
Comments by clubman2 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Jenna love her hate her?
    picky, picky! just a detail. She's ok.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    Hey wondergrl, I was just joking.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Super uber pipe dream
    I want to live on Wonderwoman's home island
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    WG I ment that you let jab and me go through this, twice now, without bringing any of your sage wisdom till we about ran out of steam lol jab, I hate to tell you but I've have experienced both ends of the spetrum and on some level see positives to both
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    oh oh edwards a "baby daddy?"
    Just a man with all the same frailties
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    jab I don't think you and I will ever see eye to eye on this but that's ok, I respect a well founded and deeply felt opinion and WG, where did you drop in from hello
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    Hell no - I prefer to be seen as a person but that just doesn't happen imho
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    You have no idea how this hurts but I have to agree, in large measure, with your last observation. Damn, that is scary. Maybe we should switch sides mid-way through our next debate just for fun. lol
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Jenna love her hate her?
    If I can get palamony(sp) if we broke up I could love her other wise she'd doable.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Your Guesses on What She Could Have Said . . .
    Perhaps your friend knew that the hottie was down from dealing with assholes and needed some genuine appreciation or maybe she told her you were really 28 and hung like a mule LOL
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    Again, I was not saying that was the case with Gambling dancer but rather the apparent type of relationship as a point of reference. Now I'm worried though, it almost seems that you are beginning to see my point of view. I will say that I don't think that the dotted line ever disappears but simply becomes a little more obscure. I wonder, at what point might the fantasy may become reality but lacking only ones conscious acquiesence to that fact.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    jablake I guess what I'm trying to say is that while trying to list the possible motivations of others is a noble thought, due to the complexity of the human animal the best we may be able to realistily accomplish is to stop trying to shoehorn everyone else into our particular model.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    Wow, excuse all the typos. Fingers already started the weekend.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    Unfortunately I see your money exaple as too simplistic to expalin the more complex aean of human interaction and relationships whatever the nature. We must recognize that there are at least two sets of drivers. First is the animalistic natural need to survive. That includes food, clothing and shelter. For the most part this takes us back to coin of the realm or perhaps barter. Something that can be reduced to monetary value. Once, and only once this survival need is satisfied can the issue of "social justice" really come in to play. This is really get cloudy and where actions can obfuscate reality. "Social Justice" falls in the category of learned or developed values. The source being anyone or all of the authoity figures of our youth to our experiences in life.This constitutes a wide spectrum of human behaviors from the philanthropic to pure greed and all the variables in between. What each gets from these varied views is as diverse as the backgounds and the input recieved over the formative years. Some may view their behaviors towrd others based on the others need and ability to pay. If this takes the form of affection exhibited by Gambling dancer ( and I'm not saying this is the case, just a tangible example)it could stem from a stong sense of empathy. This of course comes with the danger of empathy growing out of control into sympathy which can be an unstable emotion. The opposite extreme would be pure greed where there exists a take no prisioners attitude and they will take all they can get. In both case, as well as all the gradients in between, their is some benefit to the individual that satisfies a base need born of experience, but only after the required monetary need has been satisfied. On the kinder gentler side this fulfillment may compensate for some guilt at being mercenary with others and therefore enable them to continue but viewing the 'good deed' they have done to the 'less fortunate.' These emotions may well be subconscious and so lacking in foethought. Again, and unfortunately, this is only a thin slice of a very large and complex issue. But in every example I can think of there is at least a dotted line back to money and truth be damned in the process as that is simply a means to an end.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The discussion here has been quiet.
    shhhh we're trying to sleep
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    Well I concede that there can, and I stress 'can' be some degree of coexistence but the money motive never goes away. I still disagree on the "free" as in not paying directly as I have had a couple of relatively long term relationships with strippers (OTC) where we were a couple and no money was exchanged. In retrospect however, money or perhaps security were, I believe, the root driving force.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    Okay, sorry. Back on the same page. I won't go in to my discussions on the other thread again but I still think it's a matter of perspective. Whether the emotions are real or fake or real-fake doesn't matter much. I believe the ultimate motivation remains the same. I think that sometimes even the dancers don't know the difference in real or fake. The lie simply becomes a reality indistinguishable from the truth but the real root is always the same. $$$
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    jablake lol okay, I give up. Maybe it's just been a long day or maybe I've just had too much to drink tonight but "what the hell are you saying?" I usually follow you with no problem but not tonight. One of us is off...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    Like I said before ATM
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Fav international clubs
    BTW Misterguy, I agree, Toronto or I shold say the GTA in particular has some very good clubs.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Fav international clubs
    For the most part it seems that most countries that have a more open/casual view of sex in general, which also includes those with leagalized prostitution or at least a blind eye, do not have good strip clubs. Perhaps they simply don't have the need for as much fantasy and "secret/forbidden" sex.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    OT: Paris Hilton Responds...
    (cont)...someone look it up for him
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    OT: Paris Hilton Responds...
    Hey jab, if it's not monosyllabic Bush has to have
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    OT: Paris Hilton Responds...
    Dudester, Hate to say it but I think the jury is still out on Paris. Yes, she has made millions without her family but I question whether this would have been possible, or how much success however you might define it, she would have had if she had not been a Hilton. The simple fact of who she is was a great jumping off point.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    OT: Paris Hilton Responds...
    arbee misunderestimated???