Comments by jablake (page 49)

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    16 years ago
    Cumming On/In A Stripper
    Ecdysiast etiquette? Ejaculation etiquette? Milking mores? I don't know, but getting back to the original question if I'm so unfortunate in that regard a quickly grabbed napkin is preferable. Most memorable moment was spurting on a stripper and the stripclub comming to a stop. :( She's screeching and suddenly the show is us. Semen went everywhere making a mess of her hair, face, breasts, stomach, and hands. She thought that was a good job. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Government Strippers 4 The War on Terror-------- YES or NO ? . . .
    I read about how this one U.S. sexpot soldier gave one the "terrorists" a lap dance to practice her skills for her night job as well as to extract intelligence. OK, so the news article didn't say she had a night job stripping, but it is always a good time for hotties to practice their lap dancing skills. :) Sounded like she failed unless she wanted to hear about the Glory of God. And, even if she did want to hear about the Glory of God there is always radio and television and the military should have some paid relgious yapper right on base. Of course, maybe she needed the synergistic effect i.e. Lapping & Glory of God.
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    16 years ago
    Government Strippers 4 The War on Terror-------- YES or NO ? . . .
    Instead of torturing these "terrorists" could be treated to an intensive program of sex from skilled sultry strippers. Give 'em the 111 virgins (redefine the the word to mean super-sluts) without the need to carry out their Holy Mission. Once you're sure that they're happy campers (after about 11 weeks on non-stop sex) then return them with full honors and a bunch of porno to their homelands.
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    16 years ago
    Government Strippers 4 The War on Terror-------- YES or NO ? . . .
    Surprised you didn't advocate spaying the strippers.
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    16 years ago
    oh oh edwards a "baby daddy?"
    "The man has proven that he has no morals, ethics or character." He "cheated" meaning he showed that he wasn't merely another castrated American male; at least when it comes to getting a little honey. He sought sympathy, if true, what is wrong with that? Sometimes during hard times it is nice to hear kind words or wishes of support from other people. He continues to seek political office. And, what is wrong with that? His wife may very well have been living vicariously thru his successes. She might have wanted to see him as the successful Alpha male even moreso than he wanted it. He had congress with a woman while his wife was sick with cancer. So what? That somehow means he loves his wife any less and besides we don't know what understanding he actually had with her aside from the ongoing public show. He may have been a low-life stinking-scumbag----oops, I keep forgetting he's a lawyer: That is like a licensing reguirement so blame the government. But, remember lawyers are the ones protecting all our supposed freedoms! LOL! To the flag wavers who think they have a bunch of rights and freedoms, they ought to be on their hands and knees kissing the wonderful lawyers' feet.
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    16 years ago
    oh oh edwards a "baby daddy?"
    "If you borrow money you are going to have to repay it... duh!" Maybe or maybe not. Also, you are going to have to repay it with what? (e.g. a 1970 dollar wasn't the same as 1974 dollar) An execellent book that I'd highly recommend to anyone is "Invest in Debt," by Jim Napier (it is about investing in second mortgages) and he was very cognizant about paying or receiving "cheaper" dollars.
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    16 years ago
    oh oh edwards a "baby daddy?"
    "the republicans have seriously lost their way" I've heard more than a few Republicans state that President Bush will be vindicated by history. That means more government higher taxes and or issuing more money; also, mandates, licenses, et al for businesses which translates into higher costs and or less variety.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    63, 63 plus 3
    "The Japanese had a real bad read on America. No way they could have ever have won that war." Biological weapons of mass destruction? A sweet deal for Mexico after softening America up? Dirty bombs? Heck, there is even some propaganda that Britain has a chemical weapon where a teaspoon can wipe out a major city. Of course, I remember the phoney blaoney stories about Dioxin where a couple tablespoons could wipe out a city. That silliness wore down to zilch after a few patriots were caught with 17 pounds of Dioxin. Of course, the Feds were laughing their asses off for the most part. It wouldn't have surprised me if the Dioxin was so relatively harmless that one could get dusted with it without dying.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Actually, Wondergrl5 did him a favor in that right when it started (again?) she announce that she didn't want to get into the middle of that mess. I think she might have even said she didn't want to be taking sides in the mess. IOWs, she would if the King of TUSCL would allow it try and focus on more positive topics and try to avoid the negative as much as possible.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    He compared them to snails i.e. God gave 'em legs so they wouldn't leave a trail. He went on a long rant against ALL strippers because one ungrateful stripper took a $1,000 from him without so much as a thank you or maybe it was no forwarding number or maybe both. There was MiDancer who he made hateful comments to---yes you would say that was one particular female, but it seems like a pattern based on his prior and later behaviours. If a woman poster gets too much attention, then he can't handle it especially if she doesn't bow down to his commandments. His unhappy marriage---yes, he could be the innocent party, his feelings about Japanese women---yes, maybe they just don't fuck very well by everyone's standards or maybe it was hatred against invading and occupying U.S. soldiers, his other fight on this board with a dancer who knew him very well *in person* (his is sweet in person???)---yes, he could again be the innocent party. Like I said it seems like a pattern. And, the latest calling Wondergrl5 a bitch repeatedly and he starting a thread calling her a bitch because she didn't want to get involved in a stupid flame war. Founder and chitownlawyer both declined to get into the David1999 flame war and it seemed like overwhelming posters approved. Also, when Wondergrl5 first appear he was in her face calling her a liar and she was just being very friendly to everyone including him. It is, imo, a pattern of misogyny. Also, how would Wondergrl5 know if he wasn't the one sending her hate emails? How would Wondergrl5 know it wasn't one of his "many" follower's sending her hate emails? Sleazy, imo that he tries to drag her into his shit pile and worse attest to something she doesn't even know to be true! :(
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    16 years ago
    Rivergirls in Louisville, KY
    To have buddies in the area? To see how dancers feel about dancing there? To see if anyone is from the area or who has visited the club is reading or posting?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    63, 63 plus 3
    "The women were lousy in bed." God, it gets worse. :( Yes, they're supposed to be so good to the invaders of their homeland. I'm sure if the Japanese soliders liberated the U.S., then American women would be fantastic in bed with Japanese soldiers. Yep, the Japanese soldiers would be writing back to their homeland that American men can't fight worth a lick and have small dicks, but American women sure know how to suck dicks and pump dicks for every drop. The American women would surely make you proud shadowcat---you might even stop hating 'em for a few seconds.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    63, 63 plus 3
    "The battle of Okinawa proved to be the bloodiest battle of the Pacific War. Thirty-four allied ships and craft of all types had been sunk, mostly by kamikazes, and 368 ships and craft damaged. The fleet had lost 763 aircraft. Total American casualties in the operation numbered over 12,000 killed [including nearly 5,000 Navy dead and almost 8,000 Marine and Army dead] and 36,000 wounded. Navy casualties were tremendous, with a ratio of one killed for one wounded as compared to a one to five ratio for the Marine Corps." Yep, heaven forbid had "Okinawa not been secured, crew would have been forced to ditch or bail out, close(r) to enemy territory." I for one would have preferred MANY fewer "pieces of the puzzle in place" and that holds true for other conflicts modern and ancient. Saves lives and limbs! Yes, I realize what a tremendous hardship it would be for the crew to get closer, but heck if they could save the lives of 12,000 American soldiers, then I'd hope you could find a few good brave heroic men willing to accept a riskier mission. Also, another 36,000 were wounded. :( Government always seem to have such contempt for human life and limb, but the people just love it. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    oh oh edwards a "baby daddy?"
    Hey, he is just being considerate of his dying wife. Why bother her for a nooner or boner when you can have a 18 year stripper taking care of your MANLY needs for a couple of Franklins. Franklin did support "cheating," did he not? :) If not, then he supported that which is far more despicable----sleeping with disgusting dames. I for one don't want the President of the U.S. to be dickless or balless or sexless merely because he's got a ball and chain. Hey even prisoners get dessert now and again. Perhaps if these nut job politicians were getting better quality sex from hot strippers, then there be fewer wars and other true evils. It oughta be made like France, a mandate that leaders have at least one hottie if married and preferable more. Anyone who dares disagree with this important message is despicable and dumb and drab! :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Jury Nullification Reminder . . .
    With all the lawyers on this board none are eager to give a learned or more likely an unlearned opinion on jury nullification? The unlearned opinion observation isn't intended as a lampoon against lawyers, but rather it seems unlikely the typical lawyer has actually researched the issue. OK, ok. Time to make the question more stripper related. Stripper is arrested on charges of prostitution. Jurors should follow the judge's lead or use the weapon of mass destruction known as jury nullification? (Yes, I realize a fair number of murdering maniacs would waltz free if this weapon was ever actually allowed; not that there's a man bites shark chance o that.)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Listen bitch. I tried to not involve you again.
    I have? I apologize profusely and I plead 2nd childhood. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Listen bitch. I tried to not involve you again.
    Please don't grow any balls, hairy or fuzzy ones at least, and don't feel obligated to participate in idiotic flame games. :)
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    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    Correction: I asked about her sister becoming a stripper
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    Her younger sister seems to have a good amount of empathy and wants to help people. I asked amount her sister becoming a stripper and she shakes her head NO that the girl isn't tough enough and doesn't enjoy competitive games. And, that she is just a lot different than her sister; she's more wild and aggressive and willing to play roles. Her sister is over 18 and in low paying jobs so for better or worse she might try and follow her older sister's footsteps. I don't see her capable of providing GFE at all---hardcore, maybe.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    Well, she gave me reasons over a period of time that made sense to me. First off, they're grown men and she shouldn't have to treat them like children. Secondly, she doesn't see them being truly concerned about her so why should she be concerned about them. Third, life is rough and everyone has their own weaknesses. Fourth, kill or be killed. Fifth, it is a game and she plays to win. However, probably any dancer could give those similar reasons and yet their emotional state is very different. In my experience neither dancers nor prostitutes in general are willing to provide GFEs (especially long term) and many will react that you need a girlfriend for that. Also, her harshness against those that need a little assistance is striking. I understand she doesn't like weakness and that she sees giving as a form of weakness. She was also upset that I'd become softer in my old age---again the dislike for weakness. Surprisingly, I didn't experience a negative from her regarding my weakening health----perhaps cause after all the weakening I may still be stronger than her. ;) Anyway, she is a real pro in skill level and the FREE game is one that I have NO interest in. And, it probably isn't a game that I'd play very well.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Listen bitch. I tried to not involve you again.
    Hi FONDL, Unfortunately, I think you're wrong. I can already see it unfold: Shadowcat walks in and doesn't know her, but LOVES those tits and is ready to pounce and eat some meat. Suddenly, in his brain is the flashing message FEED THE PREY i.e. chocolate candies first and then devour. OK, remarkably she is eating out of his hand!? He is smart when it comes to strippers and chocolate; too bad he's single handedly turn over 50% of them into 300 pound-plus blubber-blobs and then shipped 'em to places like Angels. Anyway, now it is time for the crucial swipe, despite his drowning in dollars, and he roars TWO FOR ONE to her. She sweetly says No Thank You, but it was nice chatting with you. He rips the remaining chocolates from her hand like a crazed cat!!! The he starts howling BITCH! BITCH! BITCH! Even after he cools down he keeps yapping the BITCH wouldn't do a 2 for 1 and she gobbled down his chocolates without paying! BITCH needs to understand FREE chocolates are only for cooperating hoes that also do 2 for 1. BITCH is not only going to get her own BITCH thread, there will be BITCH emails, BITCH t-shirts, BITCH reviews and then he is going for the jugular! BITCH doesn't realized he dodged bullets to protect her freedom to be molested on the cheap by King of TUSCL and his followers.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    I knew this lady who insisted the reason men wanted an attractive woman was only so they could have a "trophy" and that looks aren't important as long as the woman is average. I've met men who indeed seem solely interested in the "trophy" aspect of having an attractive women. For their own pleasure they could be screwing a pig with with pus spewing boils. It is difficult to understand, but for them looks aren't important as far as achieving sexual gratification. Sometimes one of these "trophy" men will attempt to insist that I actually feel the same way and they feel. Actually, I rather keep my woman under wraps from prying eyes. I don't need to be showing her off to anyone, but me! :) And, I get very excited again and again by certain looks. The "trophy" men just don't seem to be able to understand that----the purpose of a good looking woman in their mind is solely for show-----fucking is completely different and any mutt will do. Do I have empathy for the "trophy" men?-----that is just very difficult for me to identify with. Any part of it. I don't want to be showing off my woman no matter how hot. I don't want other men drooling over her. I don't want or seek esteem from having a hot woman. Mainly, I want her in my home with skimpy to NO clothing and readily available for slow action. These "trophy" it is difficult to see things their way; in fact, it is distasteful! Anyway, the lady was like a broken record about beauty being just about wanting a "trophy" to show off. She was impervious to other points of view on this issue; all men had to feel the same way. She was a total dog, btw.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    I realize emotion is only one of the cosiderations to placing oneself in the shoes of another i.e. empathy. For example, why did the thief steal the car? Could be any number of reasons. The emotions he felt could run the gamut. If I could identify the reasons and if I could identify his emotions, then I might be able to *identify with* his feelings, thoughts, and or attitudes. So, let's say I correctly identified that the thief was happy about stealing the car and getting caught. I've merely identified emotional states. Let's say I correctly identify that his thoughts are basically that stealing cars takes bravery and intelligence and accomplishes an important goal of redistribution of wealth. I further correctly identify that his attitude about the whole situation is that it is a big joke and that he is a hero. Thus far, I've done a lot of correct identifying about his feelings, thoughts, and attitudes. However, this doesn't mean I'm capable of *identifying with* these feelings, thoughts, and attitudes, in the least. I might be a law and order nut job. I might be a religious nut job. I may have an IQ of 100. To actually try and *identify with* him even if we shared similar life experiences and upbringing may be very difficult. It is just not that easy unless you put him into your shoes, which is what people do all the time when they think they're empathizing!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    oh oh edwards a "baby daddy?"
    "you're father is a man utterly without morals, ethics or character." I don't even think I could say that about President Bush. I guess I could say that he is filth and that Bin Laden and friends greatly appreciate him. Is that good enough? :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Silly Stripper Solutions??? . . . Bimbo Believers . . .
    Trying to have empathy for someone who loves the taste of liver (disgusting to point of vomiting to me) is very difficult for me because it is difficult to imagine what that person is feeling. I'd probably try and imagine eating a steak (I love steak) and then think maybe that is what the person is feeling. And, what are they feeling? A pleasant smell. A nice texture on the tongue. A nice workout for the teeth. Juice spilling into their mouth. It is difficult to say because I don't have their taste buds. I LOVE peanuts and my neighbor hates 'em. How could anyone hate peanuts!? :)