Who is behind the Trump Assasination Attempts?

avatar for StripClubXpert

Who this it is the CIA/NSA?
Who thinks it is Harris?
Who thinks it is Iran?
Who thinks they were just solo loosers?

I tend to think that they were just evil loosers who think they are smarter than everyone else even though no one recognizes them as such. So they decide to change the course of history by killing someone so they can be do something with their otherwise useless lives.

Fortunately both assassins were incompetent. Because of this incompetence it is hard for me to believe that ANY organized group was behind it.


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avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
5 months ago
I would say it's a lone loser but the way they covered up Thomas Crooks, the Secret Service fucked up so many times, scrubbed his online presence, and cremated the body so quickly has me wondering.

It's known that Iran has a price on his head but they could find a trained sniper or a commando to do the job.

CIA/NSA wouldn't shock me, everyone in government thought LBJ ordered the hit on JFK, but again if it was a serious attempt they'd have access to better personnel. Maybe it was some halfhearted thing so they'd have plausible deniability. It almost succeeded.
^ In a new MTG post she is now claiming that they can manipulate the weather, but she has refused thus far to tell us who is "they"
Makes me think that she is onto "us"
The entire democratic party and their base are responsible for the assassination attempts as their speech encourages the mentally deficient amongst us to act violently to save democracy. The same way muslim extremist's speech causes suicide bombings. Same tpe of people.
Oh, damn! They're onto me! I'll have to dispose of my modified Atari console weather controller "toute suite"!
avatar for StripClubXpert
5 months ago
@skibum609 I felt the same way initially but I have changed my mind.
You really should be able to say anything you want in the USA. It is still a free country.
If that causes some evil bastard to try to kill someone they are responsible for their own actions and should be executed IMHO. If they are young and got the gun from their parents then the parents should suffer the same fate.
On January 6, 2021, Donald Trump held a rally to protest what he felt was an invalid election result. He concluded the speech. "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." Later, there was a riot at the Capitol Building. The democrat party machine and mainstream liberal media has indicted Trump for sedition and election interference by encouraging people to be peaceful.

Now, the same democrats and media are calling Trump a "monster", "tyrant", "dictator," "autocrat," and "a threat to democracy/freedom/our nation." In the midst of these accusations against the 45th President, there have been at least two attempts on his life as a direct result.

If the FBI, DOJ, and Homeland Security can use the height of cutting edge to facially recognize someone's grandmother who was by the Capitol on Jan 6th and arrest her for sedition, they can damn well run an algorithm to sweep up all of the people who falsely accused Trump of being a threat to the nation on TV, internet, and radio and charge them for their part in the attempts on his life.
avatar for StripClubXpert
5 months ago
I hear you. My issue is that most Progressives today are fascists. They want to limit free speech. They are wrong.
We should be the party of free speech. We can't place limit on any speech that the government feels is "misinformation" because if progressives are in control of that they will want to limit things like saying Merry Christmas in schools. Or mayors of towns will demand that Churches submit their sermons before giving them.

It's a slippery slope.

I would execute anyone who attempts to shoot the President or anyone running for President. I might be okay with capital punishment for the shooters parents as well.

"The entire democratic party and their base are responsible for the assassination attempts as their speech encourages the mentally deficient amongst us to act violently to save democracy. The same way muslim extremist's speech causes suicide bombings. Same tpe of people."

Your lack of critical thinking skills and broad based generalizations leave us only one choice: you have been disbarred.
^^^ well stated.

avatar for StripClubXpert
5 months ago
Don't get me wrong I despise hate speech. But I believe in free speech and I think not placing all of the blame for assassination attempts on the perpetrators is taking responsibility off of the guilty party.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
5 months ago
^ There's no such thing as "hate speech," there's immediate incitement to violence or not. Back when the ACLU held to its principles they fought for the rights of neo-Nazis, odious and repugnant though they might be, to march through heavily Jewish Skokie, Illinois.

The left's "stochastic terrorism" pablum is one of the many ways they're trying to criminalize speech they don't like--and that they conveniently get to define.
How did you conclude that progressives want to limit free speech? Yes there were efforts during the pandemic to address misinformation about the vaccine and alternative treatments, based on science, to help avoid surges in deaths and hospitalizations. These isolated examples are a far cry from some broad effort to limit free speech.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
5 months ago
Personally, I think the people who were violent with police officers on Jan 6th didn't care who really won the election. I think they are anti-democracy fascists. But, they probably thought Trump knew he was lying about losing, and took that as a sign he supported the overthrow of democracy. It's dangerous to be dangerous. You can't be dangerous, then say others are endangering you, by not being silent about you being dangerous.
^Really? Can you admit that the left suppressing the NY Post expose of Biden's laptop was a violation of press freedom, especially now that we all know it was fact?

It is a known fact that COVID originated in the Chinese Wuhan lab, but the government wanted to ban that info.

The many deleterious side effects and adverse reactions from a COVID vaccine which has by and large been ineffective.

Stopping people from acknowledging the truth of the terror attacks in Benghazi being led by ISIS or AQ-affiliated terrorists?

Barring sharing of information that Fauci NCH was funding the research in China which led to COVID.

You're the dumbest shill on this board and we all know you're full of shit.
Its right wing weirdos who yhink trump isn't extremist enough
College syllabi now contain “trigger” warnings. What a weird, weak agenda the leftist progressives in academia have indoctrinated our children with if certain assigned readings might be disturbing.
Where do all the left wing trolls go to
post their rants? So far all I see is one. Several right winged angry posters here.
Iran, North Korea, Russia, and China
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