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2 hours ago
avatar for Meshuggah
We aren't here for a long time, we are here for a good time.
RCI Announces Acquisition of Metro Detroit's Flight Club
^ Vixens in Davie, has actually improved a bit, since RCI squired Scarlets, I wouldn’t say it’s become extras friendly but they have loosened up some.
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6 hours ago
avatar for drewcareypnw
not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
Mass Deportations: what will the impact be?
^ easily triggered weirdo. You’re a moron and a child
discussion comment
13 hours ago
avatar for EastCoaster
I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
The Trump Pardons of Jan 6 Prisoners
Gayman you moron, that wasn't an insult, more of a funny zinger, grow up you hate filled little weirdo.
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a day ago
avatar for EastCoaster
I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
The Trump Pardons of Jan 6 Prisoners
^^^^when I saw that comment I thought to myself TUSCL has jumped the shark
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a day ago
avatar for EastCoaster
I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
The Trump Pardons of Jan 6 Prisoners
^” liberal tears are better than sex” Seriously!
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a day ago
avatar for EastCoaster
I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
The Trump Pardons of Jan 6 Prisoners
^ Here’s the story asswipe Ball’s two previous convictions — for domestic violence battery by strangulation in June 2017 and battering and resisting law enforcement with violence in October 2021 — are detailed in the charging papers. He’s accused of possessing a firearm as a convicted felon, around May 2023. Sounds like a real swell fella
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a day ago
avatar for skibum609
Why air travel sucks
@skibum I don’t know that driving is better, but it definitely is more comfortable if you have the time
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a day ago
avatar for EastCoaster
I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
The Trump Pardons of Jan 6 Prisoners
I'm not paying attention the pardons, he's within his rights. Pay attention instead to how many of these folks that get pardoned re-offend, I saw that one of the released folk has already been re-arrested in Florida.
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a day ago
avatar for drewcareypnw
not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
Mass Deportations: what will the impact be?
There is a pattern emerging from Trumps E.O.s, this stuff is designed to flood and overwhelm the system, cause chaos, and eventually grind the system to a halt, it appears they intend to stop all entry to the country, not just illegal entry. Chaos is Trumps hallmark, he figures that with enough deflection, and litigation , he can get us to forget all of his other promises, like ending the Ukraine war with Russia, getting grocery and other costs down, he knows he hasn't a plan for those, so the only thing they can do is play to his MAGA base, make a lot of noise and keep his grift going.
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2 days ago
avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
End of Birthright Citizenship
My understanding is that birthright citizenship has always been the law of the United States, the Wong case confirmed that right, not created a new right it basically stated that the right existed as part of the original constitution.
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2 days ago
avatar for drewcareypnw
not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
Mass Deportations: what will the impact be?
^^ PS, one other point just to qualify my explanation above, when we started with payroll companies it was because of the cost and bureaucracy of dealing with the quasi governmental workmans compensation system, and the difficulty of making payrolls in a timely manner as most large projects pay on a draw method, with work paid 25 days after inspection and approval. So every 25 days we received a draw down of outstanding contract amounts with a typical 25% deposit 10 days prior to commencement and any retainages due anywhere from 10 to 45 days post completion In other words we needed a stable funding to maintain our business and workforce.
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2 days ago
avatar for drewcareypnw
not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
Mass Deportations: what will the impact be?
@skibum I can only speak to what I know, most of the people who work in the construction industry as labor don’t really work directly for the contractors that are directing the projects, the vast majority work for what is known as payroll companies that are hired by the contractors to provide insurance and pay the taxes. Most of the employees have no direct contact with their employer of record and the contractors that direct their work knows very little about their status. Every pay period the contractors receive an invoice and the paychecks are usually electronically deposited into an employees account minus the legitimate deductions, that ensures the taxes and S. S. Payments are deposited into an escrow account that is paid to the proper agencies and insurance companies for each employee. So that guarantees that S. S. Payments are deposited with the Social Security Administration. Any remittances are paid by the employees after the required deductions with their paychecks AFTER TAXES so at the very least the social security (FICA) payments are made to the treasury. The Social Security Administration Estimates that they receive about twenty billion dollars annually in unattributable contributions that goes directly into the Social Security Funds I’m sure most of the other major industries operate in a similar fashion negating you belief that ‘they for the most part do not pay ‘ into the system. Under the table monies probably escape this system but like tip income it is a very small portion of the economy and probably negligible amounts.
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2 days ago
avatar for skibum609
Why air travel sucks
^ Yep that’s true I have a Merryl Lynch Branded Visa that gives me access to most of the major airline lounges, but they’ve become less and less accommodating over the years, the only reason I keep the card is because it’s free to me, and it allows me to make purchases in other currencies without any bank conversion fees.
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2 days ago
avatar for skibum609
Why air travel sucks
Air travel sucked after 9/11, prior to that most of my flights were short duration and between 3 & 5 hours, now all travel takes a minimum of half a day, considering you need to arrive 2hours before departure and the very limited amount of direct flights. The cost is not that bad, but fucking time wasting in airports and the crap you need to deal with in a the hubs trying to find the correct gate in airports like Atlanta and NY, or OHare makes traveling by air suck
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3 days ago
avatar for drewcareypnw
not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
Mass Deportations: what will the impact be?
@Rick Dugan Most folks that voted for Trump, did so believing that his promise to deport was hyperbole, the folks rooting this shit on, are just talking out of their ass, and they are typical of the folks he snookered into rioting on his behalf. No normal sane person wants the economy to fail, hell I didn't, and wouldn't, vote for him and I'm rooting for the market to make me richer.
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3 days ago
avatar for drewcareypnw
not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
Mass Deportations: what will the impact be?
^ We can agree to disagree Here's a new scenario for you, I'm not going to weigh in about the pardons Trump issued to the folks he snookered in to rioting on his behalf, but when one of those pardoned folk commits a new crime, the shit is going to flow all over again. Tell us how are y'all going to handle it, in light of Tarrio of the Proud boys telling Alex Jones this ain't over ? Before y'all tell us what Biden did, using that tired old schoolboy refrain "he started it" keep in mind, if Joe Biden jumped off a bridge are you expecting Trump to do the same?
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3 days ago
avatar for drewcareypnw
not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
Mass Deportations: what will the impact be?
@skibum Florida, Texas & California combined employ 47% of all illegal workers with the largest numbers of Illegal workers employed by the construction industry, next is the hospitality industry, then agriculture. Of those three states Florida employs the most then Texas with California the largest only in the agricultural sector. In construction alone Florida has 670,000 workers with over 25% of those are undocumented aliens, I chose to speak of the construction industry because I know more about that industry, than any other, having spent my entire working life in that industry, as an employee as a manager/foreman, and as a business owner in four different states, with multiple employees, and I can tell you with certainty that many businesses would fail in that industry, and very large projects all over the country would become idle if Trump actually were able to deport every single undocumented person, just here in Florida, Trump just received approvals for a project The American Dream in nw Miami Dade county for a one hundred seventy five acres including a 16 story indoor ski slope, a 20 slide water park, a 14 screen 3D movie theater, a performing arts center, stores restaurants, a submarine lake, residential condominiums to be developed by The Trump Companies, without undocumented workers that project will never get started, so yep Skibum, there will be a monumental failure of businesses across the board. Just multiply this by 50 states and god only knows how many projects, plus all of those other business sectors across the United States, also keep in mind that's growth that we need here in this country, if we are ever to get out from under the trillions of dollars of debt, that is threatening to ruin this economy.
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3 days ago
avatar for drewcareypnw
not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
Mass Deportations: what will the impact be?
^ That was for Rick, I personally favor fixing the immigration system to reflect reality, then we can allow the workers we need, logically speaking if we deport twelve million people you’ll hollow out the entire country, and businesses would fail, the economy would collapse. Unintended consequences are a real thing.
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3 days ago
avatar for drewcareypnw
not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
Mass Deportations: what will the impact be?
^ logic and information only work when someone is reasonably knowledgeable, you cant change a closed mind.
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3 days ago
avatar for basedtexafornian
What i have been noticing about clubs
The timing couldn’t be worse to open any service or labor intensive business.
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3 days ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Miami 2AMer
^ especially in that club
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3 days ago
avatar for drewcareypnw
not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
Mass Deportations: what will the impact be?
@RD That’s just for starters, probably would have to pay laborers on the construction sites I ran in excess of $30. hourly, dinner in a mid grade restaurant would probably triple, he ain’t gonna be deporting a quarter of what he’s claiming, my guess is he rounds up a bunch of illegals with felony records then just like Bush2 he declares mission accomplished and moves on to some other shiny object that grabs his attention.
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3 days ago
avatar for drewcareypnw
not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
Mass Deportations: what will the impact be?
My bet is if they really deport all of the illegal immigrants, every HOA in America would need raise their monthly assessments by 50% or more.
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4 days ago
avatar for twentyfive
Living well and enjoying my retirement
I hope Trump is successful, and so should each and every one of you
^ @motorhead That’s so true, I’ve said that myself many times over the years, we need just the news to be reported, but the news reporting no longer exists it’s just commentary, no matter what channels are being broadcast.
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4 days ago
avatar for twentyfive
Living well and enjoying my retirement
I hope Trump is successful, and so should each and every one of you
@ mister orange I thought Ivanka looked lovely Melania looked stupid with that parsons hat