
What i have been noticing about clubs

Avatar for basedtexafornian

I have been going to clubs for many years and ever since post pandemic came along, all the dancers are becoming robs. They think that you have to extract unreasonable amounts of money from customers and be incredibly greedy while delivering insanely little. I used to go to a lot of clubs in So Cal and am currently living in Texas.

I remember at the clubs, I would used to get good dances even in the lap area where dancers literally gave HJs and moaned in your ear and it was just in the 3 for 1 lap area. Now all the dancers are asking 300-400 dollars and are being total robs and they are being picky with the customers they like.

There needs to be clubs where dancers know their place, they are not being greedy, and they give the best service possible even if customers don't spend too much! Is there any way where I can find networks to start a club where I can get investors to launch a club where dancers are NOT greedy and provide UHM services that beats all clubs and promotes a culture of less greed.

What do you guys think and do you guys seriously want to invest?


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Avatar for dogchain

I will be your first customer.

Avatar for PAWG_Patrol

Out west it's getting really bad with the $40/dance or 3/$100 bullshit. But here in the southeast I'm still getting handys for LD cost no extra charge.

In my experience, dancers in larger cities have been more desperate lately. Probably because of high rent costs. NYC, ATL, Orlando, Vegas. Some terrible ROBs in all those places. Meanwhile smaller towns in GA and FL have been treating me right. Only bigger city that's an exception is JAX, where the dancers are as affordable and high mileage as ever 😂

Avatar for Iknowbetter

The thought of opening your own strip club is a fun thing to think about, but unless you have experience with the industry, it’s better left as a fantasy. If you were to open a club like you described, your customers would love it, but it would probably not be a successful business model.

Avatar for skibum609

I know of 2 people with fast food ownership experience (more than 20 locations) who believed their skills would transfer to a bar/restaurant. Oops.

Avatar for twentyfive

The timing couldn’t be worse to open any service or labor intensive business.

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

If you want a club full of non-greedy strippers, I suggest you invest in sexbot technology. Strippers wanna make as much as they can. mongers wanna bust while spending as little as possible.

Avatar for Someguyontheinternet

In a perfect world dancers would be highly motivated to deliver good service and they would also be compensated handsomely for their efforts. Dancers who give lousy service would flounder and eventually I’ve on to different ventures. Basically a carrot and stick mechanism that is effective. Of course this is an idealized fantasy world.

There has been a noticeable shift since the pandemic and the overall caliber of girls has declined significantly. I do my part by being very discerning with my money. Girls who are beautiful and give good dances reap a monetary reward. If I sniff out that a girl is ROB I eject immediately and cut my losses.

Avatar for Manuellabore

Why does OP hate capitalism? The law of supply and demand and The Invisible Hand of the Marketplace (which also won't give you a HJ for free) are The American Way. This isn't a charity operation. Dancers demand what they can get. How can you blame them?
Anyway, it is basically impossible for club ownership/management to regulate how much in tips dancers are charging for services that management supposedly doesn't know about anything. They could theoretically impose minimum quotas in club fees that the dancers are required to generate (for all I know, some clubs may try to do that), on the theory that dancers who demand too much in tips won't get many dances. But, that's probably a lousy theory. Anyway, it seems like a counterproductive approach. Even if a hot dancer just sits and scrolls on her phone when she isn't on stage, it costs the club essentially nothing to keep her around and she's good eye candy

Avatar for dannyboy3

The invisible hand gave me a good discount though

Avatar for Someguyontheinternet

Capitalism allows girls to set their own prices and men are free to pay that price or say “no thanks” and find a different girl or forego strip clubs altogether. My main gripe these days is that the price of everything strip club related has gone up and the overall quality has gone down. In other words you pay more for less. In economic terms we call that inflation or shrinkflation. I guess since this is a strip club forum we would call that hoeflation. Before the pandemic I was much more liberal with my cash and would spend money on a wider group of Women, because based on the law of averages I was generally getting a decent return on my investment. Post pandemic after getting burned many times and spending more for less I have become much more tight fisted with my cash and really take the time to do my due diligence.

Markets can stay irrational for a while but eventually the bubble pops. PLs could pull back on their spending if they aren’t satisfied and more girls could potentially enter the trade upending market dynamics.

I am not holding my breath. The one things I have gotten good at it is being patient and saying “no thanks”.

Avatar for whodey

So the OP wants people to invest in a club where the girls "know their place" and will commit criminal acts of prostitution for below market pay. Is it just me or does it sound like basedtexafornian is trying to start a human trafficking ring?

Avatar for basedtexafornian

@whodey: The reason is that I had a rob experience where a dancer gave me an air dance and asked me for a tip ahead of time even before the dance. The dance was literally low effort. At least for the bare minimum i want to walk out of a dance where the dancer grinds on my lap and maybe breathes "oh yeah" in the air. I remember I used to get UHM dances a lot with dancers up till 2021 era. If you want to get air dances and get robbed, then be my guest, Whodey!

Avatar for basedtexafornian

@Manuellabore: I got a dance with a girl that looked cute, but the issue was is she had terrible customer service. She literally asked for a fkn dog garn tip and said she only does VIPs. What happened was is she gave me a lap and i wanted a little bit contact and she gave me an attitude. If you do air dances, then don't work at clubs period. Btw, I am not a far left liberal, I am just saying the quality of dancers are going down. I dgaf about looks, I will pick a 55 year old MILF that offers tons of extras over a 10/10 30 something babe close to my age that doesn't rob.

Avatar for basedtexafornian

@Manuellabore: I don't have free markets, I am just hating dancers that rob customers. Don't ask tons of money and provide low quality service. That will cause clubs to close.

Avatar for basedtexafornian

@Manuellabore: I also don't hate free markets, I am just critical of how much dancers who provide lousy bs service. Working at clubs isn't about being robs and extracting as much money from customers for little service, it is about treating the customer right and leaving them happy, you dweeb. Customer Service is dying at clubs. Only decent clubs left in So Cal is Tropical Lei and Paradise.

Avatar for basedtexafornian

@Someguyontheinternet: I am at a point at giving on going to clubs. I am also going to be picky about who i get my dances with. For some reason, the MILF/Cougar types of dancers are more corteous and tend to rob less. They will sit with you, talk and say hello, have nice communication with you, and they provide good service. That is why when i go to clubs, I have a very select few dancers i choose getting dances with and I know who I want so much to the point girls ask me "are you looking for someone." I will get a dance from a moderately fit 50+ year old female that is UHM over a 30 something gal my age with a super fit body.

Avatar for skibum609

^They're both too old lol.

Avatar for basedtexafornian

@PuddyTat: I am not generalizing dude, I still have decent experiences here and there. I am just traumatized from a rob i dealt with months back!

Avatar for rickdugan

It's just supply and demand dude. There's a lot of new money pouring into Texas. This accelerated during the pandemic and has continued since, for a lot of reasons. More money chasing a limited supply of dancers = higher prices.

We're experiencing something similar here in FL. It is what it is. If you can't afford the freight, then find another form of entertainment.

Avatar for Muddy

There's a lot of guys out there, who must take a lot of bullshit. You could see how some of these dancers talk, that they just get whatever the fuck they want. Most important in word in strip clubs: NO. Learn the word, NO. Use it.

Avatar for Icey

What im noticing is Cubans doing more pickpocketing than dancing.

Most girls follow the clubs listed pricing. They only try to rip off guys who come across as marks

Avatar for basedtexafornian

But in other words folks, if you don't deliver in the lap area, you don't deliver in the VIP, this is what I learned.

Avatar for basedtexafornian

@Muddy: The girls that are robs don't even look at me. Some of the dancers they give at certain clubs dress like literal gangbangers lmao. I dress like a dude who goes to Zumiez lmao. But when I go to clubs I like and meet with dancers I know, that is when i feel most comfortable.

Avatar for basedtexafornian

I still get decent dances but the mileages need improvement!

Avatar for Icey

Basedtexafornian. If they think youre a square, not a local or naive they'll try to scam you. These girls are hustlers. All they respect os a hustle. Post covid everything changed too much. Nowadays clubs attract the worst most desperate elements and theyre ruthless

Avatar for basedtexafornian

@Icey: Most girls are just about hustle, hustle, hustle and little in return. But to be honest, I assume that most girls are going to be able to provide reasonable levels of service but in reality i got fooled a few months back. I wish I should have yelled at the dancers face and called her out.

Avatar for basedtexafornian

@Icey: But I know there are two particular clubs I like in the state I grew up in. I don't trust other clubs because I am afraid of robs. I know what kinds of dancers that are "not" robs (girls who usually sit with you, communicate in a sensual manner, and not rush you for laps or push VIPs). If dancers are obsessing with hustle and provide no service, then clubs will go bankrupt.

Avatar for Icey

Basedtexafornian clubs wont go bankrupt. Theyll just hire as many girls as they can. House fees, drinks, cover charges, drink promos and ads make them money. Plus money laundering I think, at least with independent clubs. It takes an extreme amount of incompetent management for a club to fail.

If a girl isnt selling dances or vip and a guy isnt tipping enough. She wont stick around. She doesnt get anything out of it. Shes there to make money.

Avatar for Assmanjoe

if a dancer asks for a tip upfront, cancel the dance and throw her $3-4 for her time and tell her to leave you alone. Biggest red flag there is dude.
If YOU volunteer a pre-tip as a motivator and based on good instinct or past experience that can work for better results.
If SHE asks, or worse, demands a tip be handed over before a lap dance or vip abort mission - every time - and move on.

Avatar for Assmanjoe

As to the overall point about shrinkflation in strip clubs or "hoeflation" yes it is real and is a problem but more so at particular clubs. Hoeflation seems to be evening out recently - many deals were found last year - while some old haunts got booted from the list permanently. Im speaking from my local experience in NJ but it seems its a bigger problem at higher end clubs (who probably have higher overhead) and at peak times or peak geographic locations (not unusal either, its just gotten out of control at places like that). Smaller, more locally oriented, more laid back clubs still have girls giving solid LDs for $20 with varying mileage and extras. If you go to a club in 2024 that views itself as "high end" and is on a highway bringing customers in from a wide area or is tourism based, its probably going to suck and feel like a ripoff when 5 years ago that same club may have been a good experience. Its the same dynamic as at the grocery store.
The inflation curve since 2020 has largely evened out at this point or plateu-ed but we're stuck at ~25% higher prices for damn near everything compared to 2019-early 2020. Strip clubs and strip club services reflect all of the macro forces at play.

Avatar for basedtexafornian

@Assmanjoe: I think the key issue is that I usually like to go to clubs usually at the wee early hours of the day and the dancers I have seen are more on the MILFy and/or friendly end. When I get dances with MILFs and cougars (women around their 40s and above), they truly understand the importance of taking their customers and they truly respecting the guys that walk in. They sit down and have conversation with you, they are flirtacious and sensual while they are sitting with you, and they truly please you when giving laps. I have good memories of the cougars i got laps with pre-pandemic, specifically this one dancer i knew from Tropical Lei in Upland, Cali too!

Avatar for basedtexafornian

@Assmanjoe: But yeah, I am super picky with the dancers I end up getting and from now on, I will try to make sure I really vet girls heavily. Just because certain girls look good doesn't mean they provide good service. If you say "I only do VIPs", that means your a ROB

Avatar for basedtexafornian

@Icey: I see, but luckily, there are still a select very few dancers I like and I trust. Most I cannot trust because of their rob like nature and hustle nature, over providing good value. If you provide good value (like at least getting your body more closer to the customer and maybe doing a little "oh yeah" moaning in ear a bit), then you will get more customers. If you rob, then no guys will get dances from you.

Avatar for basedtexafornian

@Icey: I think some clubs go for the gangbanger dressed type of dudes. I dress like I buy all my shit at Zumiez. So it varies.

Avatar for Icey

Basedtexafornian. If youre just trying to be her regular it doesnt matter. Your money does.

I dont think youre describing robbing. Theyre not deceiving you. Just not waisting their time. Which I understand.

If you want more with them. Be what they like. Have things in common. Form a real connection. Otherwise you just get a gfe which can be more deceptive if you misinterpret anything

Avatar for basedtexafornian

I am at a point where I am planning to phase out of going to clubs anyways.

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

An ROB isn't someone who charges a lot, it's someone who lies about what they'll deliver for a given price.

Dances and especially extras have gotten more expensive. I can afford it, but it costs well more than it's worth to me.

But more than that, the clubs around me are trending downwards, I'm bored of P4P in general, and between all the other good shit I have going on in my life, I don't have time to club.

I don't see myself clubbing for awhile unless my good friend I always club with is in town (or I'm visiting him).

Avatar for Icey

Gordieboy. I completely disagree. Women were very easy during covid and shortly after. Now. Sex is easy to get. But hook up culture made anything more than that hard to find.

Dancers are desperate and hustle because they need money. Its pretty straight forward.

Avatar for Icey

I agree with puddytat. Clubbing isnt really worth it. My thing is the vibes are too different. Cubans and fentanyl....

Avatar for basedtexafornian

@GordieBoi: I am in my Early 30s myself and this generation (especially post pandemic) has faced a huge downfall since post pandemic and the dancer quality has been going downhill. Going to let's say Synn at the City of Industry has really completely killed my interested going to clubs. And to all the people who justify air dances in this place and dumber than rocks.

Avatar for basedtexafornian

@Icey: You are right about that too, many of our politicians obsess about giving massive amounts of money, especially to two particular countries and it is causing inflation to go sky high. That can be a factor. I remember getting HJs in the Back and BJs in the back (even people licking on my nipples in the area). There was this cougar back in the days at Tropical Lei Upland named Gina, she was amazing in the lap dance area! But I am done tbh.

Avatar for basedtexafornian

@Icey: I thought the Latinas who are fresh off the boats were usually freaks in the lap area, due to my past experiences. But I guess I was wrong.

Avatar for basedtexafornian

@Puddy Tat: Yeah I am over going to clubs. Too many robs and too many bsers at this point.

Avatar for basedtexafornian

@Puddy Tat: I will only have a very select few people i will talk to and get dances with!

Avatar for basedtexafornian

Hopefully the old days come back come back from 10-15 years ago, if not better. Hence why I am seriously considering thinking, how can one get investment money to start a club and figure out a way to promote the creation of a club that will bring back the golden age of clubs?

Avatar for basedtexafornian

(And too all my politically correct snowflakes, please buzz off!)

Avatar for Icey

Basedtexafornian clubs aren't that different in terms of what girls do.

Avatar for basedtexafornian

@Icey: And I agree with you on that 100 percent. Some clubs emphasize that their dancers can rob their customers as much as they want and provide little or no service, then that will make customers run away. That is why I started enjoying going to COI clubs back in those days. But now I don't trust clubs that much for mileage.

Avatar for basedtexafornian

@Icey: This is why even though my proposal may sound delusional, building a super UHM club is definitely something in the works!

Avatar for Icey

Basedtexafornian..... Clubs not being whorehouses isnt robbing. Youre just trolling at this point. You sound like caca plop

Avatar for basedtexafornian

@Icey: But i miss the golden era of clubs 10-15 years ago. I am not saying that I want to turn clubs into legal brothels either.

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