Half a million followers on Instagram could not save P’Nut

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For those of you that have not heard, Mark Longo found P’Nut seven years ago in New York City. P’Nut the squirrel's mom was hit by a car, and he was walking into a busy street in Downtown Manhattan. P’Nut ended up crawling up Marl's leg.

Mark tried to release P’Nut after a while but he came back with half of his tail missing. Seven years later the internet had fallen in love with P’Nut.

Then officials from the environmental conservation department showed up at the Longos’ home in Pine City. P’Nut was also the face and name of P’Nuts Freedom Farm Animal Sanctuary, a nonprofit that Mr. Longo said he and his wife started in April. They funded the nonprofit with an OF account.
While the story going around has been that authorities were called on Mark's property for the health and safety of the animals being held there, another theory suggests that the police, as well as whoever reported him in the first place, had a problem with his and his wife's spicy OF presence. https://www.distractify.com/p/…
The Longos made enough money from their OnlyFans account that they were able to buy a 350-acre property in upstate New York. The Longos social media company contribute half of the roughly $20,000-a-month expenses to run the sanctuary.

Seven officers ransacked his entire house. They made him sit outside for five hours and wouldn’t even let him feed his horses. They normally would have had two meals in that time.

The officers left with P’Nut and a raccoon. They executed both of them because they said they needed to test for Rabies.

The incident is reminiscent of one in Massachusetts earlier this month, when Nibi the beaver, who lived at a wildlife rescue, was threatened with seizure.

Inflation is through the roof. Crime is out of control in NY State and the government sees fit to have seven DEC offices spend the day confiscating and then executing an Only Fans squirrel & racoon?

Anyone else think we need a change in the government in NY?


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avatar for wallanon
3 months ago
Just in New York? Over a squirrel? Why not? The apple cart gets turned over all the time for more trivial reasons.
This is the type of shit that tough on crime conservative DAs and pigs support 🤡
1. It's illegal to have wildlife as a pet.

2. Mark Longo used the squirrel to promote his solo gay porn OnlyFans (his wife did not appear in any videos).

3. The illegal pet bit an officer and had to be put down.
This is what happens when you allow Progressives to do anything other than change a diaper or wash the dishes. Pawg - Icey is mourning the loss of her first cousin, Peanut.
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3 months ago
@Icey This is the type of thing that fascist DAs support.
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3 months ago
@PAWG Patrol
1. I understand that it is illegal to keep wildlife as a pet but he did have a wildlife sanctuary. The DEC should have just told him what their rules were in a letter.

2. gay porn? That explains why I did not get any results when I searched for Daniela Longo OF.

3. The squirrel did bite the officer. I would think that is what most squirrels would do. All DEC officers should know that. It sounds like an excuse to me.
Even if it is true it does not explain why the put down the racoon.
avatar for StripClubXpert
3 months ago
CORRECTION: It was 10 DEC officers at Mike Longo's home / animal sanctuary / porn studio for 5 hours.

I bet Elon Musk can trim down the DEC.
Right conservative fascist DAs.
avatar for StripClubXpert
3 months ago
@Icey I don't buy it. I agree that there are plenty of conservatives who would love to shoot squirrels, rabbits, Bambi's father, etc but conservatives would not want to see the government barge in to someone's house. Conservatives today are much more libertarian than Progressives.
Conservatives also would not want to pay 10 DEC agents to do something like this. It is a waste of public funds. It is kind of like a bridge to nowhere.
Youre delusional. Broken windows policing and treating perty crimes as felonies are conservative measures.

You complain about liberal DAs and then claim conservative ones are light on crime 🤡
^^SCX - why are you arguing with a fucking lying imbecile without a job?
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