Never post in this section but have to vent.. Someone explain to me how a girl can be dancing in a club for a living and have a stanky koochie? Probably the biggest turn off for me. Frankly you often run into it with hot girls. Seem real nice and hygienic in other ways - start messing with them and the next thing you know - that odor. I know all the possible causes lack of hygiene, infection in the body and a million other reasons. What I don't get is why the bitch doesn't smell it herself?? I don't get it. You are selling pussy for a living and your pussy stank? As soon as you hit that ripe smell - time to hit the road..
Some of these girls are f'ed up and all they can manage is to barely be able to make it into the club to make a few bucks - their lives are too upside down to even take care of their hygiene
At my favorite club there was a very fine dancer 9+. To look at her you would think she smelled and tasted good from head to toe. But, man, she had a bad pussy odor. Gave her several chances on different days but it was the same each time. Heartbreaking. Finest dancer in the club and I couldn't get dances from her because of that.
Ever notice how one can stand the smell of one's own shit but throw up in our mouth when we have to follow someone's smelly dump in a public restroom? Same theory..humans aren't biologically wired to smell our own scents. Get one of the dancer's girlfriends to mention something to the girl if you want to try to salvage.
Same reason that some people with nose-hair-burning B.O. can't seem to smell it on themselves. Also when you eat a lot of garlic and people run from you in horror, do you usually smell it yourself? Nope. It's just one of those things.
Yep I avoid such dancers. Even worse is when no one tells the dancer and no one is buying dances from her that night and she can't figure out what's wrong. Most people aren't going to tell her that she stinks like crazy. They just want her to walk away. I've smelled stinky girls on a few occasions and I can't remember if I told any of them. Some were just wondering why I wasn't buying dances from them.
This would be a good question for dear Abby, if someone who is an acquaintance in sales stinks, do you tell them or just walk away? What if it might affect their job performance with customers? Is it better to not say anything? As a customer, would you keep quiet or is it out of place to say anything? Worded like that, I suspect Abby would say it is out of place for a customer to say someone stinks even if you and other customers can't wait to get away from the stinky sales person.