Mass Deportations: what will the impact be?

avatar for drewcareypnw
Since this is about to move from the rhetorical to the real, it is interesting to consider the impacts. My guess...

1. Lot of ruckus as bleeding heart types tie themselves to taco trucks or whatever meaningless drama displays. Sad talk and tsk tsk from the reanimated Maddow show. Gringos with nothing better to do stage feel-good protests and fight with cops, etc.

2. ICE runs short on budget... this is going to cost, and the money has to come from somewhere.

3. Detention centers fill up. Again a budget issue, but enterprising corporate prisons will probably find a way.

4. Repatriation costs climb. Sending these people home costs money too, there is also the question of whether their home countries want them.

5. Will there or won't there be a commensurate rise in the price of agricultural and meat packing goods, restaurant meals, construction, laundry services, etc. ? These are the traditional destinations for illegals, and the facile economic analysis suggests that this will cost the consumer. But who knows, we've never really tried it.

6. Will crime rates drop or stay the same? Different studies suggest different criminal profiles for illegal immigrants. I've certainly read some that suggest that they are less likely to offend, and I'm sure some of you have read something to the contrary. It's hard to imagine a minority of 3% o the population having a big impact.

7. Will there be some kind of new day in America? Will this change things materially for working class or any citizens?

8. What will stop them coming back? If we spend a bunch of coin to arrest, detain, house, and transport someone back home and they turn around and sneak back... that could get expensive.

TBH I could GAF about illegal immigrants getting kicked out of the USA. Lining up with foreign shivering masses is an arbitrary liberal sacred cow. I'm a lot more interested in the welfare of our *own* citizens, I'd like to see the least of us better paid, housed, fed, etc. before we start working on the considerable problems of the rest of the world.

Maybe Trump (Orange Turd) is on to something. My gut says is that he is not. It's easy to look at someone different and say "that's the problem". Actually improving the quality of life in America is going to be complicated, and a simple fix like "kick out all the illegals" isn't going to move the needle. Or if it does, it will move several needles: some good and some bad.


last comment
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
2. ICE runs short on budget... this is going to cost, and the money has to come from somewhere.

***That's where DOGE comes in.

3. Detention centers fill up. Again a budget issue, but enterprising corporate prisons will probably find a way.

***80/20 rule. Trump isn't going to sweep up every illegal as he finds them. Low-hanging fruit first.

4. Repatriation costs climb. Sending these people home costs money too, there is also the question of whether their home countries want them.

***Perhaps he can repurpose the budget for Biden/Mayorkas flying them all over the country. If I were Trump, I'd say if you don't accept them, we're going to tax remittances to your country 200%. They'll play ball right quickly.

5. Will there or won't there be a commensurate rise in the price of agricultural and meat packing goods, restaurant meals, construction, laundry services, etc. ? These are the traditional destinations for illegals, and the facile economic analysis suggests that this will cost the consumer. But who knows, we've never really tried it.

***Again, 80/20. Trump can go after the big corporations who employ them, but not every contractor scouring the Home Depot parking lot for day labor. If Trump _really_ wanted to send illegals home, he'd go after the employers.

6. Will crime rates drop or stay the same? Different studies suggest different criminal profiles for illegal immigrants. I've certainly read some that suggest that they are less likely to offend, and I'm sure some of you have read something to the contrary. It's hard to imagine a minority of 3% o the population having a big impact.

***He will prioritize nests of criminals and gangsters in cities like New York and Denver where they have taken hold. Crime will drop.

7. Will there be some kind of new day in America? Will this change things materially for working class or any citizens?

***Not right away. Deportations will take time, and it will take even more time to feel the impact. I don't think Trump will ever deport even half of them. Just the most problematic ones. The greatest impact, as with a lot of Trump's actions, will be an increase in social cohesion and a return to pride in America, as opposed to Democrats' groveling before effete Europeans and the Davos/Brussels crowd. Hopefully, we bolster this with a return to merit-based immigration, no chain migration, no birthright citizenship via a reinterpretation of the 14th amendment.

8. What will stop them coming back? If we spend a bunch of coin to arrest, detain, house, and transport someone back home and they turn around and sneak back... that could get expensive.

***Trump has always talked about countermeasures to keep them out. But not demoralizing and unjustly accusing the Border Patrol, funding it, and not rolling out the red carpet, is a great place to start.

TBH I could GAF about illegal immigrants getting kicked out of the USA. Lining up with foreign shivering masses is an arbitrary liberal sacred cow.

***Someone tell the libs that the poem on the Statue of Liberty was written in a different time, and was never signed into law.

I'm a lot more interested in the welfare of our *own* citizens, I'd like to see the least of us better paid, housed, fed, etc. before we start working on the considerable problems of the rest of the world.

***Yes. We cannot get rich by importing poverty (and terror) from all over the world. Half the libs here are incels who care more about cheap illegal Latin ass than the welfare of Americans. They should be laughed at, at every opportunity. You're starting to sound Republican. Progress! ;)

Actually improving the quality of life in America is going to be complicated, and a simple fix like "kick out all the illegals" isn't going to move the needle. Or if it does, it will move several needles: some good and some bad.

***"Kicking out all the illegals" is like "I'll end the Ukraine War within 24 hours." It's directional intent but highly exaggerated. I think Trump will deport the worst of them, reinstitute Remain In Mexico with some threats, fortify the border, and that's that. Until the next Democrat wants to import another 11 million illegals and register them to vote.
avatar for Mate27
2 months ago
All the fat ass obese white middle age guys will start to do their own yard work and lose some of their fat asses, because they’ll finally need to get off it!
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 months ago
@puddy: but what do YOU think will happen
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
^ 80/20 like I said. Go after criminals including no shows for hearings. Fortify the border. Declare victory.
avatar for twentyfive
2 months ago
I think the laws of unintended consequences are about to bite us all in the ass.

On a different note, I doubt Trump will ever go after the true cause of out of control border crossing, as the main culprit is the employers, and he along with his buddies, that will get the biggest tax breaks, are among the worst abusers of the system that employs illegal aliens.
(If they couldn't find sufficient work, they'd all self deport, and/or stop coming)
avatar for skibum609
2 months ago
Mate27 will miss the illegal alien tween males, but not any females. The main culprit in illegal immigration is the employers. just about the faggiest progressive statement ever made and a total lie.
avatar for gammanu95
2 months ago
1. Agreed. Idiot activists chaining themselves to taco trucks and migrant hotel doors does not concern me. There are more dangerous activists who will riot, loot, and use terrorism to prevent law enforcement and punish innocent people.

2. No, many millions of dollars will be saved when illegals are moved from hotels with SNAP cards, free everything, free spending cash, to criminal detention facilities where they await deportations

3. We can build new ones.

4. see #2

5. It is better to protect Americans' personal security and national security than to feed money to Cartels, Coyotes, identity thieves, dealers, and sex traffickers. The money saved from suuporting tens of millions of illegals can be fed back into the federal budget to lower taxes and enact inflation reducing measures to grow wages and increase employment opportunities for citizens and lawful workers.

6. Stupid question. Of course, crime will decrease. See #5

7. More jobs, less crime, lower taxes. Yes.

8. The same way Trump created the lowest rates of illegal immigration in his first term.
avatar for Mate27
2 months ago
My comment must have struck a chord real closely relatable to the fat ass SkiDumb.
avatar for twentyfive
2 months ago
As Samuel Clemens famously observed “Lawyers are like other people–fools on the average; but it is easier for an ass to succeed in that trade than any other.”
avatar for gammanu95
2 months ago
^Why is it that the one time you attribute a quote to the correct person, it is something off topic that does absolutely nothing to drive the discussion forward? A fun fact you clearly do not know: Samuel Clemens nom de plume is Mark Twain.
avatar for twentyfive
2 months ago
^ this one’s for you weirdo

“ Wise men speak when the have something to say, fools like you feel a need to say something when they don’t have anything else to offer. “

What a stupid little child you are.
avatar for rickthelion
2 months ago
This rick is just an internet lion. A handsome and well-dressed internet lion. But still an internet lion. Nevertheless, this internet lion knows two things:

First, the most 80’s thing that ever 80’ed is this: Rob Lowe made a yacht rock demo with the members of Toto while high on cocaine.

Second, the stupidest thing about an argument in TUSCL political thread in the history of TUSCL political threads is this: Gamma thinking he won an argument by stating that a Mark Twain quote should not be attributed Samuel Clemens despite acknowledging that Clemens’ pen name is (lemme check my lion-y notes) Mark Twain.

avatar for rickthelion
2 months ago
This rick is also going to go out on a limb and make a two predictions:

First, Gamma will praise every Trump’s every utterance as the most genius thing that ever geniused. He will do so in a way that makes it clear that he is jacking off while typing his praise of Trump. However, Gamma will be even angrier than he was during the Biden presidency for some inexplicable reason.

Second, Skifredo will just be really angry all of the time. He may confess to TUSCL that the only way he can get an erection is by staring at a photo of Hillary Clinton until he is completely enraged (and oddly turned on).

Anybody wanna bet against these lion-y predictions?

I didn’t think so…ROAR!!!
avatar for rickdugan
2 months ago
Rickthelion, let me ad a third prediction...

Third, a few drama queens on this board will continue to treat every Trump utterance as set in stone and engage in endless melodrama and doomsaying.

For example: "Since this is about to move from the rhetorical to the real..." LOL. No, it isn't, and anyone with a lick of sense knows this. They'll definitely go after the ones with criminal convictions and will no doubt engage in a few splashy raids, but they simply have no way to pull off mass deportations.

Seriously now. Even if they had even a fraction of the manpower, and they do not, how would you even track a lot of these people down? Many of them don't have their names on almost anything except for rental agreements that aren't public.
avatar for rickthelion
2 months ago
As usual, the dugan is right.

I don’t know exactly what is going to happen. But one thing this lion does know that we’re not going to gain insights from reading social media, listening to hyperbole, and posting 40-page essays on a site for demented perverts.

C’mon folks…embrace your inner pervert and have some frickin’ fun. ROAR!!!
avatar for CJKent_band
2 months ago

I will comment on your discussion:

“Let us all hope that the dark clouds of racial prejudice will soon pass away, and that in some not too distant tomorrow the radiant stars of love and brotherhood will shine over our great nation with all their scintillating beauty.”

~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
Adding a second prediction to RD's, the expectations, panic, and pearl-clutching done by leftists taking Trump's utterances completely out of context (largely due to deliberate media editing and mis-analysis) will slowly give way to those who voted for Kamala admitting that the results are good and things are improving. This is virtually assured as Republicans control the House, the Senate, the Presidency, and the Supreme Court. Normally, it would be dangerous to have a single party controlling all separate powers and having virtually no checks on them. However, this is the best possible outcome for the country at this time to have as much damage done by a corrupt and utterly incompetent democrat party repaired in as short a time as possible. The left on the media will whine and cry about Republicans having authority to enact any legislation they want, and leftists on here and elsewhere will mindlessly parrot that rhetoric, but just as the media had to admit that Trump had proven Obama wrong (the jobs did come back), that ISIS could be stopped and beaten back, that Russia/Iran/China/Hamas could be scared into staying in their lane, that America could be energy independent, and all the rest; we can expect that a Congress which works to enact the same legislation and policies will be the best mutual partners to attain the same results. Things were so much better until COVID. It is not that COVID was so bad, as it was that people reacted so badly. (There is another failure of accountability by the Biden administration- holding China accountable for creating and releasing the virus.)

Clutch your pearls, scream at the sky, rage type here and elsewhere. I think by the midterm elections all of our lives will be so much better, even for those who refuse to admit it.
avatar for drewcareypnw
a month ago
Oh sensitive Dugan, with his relentless refrain of "drama drama" for anyone scribbling a sentence he disagrees with. Let us deal with your latest silly assertion.

"For example: 'Since this is about to move from the rhetorical to the real...' LOL. No, it isn't"

Yes, it is.

1. The Rhetorical: President elect Orangeturd has stated his intent to begin a large deportation when he is elected. Per Trump, the deportation will be so large that it will be the largest in history.

quote: " 'On my first day back in the Oval Office, I will sign a historic slate of executive orders to close our border to illegal aliens and stop the invasion of our country,' Trump proclaimed to a friendly crowd at Turning Point Action’s AmericaFest conference in Phoenix."

“And on that same day, we will begin the largest deportation operation in American history, larger even than that of President Dwight D Eisenhower,”…

Rhetorical: adjective - expressed in terms intended to persuade or impress. e.g. "the rhetorical commitment of the government to give priority to primary education"

...since OT wasn't in power prior to tomorrow, we may say that his statements were merely rhetorical. You seem to suggest that they will remain rhetorical. However, I invite you to consider point 2.

2. The Real.

quote: "Trump to Begin Large-Scale Deportations Tuesday
Chicago will be an early target, with as many as 200 officers being sent to carry out the operation, say people familiar with the planning"…

Real: adjective - actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed. e.g. "Julius Caesar was a real person"

...according to the WSJ, large scale deportations will begin Monday. Since these will actually exist, we may say that the deportations will be real.


1. trump spoke rhetorically (to impress and persuade) about mass deportation prior to his upcoming presidency.

2. real, large scale deportations will begin Monday.

3. The deportation are about to move from the Rhetorical to the Real.


queue default accusations of shrill girliness...

avatar for Jascoi
a month ago
I have mixed feelings about.all this.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
@gamma - That's a common Democrat lie/misbelief, that just because they cannot do something, that it cannot be done. Those are good examples, I'll add "there was nothing more we could have done to fight the fires." (Hey, LA, sleep calmly in the knowledge that this is the most minority lesbian-friendly FD in the country!) I'll also add the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, which was the first event to drop Biden's approval rating underwater.

No less a lib than Ezra Klein pointed to Biden's "everything bagel liberalism," meaning that he felt he had to placate every faction of the Democratic party before proceeding. A bone to the DEI crowd, saying an N% of it had to go to minority/LGBTQ/female-owned businesses...a bone to the unions, that they had to pay inflated union wages. That's how you spend $42 billion for rural broadband and still can't connect a single household. Or 7 EV charging stations for a billion.

A strong economy isn't a sure thing; Trump's going to inherit inflation that's down but not out, a record high level of consumer debt, and more. But Trump's already spurring a glut of investment and optimism, as opposed to the Democratic agenda of grievance and decline.

avatar for drewcareypnw
a month ago
@Puddy: I have felt the "everything bagel" analogy misses the mark, and misses the problem.

Yes, lib politicians go out of their way to placate each tiny minority. But it's important to remember that by doing so, they're actually simultaneously placating a majority: the woke self hating white guilt liberal that wants to be able to say that he supports that tiny minority and does so by proxy exactly once a year on voting day. It's the modern equivalent of "oh, rest assured, I have *lots* of black friends".

To quote Dugan: "we do it to ourselves". Democracy is mostly working fine for Dems. We have the politicians that reflect our values, unfortunately we have the politician that reflect our values. Which are a mess.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
@drew - You're saying the analogy misses the mark, but it looks like you're agreeing with me everywhere else. They might be placating a majority of their caucus, but they're not getting much done as a result. If this government were effective, Trump would not have had such momentum to reduce it.

I'd place Dem unity more on the leadership of Nancy Pelosi and now Hakeem Jeffries than anything Biden did.

That politicians reflect your values isn't "working fine," it's what took you down two months ago. Your values look to be:
1. Extreme feminization; no less a liberal than Joe Klein lamented this. Abortion vans outside the DNC. The Obamas browbeating black men into voting for a woman. Julia Roberts treating women as oppressed and having to hide their votes from their husbands.
2. LGBTQ extremism
3. Racial grievance politics, which totally missed what black and Latin men voted upon. Open borders are related to this.
4. Profligate spending on Dem pet priorities like climate change, which is near the bottom of the average American's priority list.
5. And encompassing all of this, contempt for the working class, particularly the white working class, treating them like retards who didn't know what's best for them.

Bernie was right; the working class just struck back.
avatar for drewcareypnw
a month ago
@puddy: I’m not really disagreeing with you, I’m actually disagreeing with Klein.

Wrt “working fine”, the point is we have more or less on brand representation, not that the representation results in a winning ticket.

That said, the notion that the country just shifted right is overblown and smells of gop triumphalism. Any party that presented a demented old man for a candidate and then sat on the election for a month only to run a black woman with no positions would be loser.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
@drew - I'm agreeing with Klein, so you are disagreeing with me. He founded Vox; he's no Republican.

That on-brand representation is the problem.

In 2020, with COVID, Trump was so overexposed and in everyone's face that being Not Trump was enough. Biden ran on being a moderate, then broke hard left in office. Insiders say he was obsessed with being a transformational liberal president. I don't think history will be kind to him.

In 2024, I don't know if Democrats thought Trump would be so radioactive that they could run an outrageously left-wing ticket and succeed, or they just listened to their hard left flank and didn't get out into middle America and thought they _could_ sell a hard left platform. But they _did_ run a hard left platform (oh, I forgot anti-Semitism. Queers for Palestine, lulz, that's like sheep for wolves. If they didn't try to placate their Jew-haters, they might have chosen the popular, swing state Josh Shapiro). I don't think the country shifted right as much as the Democrats shifted left. You ran the most liberal member of the Senate during her tenure, and she chose the most liberal governor in the country. How the hell does that appeal to the center?

I lay Biden's last minute withdrawal on the Democratic party, too. We've been calling out Biden's dementia for years; you insisted otherwise. "Sharp as a tack," yeah, no. It was reported in early 2024 that he needed handlers to make sure he didn't embarrass himself. Dems didn't yank him because he had dementia, they yanked him because they couldn't hide it any longer. And no fucking way the identity politics-obsessed party could shove a black woman aside. Crisis of their own making.

And while I see the arguments otherwise, I disagree that Harris would have won with a longer runway. She had her time in 2019 and came in 5th in her own state. Biden admitted choosing her for her skin color and genitalia. She spent $2 billion dollars; if you can spend that much and not get your message across, you are either the world's shittiest communicator or your message fucking sucks.

If Trump is more effective and less obnoxious--and there's reason to believe that--the country might just shift to the right.

But 2024 is Democrats hoisted on their own petards.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
Well golly gee whiz Drew, a whole 200 agents to one city? Why didn't you just say so? 😉

You realize that there are conservatively over 12 million illegal immigrants in this country now, no? An estimated 530,000 of them are in Illinois alone. Just how many of those half million immigrants do you think a couple of hundred agents are going to realistically round up?

It helps to calm down, think and maybe even take a look at the situation before becoming melodramatic. Just a thought.
avatar for drewcareypnw
a month ago

“In 2020, with COVID, Trump was so overexposed and in everyone's face that being Not Trump was enough. “


“Biden ran on being a moderate,”


“then broke hard left in office”

Incorrect. That’s an exaggeration. There’s nothing “hard left” about a country with no universal health care. By this measure Europe is a totalitarian Bolshevik state. Maybe in right wing circles where the EPA is the definition of jack booted thugs, but not in real life.

“Insiders say he was obsessed with being a transformational liberal president”

Seems plausible, but who knows.

“I don't think history will be kind to him.”

I agree. It won’t be for being transformational, liberal, or hard left. If you are a lib, it will be because he lied about his mental state, sat on the election for a month because “he’s stubborn”, and blew up any chance of dems winning the election. To be clear, Kamala was no one’s first choice.

If you’re a right winger, he will be judged unkindly simply for being not a conservative.
avatar for dannyboy3
a month ago
This debate ignores real concrete steps that could be taken.
IF Trump is serious about removing illegals, there is announcements effective path forward.
1. Focus on criminals first. That is already stated policy
2. Require businesses verify employment eligibility and pass a law adding penalties for non compliance. Right now it is a state by state situation.
2.1. While waiting to pass the law, require anyone who does business with the federal government to use e-verify, or whatever it's called.
3. Tax remittances at 25% and clamp down on welfare benefits to immigrants.
Doing this will, make visible deportation effort, reduce the pull of getting jobs under the table, increase cost to send out money and make the cost of staying higher. People respond to incentives. Change the current incentive structure and many will self deport.
Trump then claims victory after building the wall and everyone pretends the remaining illegals aren't here.
avatar for drewcareypnw
a month ago
Always the “melodrama” card with Dugan. It’s another indication that you don’t have an argument. Maybe titty board politics is too rough and tumble for you? Hearing opinions other than your own makes you uncomfortable? Maybe stick to the penthouse forum style reviews then, tiger. 😉

Stripping away your usual go to cries “melodrama”, I think your argument is:

“Bla bla bla”



Bla bla bla

“12 million, 530k in IL, is too many for those 200 agents to arrest.”

Bla bla bla


…so I think your argument is that there are too many illegals to arrest?

As I covered in points 2 and 3, there’s not funding for this. So, it would seem that Rick Dugan agree with me!

This doesn’t change the fact that the shift from rhetoric to real will begin, see definitions above.

What is so threatening about hearing a different option Rick? Do you panic when someone taps your shoulder at the diner and asks you to pass the ketchup?
avatar for wld4tatas
a month ago
Biden carried out the highest level of deportations since 2014. Trump will have to beat the numbers of the last two Democrat administrations at a minimum, or else be proven a liar once again.

For 2024: ICE’s latest report reveals that of the 271,484 removals carried out last fiscal year, around 32% of those were people with criminal histories. ICE’s enforcement and removal branch also arrested 113,431 immigrants, down from the previous year. Of those, 81,312 were convicted criminals or had pending criminal charges at the time of arrest.…
avatar for drewcareypnw
a month ago
^thank you W4T. Trump the orange Turd is going to have to really work to beat “hard left” Obama’s 400k.
avatar for mogul1985
a month ago
Senator, VP, POTUS Biden. He has always been a Dem Machine Tool and will do what he is told. It's no wonder he had to have teleprompters where ever he opened his pie hole, and why his Staff including the Easter Bunny did all they could to limit his talking. As a senator & VP he could lay low, as POTUS his ego drove him to talk, and even today he feels he could win as his Groomers only gave him The Emperor's New Clothes.

With Carter I do have lots of good things to say about his character, as POTUS not so much. With Biden, he was and is just a Tool with NO good things about him. I'll be surprised if a ton of Pardons are release before Noon ET on Monday 20-Jan-2025 including himself.
avatar for Muddy
a month ago
Anybody else sick of getting raped in taxes so we can pay Guetamalan gang bangers to stay at the Waldorf Astoria?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
"Incorrect. That’s an exaggeration. There’s nothing “hard left” about a country with no universal health care."

I didn't say the country became hard left, I said he broke that way after the election. Besides, all my friends on the left told me we had universal healthcare after Obamacare. Were they lying?

Massive spending bills on green anything, most radical pro-abortion agenda ever, calling trans the "civil rights issue of the day" = hard left, no matter what he did or didn't on healthcare. (BTW I know this field well and neither party has a goddamn clue.)

"If you are a lib, it will be because he lied about his mental state, sat on the election for a month because “he’s stubborn”, and blew up any chance of dems winning the election."

And that's the only reason? None of it will be a 21% increase in price levels, or 11 million over the open border, or his BBBJTCWSs to Khameini, or Ukraine and Gaza?

"To be clear, Kamala was no one’s first choice."

If she was no one's first choice, why did the party fall in line behind her so quickly? I heard Obama wanted a fast primary. Or was she the choice of the identity politics pimps and the rest of the party was too shit scared to do the right thing? If Biden chose her, that reinforces what I said that he went hard left. Again, if the Dems weren't hard left, why did they choose the most liberal member of the Senate as candidate and most liberal governor as running mate?

"If you’re a right winger, he will be judged unkindly simply for being not a conservative"

Right, like Dem historians aren't declaring Trump tHe WoRSt PreSiDeNT eVar right in the middle of a campaign? For one, anyone, who no matter how left or right, gives that title to Biden or Trump rather than James Buchanan or Andrew Johnson, has so little historical perspective that I wouldn't believe anything they said. For another, I don't think we can historically rank anyone until some decades have elapsed; we're still seeing the impact of their policies.

The American people were just given a choice between 45 and 46 (and his number two), and chose Trump. What does that tell you?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
@wld once again trying to deceive with out-of-context statistics.

3x as many gotaways under Biden!…

You don't need to deport those you don't let in, in the first place!
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
Wildforcock is literally a fucking moron. If I let in 10 people and throw out 3 I have 3 deportations. If I let in a million and throw out 500,000, I have the most deportations and also the have created the most harm and destruction and let in the most illegals. That is cum stain Joe Biden (hurry up and get some depends bitch) the worst President in history, supported by the worst party in history, which is populated by the worst people in history. Oh, fuck today as well.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
The democrats and leftists on this site are as inconsequential and impotent as the democrats and leftists in government. We have GOP leadership and control across the board. Let not your hearts be troubles, a rising tide lifts all boats. You can enjoy the peace and success of GOP leadership for 2 years before letting your derangement override good judgement and vote straight ticket blue again.
avatar for wld4tatas
a month ago
The topic here is deportations, and I posted on what Trump has to beat to even have a semblance of meeting his campaign promise. The number to beat appears to be about 400K / year.

We know Trump has massively overhyped and simplified the immigration issue (except for perhaps the kool-aid drinking MAGA supporters who believe everything Trump says). We also know Trump had Republicans block funding for the border last year so he could campaign on this issue. As things move forward we should be better able to discern the truth from the bullshit.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ LOL, way not to see the forest for the trees.

Dems have lied repeatedly and blatantly on the immigration issue while actively facilitating illegal immigration and coddling them once they get here.

You've got 11 minutes before your punchbowl is taken away. We're not going to stop reminding you of the crime and strained services your policies have brought us.
avatar for drewcareypnw
a month ago
@puddy: “Massive, most radical, hard left.” = typical in western democracies, unless you’re drinking the maga kool aid and it’s somehow hyperbole time. Now if you’re looking at conservative middle eastern states then maybe, but you guys don’t like them either.

The price level game cuts both ways. We all know that presidents have relatively little control over prices. Biden didn’t give you expensive eggs any more than trump is going to give you cheap ones.

“ If she was no one's first choice, why did the party fall in line behind her so quickly? “

Same reason we voted for Biden last time, and you said it first: she was the not trump choice.

“Right, like Dem historians aren't declaring Trump tHe WoRSt PreSiDeNT eVar right in the middle of a campaign?”

We already have experience in this department. Remember?
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
Blocking funding for anything, even the border, when douchebag thug Biden was President was called smart government. Unless you're one of the losers called progressives, you know the flood of garbage from foreign countries is 100% on the Democrats. By the way I'd be happy if every single illegal stripper was booted and none ever allowed in; none. Marry your own fucking head of iceberg lettuce bitches.
avatar for drewcareypnw
a month ago

“ Marry your own fucking head of iceberg lettuce bitches” hahahaha ski quote of the year so far.

The flood is going to be all on Trump starting in a few hours. I doubt he will be able to have anywhere near the impact he’s selling, either in the deportations or border hardening departments. People move because they have to or really really want to.

No less of a delicate liberal flower than George Patton said “Fixed fortifications are monuments to man’s stupidity. If mountain ranges and oceans can be overcome, anything made by man can be overcome.”

So, the desperate Latin Americans will keep coming back on the cheap even as we spend billions to deter and remove them.

I think now is the time we normally start saying 80/20 and he’s just bluffing etc.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
puddy: “Massive, most radical, hard left.” = typical in western democracies, unless you’re drinking the maga kool aid and it’s somehow hyperbole time. Now if you’re looking at conservative middle eastern states then maybe, but you guys don’t like them either.

***Not sure what's your point here. "Left" and "right" are relative to the place and time; it doesn't matter what Biden would be considered in Sweden. Relative to his campaign he pushed a leftist agenda.

The price level game cuts both ways. We all know that presidents have relatively little control over prices. Biden didn’t give you expensive eggs any more than trump is going to give you cheap ones.

***Incorrect. They own spending and have significant though not formal authority over the federal reserve. Biden owns the green pork put through in the American Rescue Plan and "Inflation Reduction Act." Individual commodities might vary but deficit spending equals debt equals inflation. In this case, they also own the supply chain disruptions at the ports that worsened inflation, while Mayor Pete took 2 months off to adopt a kid.

Same reason we voted for Biden last time, and you said it first: she was the not trump choice.

***You had a million Not Trump choices other than Harris. Shapiro, Whitmer, Moore, Newsom. You chose Harris.

We already have experience in this department. Remember?

***What, calling someone the worst president ever? How many historians put together a "serious" paper saying that the other guy is worse than the one who split the country apart or botched Reconstruction, the effects of which we feel today?

avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
@Drew, if you don't want to be labeled as melodramatic then maybe tone down the melodrama. Just a thought.

And now you're all over the place. You start the thread assuming that this will actually happen, but then switch gears by claiming that your budget was really an acknowledgement that it won't. So which is it?

Like I said man, slow down and think a bit. 200 agents to Chicago is a piss hole in the snow. It's just more showmanship, nothing more, which makes all of your other dire predictions...I almost hesitate to say it, but...rather melodramatic. ;)
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
Budget comment.
avatar for JamesSD
a month ago
End of the day, rich people don't want their cheap labor deported. It's also super expensive. As long as there is demand, supply will find a way, and no one Democrat or Republican really wants to go after employers who pay illegals and create demand. I expect a lot of paper wins and declaring victory without much real impact.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
===> "End of the day, rich people don't want their cheap labor deported. "

Nobody wants their "cheap" labor deported, at least if they have a lick of sense. Unless they're really eager to pay a heck of a lot more for certain labor intensive produce and meat items, which would put some of this stuff out of reach for lower income Americans.

The reality is that Americans just don't want to do these jobs. Sure we could probably raise the wages so high that this natural resistance is overcome, but at what cost?
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
My bet is if they really deport all of the illegal immigrants, every HOA in America would need raise their monthly assessments by 50% or more.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
^ LOL 25. Both funny and accurate. The crews my own HOA uses are Latino and I'm guessing the only legal ones in those teams are crew chiefs who drive the trucks. 😆

Heck I'd also have to make a lot of hard decisions about who cuts my own lawn and cleans my house. I'd hardly call myself "rich", but I need all the help I can get right now. 😨
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
That’s just for starters, probably would have to pay laborers on the construction sites I ran in excess of $30. hourly, dinner in a mid grade restaurant would probably triple, he ain’t gonna be deporting a quarter of what he’s claiming, my guess is he rounds up a bunch of illegals with felony records then just like Bush2 he declares mission accomplished and moves on to some other shiny object that grabs his attention.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
So the consensus is it's fine to fuck up the country, dilute it and let all the laws be violated as long just so we can abuse foreigners wage wise and not just end all public assistance and force Americans to do the jobs? A few fucking bucks and everybody is on board?
I hope but doubt that Trump will do a fucking thing but get rid of them all and let's see what happens. Rather die fast than slowly like we are now.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
Right skibum. It's about a heck of a lot more than "just a few bucks." It's about the broad-based affordability of our good and services as well as the long-term health of our economy.

I know we've exchange thoughts on this in other threads, so I will post this with enough space between words that you have a chance to process it:

Native - born - Americans - are - not - having - enough - kids.

Take all the time you need. I tried to add a bouncing ball, but sadly that feature is not available.

We need them not only for the cheaper labor, but to contribute to overall economic productivity and, of course, to have more babies. Otherwise we'll start to look like Japan or several European countries, with aging populations and endlessly stagnant economies.

Besides, your cultural concerns are way overblown. Their kids end up growing up as Americanized as anyone else and often intermarry with people from other cultural backgrounds. By the next generation, they are completely absorbed, with the second native born generation unable to even speak their grandparents' languages. American truly is an amazing melting pot.

avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
America, not American, lol.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
@rickdugan - We're not having enough kids, but believe it or not birthrates are declining almost everywhere throughout the world. Even Latin Americans aren't going-forth-and-multiplying like good Catholics. Only place in the world where birthrates aren't really dropping is sub-Saharan Africa.

And we need them right there to mine cobalt for our virtue-signaling EVs ;)
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
I agree Puddy, but bringing in young immigrants is a one-two punch. Not only do we immediately get younger workers, but they are also in their child bearing years. A young couple who pops out just 2 kids gives us 2 young adults who immediately add to the working population and two more young people who will in the future.

Our population's median age is currently 38.6. When that number goes north of 40, things start getting bad in a hurry. Economic productivity tales off and the strain on budgets to support retirees becomes pronounced.

If it takes a steady stream of younger people from other countries to keep that average age down, then we should welcome it. It's not like we don't have large swathes of this country that are still almost uninhabited - there is plenty of room in the Inn.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
Many illegals left Florida when DeSantis increased the penalties for being caught in the state. My HOA did not register a blip. Fewer illegals in our nation, reduced incentive to attempt to enter illegally, more fearsome punishment for being caught as an illegal are all and only good things. Any attempt to defend or act as a proponent for illegal immigration and working as an illegal is no different from speaking as an advocate for any other criminal. "I want illegals to mow my lawn to keep my costs down" makes you an advocate for crime - including the rape, kidnapping, assault, and murder committed by illegals.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
@rickdugan - I agree, as long as they're vetted and keep their noses clean (that means coming in legally). We need all Americans, native or immigrant, to start BBFSCIPNBC (BBFSCIP no birth control). Tax breaks if you have a >120 IQ, extra tax breaks if >140, so Idiocracy doesn't become a documentary.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
@Puddy, the whole "if they come in legally" is sophistry. There is no legal avenue to bring in anywhere close to the numbers we need legally, as many who make that bogus argument know all too well. The immigration reforms in the 90s assured that.

avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
^Which is why we have 12 million immigrants here illegally. Yet we would be screwed if they weren't here. They represent almost 5% of our workforce, doing a lot of jobs that Americans just don't want to do.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ So you favor Biden's immigration policy of turning a blind eye so we can get another 12 million?
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
^ logic and information only work when someone is reasonably knowledgeable, you cant change a closed mind.
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
^ That was for Rick, I personally favor fixing the immigration system to reflect reality, then we can allow the workers we need, logically speaking if we deport twelve million people you’ll hollow out the entire country, and businesses would fail, the economy would collapse.
Unintended consequences are a real thing.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
@Puddy, what I would prefer is that we adopted a common sense approach to vet and let in much larger numbers of them legally. But that would require political courage that neither party possesses. So we're left with relying upon illegal immigrants to perform certain critical roles in our workforce.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
@25 - To deport 12 million people would require every LEO in the country to commit themselves to just that. It won't happen. It's Trump taking a maximalist position like he always does, and getting bargained back to something reasonable.

I agree that we need a guest worker program to import who we need, whether they're designing AI chips or picking strawberries. There is a way to do it while not letting criminals and terrorists into the country like Biden did.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
@rickdugan - Then we agree. I'm not anti-immigration, I'm pro-being smart about it. Vet and take in what we need, not anyone who evades detection.
avatar for Muddy
a month ago
You get tough your gonna get a lot of self deportations. This is one cold ass winter. High of -6 yesterday in Minneapolis. I think it was 0 yesterday in Chicago. Now Tom Homan is on the hunt. Time to go.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
@Puddy: We agree that there should be a legal mechanism. But while there is not, at least for low skills workers, illegal immigration has been the only practical way to meet our current needs.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
So all the business in the United States will fail if we deport 12 million non-english speaking maids and maintenance workers? Meks perfect sense that the backbone of the Hi tech industry and sciences would be uneducated foreigners.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
@Skidumb: Don't forget...

And commercial construction workers;
And residential housebuilding workers;
And office/factory cleaners;
And restaurant back kitchen workers;
And road workers (including in MA);
And agricultural farm workers (fruits and vegetables anyone?);
And cattle ranch workers;
And chicken farm workers;
And dairy farm workers;
And meat processing plant workers;
And seafood processing plan workers;
And fishing boat workers...

And that's just what comes immediately to mind. So yes, losing the 5% of our workforce that does the hardest and dirtiest jobs that we have would be devastating.
And an endless variety of domestic workers (cleaners, nannies, yard, handyman)

avatar for longb
a month ago
I am guessing the greatest percentage of illegal workers work as residential care for super rich people. Cleaners, nannys, cooks, elder care, gardeners. Sign up if you want to carry my 96 year old mother to the bathroom and wipe her ass
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
Florida, Texas & California combined employ 47% of all illegal workers with the largest numbers of Illegal workers employed by the construction industry, next is the hospitality industry, then agriculture. Of those three states Florida employs the most then Texas with California the largest only in the agricultural sector.
In construction alone Florida has 670,000 workers with over 25% of those are undocumented aliens, I chose to speak of the construction industry because I know more about that industry, than any other, having spent my entire working life in that industry, as an employee as a manager/foreman, and as a business owner in four different states, with multiple employees, and I can tell you with certainty that many businesses would fail in that industry, and very large projects all over the country would become idle if Trump actually were able to deport every single undocumented person, just here in Florida, Trump just received approvals for a project The American Dream in nw Miami Dade county for a one hundred seventy five acres including a 16 story indoor ski slope, a 20 slide water park, a 14 screen 3D movie theater, a performing arts center, stores restaurants, a submarine lake, residential condominiums to be developed by The Trump Companies, without undocumented workers that project will never get started, so yep Skibum, there will be a monumental failure of businesses across the board.
Just multiply this by 50 states and god only knows how many projects, plus all of those other business sectors across the United States, also keep in mind that's growth that we need here in this country, if we are ever to get out from under the trillions of dollars of debt, that is threatening to ruin this economy.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
^Much rather have a ruined economy and zero illegals. Americans spoke. This is what we want. The idea that living cheaply while illegals ruin this country is not even close to acceptable to me. Further, your assessment assumes that the ruined economy won't make working more appealing than starving to the leeches among us and that people will not come here legally. So your assessment is fine, but I disagree with it 100%. If what you typed began to come true there are enough weak people to lift the ban and let the garbage flow back in. 5 dead in Massachusetts last year, all killed by illegals driving drunk who were supposed to be deported under the law. Fuck illegals. All of them. The possibility of failure is never a reason to fail without trying, so we try.
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
^ We can agree to disagree
Here's a new scenario for you, I'm not going to weigh in about the pardons Trump issued to the folks he snookered in to rioting on his behalf, but when one of those pardoned folk commits a new crime, the shit is going to flow all over again. Tell us how are y'all going to handle it, in light of Tarrio of the Proud boys telling Alex Jones this ain't over ?
Before y'all tell us what Biden did, using that tired old schoolboy refrain "he started it" keep in mind, if Joe Biden jumped off a bridge are you expecting Trump to do the same?
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
===> "Much rather have a ruined economy and zero illegals. Americans spoke. This is what we want."

I don't think that every person who voted for Trump did so hoping he would institute mass deportations. Even less would support it if they understood the true cost of doing so. The economy was by far the most important issue identified by the poll numbers.
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
@Rick Dugan
Most folks that voted for Trump, did so believing that his promise to deport was hyperbole, the folks rooting this shit on, are just talking out of their ass, and they are typical of the folks he snookered into rioting on his behalf.
No normal sane person wants the economy to fail, hell I didn't, and wouldn't, vote for him and I'm rooting for the market to make me richer.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
^ Agreed 25 on all counts.

I certainly believe that Trump was elected with a mandate to get control of the damned border. But I don't think that anywhere close to a majority of Trump voters want to read stories about ICE agents doing stuff like going block by block and pulling immigrants from their homes, especially those with U.S. citizen children who rely upon them. Many of those 12+ million immigrants have been here for decades and are active parts of their communities.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
^Yes I see them every time I visit the House of Corrections. If you add up all the taxpayer doallrs feeding, sheltering and educating these folks and their families, subtract it from the economic benefit, you'd realize they are worth it, if not one of them ever commits a crime. Deport them all, if we fail because of it, then, we deerve it and need to strat from scratch.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
Ski, if you remotely understood the overall economic impact of having a workforce of immigrants makes to the economy as a whole, and the resulting devastation if we really tried to remove them all, you'd understand that it would be a huge net loss for us all. It's good that you chose the legal profession I suppose because economics isn't really your thing.

I have no problem with deporting the ones who commit crimes and end up incarcerated. But the vast bulk of them don't fall into that category. They overwhelmingly come here to work and raise families.

It's also important to understand that they pay into the social welfare system like anyone else. Part of their rent is used to pay the property taxes that fund local schools. They pay sales taxes like anyone else. Many of them even obtain TINs and pay state and federal income taxes, both because their employers require them to provide a TIN and because they eventually wish to naturalize.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
^ I do understand the impact and believe that you and 25 are greatly overestimating it. I would feel no loss at all so please do not pretend you speak for me. Your snide comment about the legal profession, was just immature. I have an Llm in taxation and work closely with people on all types of financial issues. I also have a clientele of about 40% immigrants, with half of those being illegals. So spare me.
They do not, for the most part pay into social security on under the table jobs and most of them send a lot of money back home and don't spend it here. America succeeded because we are a nation of laws, even the one's that people with money don't like. Personally, you feel you'd have to pay more, so you assume, we all would rather have a bunch of foreigners here instead. Not I. I also notice that you failed to address the added costs of these peope being here. A lof of people who think they are smarter than everyone else only look at the top line; successful people look at the bottom line. This lawyer is more convinced I am right. Thank you.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
^ I most certainly did not fail to address the added costs of them being here. I made the very clear points that: (1) they do make contributions to their local economies via indirect property tax support, sales taxes and (for some) state income taxes; and (2) their overall contribution to the economic prosperity of the country, on the whole, far outweighs the costs.

By the time an illegal gets to you, he already has a legal issue. IME most are floating under the radar and doing all of the things that I mentioned. I say this as someone who has relationships in immigrant communities in MA, CT and here in FL.

It's emotionally convenient for you to believe otherwise. I get it. I too grew up as a child of a working class family in MA. I know all too well the cultural influences at play.

People from other places believe that MA is a liberal bastion of acceptance because they elect gay Dem Congressmen and shrill liberal Senators. But go 20 miles in any direction outside of Beantown and one will find that the MA brand of liberalism doesn't extend to cultural issues. Many folks in MA trace their roots back to someone on the Mayflower (myself included) while others continue to embrace proud Irish and Italian heritages. Spics and pork chops (of which there are many as MA also hosts a lot of Brazilians) are seen as a form of undesirable cultural pollution by all too many, even to this day.

Anyway, I'll leave it there. Because the truth is that you don't really care what kind of damage it causes to expel them, as you already made clear. Or whether this country starts stagnating like Japan or several European countries (which it will) under the weight of an aging population. You just want the spics and pork chops out of your community.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ What's a pork chop? Never heard that as an ethnic slur.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
^ LOL. It's a slur for Portuguese, though it gets used for Brazilians too since they speak the same language.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
^My immigrant clients, legal or otherwise aren't criminals. I am a family law attorney and the people you look down on are my family law clients. By the way, my half Portuguese wife assumes you're fucking Irish.

^^No one in Massachusetts uses the term pork chop. Never heard it once in my 60+ years here, until today. To be fair Portuguese cooking does combine a lot of seafood and pork products.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
Your right, when I was growing up in MA it was Portagee. My bad. ;)
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
You're lol
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
But all the rest applies ski. This is 100% a NIMBY thing for you, your half Portuguese wife notwithstanding.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ I have some Hawaiian friends who use "Portagee" a lot too.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
Also ski, I suspect that you look down on your immigrant clients far more than I do. The mother of my children is an immigrant and I have nothing but respect for everything that many of her family members went through to get here and build a life. You OTOH secretly desire to see 40% of the people you represent detained and hauled out of the country. That's sad.
avatar for Studme53
a month ago
Try going to any 1st world country in the world and just decide you’re going to live and work there. See how long you last. Fucking people trying to make America the world’s cuck.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
You prove with each post you know nothing at all Rick. I look down on no one. I look up to no one. In order to do so I would have to expend energy and thought, as well as care. Not worth it when I can just get high and not give a shit. Puddy is correct its Portagee in Mass. Also, if I looked down on anyone it would be on Wasps.
avatar for Studme53
a month ago
My Portuguese friend from Newark NJ. called himself a pork chop. Maybe just some self-deprecation. Big population of Portuguese there. Great people and great restaurants.
avatar for Mate27
a month ago
lol, SkiDumb just doing dumb things
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
Whatever you say Ski. But I'm not the one who wants to see his clients' asses hauled away and shipped off, separated from family, friends and the lives they've built here over (in some cases) many years. Just sayin. 😉
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
Sorry that your pro-crime when you benefit and ant-crime when you don't. Seems very progressive to me and not a bit different from the nitwit called matedwith27sheep. Stud the Portuguese influence in southwestern mass and rhode island is tremendous and the restaurants great. Just say no to illegal aliens.
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
I can only speak to what I know, most of the people who work in the construction industry as labor don’t really work directly for the contractors that are directing the projects, the vast majority work for what is known as payroll companies that are hired by the contractors to provide insurance and pay the taxes. Most of the employees have no direct contact with their employer of record and the contractors that direct their work knows very little about their status. Every pay period the contractors receive an invoice and the paychecks are usually electronically deposited into an employees account minus the legitimate deductions, that ensures the taxes and S. S. Payments are deposited into an escrow account that is paid to the proper agencies and insurance companies for each employee. So that guarantees that S. S. Payments are deposited with the Social Security Administration.
Any remittances are paid by the employees after the required deductions with their paychecks AFTER TAXES so at the very least the social security (FICA) payments are made to the treasury. The Social Security Administration Estimates that they receive about twenty billion dollars annually in unattributable contributions that goes directly into the Social Security Funds I’m sure most of the other major industries operate in a similar fashion negating you belief that ‘they for the most part do not pay ‘ into the system. Under the table monies probably escape this system but like tip income it is a very small portion of the economy and probably negligible amounts.
avatar for Mate27
a month ago
Just keep typing stupid hateful things with one hand and jacking it with the other, SkiDumb!
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
^You must be lookin in a mirror boy.
avatar for Studme53
a month ago
I knew I guy, actually a real POS opioid addict, who left his wife and kids and “moved” to Australia with his equally shitty American girlfriend. Australia deported him after 90 days. He was working as a “landscaper” but he was not permitted to stay.
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
^^ PS, one other point just to qualify my explanation above, when we started with payroll companies it was because of the cost and bureaucracy of dealing with the quasi governmental workmans compensation system, and the difficulty of making payrolls in a timely manner as most large projects pay on a draw method, with work paid 25 days after inspection and approval. So every 25 days we received a draw down of outstanding contract amounts with a typical 25% deposit 10 days prior to commencement and any retainages due anywhere from 10 to 45 days post completion
In other words we needed a stable funding to maintain our business and workforce.
avatar for rickmacrodong
a month ago
The vast majority of republicans dont support free speech, freedom of religion, dont want immigrants, support holy war/wars, want to wipe out or subdue any non Christian religions/religious beliefs.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ Untrue.
avatar for Mate27
a month ago
SkiDumb wants to mount Washington. Lol
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
^I understand your jealousy of me. I am jealous of me as well.
avatar for Icey
a month ago
One day ill post skibums contact info here 😂 😭
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
===> "Sorry that your pro-crime when you benefit and ant-crime when you don't."

What "crime" have most of these immigrants committed besides sneaking across the border to scrub other peoples' toilets or do other shitty jobs that most Americans don't want?

Btw ski, has it ever occurred to you to ask one of the many clients who you secretly despise what actually drove them to do it? Think about everything they went through just to get here.

First they had to risk their safety getting across the border. Then they migrated to places that are bitter cold for people who grew up in sub-tropical climates - their bodies are not accustomed to handling it. All to work dirty jobs while living in crappy apartments and limping day to day without legal status.

How desperate does one have to be to do all of that? How bad must things have been where they came from that this ends up being such a better life for them? I know that the stories I have heard included hunger, lack of sanitary drinking water and other horrible conditions.

So yes, they violated U.S. immigration laws, which since 1996 has made it virtually impossible for them to get in legally. But how many of us wouldn't do the same in their shoes if we could?
avatar for Mate27
a month ago
Icey, just go to mount Washington…
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
@rick - a touching story but not a legal argument. It also puts the lie to them seeking "asylum," if they came here for the bucks. If a nation doesn't have a border, it's not a nation.

It's not most immigrants that are the problem, but if we don't seal the border and vet them, we don't know who is who. We've caught-and-released people on the terror watch list, in addition to gangsters.

Even if we need legal immigrants, our right to control our borders is not subject to pithy sayings, touching stories, or the approval of multinational organizations (go pound sand, Pope Francis).
avatar for Mate27
a month ago
Dugan, SkiDumb is the most classless and classist person on here. Watch out, pretty soon he’ll be calling you a progressive just because you have a differing opinion, his go to move as he jacks it w/one hand while rage typing with the other.

The whole mass deportation thing is designed to stir the pot and create a false reality, which is trump’s go to move, something he and SkiDumb have quite in common.
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
There is a pattern emerging from Trumps E.O.s, this stuff is designed to flood and overwhelm the system, cause chaos, and eventually grind the system to a halt, it appears they intend to stop all entry to the country, not just illegal entry.
Chaos is Trumps hallmark, he figures that with enough deflection, and litigation , he can get us to forget all of his other promises, like ending the Ukraine war with Russia, getting grocery and other costs down, he knows he hasn't a plan for those, so the only thing they can do is play to his MAGA base, make a lot of noise and keep his grift going.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
^This is factually false. The patter to Trump's EOs is he means to undo all the damage done by EOs signed by Biden but written by his liberal staff (there is proof emerging that Biden had no clue what he was signing). It would be reasonable to limit most unnecessary entry into the country, although there is no proof of this, to simplify the task of tracking down those already in the country illegally - including those who have overstayed legal visas. 25 has clearly made up his mind about Trump and is not even allowing the new government 100 days to demonstrate the larger trajectory of their executive plan. Trump's cabinet has not even been confirmed by the Senate! Liberals love to pass judgement before the facts are known, because the facts refute most of their false conclusions and outright lies.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
Well Pompous Dugan I have asked them what drove them to violate our laws and come here illegally, rather than doing it the honest way, as millions of decent immigrants did before. They say because it's easier, quicker and they get money here without working. The idea that since its too tough to get in legally justifying cheating and lying is so idiotic I am stunned. You sound like everyone who has ever robbed someone. Just easier than working and I needed the money. Really fine American you are. Yoda (1977). I will say that Mate27 is the epitome of the modern day american male: weak, impotent, effemonate and whiny. Fucking pussy.
One day Icey will post my info here? Lmao. You don't have it and I don't care if you do. The PLs here couldn't find where I live and would wet themselves if they had to get out of their car in the neighborhood where my office located. Happy to meet anyone from here, any time, for any reason, even you Icey, who had to actually run away and relocate when I found his information.
Deport and deny entry to anyone not born here to two American citizens.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
@Ski: That very response shows that you haven't actually talked to them about it, or at least processed their answers. If you had, you'd know how asinine your "get money for free" comment is.

Illegal immigrants do not qualify for social welfare benefits, including SNAP or housing assistance. To the extent that they reside in "mixed status" households, meaning that they have eligible U.S. citizen children, they can receive prorated assistance, but it doesn't usually amount to anywhere close to what is needed for the whole household.

They come here to work and they take the jobs that others don't want because they have to. But since they come from places where wages are abysmal and food is absurdly expensive on a relative basis, it is still better than what they had. The things that we take for granted, like cheap and abundant food, clean drinking water and hot water for regular showers are not as easily had in many other places.

This includes illegal immigrants in MA, which I know from very personal experience in assisting extended family members with these matters.

avatar for Mate27
a month ago
Watch out Dugan, SkiDumb is going to show off his tough persona again with another classist remark as the resident tough guy on the internet. Such a keyboard kowboy. No wonder he earns the name SkiDumb, with each stupidly represented post.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
Wah said the little sissy. So weak and pathetic. Classify must be the gay bottom word of the month.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
Sorry rickmateswith27 read into my comments whatever you wish. Your personal experience besides being non-existent is also meaningless. I know why they say they are hear. I know why they are here and they all need to go. Not one excuse you give justifies their actions. Feel free to believe otherwise. I won't cry about it.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
@Puddy: I don't disagree with anything you said in that last post. But the point of sharing the experiences I have seen and heard was not to work the bleeding heart angle, but to outline the realities that drive them to come here illegally.

The military uses a term called "facts on the ground" to describe their realistic assessment of conditions they see firsthand. The facts on the ground here are that our borders are simply far too broad and porous to prevent a certain inflow of illegal immigrants, who are highly motivated for all of the reasons I discussed.

So the only practical way that we can truly gain control of our borders, and weed out the bad apples in the process, is to open up our legal pathways by a heck of a lot. Then we can much better focus our enforcement resources on tracking down the small % of bad apples who try to circumvent that process for various nefarious reasons.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
This is the truth about illegals. As ICE arrested illegals in Massachusetts, one Haitian gang member, with 18 convictions here looked into the camera and said: I ain't never going back to fucking Haiti. Fuck Trump, Biden forever. Wonder when Rick rents him a room.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
"the realities that drive them to come here illegally" is why we cannot worry about the "economic impacts" of deporting criminal illegal aliens. Every illegal alien is a criminal and any degree of tolerance drives them to come here illegally. Deport them, en masse, to their country of origin. Country of origin won't accept them? Then they are sentenced to 5 or more years in prison for their crime, while tariffs and levies against the uncooperative country are punitively raised to offset the costs of feeding and housing these crooks. When and if they are released from prison, they get ankle jewelry and go to the back of the line for processing.

Make illegally entering the country a nightmare, and they will be crawling over each other to GTFO out of here.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
You know, the level of ignorance on this board regarding the importance of strong immigration inflows to the U.S. is truly breathtaking. I'm shocked at how may people I normally agree with on substantive issues who become xenophobic, half-educated semi-literate motherfuckers when it comes to immigration.

Like many of you, I too voted for Trump. But i guess unlike some of you, I voted for him despite his views on this, not because of them.

We are at a median age of 38.6 and creeping higher every year. When that number goes above 40, as it has in Japan and a number of European countries, economic production stagnates. Japan, the highest at over 48, is already downright fucked and it's only going to get worse for them.

Immigration has been one of our greatest strengths, a big reason why we aren't already experiencing similar declines seen by many other developed nations. We - are - just - not - having - enough - kids. We need young people from somewhere and lots of them.

And to head off any further stupid dismissive comments about how more people will just go back to work or finding ways to encourage people to have more kids, all such efforts in the other aforementioned countries haven't done shit. Women in most developed nations just don't want to spend large chunks of their adult lives raising children anymore.

Seriously now, the sheer level of blind angry ignorance on this issue is monumental. This is not a situation where all opinions are equally valid - it's straight fucking math sprinkled with common sense. Are you really that eager to see American exceptionalism fade away in the next few decades? Then keep rooting for us to choke off our inflows of young immigrants. Dipshits.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
@rick - Your paragraph beginning with "So the only practical way that we can truly gain control of our borders..." is exactly what I'm proposing.

I know they're crossing the Darien Gap, getting raped by coyotes en route, starving and dehydrating to death. And that's yet another reason why not dissuading it is horrible. Remain in Mexico cut the flow drastically, that's why when Biden opened up the border, number of crossings doubled in a month.

So we can say, yes, we'll make it easier to come here if you play by the rules and work hard. You won't have to hide in the shadows. And if you truly love and adhere to our values, you may earn the right to become American.

But right now we have lib cities and states saying that if you come illegally, we'll house you, let you go without bail, we'll feed you, we'll give you the VIP treatment. It should be, you come illegally, you have no chance of citizenship, it'll be illegal to employ you, and if you commit a crime, we're going to ship you to Yemen with "FUCK ISLAM" tattooed on your forehead.

There should never be an incentive to break the law.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
Ok Puddy, so in the meantime you would deport the 12+ million already here and the millions more likely to arrive before we finally get our heads out of our asses, assuming we ever do? That would hasten our productivity declines even faster.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ No. Not because I wouldn't like to, but because it would take EVERY LEO IN THE COUNTRY to do so, full time. Unfortunately that toothpaste is out of the tube. But I wouldn't offer them amnesty I'd basically do what Trump is doing, go after the bad seeds.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ What would you do with all the illegals in the country?
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
BTW this whole "breaking the law" drum pounding is exactly the same game play that Dems used in NY to turn speeding ticket violations into felonies and grand frauds in order to attack Trump. It's ironic that some folks here are so simple minded that they would apply the same logic to people that just come here to scrub our toilets so that they can buy food to feed themselves. 🙂 Not all crimes are created equal, lol.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
Most American businesses have the ability to adapt to changes in the workforce. Those that don't will be lost to free market Darwinism. Fear of the unknown is no reason not to enforce the law. The billions spent by federal/state/municipal governments, the millions lost to shrinkage (ie theft) in commerce by illegals, and the millions lost by private citizens fighting identity theft, burglary, vagrancy, and criminal victim trauma more than offsets anything we will lose by "productivity declines" from punishing criminals and removing people who are in this country illegally.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
^^completely untrue. Apples and oranges.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
Rick Dugan is a Northeast liberal hysteria and ridiculous statements are their go to. One of things I wonder about is why elitist classist Rick Dugan feels cleaning a toilet is beneath white liberals. I cannot possibly be the only one here who cleans a bathroom when it is needed, does dishes and laundry, cuts the grass, sands and stains the deck, has 1/8 of an acre in flower gardens which I weed. Anyone else believe that having chores isn't beneath you?
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
===> "^ What would you do with all the illegals in the country?"

If I were King Rick, I would give them a path to permanent residency and maybe even citizenship. It would be predicated on them passing vetting and then, for a good chunk of years TBD: (1) staying off the government dole; (2) paying their taxes; and (3) staying out of legal trouble.

In the meantime they would have temporary work authorizations, renewed every one to two years assuming that they continue to meet the conditions noted above. With temporary work authorization comes an assigned SS#, so they can pay taxes, build credit, etc. It's basically what is done now with asylum applicants, minus all the renewal strings I would put on it.

They're already working since they literally have to in order to survive. As I mentioned above, illegals don't qualify for government welfare payments. So we might as well ensure that they are all paying into the system like everyone else, especially social security and medicare taxes, which start at dollar 1, lol.

THEN we could focus out enforcement efforts on those who choose not to enter this pathway, likely because they would not pass initial vetting, as well as those who fail to meet the conditions required to renew work authorization. I'm talking about hunting the fucks down and getting them out quickly. This would be quite possible once our immigration agents and courts are no longer jammed with cases involving people who are just trying to work and eat.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
The left-wing hysteria over deporting illegals who do not make up a significant proportion of important jobs, except to lazy rich white people who might have to use, God forbid, a dustcloth and vacuum, reminds me of their hysteria over the end of the world called Y2k. Same language, same idiotic emotions, same verbosity, same, same same and wrong again. Hey mask, social distance, wipe your groceries, follow the science too. Wrong, wrong, wrong, and the left destroyed a generation of children. Do the opposite of what they say. Make them fucking dust that vase!!!!
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
@Skidumb: Don't forget...

And commercial construction workers;
And residential housebuilding workers;
And office/factory cleaners;
And restaurant back kitchen workers;
And road workers (including in MA);
And agricultural farm workers (fruits and vegetables anyone?);
And cattle ranch workers;
And chicken farm workers;
And dairy farm workers;
And meat processing plant workers;
And seafood processing plan workers;
And fishing boat workers...

And that's just what comes immediately to mind. So yes, losing the 5% of our workforce that does the hardest and dirtiest jobs that we have would be devastating.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
Skidumb, I'll copy and paste that as many times as you need to process it. ;)

avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
The jobs rick listed will be filled by native born workers and immigrants who entered this country legally and obtained proper work authorization.

How many times will I need to copy and paste that for you to process it?
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
Which native born workers gam? Your kids? Because I know that mine don't want these jobs.

Did you also miss the fact that our population is aging you slow fuck? Our immigration system doesn't allow for large numbers of legal full time low skill laborers, which is why we have 12 million illegal immigrants in the first place. So where else are we going to keep getting the labor supply to support an increasing % of retirees and other elderly types, both from a financial contribution standpoint and in more hands on support?

You semi-literate xenophobic myopic fucks really need to educate yourselves more before you say such stupid things. Maybe start by Googling information about how the Japanese economy has been doing for the last 20 years. They have no answer to institutionalized aging because, like a few of you on this board, a solid % of their population is highly resistant to immigration. Like too many of you, they don't give a shit what the long-term ramifications are so long as they don't have immigrants infecting their cultural purity.

avatar for skibum609
a month ago
Rick Dugan is now Mate27. What a pathetic whiny little douche. Left wing sissy. Rick not every guy is a pussy like you and afraid to get their hands dirty. Just a fraud. I get it loosah. You do not.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
To add, another big problem is that we've made it too easy for our young people to not work these jobs.

We hand out free health insurance and SNAP benefits like candy now. WIC and housing assistance too if there's a baby involved. So our uneducated young people can get by working jobs that are just enough to pay their meager rents, like supermarket and gas station gigs. In rural areas with property handed down to them, a lot of young folks barely have to work at all.

So we have a generation of young people who would much rather work $15 per hour gas station jobs than dig a ditch in the hot sun on a highway for twice that. The dirtiest and hardest jobs are generally done by people who have to do them because they can't get government handouts, i.e. illegal immigrants.

But even assuming that we wiped out the welfare system that makes this absurd shit possible, which will never happen since there is zero political will for that in either political party, we STILL wouldn't have nearly enough young people to fill all of these jobs.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
@Ski: I grew up working a variety of hard and dirty jobs, from the time I was 14. I'm the first person in my family to graduate college.

But our kids have not been raised like that. Child labor and abuse laws are part of it, but so too are cultural changes and an expanding welfare system. even poor kids nowadays grow up much softer than their parents did.

So again, we have to deal with facts on the ground, not with what we wish would happen.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
Letting in illegals to cause terminal strain on our welfare system, which you admit is already overburdened by natives, causes more problems than it solves. Furthermore, the facts on the ground are that these 12 million illegals are not working the jobs you say they are. They are living off the government dole with taxes they've never paid and committing crimes for supplemental income. You've dismantled your own argument by arguing fantasies that are not reflected by "facts on the ground."
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
Ok Gamm, then educate me. What government benefits do these illegals qualify for which allows them to lounge around popping bon bons?

Illegal immigrants do not qualify for social welfare benefits, including SNAP or housing assistance. To the extent that they reside in "mixed status" households, meaning that they have eligible U.S. citizen children, they can receive prorated assistance, but it doesn't usually amount to anywhere close to what is needed for the whole household.

Also: (1) they make contributions to their local economies via indirect property tax support (through rent paid to landlords), sales taxes and (for some) state income taxes.

Their overall contribution to the economic prosperity of the country, on the whole, far outweighs their costs. We would be sorely fucked without them here doing all of those jobs that I mentioned - which they actually do btw. I speak from ample firsthand knowledge.

I don't know what half ass website you get your intel from, but it's half baked crap.

avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
Btw I copied and pasted most of that too Gam. ;)
avatar for rickmacrodong
a month ago
The right wing arguments for anti abortion and pro gun rights, make sense on some level. Its true that beyond a certain point, abortion is essentially murder. And its also true that mass shootings could be stopped easier if more people were armed, and an armed society is better at keeping crime down.

At the same time, most of those anti abortion/pro gun rights individuals, for the most part aren’t holistically pro-life. These are people who by and large want to wipe out the middle east, parts of southeast asia and china. Thats more than half the world…

Its completely laughable anytime you hear someone talking about how pro life or pro human rights they are, when abortion and gun rights are really only a very minor part of what it should mean to be pro life
avatar for rickmacrodong
a month ago
Oh and you can add immigrants to the list of enemies that most right wingers want to annihilate. There might be people debating against skibum here but his extremist views and beliefs are the majority of the right wings views as well
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
All right, rick, you stupid, narcissistic, white polyester-wearing fuck, we can all copy and paste until our fingers fall off. Unlike you, I provide my sources because I deal in facts, not draconian hyperbole. Now, I'm done wasting my time on a worthless, pompous ass like yourself. You are in a race to the bottom with 25iq to see who can be wrong more often than Joe Biden.………………
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
^ easily triggered weirdo.
You’re a moron and a child
avatar for Icey
a month ago
Its crazy to pretend to oppose made up aid to poor immigrants. While supporting corporate welfare 🍊 🤡 💩
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
@Gam: Ah yes, ye ol' FAIR report. I saw that before. It's grade school math for angry monkeys.

For starters, it potentially underestimates contributions to sales taxes, property taxes and gas taxes because there is no way to reliably measure those. Given how active immigrants are in the workforce, including running a number of small businesses (yard maintenance, house cleaning, etc.), those numbers seem very low. They also threw in the kitchen sink on the cost side, including the cost of an immigration system that would need to exist anyway.

But even worse, to make that monkey math work, they also had to include the investments we make in the legal U.S. citizen children, investments we make in ALL children nationwide. We do this because we believe that these investments result in positive economic returns in the future in terms of a healthier and better educated workforce. Those expenses never should have been included in the analysis, but of course without them this analysis wouldn't have worked.

Finally, the report doesn't factor in the costs to all of us of losing our immigrant workforce. Economic production in several key industries would slow down. Our food would become much more expensive, as would many of the other items we use regularly. Economic growth would become sluggish due to a dire labor shortage, limiting our future growth opportunities and hurting us all in the process.

Like I said, grade school math for angry monkeys.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
What I find stunning is that on one hand we're talking about AI and automation killing all the jobs and the future, yet when it is convenient, we need illiterate, uneducated foreigners here because there are too many jobs to be filled.
Gee whiz it's almost as if we deported all those who cheated the entire system and real legal immigrants, and found out that we actually did need them after a few years, that no one would ever want to come here again. Try getting rid of all the flotsam and jetsom called "migrants" and if it doesn't work out after a few years, then let them back in. The world isn;t getting better and their will always be poor people for Democrats to use, abuse and lie to.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
Sure ski. And if we kick them all out now, who is going to replace the roughly 8 million people working all these jobs and others right now?

And commercial construction workers;
And residential housebuilding workers;
And office/factory cleaners;
And restaurant back kitchen workers;
And road workers (including in MA);
And agricultural farm workers (fruits and vegetables anyone?);
And cattle ranch workers;
And chicken farm workers;
And dairy farm workers;
And meat processing plant workers;
And seafood processing plan workers;
And fishing boat workers;
Countless other domestic maintenance and are roles; and
Likely too many others that I am missing...

Not American kids, for all the reasons we already discussed. Are there robots waiting in the wings to do all these things that we haven't heard about? It would be devastating to our economy.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
I'm just going to leave this here.
Trump moves to prepare Guantanamo Bay for 30,000 'criminal illegal aliens'…

Needless to say, I am a fan of this policy.
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
All illegals out, don't care where they work or the ramifications. A country without secure borders is not a country.
avatar for wld4tatas
a month ago
Trump, Republicans and right wing media lied about a fake "crime crisis" (among other lies) to help them get elected. The crime statistics tell a different story.

Let's see where we are in 2026. The con will be more exposed when the crime and inflation rates have barely moved, while the Trump family's Bitcoin Billions have surged.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
^ Turns out we knew the names, addresses, and rap sheets of these guys. Trump is removing criminals from society, while the left is crying hurr durr durr rrrRRrrAAAacCCcIiIsssSTTTTTTT!!!

Sorry, you're done gaslighting us about the border situation and your intentions. You brought this upon yourselves.
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
Meanwhile another of Trumps J6 pardoned is shot and killed in altercation with Indiana police officers.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
Wrong thread, you demented old fool…
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
This is what I have been saying. Make the penalty for illegally violating the sovereignty of the United States so fearful, that no one would dare risk being deported to an El Salvadoran hellhole prison.…
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
Gayboi wants machine gun nests every 75 feet across the southern border from Texas to California with the authority to open fire on any person crossing the border from Mexico into the USA
avatar for skibum609
a month ago
^Great idea. I bet after 500 or so dead, the illegals stop coming.
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
25iq and the other leftists love the idea of cartels raping and enslaving women and children, holding innocent migrants for ransom, smuggling terrorists and foreign agents into the US, moving fentanyl and other drugs into our cities to addict and kill millions, murdering ranchers and families who live on the border, killing American sportsmen and tourists along the Rio Grande for target practice, ordering attacks on CPB and ICE agents, all for the express purpose of building a permanent voter base to ensure perpetual power for single-party democrat rule in United States federal offices. That is the hill which 25iq, the mentally ill IL lib, ninavagina, wld4testes, dustynuts, and the other commie scum have chosen to die on.
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
^ Weirdos gonna be weird
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
That's not a denial. You know I am right,.
avatar for twentyfive
a month ago
^ what the fuck is wrong with you, you are up at the 4th most unpopular person on the top 40 list, you pick fights with people that don’t agree with you, you’re a bigot, a stupid person, and you don’t have any friends. I see that my responding to your idiotic remarks gets laughs from everyone else, and it makes me laugh that you’re so stupid, but the truth is you bore me. Keep on being an ass and the butt of many jokes if you like, I’m done with you, go fuck yourself, I have much better things to do than pay you any attention. What a dummy you are
Adios Motherfucker,
avatar for gammanu95
a month ago
For those keeping score at home, this will be the 473rd time that 25iq has threatened to permanently ignore me. Betting is open on how many minutes he will last this time.
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