
Comments by fetish_dancer (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Indy Hopes To Curb Super Bowl Prostitution
    I look forward to the Superbowl and making copious amounts of money despite the fact that I will not be providing sexual favours. Events like this or the Indy 500 make an awesome week for downtown businesses and the city's strip bars. I really could care less about the prostitution. All I really see happening is an increase in ITC activity during that week simply because the bouncers are going to be constantly busy with the stream of clientele, whereas when it's not as busy, many girls will arrange OTC. But oh well.
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    13 years ago
    Dancer Hygeine
    yes, we do. I'm constantly freshening up. I saw a review about some fucker who fingered like 30 girls in a club (or so he claimed) and "didn't wash his hands between any of them." Gross. I hope he gets hand herpes.
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    13 years ago
    Favorite Place To Cum ITC
    You're a real charmer, aren'tcha, Doc?
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    13 years ago
    What Makes a Good Stage Show?
    @doc: No branding iron yet! @Dain: Thank you for the advice :3 @vivi: I was gonna say you were very beautiful; heck, whatever, if that picture is similar to you, you *are* beautiful! Welcome :D I don't post pics of myself either; I did put one up last year, though, but not for very long.
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    13 years ago
    Mum's the word! I'd rather talk about history or the Kama Sutra or our fiscal policy, anyway ;)
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    13 years ago
    And Doc, a guy who listens establishes a rep as being different. Just saying. The payment goes the other way, too -- if you need intense conversation, take me for a couch dance, lol. More private.
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    13 years ago
    @GSW: I appreciate the offer, but I'm not one to unload all over a customer, haha. I keep a definite line between my personal life and my club shifts. If I'm feeling down for whatever reason, like last night, I just cut out early and go home. @mjx: I compartmentalize! I think when there are problems and alcohol flowing, everyone just gets a little more freely emotional.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    Don't get envolved
    I'm short, so I wear 7 inch heels. Walking in them is an art!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    Don't get envolved
    I'm short, so I wear 7 inch heels. Walking in them is an art!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    I don't mind the unloading, and I do listen. Never had a guy cry yet though. Lots of dancers unload on me and cry to me, *because* I listen and try to be sympathetic...but you can see how I don't understand it from customers, lol. Also, on the subject of PLs, I don't see a guy as a PL unless he's acting like one, lmao
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    13 years ago
    I think jackslash has it right. While I too will sit and listen, and discuss and offer advice, I find it ironic that custies don't want to reciprocate and hear *my* problems. Which isn't to say I ever unload on customers or even have the remotest interest in discussing my personal life with them; I just find it funny that a dancer should be beautiful, get you off (or pretend to) and be a therapist all in one. I have heard some very sad stories from customers and my heart goes out to them. But I'm left thinking about it and what I could ever do to help. I think that if you unload all over a stripper, you should listen to her problems, too. Fair's fair. You fellas come to clubs to be stimulated and entertained by beautiful women. We come there because it's an enjoyable job. Have fun! I took theatre and one of the first rules was "leave your problems at the door." I take it to heart.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What Makes a Good Stage Show?
    Thank you guys so much! I put many of these ideas into action last night and did make some more money :D
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    13 years ago
    What Makes a Good Stage Show?
    I've been told countless times I have a great smile (not to brag; I don't think it's all that great) I try very hard to stay positive at work. It helps to seriously enjoy what I do, as well. Thank you, Rlion.
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    13 years ago
    What Makes a Good Stage Show?
    *takes notes*
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What Makes a Good Stage Show?
    very beautiful, deogol. It doesn't seem like many dancers know or practice "stage craft" anymore. @Doc: hell yeah!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What Makes a Good Stage Show?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What Makes a Good Stage Show?
    caress, lol. Sometimes I shimmy for fun though. I need to get some tassels so I can learn to spin them like a boss.
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    13 years ago
    What Makes a Good Stage Show?
    I've never flashed my pussy and never plan to. Yes, it is cheap and not really artistic. Same with the girls who just stand there and jiggle their thighs and ass and do nothing else. Sure, flash your puss and shake your ass; just leave the dancing to the rest of us who are actually working up there.
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    13 years ago
    What Makes a Good Stage Show?
    I'll have to get a couple costumes then. Gotta get one for Samhain anyway. And no, I learned to love that song from someone else, but it's not hard to love. Any Zepplin song is an aphrodisiac for the most part. I also play Brown Sugar by the Stones for a joke. Some of the older white men look askance at me, like 'wtf? does she know what this song is about!?!?' (I do) And then they tip me for playing a Stones song when everyone else is playing Lil Wayne or some other dumb shit.
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    13 years ago
    What Makes a Good Stage Show?
    @GMD: No nudity here and I would never do full nude, just cuz I know my limits and I know I have to keep *something* covered, lol. I used to get comments that I danced "too fast," but hell, part of my education was dance, so I still catch myself counting in 4/4 time up on stage. And I keep a beat. It irks me soo much when girls don't dance to the beat or dance off-tempo. I'm stuck up about things like that, I guess. Led Zepplin's Since I've Been Loving You is my favorite song to dance slowly to; I get very into it yes, I sing along. I do the nipple thing :D But I still feel weird playing around down south so I really don't do it much.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What Makes a Good Stage Show?
    Canny, I dance like I'm at a rave most of the time. Too bad the Midwest isn't much of a trance/hardstyle/techno scene. :(
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What Makes a Good Stage Show?
    @Jackslash: Perhaps I'll incorporate that :D @Doc: I've seen that vid before, and yes, omg, she's amazing!! And when you say costume, you mean like a costume every shift and/or set, or just something I would wear that is something quintessentially "me?" I've done that before but reading the anti-clacking comments on here have made me tone it down quite a bit. Really the only time I "clack" is when I do a flip backwards to, yes, you guessed it, Rammstein. And the "vampire crawl" is already part of my rep! NO ONE else does this, that I've seen, anyway. Perhaps they feel it's too contrived or whatever, but when you're pretending to play with yourself on stage, a crawl shouldn't be too hard, lmao.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What Makes a Good Stage Show?
    I'm flattered you want me to sign your Cartman, Clubber!! Pole dancing is something I'm not excellent at, but currently working on, thank you, CTQWERTY. :) What about floor work?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    I'm sorry D;
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    lmao, I'm not washing your back for the Cartman doll. That's what you meant, isn't it? :P