
Comments by shamllionaire

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Who's a Republican?
    ONE QUESTION FELLA'S?LOOK AT THE THIRTY YEARS AFTER F.D.R. AND LOOK AT THIRTY YEARS OF REAGONOMICS.DUMP ASSESS!!!!!!WHAT HAPPENED F.D.R BUILT THE MIDDLE CLASS AND MADE OUR COUNTRY THE BEST AND STONGEST IN THE WOURLD.THE THIRTY YEARS OF REAGONOMIC'S DESTROYED IT!!! Anyone take a look at Argintina lately a right wing govt took over there and privitized thier social security and now the new govt had to nationalize it back to save what was left. Have seen what happened to Iceland, the country is totally bankrupt!Do you know who martin friedmann is?he is uncle ronnies main man,well just so happens he helped set up thier govt that is in place now and it took 16 years to bankrupt them and 26 years for the rupublicans to bankrupt our country.Wake upppppp!!!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sarah Palin Porno!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you could bone a pornstar
    She might she I'll get back too ya about that one!!!but do you thinks think she screams harder Mavrick..
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Best Club in NYC Now?
    flashdancers nobody even comes close to the talent they have there.The girls at night are off the charts.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    #3 US Club, Hot Lap Dance Club busted for prostitution. 19 arrested.
    Bye Bye Brothel!!!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Fight the lap dance ban proposed in South Carolina 6 foot rule as well
    So funny to watch these religious Wackos!!! We had to have a civil war because of thier stupidity.They think saddam blow up the trade centers and thats why another whacko started war.DAM IT LEAVE OUR LAP DANCE RIGHTS ALONG AND GO KNOCK ON SOMEONES DOOR AND TELL GOD SENT YOU TO SAVE THEM AND MAYBE GO GET A LAPDANCE MAYBE YOULL BE A LIILE MOE RELAXED AND NOT BOTHER OTHER PEOPLE!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Speaking of porn
    I think it was just a pubicty stunt by her,but if she actually believe's that she might have just smoked toooo many blunt's..Playboy has a radio show on sirus with Ginger Lyn and Christy Canyon on it and they thought the same thing.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you have a little Italian in you?
    New York Strip clubs
    mets almost any club you can find someone to give you something but you have to pay,if you want fs or something close you might want to look up and escort.Its alot cheaper.But with the right attitude you'll go far in any club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you have a little Italian in you?
    New York Strip clubs
    Wow,was'nt it florida that put that ASSHOLE in the white house because they could'nt count??? Then the second time ohio fixin it for Asshole, Huh like I just lost 250.000 votes,that was cool,huh hhh.Just so you know mets alot of girls come here after working in I can't count Florida! why??? clubs are wwwwwwwwwwwway better...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    flashdancers in ny
    WOW,Below average,no,no,no,don't think were talking same place?Have you been there lately?Yes the whole club is lap dance area,but you can find places that no one pays any attendtion to you and if you want more like everywhere else its only money...Was there tuesday had alot of fun.Who did you dance with?The whole night I did'nt see one girl atleast doing full grind plus.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Asian girls
    Wow,ok not everyone loves asian girls.I think that might be a result of not having alot where you might live.Which is ok because theirs always something missing somewhere at every club,havent found that club yet.But I think something has been overlooked,Asian girls dont have any hair on thier arms or legs..Now unless you like rubbing sand paper shaved legs and hairy arms and have not experienced this you might want to give it another try.Nothing like it smooooooth as silk.