Will Trump Try to Steal the Election Again?

avatar for CJKent_band
Just answer the question.


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avatar for misterorange
5 months ago
The real question is "Will CJKunt try to shove his head up his own ass again?" and if so "Will he be successful this time?"
avatar for StripClubXpert
5 months ago
He is not the current President. How do you expect that to happen?
Jan 7 all over again?

I don't see it as a remote possibility. I would put my money on it if I could bet on it at https://kalshi.com/
avatar for CJKent_band
5 months ago

Trump lost the popular vote, but still was named POTUS 8 years ago, because of the electoral college is controlled by the 1% and they thought it was going to be an “useful idiot”, soon they found out that he was an useless idiot…

This time around they, the 1%, are still thinking he can be POTUS, but they think that this time they will be able to take advantage of the useless idiot antics and profit more…

Remember Republicans and Democrats Rob The Poor To Give To The Rich in our Country.
avatar for datinman
5 months ago
If I understand the Trump campaign thought process behind January 6, either Mike Pence was supposed to certify the fake electors or refuse to certify altogether, in the thought it would then be turned over to the Republican majority House of Representatives who would then appoint Trump as President.

Now if the Democrats were to flip the House of Representatives and get sworn in on January 3 and Harris is the person certifying the results…
avatar for StripClubXpert
5 months ago
@CJKent_band I'll take the bait.
The Electoral College was intentionally put in place by our founding fathers to give more clout to the smaller states. Otherwise they would not have agreed at the Constitutional Convention, correct? Without the Electoral College the politicians would only pay attention to the most populous states and ignore the rest of them.

So how was the Electoral College manipulated by the 1%
avatar for twentyfive
5 months ago
The electoral college is a relic, it's time to scrap it, the founding fathers created it at a time when there were less than 2 million people living as citizens of the United States, slaves and Native Americans were not counted as citizens at that time, and the population of most states was pretty small. with the exception of a few major population centers there were very few large settlements. Women also did not have the right to vote, my guess is less than half a million people were actually eligible to vote. I'd bet that within the next 50 years that will become a reality and our country will be better for it.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
5 months ago
^ Relic or not, it's the law, and CJ is just bitchwhining because it works against him.

If you don't like it, pass a constitutional amendment. Lots of people talk about it.
avatar for twentyfive
5 months ago
^ I think eventually it will come up for an amendment and will get passed, I don't really care all that much, but if it comes up for a vote, I will support such an amendment
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
5 months ago
^ I think an amendment requires 3/4 of the states, many of whom would stand to lose from it.

There's the National Popular Vote Compact, but it's of questionable legality (Constitution prohibits interstate compacts), and the only states that have agreed to it are purplish-blue to deep blue.

Only way I could see it getting overturned is if there's a massive popular mobilization and I don't think enough people care.

If it would work in Democrats' favor (like it might have in 2008), I doubt CJ would try to poison the well about it. The worm always turns.
avatar for CJKent_band
5 months ago

“The American system OF government tolerates and rewards connivance; big business and big government collude to keep profits flowing to the business and contributions flowing to the government officials...”

“Until economic and social rules work for all Americans, they’re not working...”

“The promise of America is that anyone who works hard and plays by the rules can earn a middle-class life. That promise is betrayed when the system provides a tiny class of Americans with special treatment, including a get-out-of-jail-free card when they commit fraud to make untold millions.”

“It is the sufferings of the many which pay for the luxuries of the few...”

“If solutions within this system are so difficult to find then maybe we should change the system itself"

~ Greta Thunberg
avatar for grrlgonebad
5 months ago

Please.... I am as progressive... feminist... as they come.... but PLEASE don't quote Greta Thurberg... it does absolutely nothing to bolster an argument against the rich and powerful.

She comes from generational wealth and influence that very few people on earth enjoy... and is a petulant little bitch to boot.

There are so many others who you can call on to support your (and TBH, mine too) perspective that you don't have to resort to using her...

If you really want to find a logical, well thought out argument for election tampering... use people like Stacey Abrams who are real... and autentic.. not plastic puppets like Greta...

“Voter suppression works its might by first tripping and causing to stumble the unwanted voter, then by convincing those who see the obstacle course to forfeit the race without even starting to run.”
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
5 months ago
^ Stacey Abrams, perpetual loser and best waste of Democratic donations this side of Beto O'Rourke (aka Beta O'Dork) isn't someone to pattern yourself after either.
avatar for Context21
5 months ago
The electoral college helps protect the country from brain washed retards from states like California.
avatar for CJKent_band
5 months ago

People should decide whether something quoted, written or said makes sense by its content, not by the person who writes or says it, regardless when or where it was said or the letters after his or her name, title or position in society, age, nationality etc.

Pragmatically speaking, quotations and undeniable facts can also be used as language games (in the Wittgensteinian sense of the term) to manipulate social order and the structure of society.

“Like everything metaphysical the harmony between thought and reality is to be found in the grammar of the language.”

~ Ludwig Wittgenstein
~ Austrian-British philosopher
~ Born: April 26, 1889, Vienna, Austria
~ Died: April 29, 1951, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Ludwig said it all...


America sucks and needs to be dismantled.”

~ Papi_Chulo, TUSCL, August 14, 2020
~ White privileged (Cuban) residing in Miami, FL

^ Sad but so true Papi.

~ Warrior15, TUSCL, August 14, 2020
~ Just a Monger looking for some Action.
avatar for wld4tatas
5 months ago
It is very possible Trump will challenge and try to overturn the upcoming election if he loses, this has been widely reported.

Fact check: 12 election lies Trump is using to set the stage to dispute a potential 2024 defeat
avatar for motorhead
5 months ago
“Trump Lies”

Apparently, so does Tim Walz. Let’s not pretend Trump is the only politician to ever lie.

avatar for grrlgonebad
5 months ago
@CJKENT - Understanding quotes depends on knowing who the person was and the context they said it...

"Let them eat cake!" - Marie Antoinette (probably never actually said it) demonstrating her profound disconnect from the suffering and discontent of the French people on the eve of revolution.

"Let them eat cake!" - Me at my neice's 8th birthday party when my bitchy sister didn't want to give the kids too much sugar...

Context matters... who said it matters...
avatar for twentyfive
5 months ago
^ you’re having a conversation with an autistic bot !
avatar for CJKent_band
5 months ago

Thank you for providing good advice to use one’s mind and have one's own ideas and make one's own choices.

“The greatest thing about the internet is that you can quote something and totally make up the source."

~ Mahatma Gandhi.


The good news is that while it's easy to spread fake Information, Quotes, Pics and Vids online, the internet also makes it possible to double-check the real source…

And remember in the TUSCL website:

All contents should be considered a work of fiction.
© 1993-2024
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
5 months ago
"At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats."

- PJ O'Rourke
avatar for twentyfive
5 months ago
The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.

P. J. O'Rourke
avatar for motorhead
5 months ago
Can’t we just go back and reset this whole election. Trump is old and he lies. But the alternative is a worse. Kamala acts drunk half the time she speaks and detoured the entire electoral process. Can’t America do better?
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
5 months ago
The electoral college is outdated. The world and country have gotten smaller. Our internal borders really don’t matter. There’s no reason that 7-8 states get to decide who is president. There’s no reason my vote in Maryland is worth less than someone voting in Wyoming. That said, it won’t ever change. No possibility of a constitutional amendment being passed on the electoral college or really anything in our lifetimes.
avatar for TheSingularity
5 months ago
It'll happen. He'll try and involve SCOTUS
avatar for CJKent_band
5 months ago
“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of
those who could have acted;

the indifference of those who should have known better;

the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most;

that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”

“We must work together to ensure the equitable distribution of wealth, opportunity, and power in our society.”
avatar for RonJax2
5 months ago
I agree with all who have mentioned the electoral college being an outdated relic. I would go so far as to point out that there's a dark reason it exists in it's current form: it was shaped to protect the institution of slavery. https://time.com/4558510/elect…

And @puddytat, you are absolutely right to point out that the worm turns here. To liberals, the EC feels disastrous right now, because Trump won the EC and lost the popular vote in 2016. And this year, it also heavily advantages Trump. Nate Silver's model currently shows a 77% chance that Kamala wins the popular vote, but only a 56% chance she wins the EC, leaving a whopping 21% chance that Trump repeats 2016 by winning the election while losing the popular vote.

But that bias can change. In 2008 and 2012 it favored democrats: https://centerforpolitics.org/…

Both parties, IMHO, should want us to be rid of the EC, for the uncertainty, arbitrariness it injects. And for the fact that it disenfranchises so many voters. If you're a Trump voter in NY and CA right now, your vote doesn't mean shit.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
5 months ago
@RonJax - agree about the EC. Not the way I would have designed it, and I would favor ending it. But this would disenfranchise a lot of states whose approval would be needed. So I think it's a moot point.

Right now the EC is the rule of the game. Bitching about "but we won the popular vote," it doesn't matter. Nor does how or why it started. My vote in Mass doesn't count but the rules are the rules.
avatar for RonJax2
5 months ago
Also, to CJs original question, Will Trump try to steal the election again?

ABSOLUTELY. He's already been laying the ground work for this, stating in multiple interviews he'll accept the '24 results if and only if he wins. And he will absolutely try all the same felonious assault on our democracy that he did in 2020 should he lose.

He'll pressure officials, from local county board members up to governors to change results or decertify, as he did in 2020. He'll cook up conspiracy theory riddled lawsuits. He'll try again to establish fake electors.

He'll incite stochastic terror on local election workers. He'll try again (or attempt) to send mass mobs of insurrectionists to disrupt official proceedings, both in state houses and again potentially the US Capitol.

As an aside, there's a great HBO documentary out right now called Stopping the Steal. It's the story of the lengths Trump went to in 2020 to overturn the election. Notably, it's a story told only by Republicans.

If he loses this election, he'll be like a caged rat. He'll be facing sentencing in his guilty felon verdict in the hush money case in NY. And he'll be facing felony trials in a GA district court for election interference, and the federal Jan 6th case. In 2020, he tried to overturn the election without consideration of the consequences, this time, threatened and cornered, I fear he could go much farther.

Harris needs to be preparing not just to defeat Trump at the ballot box, but to defend her victory legally, in the court of public opinion, and to defend democracy in general. It think she can and she will.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
5 months ago
^ "He'll incite stochastic terror on local election workers."

Were the wild accusations against Trump "stochastic terror"? Or is that just another way to paint the side you don't agree with as the only bad guy?
avatar for RonJax2
5 months ago
> Right now the EC is the rule of the game. Bitching about "but we won the popular vote," it doesn't matter. Nor does how or why it started. My vote in Mass doesn't count but the rules are the rules.

Yep, I agree with you here definitely. Both sides have to play the game with the rules we have.

I'm glad you agree it would be worthwhile to end the EC and do the NPVIC. I think it actually could be less of an uphill battle than you think. Right now, the system isn't really protecting most small states. Like, WY, AK, SD, ND... they get ignored in presidential politics.

The EC focuses the race on the battleground states. Silver bulletin currently shows PA as having a voter power index of 7.6. Your voter power index in MA is something less than 0.01, meaning a voter in PA is like 1,000x more powerful than you. It's a ludicrous system.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
5 months ago
^ the NPVIC is of questionable legality and only agreed to by blue or bluish purple states. I just think most people don't care. Low on list of life priorities.
avatar for CJKent_band
5 months ago
Good people do not need laws and rules to tell them to be good and act responsibly..

While bad people will find a way around the laws and rules to be bad and commit immoral and malevolent acts against others
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