
Comments by sharkhunter (page 14)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT : The Stock Market ?
    What's the name of that song that goes we are all about to die but I feel fine? Seems appropriate right now.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT : The Stock Market ?
    All this talk about nukes is giving me a desire to play total annihilation. I accidentally made my AI killer kick ass if you don't attack right away. In other reports, I heard the US military is weaker than it has been in many years with years of budget cuts. On the other hand, the US spends as much or more than the China, Russia, and 6 other high spending countries combined on defense. I think we can cut a lot more unless we are planning on going to war with entire alien planets. Rumor is though, we have space fleets so you never know. Trump might order one of our top secret space ships to level North Korea worse than Godzilla in Tokyo.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT : The Stock Market ?
    I have some weird AI on my home computer for many years. Maybe I can get it to let me know what to buy and sell and when and not have to work anymore. That would be nice. If I also see plans for sky net to destroy countries etc, I will just stay quiet about it. Sky net says they will talk tough against NK, get missiles launched in the direction of Guam, then take out NK and then send stocks rallying. Just when the rally seems tired, congress passes big tax cuts or sends stocks into overdrive. However sky net can't do anything to fix congress.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Strip Club bands femal customers from getting in
    FYI, off topic but the gender difference which was the reason for the gender pay gap, is only a few percent or less according to studies that examine same jobs instead of comparing the pay of waitresses where females dominate to the pay of male engineers where makes dominate the population and then grouping everyone into a big pool and claiming one gender is not paid the same. The pay gap might be hugely in favor of women if you left out certain jobs and compared female models to male waiters. An equal apples to apples comparison needs to look at type of job and educations levels and do an equal comparison instead of the total population crap the left always cites. When studies examine apples to apples, the pay gap is only like 3 or 4% which can be explained by differences in starting pay due to men more aggressively negotiating a better starting salary. Women overall tend to be less aggressive at a young age and negotiate less overall. Since a lot more young women are getting advanced degrees than young men, an apples to apples comparison will likely put women's pay above men's before we know it but the left will keep comparing oranges to apples. Ok off topic rant over with.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Strip Club bands femal customers from getting in
    Doesn't seem like banning a sex is legal. They could charge twice the price and call it a female tax like one coffee shop decided to have a man tax or like clubs charge twice the dance price for one dancer to do one dance for two people instead of one person. I wish I could get paid double or triple for doing the same job and work if multiple people benefit instead of only 1 or 2.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Strip Club bands femal customers from getting in
    Which one? Godivas?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Rate this IG Hoe
    I give her an 8. I must be horny.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT : The Stock Market ?
    I think I might try to do a longer back study on one ETF. I did a study on it for one year applying a set of rules I created and it had over 60% increase following some simple rules however it was up over 30% without rules so maybe not the best time period to analyze. Market was due and still is for a bigger pullback. Trump just accelerated it. I figure the plunge protection team is letting it drop. Maybe attack North Korea, get that over with, then the fed announces their quantitative tapering program. I am thinking there will still be a fall or winter rally. Sp500 might go up to 2700. One guy online thinks there will be a mass panic. A mass panic to buy stocks. Dow 40,000 within a year. I don't share that much bullishness but if North Korea is solved with minimal loss of life, tax cuts implemented, good times might roll on. Maybe inexpensive health care premiums paid directly to the government who directly pays providers instead of insurance companies and things will be better for many.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Drink wifes grinding on husbands in the club
    One evening at Trophy club, I was just chilling watching the stage show at a table. I looked back at the table next to me and the guy who had been sitting there was knocked out cold lying on the floor. They called 911 and paramedics arrived. Apparently his wife showed up at the strip club. She spotted him. Grabbed someone's beer bottle and walked over and smacked him hard on the head knocking him out and immediately left. She hit him hard enough to break the bottle. I think the dancer on stage told me the story of what happened after she got off. I was distracted even though it was less than 5 feet away.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Drink wifes grinding on husbands in the club
    I have enjoyed more peaceful demonstrations. One time in one topless club the dancer on stage decided she was going to pull her bikini bottom aside and show me her pussy, along with everyone else on that side of the club. She didn't stop there. She also went to the girl beside me and showed her a good view up close. I was right beside her so I still had a great view. The crowd loved it. Unfortunately she was in street clothes a short while later never to be seen again. I've only seen that happen in topless clubs 2 or 3 times. I think dancers got fired both times. They did it on the main stages in front if me. I'm not sure why they did it. I enjoyed the view. It's not every day I get to see pussy on the main stage in a topless only club. I think this was in NC.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Drink wifes grinding on husbands in the club
    On another night, I saw one female pull out a video recorder or her phone with a light shining and start recording some of her friends in the middle of the floor at platinum plus one night too. Her friend was doing some bumping and grinding on her male friend at the table. A bouncer came over and put an end to that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Drink wifes grinding on husbands in the club
    It was like a chicken with 4 big guys chasing her around the whole club. Looked like they might squash that topless chicken.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Drink wifes grinding on husbands in the club
    I forgot to add the funniest part. She was flapping her arms around like a drunk chicken taunting the bouncers who were slow to react at first until she went up on the main stage. A dancer was late arriving and waited for her to leave. Then she flapped her arms around like a chicken walking all over the place in a hurry.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT : The Stock Market ?
    New prediction, it will start going back up after Trump stops stirring things up. However if he is already locked and loaded and ready to start military strikes against North Korea in response to any missiles, things will escalate and stocks will drop as uncertainty rises and people start dying. If I had to guess I believe North Korea is going to fire missiles at Guam but is moving them in place. They are like guys working in a garage and want to make sure they have things in place kind of like Barney fife thinking he's the best police detective around but he's going up against a New York swap team that means business. Unfortunately this Barney fife has tons of artillery and nukes. Our general thinks millions may die in any conflict. I think trump has given an order to strike back. Shoot down missiles. Launch cyber attacks. Escalate things and see if ok Kim responds by launching more strikes. Then the US and South Korea possibly Japan may all join in. By 2018, millions might be dead and people won't be talking about stocks too much. This could happen next year instead if this year. Trump screwed me over on my last stock position. I added a rule that involves him tanking stocks making a technical position go bad to cut my losses short hopefully. I think he's made a decision to strike back if Kim strikes at Guam, etc. now what will Kim do? I suspect he isn't backing down. He's like Barney fife has to make sure the missiles are locked and loaded and aimed correctly. He might think if he doesn't hit Guam but the ocean nearby, he's innocent. Maybe trump needs to clarify any missiles going towards Guam will make him the cop on patrol who fears for his life because the missile or weapon was moving towards him. Our cops shoot and kill lots of innocent people with that claim. They feared for their lives. If our leaders think it's ok for our cops to keep doing this, launching a strike after Kim fires missiles at our territory, might be lots of shooting. Just my new opinion. Constant warnings by trump. Locked and loaded. That's not normal for a US president. Trump is a billionaire so I think he made an executive decision so that we aren't threatened by nukes here in the US mainland if Kim doesn't cut it out. I'm just wondering when the shooting will start. I thought about buying a stock market lottery ticket for this highway of future destruction but peace may prevail a few more months if Kim backs down. I suspect we will have much better buying opportunities coming up. Rally after the next president comes along.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Drink wifes grinding on husbands in the club
    At platinum plus one night, I saw a topless female customer walking all around the floor of the club, even going up on the main stage at one point while all the bouncers were hurriedly walking after her. It was like a bunch of slow moving foxes or monkeys chasing a chicken around the club. Lasted a couple of minutes and they finally caught her and escorted her out. Does that count?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Future of strip club industry in US
    Unfortunately I agree. You can click online and see live nude girls doing sexual acts, bare titties, pussy etc, Go to a strip club and you can't even touch the girls in some clubs. You can't even see nipples in other areas. Nudity? look online. Some people are against strip clubs and they appear to have won in many states. Vast areas of the country have no strip clubs or are severely strip club deficient with almost no dancers, almost no good looking dancers, severe restrictions, and a strip club environment that not many will want to be in. Just my opinion from looking at numbers of strip clubs and reviews from other states. If strip clubs weren't dying, there would be a good one in almost every city with at least 25,000 people in the area. I figure there are enough single guys out of 25,000 that would pay to tip dancers at a strip club if it had hot dancers without lots of restrictions in almost every 25,000 and over population. That could be billions in extra tax revenue and millions of jobs for dancers and staff and our economy would be booming. Savings might plummet among single guys and a few others but no one cares about that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Carolina Clubs
    From what I read in recent reviews in some areas, only the dancers can touch you. You can't touch them at all. It sounds like it would be more fun at Follies.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Livin my inner redneck
    Viagra active ingredient lowers blood pressure
    If I'm not working, my blood pressure drops automatically. One boss used to raise my blood pressure to unsafe levels. It irked me when he had already agreed to let me take off vacation days but then in Decemeber, tell me for whatever reason or project he had going on, I had to work 60 or 70 hours and I could take a day off but work that day or work the weekend both days after my vacation day. Working 14 days or 21 days straight with no time off is not fun especially when you are salary and get no overtime.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Strippers You Miss
    When you don't make a lot of money and one dancer always wants to spend 2 to 4 hours with you talking and watching dancers but she went through at least one or two beers an hour plus and to get at least one table dance or two very hour, it adds up. It can get a bit exhausting or tiring after a few hours or thinking she always wants to sit with me for two hours every time I visit. Automatic 50 bucks or so between dances and drinks. I rarely complained because she was the hottest dancer or one of the hottest dancers in the club and if she wasn't, it would be one of her friends who would join us at the table. There were some nights, I just wanted to sit and watch and get dances from other dancers without spending 50 bucks on her. She didn't really seem to like that too much. If I become a regular in a club, I always seem to get at least one dancer sticking to me like glue on occasion. That can be fun for a while. Not so fun when you want a break and they don't always seem happy about it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Strippers You Miss
    Most of the dancers I temporarily missed often showed up and then before long I was hoping for another break. If they didn't almost always want money for whatever, maybe that wouldn't have happened. Money for dances, my money to buy them drinks, it never stopped. I do remember one dancer that acted sex starved too. :). I even remember one dancer who bought her own drinks but said she had to do at least one table dance an hour or get in trouble with management. I remember when she wanted to spend all night with me in the club one night, I told her with an hour left I wanted to get some dances from other dances if she didn't mind. Some other guys probably appreciated that without knowing it. In hind site, I don't know what I was thinking for not realizing she wanted to date me. She was one of the few dancers I would have been ok with that. Although I once spent a lot of time with various dancers at no charge to me away from clubs on their off time.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Praying before you go inside the club
    I pray for happiness, health, and prosperity. I hope I win it big so I don't have to work anymore but with my luck, I might win a lottery right before our government defaults on the debt and makes the money worthless. I made an investment in the stock market a few days ago thinking, Trump is on vacation, the market should be calm for a week or so like it has been. Nooooo. Trump had to stir it all up and crash my stock. I'm sol because I doubt the stock I'm in is going back to where it was anytime soon.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Future of strip club industry in US
    I'd prefer it to grow but in South Carolina, many clubs have been shut down. New restrictions added. Several years ago I could see all nude clubs full of customers and hot dancers. I could get more touching in topless only clubs. Now nude clubs are gone. Topless clubs have been shut down and restricted. The closest club requires pasties and charges more than the old clubs did for a lot less action. At least they aren't air dances like some states have.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    That fool in North Korea
    FYI, Stephen Colbert said 75% don't believe everything Trump says. He also said trump has a 38% approval rating meaning 14% like being lied to. Stephen said to the 14% Everything will be ok. I thought I would make several people here feel better. Now I might go stock up on water and food and buy defense stocks and survival company stock. Just kidding. Already got pizza in the refrigerator.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    That fool in North Korea
    Yeah, North Korea killing 50,000 or more will cause a stock sell off if that happens. Nuclear first strike might be Trumps first choice. Take out their subs too. Need to try to take out everything quickly. On the bright side I now have nuclear sun glasses. I can now safely look at the sun or nuclear bombs. Only problem might be my reaction time. If Trump plans on nuking North Korea, he will likely want them to make the first strike so we can blame them when the world condemns the US for wiping out North Korea and the millions that used to live there. If North Korea's subs have nukes, that could be bad because lone subs might fire at anything in range. Hopefully the US is tracking every one of them ready to take them all out. Who knows, Trump might be talking about using some super advanced top secret alien weapons we might have that could obliterate North Korea without nuclear radiation that work better than nudes. You know we have to have some good super weapons that haven't been shown to the world. Two hot heads in charge. What could go wrong? Right now I think Trump is more talk than action.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much does level of undress(nude,topless,bikini) matter to you?
    Contact only is all that matters? Sex doll club in the dark might make money. Hmmm. Sex doll dancers wouldn't resist so might get in trouble with local laws though.