days on a silver platter with RICK, and other 10% on SVXY, so don't ever say I'm not nice to you guys even though many of you are real homos!)
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    DIA is also looking stretched now. Maybe it will get to 20,000 before Christmas, but I'm actually thinking there might be a good short term shorting opportunity there.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    @dougster-Tomorrow's meeting tech & Trump looking for a reason to repatriate some of that offshore cash?
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    The more I think about it the less I think next year's stock market is going to be based on anything Trump does or fails to do, but I do think he is going to generate a shitload of short term volatility. That and we'll likely have the EU unraveling next year. I think alot of people will be surprise when the market is way up for 2017.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    RICK earnings were last night. Slight beat, but Eric threw the kitchen sink into his statement. Interesting notes on buybacks this year. In the first half of the year they loaded up in the 10s, but they continued buying into October even November. Mentions that they were able to refinance a bunch of their debt (just as I said they would when we first started debating this ticker back in 2013). I'd be out briefly short term, hold for long term people.
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