
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 40)

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    17 years ago
    The Male Ego
    I was hoping 'evilcyn' would add her comments for us guys on this topic. She told me she would, so she's probably waiting for the time to do it. How's this for an EGO booster! After walking into Bugsy's yesterday, where 'evilcyn' works.... she literally comes running at me from the champaigne room, throws her arms and legs up in the air, and lands on me while standing, wrapping those long smooth legs around my waist and arms around my neck! It might be all about the money, but it sure strokes that EGO 100%.
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    17 years ago
    Just found this board!
    V9 - Are you going to find time to add another entry on this topic?
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    17 years ago
    Hip Hugger
    Made my visit to HH on June 21st, along with 5 other visits. Reviews have been posted.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    October 26th, 2007 1:00 P.M. What, Where , Why?
    LOL - No problem FONDL. Once you learn who Bones is, you'll feel sorry for me and WANT to put me out of my misery!
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    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Traditional Wet Shave
    Book Guy - I've been shaving down below (suggested by my son) because he says it turns the ladies on. In 90% of the cases, he was right! First time shaving, the family jewels did itch for awhile, but then I learned to use body lotion after shaving. I still lotion my body up before I go clubbing.
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    17 years ago
    Offbeat Sense of Humor
    happylap - Thanks for the compliment. If you go back and read some of my 2006 reviews, especially when I was on an extensive road trip in Texas and Oklahoma, you'll find a few there. I didn't have a G.P.S. back then, so I spent a lot of time using TUSCL's directions and my scent for pussy! Now with my G.P.S., I don't waste valuable lapping time, but Mr Happy doesn't get a chance to recuperate much! :-)
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    17 years ago
    Ooooo You're So Big . . .
    I totally agree CAT, when going COMMANDO, Mr Happy tends to flop left, then right, but rarely stays NORTH. Most my dancers have no problems adjusting Mr Happy to their content. Problem with wearing LIGHT colored shorts & going COMMANDO, you'd think I'd spilt my drink in several spots on my shorts! ANTIDOTE: Wear dark shorts and trousers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Male Ego
    Cyn - RIGHT ON THE BUTTON DEAR!! It is ALL in the CLICKS how a dancer and customer get along. Guys, Cyn is not a Cosmopolitan type woman you would see in the magazine and Cyn will agree, but you have to get really up close to Cyn to see the pure 'evil' (nice type) in her. This woman has features about her that I have never seen in any other woman, especially those God given BEAUTIFUL mystic EYES! Cyn - Shadowcat has a great idea! I know you have certain responsibilities at home, but if you could make this TUSCL Meeting or Convention, I'll drive up and we'll fly to Columbia and back. No hanky panky, strictly business. Shadowcat and I will split your lodging expense so you can have your own room. Cyn - Shadowcat is correct about me in all aspects (as you well know). However, I have other colored thongs! Thought I was going to mention the PENIS thing eh? :-)
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    17 years ago
    What I'm Not Pretty Enough For You?
    Those are pretty tough situations. I think most of us have been placed in situations like yours. Since I don't like to hurt feelings, my normal declination of LD offers is, "I'm not ready" or "Maybe later". I prefer the first response, as the second response give the dancer 'hopes' of later. The situation I don't like is when a dancer comes over to my table and just 'plops her butt on down' without asking if I would like company. I consider that an 'infringement' on my privacy, kind of, altough it is a public club. OTH, dancers have to make a living, so they are usually required to ask for LDs and/or ask us if we would like company. It's part of their job. You'll find that each club usually have their "pushy" dancers. I wouldn't worry to much about hurting a dancers' feelings, I'm sure they'll get over it, and even maybe learn to change their approach or questions.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ever get ticked off at a dancer because she won't leave you alone?
    LOL@evilcyn - My problem with evilcyn is that I can't get her to stick around me long enough! :-) Actually, evilcyn has a very pleasant approach with other customers. With me, she doesn't have to ask, she just comes up to me and says, "Come with me, the champaigne room is empty!". Then, like a dog, I trot along behind her with my 'tail' wagging..... Actually casualguy, I have been in many situations like that. They usually occur in the small clubs. I try and stay polite in declining dancers' offers, but sometimes they are just too stubborn and you have to tell them like it is, even if their feelings are hurt. Memphis PP was one such club where the dancers were very aggressive on dayshift. That PP was infamous about the 2 girl team tagging of a customer. Several times, I have just up and left a club do to the over-aggressiveness of dancers. Some of those type clubs should watch for that, because they're losing alcohol sales, and that's a big loss for the club!
  • article comment
    18 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    A Brief History of The Ultimate Strip Club List
    Founder: Many many thanks for the history and continuing success of TUSCL. I do believe you should add a link titled "History of TUSCL". It was an interesting read. As you know, I have proudly contributed many reviews and photographs and updates. I thoroughly enjoy this website and its improvements. I'll certainly continue to help keep this site a favorite for all. Keep up the good work, as you have one hell of a bunch of fans on your side!