I hope Trump is successful, and so should each and every one of you

avatar for twentyfive


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avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
My question is what will a successful Trump presidency look like, and what accomplishments will he need to meet your definition of success ?
avatar for motorhead
a month ago
Well said. Thank you sir. We can all disagree on politics but in the long run we have to accept what it is and work together for a great nation. Divisiveness gets us no where.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
Success: 1/2 of all here illegally are gone in 4 years; immigrants all must pass through the system and have a financial sponsor; inflation moderates to under 3%; the market has ups and downs but at no ppoint corrects over 25%; China does not invade Taiwan; North Korea nukes no one; Iran is further isolated; war in the middle east remains on simmer, but no major flareups. Oh yeah, now for the most realistic and possible: Trump chooses me as USA envoy to the U.N. and I get free parking and hookers like the rest of the UN in NYC.
avatar for nemesisk7
a month ago
He wont .
avatar for dustyj
a month ago
Trump could absolutely care less about anyone but himself. He's incapable of compassion or understanding or empathy. He's lied, cheated and stolen his way through his entire life. He's a business fraud who doesn't pay anyone. His message is hate for anyone who isn't a straight white male and he's never accepted responsibility or admitted to being wrong about anything ever. His staff will be a bunch of billionaires who will take from the poor to make the billionaires richer. Great guy!
avatar for dustyj
a month ago
Trump does want to dismantle the Department of Education and since the 10 least educated state and poverty stricken states all vote red every year. He realizes that the less educated you are the easier you are to manipulate into voting against your own in interests.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ LOL, yeah, because throwing money at the education system--and the very existence of the DoE--has improved outcomes so much. Where did we rank in the world when the DoE was founded and where are we now?

About the logic I'd expect from the one who kept saying Trump wouldn't clear 200 EVs because aBOrtIoN.

Hey, what happened to our $10,000 bet that porn and strip clubs will be illegal, scooter? You seemed to sure, why don't you take the bet?
avatar for rattdog
a month ago
put trump to the test below.

several weeks ago i heard something about pre-emptive pardons being brought up. "what?" was my immediate reaction. is this something that was made up, or is it actually one of those laws that actually exists that the majority of the people are not aware of? don't you have to be charged, and eventually convicted, and served some prison time before getting pardoned?

so if a high leveled gov't official is rumored to say be, for example an executioner, that person will not face consequences if the weapon(s) are found with prints all over? or hell even video footage of an actual execution? someone help me make sense of this shit.

so let's see how trump does with this test. his reactions will more than indicate whether or not he's full of shit or not regarding overall well being of the american people.
avatar for dustyj
a month ago
Total oligarchy here we come! Trump will be great for the billionaires but for the poor and middle class, not so much.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
@rattdog - Biden just pre-emptively pardoned Milley, Fauci, and the J6 committee, as well as Hunter...for crimes they DEFINITELY did not commit. Lulz.

@25 - successful to me would look like most of the following (and yes some of these are going to be partisan, and I acknowledge that I'm more likely to end tonight with my dick in Nicki Minaj's ass than much of this is to happen):

1. Deficit brought down below the greater of the level of inflation or 2%.
2. Inflation to 2% and unemployment below 4%
3. Reinstitution of Remain in Mexico, reduce the number of border gotaways to pre-Biden levels, deportation of any illegal committing a felony or who no-showed a hearing, with enforcement of legal status at the employer level as well. Extra credit for a merit-based immigration policy and reinterpretation of the 14th amendment not to include birthright citizenship
4. China, Russia, North Korea, Iran deterred from more offensive wars, Iran does not get the bomb.
5. Democratic rollbacks of the Bill of Rights, such as censorship bureaus, strongarming social media, different thresholds of prosecution for liberals and conservatives, are undone. Extra credit if hearings expose them to the world.
6. DEI purged from the government, including the military, not just in name but any DEI-like function.
7. Meaningful reduction in government headcount without loss of _essential_ functions (I acknowledge there will be disagreement here on what is essential, but that is what gets us to the deficit mark above)
8. Reasonable settlements in Gaza and Ukraine, including a return of hostages and a strong deterrent against another invasion.
9. Expedited onshoring/"friendshoring" of key manufacturing like semiconductors.
10. Complete ban on porn and strip clubs, so @dustyj can win the $10,000 bet he won't make with me, because Trump will make him so poor and miserable that he'll need the money, and actual _men_ who can thrive under either president can show off our generosity.

That's just off the top of my head. If I had an agenda to go down, even more.

Some things I'd like to see like meaningful education reform and affordable housing are more local issues. Some things like meaningful healthcare reform are so far beyond anyone's capabilities that I won't even bother.
avatar for Mate27
a month ago
As done in his first term, as long as he can extend the TJCA enacted in 2017, it will be a success. I believe there’s bipartisan support for it, and this would mean that the American people will be successful as long as he stays out of the will of the people.

Tarrifs are going to be his tool to help pay for this extension. There is no free lunch.
avatar for misterorange
a month ago
This is what a successful Trump presidency will look like:

avatar for skibum609
a month ago
The United States was leading the world in education until the early 60s when the Department of Education was created. We have fallen like a stone since then. The idiocy of the left is epitomized here by their ignorance about history. Look it up on Snopes. We have fallen from #1 to #24 since then. Way to go DUSTYJ - typical progressive. Foolish, ignorant and so fucking sure he's right.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
I have complete faith that with Republican control of both Houses of Congress, the White House, the Supreme Court, and majorities of State Assemblies and Governors that we are in for an American Renaissance not seen since the first Reagan administration.
avatar for caseyx
a month ago
I have complete confidence that Republicans will disappoint me even with that control. For all the talk of landslides and mandates the margins in Congress are small and they include politicians who aren't really on board with the program. That said, I expect the performance of government to be much, much better than under the previous administration. But that's a very low bar for someone with a conservative PoV.
avatar for Mate27
a month ago
I have complete faith in the system backed by all the hard working members in congress which we rarely hear about due to all the loud mouth self promoting extremists on the left and right. We have no choice, because our president is the only person I know who has bankrupted a casino! I guess this is an example of been there done that.
avatar for wld4tatas
a month ago
> inflation moderates to under 3%

Being a low information voter, skibum probably doesn't realize that inflation is already below 3% since July, under Biden.
avatar for wld4tatas
a month ago
>I have complete faith that with Republican control of both Houses of Congress, the White House, the Supreme Court, and majorities of State Assemblies and Governors that we are in for an American Renaissance not seen since the first Reagan administration.

avatar for skibum609
a month ago
Inflation is a long term issue and the fact it's down for 5 months after being up for 43 makes stupid people happy, but not the rest of us. Go fuck yourself stupid.
avatar for Mate27
a month ago
Considering any intelligent person understands that inflation is a lagging effect from previous economic policies, thank you Trump for ushering in the highest inflation rates in over 40 years. If you think it was solely Biden’s fault, you’re an uneducated person.

“Glory, Glory, Hallelujah! His lies are marching on!!”
avatar for Mate27
a month ago
Mmmm yeah….I’m gonna have to ask you to come in on Sunday, too.
avatar for ATACdawg
a month ago
I HOPE that Trump will be an effective, empathetic leader this time around.

Do I think that he will be? Sorry, no.😪
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
wld, mate, ATAC...lib cope squad in the HIZZOUSE!!!
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
Every economist warned against Biden pumping more money into the economy and yet stupid did it anyway. Inflation us 100% on the democrats. America knows it. Americans know it. Progressives do not, because it's all on them.
avatar for Mate27
a month ago
That’s funny, since I’ve stayed dozens of times I’m a registered Republican who voted for trump twice. But I guess if we’re not on your maga team, your labeled a liberal. SMH
avatar for Mate27
a month ago
Again, back to the educated person mantra, versus “his lies are marching on!”
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
^^ No matter what you say I don't believe it. The idea you're a republican is as believable as the idea Biden is a charter member of Mensa.
avatar for drewcareypnw
a month ago
^ski: if mate knows anything, it’s probably about this subject.
avatar for drewcareypnw
a month ago

5. Democratic rollbacks of the Bill of Rights, such as censorship bureaus, strongarming social media, different thresholds of prosecution for liberals and conservatives, are undone. Extra credit if hearings expose them to the world.

…tell me more about this. I don’t understand how “ different thresholds of prosecution for liberals and conservatives” is something that could be changed by a “rollback of the bill of rights”. Serious question.
avatar for ClubFan81077
a month ago
@25 @motorhead

Well said to both of you. I’m not a liberal. I’m not a conservative. I’m not easily defined with any label other than the obvious one—human. Regardless of what party is in charge, my only hope is that they do the best possible job for all of us.

@25 Not to dodge your actual question about how one might measure success, but my answer would be so complicated that it would be impractical to even try to summarize it. The world has always presented challenges for humanity, and some are obviously more daunting than others. I hope that humanity is ready and able to meet the current challenges. I wish our new president well. I wish our new congress well. I wish everyone in this thread, and everywhere else, lots of happiness and prosperity.
avatar for mogul1985
a month ago
@dustyj "Total oligarchy here we come! Trump will be great for the billionaires but for the poor and middle class, not so much."

You also probably think Harris' lost/resounding defeat was a "win" due to GOP voter fraud. Right?

These "oligarchs" took marching orders from 12 years of the Obama WH - v1 and v2. Zuckerberg even said the WH would call FB/Meta, yell and cuss at his people to do what they said to do to ghost and block free speech. Same happened to Twitter. Zuckerbucks to the tune of $400M were used to help get Biden elected, and the Dems are mad about Dark Money - tell me about "Global Open Borders" Soros.

Our bureaucracies, The Deep State, is modeled (I blame all in Congress for allowing this to metastasize for 50 years) after the USSR's Nomenklatura, their bureaucracies/Deep State for and Eastern Bloc satellite countries who held administrative positions running: government, industry, agriculture, education, energy, education, media, etc.

The IRS documented the 2017 Trump Tax Cuts helped the Lower and Middle Class more than the Upper Class. While taxes were cut, Federal revenue grew 49% of the past 6 years, only Gov't spent like a drunken sailor on shore leave and ignored the future of Medicare & SS. The wealthy will always have a team of tax lawyers and CPAs to find tax doges that 99% population don't have access to or the ability to use. Try to remember who hires people, and that gov't employees depend on taxpayers paying taxes to cover those rapidly expanding gov't jobs. The only reason monthly hiring numbers look good are the 10s of 1,000s hires for gov't jobs each month while our manufacturing jobs have been in decline the past 3 years and a lot of IT tech has moved offshore to India and taken by low wage H-1B.

Least we forget how AOC drove Amazon from building a corporate office in Queens to hire 50,000 good paying jobs that would have paid federal, state, and city income taxes, and not to mention the economic windfall that would occur. And sure, NYS offered up several Billions in corp tax breaks to Amazon that would be off-set in a few years from economic expansion and wages. This is done all the time. Everyone benefits.
avatar for wld4tatas
a month ago
Inflation was mostly driven by supply vs. demand imbalances and supply chain issues stemming from Covid. Stimulus spending was a minor factor, a study by the St. Louis Fed estimated it contributed 2.6% to overall inflation.

Only a low information voter would think it was 100% because of Dems.
avatar for mogul1985
a month ago
Clearly, Biden was a dumpster fire after 4 years. Trump's first 4 years, 2020 has to be with an asterisk, were good even with all the MSM and Dem hate. It's fair today to speculate the 2020 election was problematic: new mail in ballots that overrode state legislation, Harris had 6 million fewer votes than Biden yet Trump's 77M were in the nominal rage after 4 years, and no reasonable explanation why total votes cast are lower for Dems than in 2020. Plus, the majority House Dems voted against Voter ID, and the Dems who voted for it are in razor tight races in 2026.

Let's see what Trump & a GOP Congress does over the next 4 years.
avatar for misterorange
a month ago
Let me be the first to express my disappointment with the First Lady's inaugural fasion choice. Jeez, I hope she changes before the evening parties.

She looks like she thought old Joe would drop dead and wanted to be ready for the funeral. And WTF with that hat? She's so beautiful, but I haven't seen her face at all.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
"…tell me more about this. I don’t understand how “ different thresholds of prosecution for liberals and conservatives” is something that could be changed by a “rollback of the bill of rights”."

More indirectly. Watching Traditional Latin Mass Catholics as potential terrorists. Going after grandmas who got a foot too close to an abortion clinic for double digits, while not going after Antifa types who firebombed crisis pregnancy centers on the shitty excuse that "it was too dark."

I'm neither Catholic nor pro-life but that frightens me.
avatar for mogul1985
a month ago
Inflation wasn't just about "Stimulus Spending." it was about increasing all federal spending by more than 50% the past 4 years. Where are all those EV chargers and Internet access to rural communities? For Internet, all that was needed was StarLink. 5 miles from my house in eastern El Paso County Colorado there are literally 100s of fibre optic conduit (the orange and blue) spools that have been sitting out here since that act was passed the past few years. The DEI and Union "fine print" is holding it up as in many places those can't be met due to population demographics. StarLink needed NONE of that.

Progressives and DJT haters have to carefully select and promote key sound bites, like "The good people in Charleston" or "Golden Showers" with Russia Russia Russia, and the 100% lie and propaganda that Adam Schiff had on Trump during Impeachment that never was presented, plus Schiff got a good woody when he thought he was getting solid dirt on Trump when he was so punked. And now he is a Senator - good job Dem CA voters.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
@mogul - the left contorts itself into justifying its deficit spending, but according to their own hero Keynes, spending during a deflationary shock (like Trump did) is good to compensate for a loss in aggregate demand, and spending during inflation (like after Trump's bills passed and the money was designated) will cause more inflation. Supply chain? Hmm, who was in office when that was fucked up? Oh yeah, Biden, with his point man Mayor Pete taking 2 months off to adopt.

Congress' rural broadband vs StarLink is like NASA vs Space X. Another object example of why we'd have to be on LSD to think giving _more_ power to the government is wise. DEI and Union mandates are a lot of it, Ezra Klein had good things to say there.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
@misterorange: agreed. She's as gorgeous as ever, but that hat was an awkward choice for an indoors ceremony.

I am very hopeful after President Trump's inaugural speech. His vision and agenda are precisely what America voted for in November. An end to the culture war, and end to the political divisiveness, an end to lawfare, restoration of rights, equality, and prosperity.

In short, yes, everyone should hope that Trump is successful and Republicans maintain a majority in government for as long as it takes for the democrat party to come back to its senses.
avatar for wld4tatas
a month ago
To the thread topic: I hope America is successful.

I think that's what 25 means. But hoping for Trump to be successful is not how I would word it. Trump has policy, style and character issues that have and can again work against America being successful. There's an important distinction.

We will all have different criteria for success. A few of mine would be:

1. We demonstrate strength, leadership, and support for democracy and our allies by contributing to a surge in NATO support for Ukraine to defeat Russia.

2. We sustain and improve on the economic recovery under Biden. We do this in a way that benefits mostly the middle class, not the wealthy.

3. We get the border more in control.

4. The Democrat party moves more to the middle, marginalizing the gender activists, with new strong leadership.

5. The Republican party moves more to the middle, marginalizing MAGA, and further exposing Trump as a con artist looking to enrich his family and friends with his bitcoin agenda.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
For me, indicia of success include:

1. An economy that grows naturally under its own strength rather than an inflationary sugar high brought on by massive and unsustainable government spending.

2. Reigning in rule by bureaucracy. The SC already helped the cause, but more needs to be done regarding existing rules.

3. An end to the ESG and DEI lunacy that the federal government supported in too many ways to easily list. It's time for common sense to have a turn. For example, don't try to force us off of fossil fuels before we actually have realistic replacements FFS or soon we will look like Germany or even California. And yes let's keep boys out of girl's locker rooms and playing fields.

I could list plenty of other things on my wishlist, but these alone would be enough.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
I will translate wld4testes liberalspeak into plain English:

1) wld4cock want to continue throwing away American tax dollars and badly needed armaments to a corrupt former Soviet state that has been ineligible to join NATO for decades because of that same corruption, for no good reason other than that is the stated position of the DNC

2)wld4manass is desperate to continue to pretend that Biden's economic record is anything but the worst of any president in history, and cannot accept the widely known facts that Biden/Harris supported the elite at the expense of the middle class

3)wld4semen wants to control the border by defunding and dismantling the ICE and CBP

4) wld4bottom knows that the only way to stop the DNC from hemorrhaging seats is to dump the lunatic liberal fringe and move right

5) wld2swallow knows that the only way the GOP can fail is if they move left and abandon MAGA. He also desperate to cling to the MSM lie that Trump is not in this for America. Right, and Biden/Clinton/Harris/Obama were altruists. Dumbass.
avatar for boomer79
a month ago
I hope America is successful. If that’s what you mean I agree but I think Trump being successful implementing his agenda would be disastrous for America.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
LOL. Is winning in Ukraine doable with throwing enough money? They're running out of soldiers, and half the country has left. Kicking Russia out, yeah, how many American boys are you going to put on the ground to do so? Because that's what it'll come down to.

Not sure how moving either party in one direction is a marker of an administration's success. For Trump to marginalize Trump would be a success? Did that make sense in your head, @wld4tatas?

@rickdugan raises a good one on removing all the green mandates. Dems would give Hamas $5 trillion no questions asked if they said they'd use it to fight climate change. So many of Biden's infrastructure projects got fucked because they have to do disparate impact statements if so much as a dragonfly gets moved out of its habitat, divert a high % of work to unions and Democrat-client-group-led firms.

Read Joe Klein here. This is why the government, Dem or GOP, has become a fucking joke (but more the Dems because they preach the power of government).
Because the government asks for more money and shows no ROI (look at schools)
Because California couldn't build a dam in 10 years due to all the enviro red tape
Because public sector unions, Dems' most loyal constituency, fuck We The People in Ours The Ass at every opportunity.


That's why, like @wld4tatas, all the left can give us now are platitudes and cope.
avatar for JamesSD
a month ago
I'll be thrilled if he can somehow help control inflation, raise wages, reduce housing and medical care costs, drive Putin out of Ukraine, broker peace in the Middle East and out maneuver China on trade internationally.

I'm concerned based on his rhetoric that none of these are high priority goals for him. I'm very concerned what he would call success is not what most people who voted for him would call success.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
@JamesSD - listen to what he is saying today. He is laying out an agenda which is what he campaigned on, which is what we voted for. You didn't vote for him. You don't have any credibility in attempting to gauge his success. Neither does 25iq. This thread is just his limp-dicked virtue signaling to deny that he was way wrong on everything about the 2024 elections, as he is always wrong about everything. 25iq is the Brandon of TUSCL.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ @25 hasn't commented beyond his initial post.

But it is funny to watch the lib cope squad rage-jacking their tiny little puds to everything Trump says or does. We've got 4 years of this to look forward to.
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
That’s what I was waiting for. Doesn’t matter the topic, I knew that the stupid just couldn’t handle his own nonsense.
Your comment was expected and, it’s obvious to anyone here that you’re just a sad little person with an enormous inferiority complex.
Fuckn pathetic weirdo.
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
@puddy tat
You claim to be intelligent and open minded well you’ve demonstrated neither all you do is blather grievance over and over. You don’t sound like your side just won an election, you sound like a loser, like the dog that kept chasing the car, now that you’ve caught the car what are you going to do with it.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ Hmm, what did I just say about the lib cope squad?
Don't care what you think I sound like. You haven't shown enough facts, logic, or brains to earn my respect.

4 more years of your sour grapes...
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
What sour grapes, you’re talking out of your ass.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ All your impotent flailing.
"Living well and enjoying my retirement"
Should read
"A day without a TUSCL fight is like a day without sunshine."
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
What fight did I pick ?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ Couldn't keep my name out your mouth.
Whatever you gotta do to entertain yourself, gramps.
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
so responding to your post referring specifically to me is not allowed but you can put out insults as you see fit
How about you keep my name out of your mouth
Like I said you’re talking out of your ass
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ Read it again. I _defended_ you against what Gamma said.
Geez, gramps...
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
Then you commented about cope and seethe, are you saying that you didn’t include me in the lib squad?
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
BTW is Gramps supposed to be an insult too ?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ You aren't in the cope and seethe league of wld4tatas, jaybud999, or dustyj, but I guess if it hits you that hard, you must be.

"Gramps" is an allusion to your ornery, get-off-my-lawn energy and the high amount of mental capital you expend on personal fights and insults here.
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
Ah so you’re still looking to pick a fight, even though I gave you an off ramp
Have a nice evening sonny
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ touch grass
avatar for misterorange
a month ago
I wish Ivanka would have dressed sexier. Maybe tonight for the parties.
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
As usual the children always need to get in the last word
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
@ mister orange
I thought Ivanka looked lovely Melania looked stupid with that parsons hat
avatar for jaybud999
a month ago
Aaaahhhhh yyyeeeaahhhh! A shout out to me!
avatar for misterorange
a month ago
^ Parson's hat? See, I learned something new. Didn't know WHAT that was called! Lol
avatar for JamesSD
a month ago
Trump isn't going to last 4 years. He's got 2 in the tank max, but clearly Nazi Elon is already running the show
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
Nazis real name was The German Workers Socialist Party; the forerunner of today's Social Democrats.
avatar for motorhead
a month ago
I tried watching CNN because I didn’t want to hear the FOX News slant. My God, what hateful attitudes. The country really needs a channel that just reports the news
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
^ @motorhead
That’s so true, I’ve said that myself many times over the years, we need just the news to be reported, but the news reporting no longer exists it’s just commentary, no matter what channels are being broadcast.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
Remember that CNN tried to go straight by bringing in Chris Licht to steer the network into middle of the road, fact-based reporting, and the on-air newsroom lost their fucking minds. Just like the newspaper heads who quashed editorial endorsements and Zuck ending the employment of biased fact-checkers. The press literally does not want to report the facts. They want to engage in social engineering and influence elections in the same way that Putin does. They do not deserve our trust and confidence, and I am glad to read that they are panicking at having lost it. This is not schadenfreude, this is a reckoning.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
I agree that most press outlets are essentially useless from a real news perspective, painfully so I might add. For me this includes Fox, despite my right of center leanings.

This is why I subscribe to the Wall Street Journal and Financial Times. There is some bias with some of the reporters and columnists in this places as well, but between the two it's far easier to get the full picture.
avatar for shadowcat
a month ago
That's why I always get my new from TUSCL where I can count on factual unbiased reporting. And without commercials.
avatar for gobstopper007
a month ago
Honest question. When the tech companies were behind Biden in 2020 and taking marching orders from White House on censoring content why wasn’t it considered an oligarchy then?
avatar for Nickanme
a month ago
All the folks talking about the deficit, Inflation and Immigration rates do know that deficits have grown much faster under Republican Presidents than Dem ones (Trump's first term caused 25% of the current deficit by itself, while Biden's reduced it), border crossing rates are already at an all-time low (And the GOP opposed funding to improve legal immigration processes), and that inflation is back to normal (3%ish)? Not to mention all of the foreign policy stuff around being tough on China/Russia/North Korea is the opposite of what Trump did the first time around?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ Deficits - yes, we have, thankfully the GOP is no longer the party of foreign adventurism.

Border crossing rates have dropped after Biden intentionally opened the spigots for 3 years. Inflation, similar story, if Dems hadn't thrown more green nonsense spending into the economy and fucked up the port issue while Buttigieg was taking 2 months off to adopt a kid.
You're obviously dissembling, but you don't get credit for putting a fire out you created. (oops, sore topic, the way Dems fucked up Cali).

As for foreign policy, look at the position of the world, especially those 3 you mentioned + Iran, whose dicks the Democrats have sucked since 2008. Give me Trump's policy any day!

Anyways, welcome to the TUSCL Lib Cope Squad. Your binky and crying towel are in the mail.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
Let the liberal bitches whine and cry. Trump is President of the United States. Conservatives have a 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court of the United States with one liberal judge very likely to be replaced this term. Republicans have the Senate majority, the House majority, and pursuantly the Speaker's Gavel. We won, with a clean and unequivocal majority.

Your choices are:
A) Impotently cry and whine like children
B) Join the majority of Americans to enact this new agenda and make America great again

avatar for Mate27
a month ago
“We won, with a clean and unequivocal majority.”

When did Gamma become an elected official, with all this “we” shit? Do you say “we” when your favorite sports team wins, too?
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
Mateswithlittleboys chosen the option to impotently whine and cry. You're no better than 25iq. You only post to derail threads and feud with other members.

And yes, I did volunteer with the local RNC campaign office.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
Food is up 30% in 4 years; 60,000 dead in the Middle East; North Korea in the Ukraine; Inflation at 3%, despite being double figures previously, under Biden; China threatening the Philippines, Viet Nam and Taiwan; The Federal Deficit 40% higher under Biden at the end of 2024 than at the begining and sadly, utter failure is considered a success by progressives because they hate America. Luckily progressive women sell themselves cheaply.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
@skibum - don't forget Obama and Biden giving the Iranian mullahs rusty trombones. The world is less safe for having Democrats in office.
avatar for Mate27
a month ago
It’s so easy to see how you take everything personal, like in these comments. That’s what’s entertaining. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
^^^ & ^^ The democrats have made it very easy for the new government to look good after they created so many problems with simple solutions that they refused to implement, simply because they did not want to admit they were wrong by implementing these solutions.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
I remember the official vote tally in 2020, and understand the impacts of COVID, liberal riots, MSM lies, and election meddling by Twitter and Facebook as having hurt Trump's re-election campaign. I am having trouble remembering why the democrat party won the majority in House in the 2018 midterms. A repeat of that flip is the only thing that can jeopardize this.
avatar for jaybud999
a month ago
Hope you guys don't mind, I invited Enrique Tarrio to the site since he has internet access again. He told me he'd try, but needs to answer some questions from Tom Homan regarding his name.

He remains proud though.
avatar for wld4tatas
a month ago
The right wingers here sure spend a ton of time and effort trying to counter posts they deem as non-substantive coping and whining.
avatar for Grjax
a month ago
Golden bull run. Most Americans will be sidelined again due to hatred. Prosperity to all.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
25: Trump is a grifter.
Also 25: I hope Trump is successful.
25 hopes a grifter is successful.
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
^ says the result from a busted condom
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
The demented old man cannot defend his position, so he hurls stale insults. Predictable.
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
^ Don’t have any reason to defend my position against you, you just repeat the same old tired rhetoric and third grade insults just what we expect from a 12 year old like you.
Go fuck off punk
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
Big internet tough guy, cursing and name-calling from a keyboard; sad, bitter, fat old man who hides behind senior class protection laws in real life. We see you for the pathetic old fart you are.
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
^ Oh geez, idiots like you are so pathetic
You’d never talk like that to anyone in real life, you’re just another keyboard koward
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
The hypocrisy from a true keyboard coward. You really hate being forced to confront your true nature.
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
^ step off boy, we know your true nature, what are you going to do call me a porch monkey again.
avatar for nicespice
a month ago
Whelp. So the school nearby has a lot of students who are considered English Language Learners. Today was the day the standardized tests made specifically for them was supposed to be administered. The test is postponed because many students were absent today.

From the point of view of Trump’s goals, it looks like there is success alright.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
LoL. Watch your blood pressure gramps. Sad, lonely bitter old man with a chip on his shoulder. Trump is succeeding, and you're still a failure.
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
Your definition of success proves you’re just stupid
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