Comments by jablake (page 41)

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    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    "If Obama wins, it may spark the next American Revolution. Those who love liberty will not sit idly by as it is destroyed, as Obama so desires." The typical flag waver would be too cowardly to ever violently confront the government. If the government says the sky is bright green with purple polka dots, then that is the absolute truth until the government declares otherwise. The tiny minority that wants liberty would easily and completely be crushed by a government that has no qualms about killing men, women, and children non-combatant or not. If President Obama wants to take your liberty it is fait accompli. For example, if the U.S. Supreme Court's 5-4 decision went againt an individual right to bear arms the vast majority would accept the new reality. A small propaganda program on how turning in your gun is as patriotic as flag waving and there be long lines to turn over private firearms to the government. Throw in a FREE Whopper for each firearm or a tax credit and people might start rioting to turn over their guns first. The free market is dead. And any traditional sense of liberty is dead along with it.
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    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    "Obama will win easily. Results will be confirmed by 10 pm Eastern. Jablake and Clubber, you guys ARE WRONG. Only five more days, guys." I definitely don't mind being WRONG in this instance and having Obama win easily. IMHO, I think if Obama was a white man he'd win in a massive landslide as a repudiation of the Republicans and President Bush. After President Bush why would I ever believe Republicans will fight for small government? The main positive that I see with big government Republicans is I think they'll bankrupt the country. (One way of hopefully ending these idiotic wars.) With big government Democrats there is at least the possiblity that the programs will help the poor and middle class. As I said in another thread after these big government Republicans so called "conservatives," communism or socialism is fine alternative, imo.
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    16 years ago
    Who's a Republican?
    I don't think that I've ever voted for a Democrat. It was almost always a Republican. The first George Bush didn't seem like a conservative even a tiny bit. I know that I didn't vote for president that year, but I may not have voted at all. When his son arrived on the scene and was getting rave reviews from The Wall Street Journal, I was thinking this boy actually makes his dad look like a stud conservative. What a farce voting is. With "conservatives" like the 2 Bush Presidents voting Democratic or whatever seems like the lesser of 2 evils. And, in reality it doesn't make any difference to me who wins. Castro or Saddam or whoever could be running and it is like whatever----no one is too low to be a U.S. President, imo. When the government wants endless war & endless fraud, that is the time to balance it out with endless benefits for the middle and lower income classes. There just isn't a social program that could be too generous in giving away money and resources to the poor and middle class. Nationalize the banks, the auto industry, Burger King, etc. etc. etc. The country doesn't deserve a free market economy even a little bit.
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    16 years ago
    Who's a Republican?
    how, it depends on how "progressive" the taxation and government theft system is. People may still work their butts off to get the little extras that hours of extra work may provide and the rich can be contolled with the threat of losing everything. At least if it comes down to "everyone" being screwed and thus refusing to produce it should equal a quicker end to the government's endless wars; both at home and abroad. Besides, I care absolutely nothing for America because it is an openly corrupt country where people don't have any rights. Yes, other countries may be more corrupt---I don't know that. I do know that I care zero about a country whose courts are corrupt and laws are corrupt and leaders are corrupt. Rights? Rule of law? In this country? Please, it is giant fraud and the best part is Congress can do it right out in the open and it makes little difference because the people have no say. Prior to the $700 billion giveaway the Federal Reserve (those governmentally privileged elite bankers) allegedly printed over a half trillion dollars to bailout the super rich. Don't know why they needed to go to Congress to authorize greater billion dollar giveaways. Just to put the government on record and on the hook even moreso? If it is not one government scam, then it another government scam. Limited government believers seem scarcier than hen's teeth.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Parodyman: from shadowcat
    I don't think you did anything to him. Seems like you were very harsh with more than a few dancers, however. You claimed one was lying about her breast size and that proved she was a man and liar. I'm hardly an expert concerning breast size, but some are bigger than watermelons and others seem to be pea sized. Another you claimed was a ROB merely because customers paid her just for conversation----that is all some men want or are capable of. As long as she wasn't promising them more, directly or indirectly, expanding the definition of ROB to include voluntary upfront business transactions serves mainly to generate ill will. I think it was The Miami Herald or maybe Newsweek and a madam was talking about the very high sums that were charged to wealthy clients for the company of attractive females. According to the madam a surprisingly large number of customers didn't seek to complete the sex act and yet they paid thousands. Some men have so much money that thousands of dollars mean very little to them. Just recently a poster claimed to want information on becoming a stripper----I believe yours was the only snippy or mean spirirted reply. It seemed, maybe I'd missed parodyman's posts, that until you posted this thread (to get his attention?) that he'd been missing in action. Anyway, it seems like right now your supporters outnumber detractors by at least 10 to 1 so you must be doing something right. :)
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Parodyman: from shadowcat
    Well, one approach might be for you to take some responsibility. Explain to her that you are not always sugar and spice on TUSCL and that you crave attention; even negative attention. Or you could put on the halo, and assert that it is impossible to know why such a lovable person such as yourself could be subject to any disparagement. Or maybe a mixed approach would suit you better? Doubtless you will handle the situation with aplomb regardless of the path you choose.
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    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    Should have typed: Too bad President Bush can't run for and win a third term.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    Seems unlikely given all media hype about Obama's lead, but McCain will probably win due to government fraud. Too bad President Bush can run for and win a third term. Yes, I realize he is a walking breathing mess; sometimes a rapid fall is better than a gradual decline. Obama or McCain is fine, imo, and perhaps that is how the elite feel (so maybe the election will be relatively fraud free). Remember both gentlemen were immediately eager to handout billions to billionaires.
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    16 years ago
    Who's a Republican?
    Hello how, Yes, I was serious. When I see government corruption as the framework and foundation e.g. the $700 billion dollar bailout and the endless government wars and court system and legislature, then basically it is for me good ridance to the free market and time for the government corruption to spread to actually helping the needy and average Joe. Screw that Joe the plumber moron who is total fake, btw. Yes, it would be wonderful if the free market was an option. It is not. Thus, McCain and Obama can rally round the $700 billion bailout for billionaires and that is fine. But, the price is universal health care. A *right* to own a good home at government expense. A *right* to a college education or other education. A *right* to healthy tasty meals regardless of income or lack thereof. A *right* to an attorney for *any* civil or criminal case. The rich and flag wavers love corruption and that is fine, but it needs to be expanded to help ordinary folks. Endless war on terror and drugs? Fine. But, it ain't just war merchants and police who are going to enjoy the government gravy. Taxes? Except for the rich----forget about it. The government isn't shy about using its power to issue $$$ non-stop-----but, instead of making the Federal Reserve (a monopoly of private elite banks) filthy rich it is time to help oridinary folks without brain dead excuses e.g. that's socialism. Communism or socialism? Who cares. I mean the government is throughly corrupt so whether it is communism or corruptionism makes little difference except that communism at least professes to be concerned about the little people. The free market is dead and considering the low level of understanding regarding the free market it is for the best that it is dead and buried; unfortunately.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Who's a Republican?
    Unfortunately, I think the government is so corrupt that supply side economics needs to buried and replaced with a massive redistribution of wealth to the less fortunate; this could be especially good if hardworking hot young strippers are beneficiaries. The government makes a mess---like the financial meltdown or ginormous war debts---and the wealthy should pay first and foremost especially President Bush's oil men and war merchants. To wit: Nationalize the oil fields and tax imported oil like there is no tomorrow. The less fortunate could be given gasoline vouchers and oil vouchers. How to deal with the war merchants? Well, end the endless wars and trim defense spending by about 90%----that should put the government's war spending on par with more peaceful nations like Russia and China and Iran. Yes, Iran. Despite the government propaganda Iran doesn't go around the world invading countries or putting its nose everywhere to spend more money on war. Very appealing to me is Obama's alleged anti-American attitudes----sounds like a man with a real conscience sorta like Bill Ayers and the Reverand Wright. Anyway, McCain or Obama would be fine and dandy. Now that Biden fellow seems shifty---like he wishes to sink poor Obama.
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    16 years ago
    Zombie Strippers . . . TUSCL Banner Ad . . .
    Hi JMelbourne27, I sure as hell felt like jumping in the jalopy and grabbing the matinee, but quality movies like that are rarely shown in my area and the cheapest seats are probably $11. That's 2 lapdances!!! :) Zombie Strippers will need to wait for a government bailout of some type or even less likely a free market.
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    16 years ago
    Zombie Strippers . . . TUSCL Banner Ad . . .
    Embarrassed to say I'd never heard of Robert Englund. The internet and Wikipedia to the rescue. "Makeup artists responsible for the Krueger makeup have commented that Englund was so friendly and talkative that it made the lengthy makeup application slightly more challenging." Well, my budget is reading $0 for movies even those featuring strippers so I guess I'm safe from the horror.
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    16 years ago
    Who's a Republican?
    Hi how, I consider the war on terror just another government fraud to increase the size and power of government. Yes, I know you think it wonderful getting the U.S. into an endless war on behalf of Israel. Israel could be the greatest country on Earth and I would say it isn't worth a single $1 to defend. It is a tiny country in a hostile region and it doesn't have any real value to the U.S. and in fact has a huge negative value in that it places America into a religious war to defend God's purportedly chosen people and holy lands. If you believe that religious garbage it is worth spending trillions to defend Israel and you should be happy to pay 50% or more of your income to the government for that purpose. There are "conservatives" who love government spending: Spending for prisons, wars, morality, etc. I've never consider President Bush to be a conservative (probably a minority view) and if he is a conservative then communism looks very attractive by comparison, imo. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Who's a Republican?
    "And the 'rescue' provides a good reason for the government to grab even more control of the economy." In the name of protecting the taxpayer. :) The funny thing is the massive giveaway to billionaires actually may result in more tax "rebates" to the working class. Billionaire gets a million and that means Joes taxpayer should get a $100 "rebate" from the government to spend at Walmart. :) The billion dollar bailout is actually probably going to end up putting more money in the working classes pockets sort of as hush money. Too many people fall into the 2 + 2 = 4 fallacy thinking that more government spending has to equal higher taxes! LOL! :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Who's a Republican?
    "President Bush slipped up in his hour-long interview with NBC's Tim Russert over the weekend, claiming that the growth of discretionary federal spending has slowed markedly since he took office. But in fact, annual growth has been in double digits for the past three years, far higher than in any year of the Clinton administration. A Bush spokesman said the President meant to refer to discretionary spending minus military spending and spending for homeland security. But what the President actually said was wrong." "Under Bush, Federal Spending Increases at Fastest Rate in 30 Years" These articles could be 100% wrong, but to me it appeared President Bush was spending like a drunken sailor because like many so called conservatives he is in love with more government. I think the only thing these so called conservatives love more than bigger government is endless wars like the phoney war on drugs or the phoney war on terror or the phoney war on illegal immigrants. The government seems to be about 100% corrupt and the flag wavers are loving every drop of it.
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    16 years ago
    Who's a Republican?
    "Democrats favor MORE government, Republicans favor less." Seems like Democrats are in love with more government and so are Republicans especially more government in the form of bombs and bullets, police and prisons, religion and repression. Oh yeah, Republicans are usually more excited by waving the flag----a total turn-off even if I liked the country. So who grew government faster, President Clinton or President Bush? I don't know the answer, but just assume it was President Bush.
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    15 years ago
    Early Morning Visit, Talk, and Leftovers . . .
    Hi gk, Well, my initial thinking was she was just hungry. But, then there is plenty of food facing her and she wants the leftovers (that don't exist) and she then eats nothing. In her mind if you cook, then of course you'd save some for later so you wouldn't have to cook again. The young man next door (age 18) happened to be making a minor fuss that he was eating everything because he didn't like leftovers. He didn't use to be that way---maybe he listened to me too much. "I'm thinking maybe you should just be flattered that she felt comfortable enough to do what she did." She seems very comfortable, but to me what is important is the service she provides. I could listen to her for hours and you know there are no shortage of friends who can talk so her value is really the body and skill. She doesn't go to work and then it is just frustration where I'd be happier if she didn't have the body or skill. I can talk to a blubber butt or old woman for hours and I'm not getting even a little frustrated----she could be in a skimpy outfit and there is no frustration.
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    15 years ago
    Hard Bodies vs. Experienced
    Young hard bodies 100% always. Don't care about their education or lack of experience.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fuck buddy?
    Definitely not. Unless you want the bs that goes with a real relationship. Paying the money, especially if you have it, is a bargain. Dancers have *claimed* to want to do free for me and even if 100% true it is, imo, much better not to get dragged into that situation. I could give a crap less if the woman is the sweetest person in the world. NO, NO, and NO. And, the same NO goes for non-strippers and non-sex workers. I may know the wrong people, but it just seems like most normal relationships are a mess. Free sex is a horrible deal, imo.
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    15 years ago
    Hard Bodies vs. Experienced
    "talked me into a 300.00 HJ" Impressive. The dancers I know would be stalking you 24/7.
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    15 years ago
    Early Morning Visit, Talk, and Leftovers . . .
    "perhaps she was waiting for an offer?" She didn't want to EARN money (despite spending hours with me; she wasn't interested in working at all) and was reluctant to go to her appointment.
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    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    "Foreign Poll Favors Obama Eight leading foreign newspapers conducted a poll that finds overwhelming support for Sen. Barack Obama in the United States presidential election. He would win by a landslide in every country surveyed. Canada: Obama 70%, McCain 14% France: Obama 68%, McCain 5% Switzerland: Obama 83%, McCain 7% Poland: Obama 43%, McCain 26% Japan: Obama 61%, McCain 13% Mexico: Obama 46%, McCain 13% Great Britain: Obama 64%, McCain 15% Belgium: Obama 62%, McCain 8% The poll also shows that America 'can no longer count on the friendship even of its closest neighbours and allies after eight years of the Bush presidency. Only a minority in the countries surveyed describe relations with the US as friendly.'" "People around the world are pinning their hopes on Barack Obama in next month's presidential election, according to an international survey published today. It shows that America can no longer count on the friendship even of its closest neighbours and allies after eight years of the Bush presidency. Only a minority in the countries surveyed describe relations with the US as friendly." Sort of interesting how even formerly friendly countries view the U.S. All the goodwill after 911? Gone and fast and rightly so. But, more importantly war profiteers are happy along with President Bush's oil men. Who will best represent America to the world? Most probably that smooth talking Senator Obama. Although I don't care even 2 cents who wins the presidency, it would be sort of amusing to see a man elected who Gov. Palin asserts pals around with terrorists. Well, if Thomas Jefferson can reasonably be compared to Pol Pot, then Senator and terrorist supporter Obama is in good company.
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    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    "The Vanishing Male Voter Why men don't make it to the ballot box. By Tony Dokoupil | Newsweek Web Exclusive Oct 17, 2008 . . . Another factor: men tend to be loners. They are less likely than women to attend church, consume news, trust authority and believe that people are generally good, according to the University of Michigan's General Social Survey, a semiannual tracking of attitudes and behaviors. Another factor: education and employment. Graduating from college is one of the top predictors of voting, and increasingly men are falling behind their female counterparts. Over the last half century, male enrollment has dropped below that of women at the undergraduate level, falling from two thirds of the national student body in 1958 to less than half—43 percent—today. Even if men do have the same education as women, they aren't necessarily as likely to hit the polls." My neighbor (about 45 years old) will vote for the first time ever thanks to Senator Obama. He is pushing me to vote (NO WAY NO HOW). Claims that McCain will destory the country. I said is that so? I better be voting for McCain, then. LOL! He said old man get serious; that his job is on the line (his employer is hurting bad) and don't be so selfish. What little I've heard from Senator McCain in the last few days concerning the economy I view in a more positive light than what Senator Obama has said on the same subject. My neighbor claims Senator McCain is just a clone of President Bush. Seems like a more intelligent version, imho. Voting seems like such a negative activity and moreso when the choices seem like the choosing between the lesser of 2 evils. Democracy dies do to lack of participation? I doubt it, but that isn't necessarily bad news. The old Cubans (my age) tell me that the dictator Batista was the greatest and you didn't see Cubans fleeing until the communists took control. Of course, I pointed out that if Batista was so wonderful how did the country fall to the communists? Their answers seemed to focus on greed and fear. Why defend the government when there was so much more money to be working for yourself or an employer. Also, who wants to get shot at when you can just pay some poor person to do the dirty work and risk his life or health. Too bad the dictator Batista couldn't have taken Florida and created a New Cuba. Well, at least we got some of the Cubans. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Need some tips with this stripper....Help (Want to be friends)
    "In fact most STDs are asymptomatic precisely when they are most transmissible." My immediate reaction was wow, what a brain dead statement. Not saying it isn't true, but my knee jerk reaction was that's completely brain dead. Any word-o-philes or others know the word for a proposition that at first look appears to be moronic when in fact it is correct or could be correct? Anyway, that statement about STDs sounds like something President Bush or Gov. Palin would say.
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    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    Watched the early portion of the debate last night between Obama and McCain. Strongly preferred McCain's clear vision of the bailout with the emphasis on fixing the immediate problem. Felt queasy when Obama spoke of protecting the taxpayers' pocketbook and keeping the banks from receiving a windfall. Jesus, give the freaking banks some cash if you would like to solve the credit crunch and truly protect the taxpayers. As far as morality beautiful, but save it for a better designed "game" in the future not trying to save milk that is already spilt on the floor so to speak. Screw Joe the plumber. :) No, not the idea he is supposed to represent. Just the presentation. McCain kept asserting he isn't President Bush. Damn! Enjoyed the live gender ratings as the candidates spoke. Generally, I didn't identify with the ladies at all.