![avatar for StripClubXpert](https://images.tuscl.net/avatars/187262.png)
Comments by StripClubXpert
discussion comment
a month ago
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
@ gammanu95 Thank for posting this.
@Puddy Tat All of the Democratic Party's Joy was based on one thing -- finally being rid of Jo Biden. After a couple of months of hearing "I was raised in a middle class family" all of the Joy was gone.
discussion comment
a month ago
Southern Libertine
@Icey The RNC also had Amber Rose speak at their convention.
There is not going to be any federal legislation to shut down these clubs as long as they don't have sex traffickers pimping the girls on a circuit around the country.
discussion comment
a month ago
![avatar for StripClubXpert](https://images.tuscl.net/avatars/187262.png)
@Icey I don't buy it. I agree that there are plenty of conservatives who would love to shoot squirrels, rabbits, Bambi's father, etc but conservatives would not want to see the government barge in to someone's house. Conservatives today are much more libertarian than Progressives.
Conservatives also would not want to pay 10 DEC agents to do something like this. It is a waste of public funds. It is kind of like a bridge to nowhere.
discussion comment
a month ago
Southern Libertine
"The liberal losers needed milk and cookies and crayons and safe spaces when they lost...."
I can't believe they are giving milk & cookies to college students! These colleges are not preparing them for the real world.
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a month ago
Southern Libertine
How JD Vance and Tim Walz' Favorability Compares After Debate
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a month ago
Southern Libertine
If you think that his administration will try to shut down all strip clubs with some sort of national law you getting your news from msnbc or some other sort of misinformation.
The left news media loves to blame all of the world's problems on Evangelicals. Funny how the left loves to call President Trump Hitler and then the left proceeds to use the Nazi playbook. It doesn't matter if they are blaming Jews or Evangelicals, anytime you hear all of the problems being blamed on a religious group warning bells should go off. The real Hitler tried that. It was not good for the world. Politicians love to do that because it takes the attention away from their own shortcomings.
discussion comment
a month ago
![avatar for StripClubXpert](https://images.tuscl.net/avatars/187262.png)
CORRECTION: It was 10 DEC officers at Mike Longo's home / animal sanctuary / porn studio for 5 hours.
I bet Elon Musk can trim down the DEC.
discussion comment
a month ago
![avatar for StripClubXpert](https://images.tuscl.net/avatars/187262.png)
@PAWG Patrol
1. I understand that it is illegal to keep wildlife as a pet but he did have a wildlife sanctuary. The DEC should have just told him what their rules were in a letter.
2. gay porn? That explains why I did not get any results when I searched for Daniela Longo OF.
3. The squirrel did bite the officer. I would think that is what most squirrels would do. All DEC officers should know that. It sounds like an excuse to me.
Even if it is true it does not explain why the put down the racoon.
discussion comment
a month ago
![avatar for StripClubXpert](https://images.tuscl.net/avatars/187262.png)
@Icey This is the type of thing that fascist DAs support.
discussion comment
a month ago
Southern Libertine
@Owlyoung_ggofv Your title said you voted for Comrade Kamala but you wanted her to loose. But then your entire article lists reasons why you wanted her to win.
So why did you want her to loose?
discussion comment
a month ago
![avatar for Puddy Tat](https://images.tuscl.net/avatars/801795.png)
Puddy Tat
@motorhead "Meanwhile, in China and India, 4th graders are walking 6 miles to school to study Partial Differential Equations and FinTech ".
lmao! It is funny because it is true.
discussion comment
2 months ago
![avatar for StripClubXpert](https://images.tuscl.net/avatars/187262.png)
You would think everyone would appreciate the sacrifice of their veterans.
It is sickening but I could see that happening here too.
discussion comment
2 months ago
![avatar for StripClubXpert](https://images.tuscl.net/avatars/187262.png)
@Puddy Tat
I agree there is huge difference between legalizing it and marketing it. It should not be taught to children.
Insurance companies and the governement are always looking for cheaper alternative to paying for care.
discussion comment
2 months ago
![avatar for StripClubXpert](https://images.tuscl.net/avatars/187262.png)
"If doctors can charge insurance to painlessly kill someone and pass on the cost of body disposal (that can then be claimed by another company) then recycling people ends up being a profitable service for all occasions."
Dr. Kevorkian did charge people to assist in their suicide but if you are looking for nefarious motives you should not be looking at doctors. It is far more plausible that insurance companies would push for that option if they could save money by offering suicide as opposed to any of the more costly treatments that may be needed when someone is sick.
The government also would have a strong motive to push for assisted suicide if they are paying for healthcare. Plus they would save on not having to pay for nay Social Security/benefits.
discussion comment
2 months ago
![avatar for StripClubXpert](https://images.tuscl.net/avatars/187262.png)
@gammanu95 The term "Military-Industrial complex" is a term that has been used a lot by both Jill Stein and RFK Jr.
I support the men and women in every branch of the US military, but I don't know about the "Military-Industrial complex". A ton of money changes hands & I bet some of it ends up back in the politicians pockets. Part of my support for the men and women in the US military makes me feel like we should try to deploy them less. So less of them come back with missing limbs and other disabilities.
discussion comment
2 months ago
![avatar for StripClubXpert](https://images.tuscl.net/avatars/187262.png)
@Studeme53 I agree that there is a lot of money changing hands with the "Military-Industrial complex". Follow the money trail and you can usually find out the real reason why most politician make choices.
discussion comment
2 months ago
![avatar for StripClubXpert](https://images.tuscl.net/avatars/187262.png)
@wld4tatas "...we could use some of that revenue to keep defending democracy abroad ..."
Prior to the Second Gulf War I would have agreed with you. But after seeing American boys come back with missing limbs and many not coming back at all I changed my mind. And that was before I realized that the fall of Saddam Hussein would have left a vacuum that would lead to the rise of ISIS who among other atrocities legalized slavery.
Iraq used to push back against Iran. Today's Iraq is pro Iran.
It seems the US is in a worse position after getting rid of Saddam Hussein.
discussion comment
2 months ago
![avatar for StripClubXpert](https://images.tuscl.net/avatars/187262.png)
"israel wants to wipe out iran, iraq, Syria, lebanon, palestine…"
That list is basically Iran and Iran's "axis of resistance" or "axis of evil" depending on who you ask. So I think you are saying that "israel wants to wipe out iran".
Do you think Iran wants to wipe out Israel?
Will there ever be an end to this unless one side wipes out the other?
discussion comment
2 months ago
![avatar for StripClubXpert](https://images.tuscl.net/avatars/187262.png)
@Icey What do you think about Jill Stein?
discussion comment
2 months ago
![avatar for StripClubXpert](https://images.tuscl.net/avatars/187262.png)
@Stu815 I agree it is stronger to be part of a team. But I think over the years many European countries got used to the US military taking care of them. The European politicians as a group loved this so they could spend on social services rather than their military. I am glad we have allies but everyone need to do their share. I'm not sure if they all are.
discussion comment
3 months ago
![avatar for StripClubXpert](https://images.tuscl.net/avatars/187262.png)
If you do click on the link, click on the video that says "This cartoon is not for children"
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3 months ago
![avatar for StripClubXpert](https://images.tuscl.net/avatars/187262.png)
Don't get me wrong I despise hate speech. But I believe in free speech and I think not placing all of the blame for assassination attempts on the perpetrators is taking responsibility off of the guilty party.
discussion comment
3 months ago
![avatar for StripClubXpert](https://images.tuscl.net/avatars/187262.png)
I hear you. My issue is that most Progressives today are fascists. They want to limit free speech. They are wrong.
We should be the party of free speech. We can't place limit on any speech that the government feels is "misinformation" because if progressives are in control of that they will want to limit things like saying Merry Christmas in schools. Or mayors of towns will demand that Churches submit their sermons before giving them.
It's a slippery slope.
I would execute anyone who attempts to shoot the President or anyone running for President. I might be okay with capital punishment for the shooters parents as well.
discussion comment
3 months ago
![avatar for CJKent_band](https://images.tuscl.net/avatars/695586.png)
The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
@CJKent_band I'll take the bait.
The Electoral College was intentionally put in place by our founding fathers to give more clout to the smaller states. Otherwise they would not have agreed at the Constitutional Convention, correct? Without the Electoral College the politicians would only pay attention to the most populous states and ignore the rest of them.
So how was the Electoral College manipulated by the 1%
discussion comment
3 months ago
![avatar for StripClubXpert](https://images.tuscl.net/avatars/187262.png)
@skibum609 I felt the same way initially but I have changed my mind.
You really should be able to say anything you want in the USA. It is still a free country.
If that causes some evil bastard to try to kill someone they are responsible for their own actions and should be executed IMHO. If they are young and got the gun from their parents then the parents should suffer the same fate.