
Articles by FONDL

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  • article
    16 years ago
    Different types of strip clubs
    <p>Contrary to popular opinion, strip clubs aren't all alike.&nbsp; In fact one can argue that they are all unique, that...
  • article
    16 years ago
    How she became - 7
    <p>HOW WE BECAME FRIENDS<br /> <br /> In my prvious blogs I've explained how Funny Girl became my ATF and how we...
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    16 years ago
    How she became - 6
    SOME FINAL THOUGHTS<br /> <br /> Aside from my second visit to an alternative universe, several aspects of this&nbsp;tale still amaze me.&nbsp;...
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    16 years ago
    How she became - 5
    THE DENOUEMENT AT LAST<br /> <br /> If you recall from the third episode, Snuggles&nbsp;has moved on to greener pastures, leaving Funny...
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    16 years ago
    How she became - 4
    A SLIGHT DIGRESSION<br /> <br /> We're getting close to the denouement, ladies and gentlemen, but before we do a slight digression...
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    16 years ago
    How she became - 3
    JULY 2, 1997<br /> <br /> I've actually gotten PMs from at least one misguided soul asking me to continue this saga,...
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    16 years ago
    How she became - 2
    SNUGGLES<br /> <br /> On one of my very first visits to Choo Choo's (it may hve been my first visit, I'm...
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    16 years ago
    How she became my ATF - 1
    Elsewhere I mentioned that, as promised, earlier today I wrote a very long blog on this subject.&nbsp; But when I...