Comments by jablake (page 42)

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    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    I LOVE conspiracy theories no matter how deranged as long as there is some slight possiblity of being true. I've read casually that Senator Obama isn't a natural born citizen of the United States and thus in some people's opinion (yes, I've read the Constitution) he isn't eligible to be president. My thought is that despite the clear language to that effect the Supreme Court may say the Fourteenth Amendment negates that provision. Who knows; the Constitution is putty in the hands of justices who have their own superior agenda. Be a sweet way for Republicans to take the presidency if Senator Obama is the apparent winner. A supposedly conservative court "saving" the country with a patented 5-4 vote giving Senator McCain the White House. Or perhaps a conservative justice doesn't want Republicans to have anything to do with this mess so the vote is 5-4 for Senator Obama. The country is so corrupt it is easy for me to believe almost anything is possible. Whatever the outcome I think the case would be quite amusing---assuming there is any reasonable basis for concluding that Senator Obama isn't a natural born citizen. I've even casually read some sites that claim he is an illegal immigrant! I'm very pro-illegal immigrants so instead of being fairly neutral as to who wins the presidency, if Senator is an illegal immigrant damn I feel like send that man a campaign contribution! Might even vote for the first time in over 15 years or more. Yes, for some reason I'm still on the voter rolls----once they gotcha you're got! :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Does one rude dancer ruin your strip club visit?
    "Why would being rude benefit any dancer...." Well, she is being kicked in the teeth all night long and it's cathartic from top to bottom; perhaps.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sarah Palin Porno!
    To paraphrase Palin: "Obama is paling around with terrorists." I enjoyed that line by the seemingly mentally challenged Palin. Don't know or care if her charge has any substance or merit. A fair number of people believe President Bush is a terrorist who should be arrested and tried for crimes against humanity and mass murder, not to mention a few misdeameanors here and there. :) If indeed Obama is paling around with terrorists, then do most Americans even care? Or, is Joe 6-pack finally disgusted with the mentality of terrorist in the sky, terrorist in a tree, terrorist in a boat, terrorist in a cave, terrorist in a mountain high? If McVeigh had successfully killed almost 3,000 people instead of a paltry 168, then would the country have gone nutso spending itself into potential bankruptcy? I think if the proper nutjob had been in charge, then the answer would most definitely have been a resounding YES! Remember the militia could have been a very tempting target to blow billions and bombs and bullets on.
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    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    Hi clubber, I was very much hoping it was a nugget of "revisionist history" that I was unaware of. It did seem like you were just jerking his chain. I enjoyed his response concerning how the Statue of Liberty "was a commemorative gift from France on the centennial of the signing of the U.S. Declaration of Independence! It derives it's appearance from ancient depictions of freedom from slavery, oppression, & tyranny and symbols of enlightenment & knowledge . . . ." :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sarah Palin Porno!
    "a chubby 6" Dang. I figured she was about a 3 being generous. And, if she takes her clothes off in public that is like an offense against nature and decency.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sarah Palin Porno!
    "But do you think that getting A BJ from a chubby 6 in the oval office is a sign of greatness?" It's a start. :) I remember Democrats snorting indignantly that President Clinton being President of the United States had much higher standards and wouldn't settle for anything less than a hot starlet or other drool material. I was just shaking my head. Most of the men that I know will pretty much screw anything and looks mean very little. President Clinton seemed, imo, to be very healthy and I was thinking that man is all business and he doesn't require a hot babe. I'm in poor health. If the woman ain't smoking hot, then I'm just non-responsive. A BJ from an ugly woman is for me a turn-off. I need the looks of a young hottie. Old is out. Blubber is out. Tall is out. Fake tits are out. Bad skin is out. Thumbs up that President Clinton is so healthy that any slabs of female flesh will work for him as it does for the typical male----makes him seem more real and down to earth. Thinking of President Bush by comparison, I get the strong impression which could be totally wrong that he really doesn't care about sex with hotties or fuglies.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sarah Palin Porno!
    Hello Dudester, That is a sad story. But, the reality is that you may have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. And, Flynt was a Master Chef and iconoclast who for whatever reasons made America a better place. He gave his legs to fight for our freedoms and published one of the finest magazines ever to satiate our thirst for knowledge and entertainment. His latest educational masterpiece is the Palin video. A true hero and role model. Sorry to hear about the nice people getting screwed but as the muslims are supposedly fond of iterating "God willing." IOWs, good or evil it is all God's will and you just have to smile and iterate "God willing" and perhaps pray to the East just for good measure.
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    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    It is "undefensible" to want to get rid of the Statue of Liberty? Look France wasn't with the U.S. which under President Bush's idealogy means they were with the terrorists. Gifts regardless of how nice or garbagy from those supporting terrorists need to be stamped NO THANKS and shipped back or otherwise disposed of, pronto! Besides it is the proper role of government to essentially be in the amusement business? Sell off the Statue of Liberty to investors and let 'em try and make a few dollars in whatever ways might be possible. Sell off pieces. Sell it back to France at an obscene price. Keep it as an amusement park, but make it truly capitalistic unless the capitalists need a government bailout. :) You know what a white elephant is? It is a waste that just gobbles up precious resources. That pretty much describes the Statute of Liberty and France! :) I'd never ever heard clubber's position that "the french were a handicap in the American Revolution," but if true a small dose of goodness hardly vindicates the French. Oh, that Jefferson character--The slave owner and capitalist oppressor---a Miami Herald writer compared him to Pol Pot and other murderous scum---dig up his bones and send them to France as well since he was--- among other serious crimes a server of French foods! I doubt President Bush can stomach French foods and that in a nutshell proves his fitness to lead the United States in that at the very least his stomach knows right from wrong. Even Bin Laden if news reports are accurate can't stomach French foods so even with a top terrorist there are redeeming qualities to be found.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sarah Palin Porno!
    "I am sad that many people seem indifferent to Sen Obama's anti-American attitude" The country, imo, is completely corrupt; the courts, the legislature, and the executive. I guess I'm supposed to wave a flag and yap what a wonderful country because it is less this or that than some other country. Perhaps I'll start proudly waving a flag when the government shows it is serious and increases the bailout to $700 trillion. :) Heck, for that type of money ordinary working class folks ought to be able get a little relief. The economy has been a mess here in Miami for a while. The shocking thing is that President Bush willingly let the cat out of the bag about how fragile the U.S. economy is. $700 billion? That don't seem like hardly enough money for even the current endless wars let alone relief for the financial concerns here and abroad. Nationalize everything. Seriously, President Bush and the Republicans love more government so quit pussy footing around. Government needs to own all the banks and automobile manufacturers and of course the oil companies. Socialism is what supposed conservatives are begging for. Government doesn't consume enough wealth; time to start more wars and programs so the government can take even more! :) Two thumbs up for McCain strongly supporting the bailout. Wouldn't it be wonderful for the government to be the largest shareholder of major companies? It is just so patriotic to have more government. Didn't Obama or Biden yap the real patriotism is eagerness to pay more taxes? Just think, if the government has more money it can start even more wars. More wars means more freedom because everyone knows U.S. veterans fight to protect our freedoms. I'm sure all you war lovers have been writing extra big checks to Uncle Sam to help out with its endless wars. Gotta admire that patriotism when an individual is willing to put his money where his mouth is. :) I'm sure most of the conservatives that I know are eagerly donating lots of their money to their beloved government. Wave the flag and let's see the $$$! You know it is really so simple. Government is wonderful protector of our freedoms so why not have government doing a lot more for the people? I mean there are no limits to all the wonderful things government can do. Imagine government running all the fast food chains. People could start yapping that the government is the wonderful provider of healthy meals and that U.S. veterans not only fight for our freedoms, but are also for healthy meals! Man, the people truly owe everything to U.S. veterans and since they do such a fabulous job they can fight for our automobiles and our health care and our education and on and on. :) BTW, everytime I see Obama, he is yapping about how he is totally in love with America and how government needs to do more for the people and people have to do more for the government. Seems like the kids next door are doing endless community service to prove their love of government. The community service scam started out small, but like government it gets bigger and bigger, which is better and better.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sarah Palin Porno!
    Thanks for the heads up. Sounds like a fun and silly porno. "In the opening scene, the actress playing Palin flings herself on a tanning-bed repairman, pronouncing, 'You're in luck. I fully support off-shore and on-shore drilling. ... God almighty! You are hung like a moose. Now I have to eat ya! ... Pound me until my head is so empty that I can't even remember the name of the one Supreme Court case I actually know!'"
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    McCain is the man! Well, at least according to a friend who talked my ear off. The way my friend tells it he had an in depth conversation with McCain and came away very impressed. The younger people that I know seem to be in love with Obama and some are going to vote for the first time.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    Hi clubber, Sounds good. Of course, maybe selling off pieces of it might generate a little cash. Like to get rid of the Louisiana territory also---too much french influence. Of course, I loved getting rid of french fries and french toast, it is just too bad the U.S. government wimped out in the end. I keep hearing that spain is getting uppity. Getting rid of Florida along with the other former spanish territories seems like a proper rebuke. A wonderful side benefit of teaching france and spain a lesson is significantly less U.S. territory in need of protection from terrorists.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    And, let's not forget the Louisiana Sale. Utterly disgraceful behaviour. Real men would have covered the ground with blood and limbs.
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    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    Hi clubber, Corrections, interruptions, and just scatter brained. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    "The roots of the American Revolution lay in the Seven Years' War, when England was forced to raise taxes to pay off war debts. Raising more tax money from distant colonies was a reasonable solution, achieved by levying various duties on tea and other staples of commerce. Most New England merchants didn't take too kindly to the idea, and they were some of the first to rebel. When the war began, the colonists found themselves with an ill-equipped army and a nearly empty treasury. Enter the French, who provided assistance to the Colonies in the form of military advisers, ammunition, and coin to keep the fledgling government afloat. Fearing a British response, however, the French funneled their aid through a front company called Rodrigue Hortalez et Cie."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    Correction: "Even the initial Bush/Paulson numbers - everyone remembers those $700 billion - came out of nowhere. As a US Treasury spokesman told Forbes magazine, 'It's not based on any particular data point ... We just wanted to choose a really large number.'" "The bailout ballet was staged to perfection. Representative Marcy Kaptur, Democrat from Ohio, was one of the few to denounce the intimidation tactics and the fearmongering atmosphere on the House floor. Representative Brad Sherman, Democrat from California, warned that martial law would be imposed in the US if the bailout did not pass."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    "Even the initial Bush/Paulson numbers - everyone remembers those $700 billion - came out of nowhere. As a US Treasury spokesman told Forbes magazine, 'It's not based on any particular data point ... We just wanted to choose a really large number.'" As far as disparaging the French, 100% in favor. Without those assholes there probably wouldn't even be a United States of America. Anyone truly opposed to being part of the wonderful United Kingdom? :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Long distance contact
    You may NOT find a suitable replacement even after 10 years. However, I think the majority is right when they tell you to move on! The quicker the better, btw.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Best SC City??
    "Can you tell more about the Miami HM clubs?" HM? Angels is a small down and dirty club with $5 dances that feature plenty of 2 way contact. I've only been going during the day. The quality of the dancers is all over the chart. Better quality and a more upscale club is Coco's and the dances are $5 until about 9 PM, I believe. RolLexx seems more homespun with generally better quality than Angels, but less than Coco's. Dance prices are $5 until I believe it is 10 PM. Secrets has rejoined the ranks of the $5 clubs during its day shift. There is also Take One that I haven't been to in a long time as well as Foxxy Lady and VIP? (keeps changing its name located at NW 7th Ave and 79th Street). All three clubs are on NW 79th Street.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A letter to US senators
    "There should be a good demand for U.S. food, but the government better be turning a blind eye to illegal immigrants. :)" Oh, the government needs to get rid of its nitwit program encouraging the use of corn for ethanol. :) It is a little surprising that no matter how much these buffoons steal or just make a mess of things that the people still want more! I guess it just feels better to do something and there is always hope for a different result.
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    16 years ago
    A letter to US senators
    "Of course what's the difference between an official tax increase and devaluing our currency by firing up the printing presses and making inflation go rampant? Not much I believe." From what I've read people would rather have more money that buys less than less money that buys more. :) Oh course, this was in the context of annual raises. Anyway, there are some bright spots. Energy isn't nearly the problem people believe it is and the Chinese probably want to continue selling to the U.S. no matter how worthless the U.S. dollar becomes. It was President Bush that was so desperate for a cheap dollar to create "jobs." Does the world want U.S. cars even at a discount? There should be a good demand for U.S. food, but the government better be turning a blind eye to illegal immigrants. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    "I guess we do live in a democracy." You sticking by those words casualguy? :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Is your city out of gas?
    No need for lines if the market was allowed to work. But, I assume most people would prefer to stop the supposely criminal behaviour of price gouging.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    It hits the good old funny bone that the Senate is attempting to bribe recalcitrant Republicans with the lure of TAX CUTS. Even if the bailout occurs would taxpayers be negatively impacted or will the government need to offer more TAX CUTS or tax rebates to put some money in people's pockets? :) You take enough money out people's pay checks and you can pretty much guarantee a dead economy. Fiscal responsibility ain't necessary such a bright idea depending how responsibility is view. Running monster deficits, for example, may be very responsible compared to other alternatives.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    "Senate to vote on rescue plan with added tax cut By CHARLES BABINGTON and ANDREW TAYLOR Associated Press Writers WASHINGTON -- In a bold bid to revive President Bush's multibillion-dollar financial rescue plan, Senate leaders scheduled a vote for Wednesday night on a version of the bill that adds substantial tax cuts meant to appeal to Republicans when it reaches the House. . . . The new approach, announced Tuesday night by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., would tack large and contentious tax measures to the bailout bill. Senate leaders figure the House will have to approve it because the tax cuts are too appealing to Republicans and the financial rescue plan will still seem essential to most Democrats." The game ain't over yet.