Comments by Vegeta1on1 (page 2)
discussion comment
15 years ago
Hey Jess, I have to agree with Player11, I do like reading your posts too. Good to have you, have fun.
discussion comment
15 years ago
I like that this person thinks their not greenvegas.
discussion comment
15 years ago
I was thinking the same thing the other day when I haven't seen any new posts or anything from T-Bro. Thanks for all you done and hopefully we will get to hear from you again.
discussion comment
15 years ago
Atlanta suburb
I agree, I don't consider that as a review.
discussion comment
15 years ago
From the ones I know, they did drugs before stripping. They used stripping for money to get more drugs and ect.
discussion comment
14 years ago
Thanks Hidi :-)
discussion comment
14 years ago
Where do I sign?
discussion comment
14 years ago
Heres a video posted from Samsung1 from another Blog that works good with this story.
discussion comment
14 years ago
Its kind of sad that it seems like you can only screw up in the sports world, no matter what you have done, as long as you come back and win and then everyone excepts and loves you again, but you can't have made a few dessions in your past that some others may not have agreed with and have it hunt you for the rest of your life. Tera was doing a job she enjoyed teaching and supporting her family. She just maybe what we need in this day & age, to show others that you can still make it and uprise from a hard past, but with the backwards thinking that still goes on, were not only holding Tera back, but our selfs as well.
discussion comment
14 years ago
This kid must have gotten an A+ in sex ed.
article comment
15 years ago
Hope many good experinces are coming your way bd012