
Comments by jablake (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Stripping is a form of violence against women . . .
    Well, yes sex with a dead horse might to some be considered better than sex with a feminist.
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    15 years ago
    Will rich pedophile finally face justice? Polanski arrested in Switzerland
    "How will Roman like it when Bubba gives him a dose of his own medicine?" With his wealth, he'll probably be treated like royalty. :) Anyway, he seems like the victim. Hopefully, his attorneys can clean up this mess in his favor once and for all. Based on what little I know, he should soon be a free man who won't have this legal BS hanging over his head. I wonder what the real deal with his case is. Seems like there has to be more than sex with a young girl some 30 years ago and when I read a very brief bio on his sad life it was like damn, what a shame. :( I'd like to contribute $10 and a note of encouragement to his attorneys. Just a friendly gesture as I'm sure that, that isn't even a penny to him.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Update on gridget.
    Finally, a face to the infamous Gridget. :)
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    15 years ago
    Rape isn't about sex . . .
    Hi Clubber, President Obama's birth certificate case sure as hell seems like a "conspiracy" if you aren't buying the official line that there is no issue at where he was born. By "conspiracy" I mean not only does most of the mainstream media poo poo the idea that President Obama may not have been born in the U.S., but the courts have also taken a blind eye to the situation. Let's not forget the House and the Senate have pretty much, including Republicans, rubber stamped the legitimacy of President Obama. Even though I could be considered a "birther" I believe in any true sense of the terms President Obama is a natural born citizen---even if he was born in the USSR. :) So President Obama and his pals are conspiring to ruin the U.S.? Sounds insane to me, but I could be wrong. I think most people would use your words: "Those that espouse things so utterly ridiculous as to defy logic" to that belief and your "birther" belief. President Obama's "group of people" are just people who support the President? Or, do you mean blacks? Muslims? Jews? Christians? Leftists? Banks? Not really sure who his "group of people" is unless you just meant people that voted for him or those who support his policies. For a person who states that he "rarely, if ever, subscribe to 'conspiracy theory's,'" those are a couple of whoppers. BTW, this "birther" conspiracy seems like a joke, imho, because even if President Obama was born outside of the U.S. it doesn't mean he wasn't a natural born citizen. It is just a question of interpretation of what those terms actually mean.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Rape isn't about sex . . .
    Hi how, You are a supporter of the government's so called War on Terror. I think it is fair to say as such you believe those throwing "deadly missiles" should be severely dealt with. Correct? :) LOL! Yeah, it is a little inconvenient for your mindset that the government was attacking a 12 year old boy for throwing pecans i.e. the so called "deadly missiles" were pecans. Too funny and too sad. Flag wavers will never wake up it seems. I'm impressed that you *aren't* ranting and raving about how a 12 year old boy throwing pecans is a terrorist and the pecans are "deadly missiles." I think most War on Terror dupes would be frothing about the mouth about the 12 year old pecan boy being a threat to national security and screaming about the need for enhanced interrogation. LOL! :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Update on gridget.
    Hi shadowcat, Yes, from reading your posts I was aware that. My concern was once a stripper always a stripper. For example, a few years ago they had this horrible front page case. The man was married to the prostitute/stripper for like 7 years and was an excellent provider according to the newspaper story. I think the husband even had a couple of kids with her. He *thought* was the luckiest man on earth and on the surface it sure seemed like he was doing very well. BOOM! Police give him the bad news. His loving wife hired a hit man to kill him off. The husband was stunned because his wife LOVED him. Very depressing story if it was anything like what was reported. You think your wife loves you and she doesn't even bother with divorce---just go and pay someone a $100 or whatever to get you dead. :( Anyway, that is the exception, imo. I'm just overly cynical and distrusting----which is probably more costly normally than just getting burnt! Gridget is probably a wonderful person and like I said I'm overly cynical and distrusting.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Rape isn't about sex . . .
    Besides the fraud that rape isn't about sex, there is my experience that makes me think the "crime" of rape is truly a big fat joke. Long time back, I was a "witness" in a rape case. One of the accused was this allegedly illegal immigrant. I pulled the case file or maybe it was a sheet of priors. Can't remember. I wanted to learn more about this alleged rapist. WOW!!! What a shock. If the government records were even 5% correct this accused rapist was the Rambo of criminals. It was like a 20 year history of violent crime---assault with deadly weapon, murder 1st degree, rape after rape after rape. I wonder what he did for a living because it seemed like he spent all his time either raping women or engaging in some seemingly non-profit violent activity. Maybe he was on welfare? His daddy was rich? Just overly curious as to who this man was. Never got the opportunity to meet him in person, but I'd gladly treat him to dinner. What was amusing is that despite the endless felony arrests this gentleman didn't seem to do any prison time at all. Truly amazing. I wonder how could an allegedly illegal immigrant have such a long record and basically remain free to commit more violent crime? My conspiracy theory is that he worked for the government as an informant. His information was worth letting him do whatever he desired. Or maybe the courts are that bad---- no not possible. :) I never did learn if finally he ran out of luck with his latest rape and it made ZERO difference to me whether he got convicted or not. Going wild for 2 decades----would another 2 decades be that horrible assuming you weren't one of his victims directly or indirectly. Oh, the alleged victim (fwliw, I believed her) seemed like a very sweet girl. I think he got lucky and she'd just turned 18 about a week earlier. Heck, with his luck or connections it probably wouldn't make a dime's worth of difference if she was a minor.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Rape isn't about sex . . .
    "Those that espouse things so utterly ridiculous as to defy logic" Clubber, do you still believe in the conspiracy with President Obama's birth certificate or have you grown up? Count me as one who believes in the conspiracy and that President Obama is wonderful beyond my expectations.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Update on gridget.
    Hope she can eat the "See's candy." And, with luck she'll be good as new in record speed. For your sake, I hope she isn't the stereotypical cold hearted stripper taking advantage. Some of those women are very good. It is like can we do that again? :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers do NOT get aroused by fondling their boobs?
    Hi Clubber, Maybe it is because I have a lot of thoughts while you have seem to have very few? And, the few that you have seem like you're just following the conservative herd. Some would think you're a nut case for questioning President Obama's birth certificate. You still believe in that conspiracy or have you grown up? BTW, yes, I could still be considered one of those crazy birthers. :) Yes, I also think President Obama is top quality and more. America lucked out big time.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Rape isn't about sex . . .
    Hi how, As I clearly stated it was *apocryphal* and it wasn't the one about achieving a tie. It had livestock for gosh sakes. :) You certainly seem like a "government lover," but nice hear that at least you don't believe in charging a 12 year boy with too many pecans with throwing "deadly missiles." That's progress, unless perhaps you favor more draconian government response. Torture? Sorry, as a President Bush lover I should have asked Enhanced Interrogation? Life behind bars without the possibility of parole? Surely you must believe the boy is part of a terror network and not mere guilty of using pecans as "deadly missiles"? This "help" that you think I may need----is that like the "education" the government gives johns. The john "voluntarily" admits his desire for sex was actually just about violence against women. It is like when a person is hungry and they think they want to eat. The government knows better; the hunger is because you need to read your Bible or take a dump. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Rape isn't about sex . . .
    The Politics of Rape: "Debunking the Feminist Myth By Trayce Hansen, Ph.D. 'Rape isn’t about sex!' That’s what feminists proclaim. And they’ve declared it so continuously and persuasively over the last few decades, most of our society have come to believe it. The fact is, it’s not true—it’s a myth. . . . " http://www.drtraycehansen.com/Pages/writings_politics.html
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Rape isn't about sex . . .
    Hi arbeeguy, The posts are supposed to be provocative with a pinch of bad humor, however, I'm not just yanking chains or stirring the pot. :)
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    15 years ago
    Rape isn't about sex . . .
    Hi Dudester, You don't seem like a libertarian, imo. But, then again most of the libertarians that I know are more like Republicans/globalists warmongers or anti-crime nut cases.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Rape isn't about sex . . .
    Oops: should be if *there* ain't any livestock . . .
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Rape isn't about sex . . .
    There is an apocryphal story where a beloved football coach compares rape with kissing your sister. Neither ideal, but if their ain't any livestock handy a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. His sage advice for the rape victim is might as well enjoy it. :) Hey, I love sick humor even if the government and feminists hadn't transformed rape into a joke (just as "deadly missiles" are a joke when what the government really means is a boy throwing a pecan at a bus) and political football. Yes, I consider it a sick joke and fraud to assert that prostitution is a violent crime or that rape is never about sex. Makes just as much sense to say the stripping is a violent crime against females by their male oppressors. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Club is attracting a bad crowd
    "One group having $$$ does not preclude another group from having it." True, but the group having $$$ can enact laws or have customs that make it unlikely the other group will have it or keep it. It is good old fashioned oppression. For example, a wealthy friend gets arrested on a "serious" gun charge---if there were real 2nd Amendment rights there wouldn't even be an issue. Anyway wealthy friend puts out to him a measly $20,000 for lawyers and he considers the whole thing a joke. He loves America because to him even a $200,000 pay off to the lawyers would be a joke. A poor person gets that same arrest and there is a pretty good chance their life is over in a real sense---forget about the supposed American dream. Generally I don't any problem with hardcore racists--black, white, whatever (heck, I've even been accused of being a racist). However, one area with most white racists that is particularity grating is they can't comprehend getting arrested for being the wrong color and they can't comprehend the long term damage such an arrest can have (even if you're found not guilty or the charges are dropped). The only way these white racists could get a wake up call is to live the life of a black man who gets screwed by government and others for being the wrong color. I believe most would get a whole need attitude--some might no longer be racists because for them race wasn't really the reason they're racist.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Rape isn't about sex . . .
    And, you are the type of government lover that would support charging a 12 year old boy who threw a pecan at a bus with throwing a "deadly missile."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Rape isn't about sex . . .
    Hi how, And, you are the type of government lover that would support charging a 12 year old boy who threw a pecan at a bus with throw a "deadly missile." Hopefully, President Obama will take care of people like you in the appropriate fashion---total asset forfeiture and picking cotton under a blazing sun. :) I loved to visit you and learn if you're still a flag waver at that point.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    lets talk about long term effects on a stripper
    Well sluts would be good if they're smoking hot and don't mind an old man of below average height. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Club is attracting a bad crowd
    Hi wallanon, People generally don't like or appreciate complainers----especially if they're males. Actually, my tastes were accommodated for a long time with all the little strip clubs along W. Dixie Hwy. Most of those clubs didn't get my business----the beauty was different clubs had different rules and cultures. One club too loud? Not a problem at all. Just shop for a different club. :) Government took that away. Also, government changed radically and became a prison state---police officers were bribed to make arrests. The need to bribe was because the local culture was so strongly set against making arrests even of the guilty---assuming you were white. The police--assuming you were white--*were* definitely the ***good guys***. Even though the courts had become corrupt---no jury trial of your peers an total fraud left right center---the police *were* the bulwark of personal liberty protecting you from *real* criminals AND government (money is excellent weapon to corrupt even good people like the police officers). There *was* a lot of freedom. So, yes I'd say pretty much my personal tastes were accommodated, but the game changes. Anyway, I think in this society a person needs to be complaining non-stop if they have any hope of changing the game---heck, complain just to vent. Sure, it won't make you buddies---generally. In a free market, complaining about a product or service other than letting the seller be aware doesn't, imo, make sense because you could just go down the street or maybe even open your own business---the old fashioned American way. Now with the free market not very free the games have changed---many times you just can't go shopping for a club more to your liking. I don't like the music or anything about The Trap---in the good old days it wouldn't be too difficult to just open another club right next door with completely different rules.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Rape isn't about sex . . .
    http://books.google.com/books?id=TTGkkX0oP7cC&pg=PA10&lpg=PA10&dq=Thrown+pecan+is+a+missile&source=bl&ots=BhlKIZgyrg&sig=yRL91leI0q2niPB7E45QJuA0t_M&hl=en&ei=yp7ASsbaONDd8QaknLG8AQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3#v=onepage&q=&f=false Yes, for the sensitive----I did refer to this as a fraud country. The above link should direct to a book by a former cop. He writes about a 12 year old boy who threw a pecan at a bus. The kid gets charged with throwing a *deadly missile*. Yep, a *deadly missile*. Dang, I remember seeing young boys throwing pine cones at each and one at the school bus. It was a lot fun to watch. Even the bus driver seemed to have fun giving 'em the old lecture. In this current fraud country the charges could easily be throwing *deadly missiles*. Yes, all these young American boys are basically terrorist Bin Ladens and their evil government will treat 'em as such until ordinary people start saying and thinking screw this vile government----it isn't always right or hardly ever truthful. A person gets charged by the vile government with throwing *deadly missiles* let's ASSUME it just a handful of pecans thrown by a 12 year old boy. The country wants to be a fraud country it should be treated like a fraud country and these supposedly serious crimes should be PRESUMED to be a joke. :) Charges of rape? All jokes until I see a real victim and the accused gets a real PUBLIC trial (he is allowed to present evidence) by a jury of his peers and no rape shield filth for the darling of the government.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Rape isn't about sex . . .
    "I'm sure the rape victims and friends/family will really appreciate this" Who knows a little honesty in this fraud country might be a breath of fresh air for them as well. :) Th those college kids who wrongfully got accused of rape by that stripper and others like 'em and their families may greatly appreciate it. Heck, those families may no longer be idiotic flag wavers after the hell they got put thru. Take the pants of the supposed justice system. Rape is supposed to be a serious crime and not a big joke to generate new prisoners and fees for lawyers and a sword for an pissed off girlfriend or wife or feminist hoard. Generally rape is all about the sex. Want to engage in idiotic lies, then it becomes more of a game. He said. She said. Government says. Feminist says. Whatever. Besides, if it just about the violence as some evil people and imbeciles would assert, then wonderful----let's see physical proof of the injury. No proof---no case. And, it gets even better. No rape shield BS. No little honey has to have her name front and center just like any other victim of violent crime and like the accused. Keyword *accused*. Sexual predator list? Forget about it. It is just a crime of violence and as such no special BS----treat it like any other crime of violence. Let's move on to how would you feel if your daughter or son were raped? Depends on who raped 'em and the violence if any involved! DUH! :) Also, I'd be more concerned that my son would be raped by this god awful system and a bunch of feminists lowlifes.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    lets talk about long term effects on a stripper
    "Ah, who cares about these dumb whores? All they do is steal and lie anyway." And, provide sexual relief without the need for a long term government contract aka marriage. These "dumb whores" are worth they're weight in gold. However, the Afghans may have much teach to infidel Americans. Cover the women from head to toe stop all the violence against women aka sex. Enlist pre-teen boys as the new American sex stars. Everyone is a winner! Happy women who no longer need be scared of exciting the violence in males aka penis. Happy boys who will now get closer male bonding. :) OK, for the record please note this post was free of pedophile jokes---it ain't no laughing matter. It is well an ancient tradition of Afghans that seems like a worthwhile cultural import. I mean Burger King exports whoppers to world's hungry masses time for the world to pay the debt with interest compounded! Like in the golden olden days your first born boys will do very nice; for a start. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economy picking up a lot based on what you see in strip clubs?
    I'd like to think so. Don't go to the clubs often enough . . . but, Coco's is going gangbusters and Angels, Secrets, and RolLexx seem generally slow.