
Comments by HarleyKing

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Anybody ever have any luck on Craigslist?
    I've never personally used CL for that but can attest that it works. When my wife and I were swinging we dated a couple and the female half of the couple would run ads on CL to meet men for casual sex.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do you hide your TUSCL activities from your SO?
    Don't have to hide anything either. Wife is very cool with this. Don't think she really knows about the site but she goes with me to clubs about 50% of the time. Even telling me to get lap dances. It spices things up for when I return home TO HER.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    I'm not going to have sex with one in the club you certainly don't know where her mouth has been right before she sucks you off.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Treasures in Houston
    I brought it up here since this seems to be the discussion page with the most eyeballs. The club chat page is all but empty. I dew posts but not much to speak of. FOUNDER, if I'm off base for bringing it up here I apologize. HK
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Cities where the club with the best looking girls also has the best mileage?
    Houston - Treasures. Like I posted in my recent review from two weeks ago, this place is basically a whore house (not that there's anything wrong with it.) Out of the 5 different dancers 4 of the 5 made it clear that for the right price ANYTHING could be had. I "settled" for a lot less but left happy. As for Baby Dolls, that's the closet thing to a "home club" that I have. I've never really found the mileage near on par with Treasure's. About the best I've had in there is to play with some tits, and that's not that out of the ordinary these days. This is generally up stairs in the high backed chairs. I'm I missing something in there? BTW The girls at both BD and Treasure's are most all 7-9's.
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    17 years ago
    Viagra, Cialis, Levitra
    Glad this was brought up here. Please give me some levity and allow me to ask some serious questions in regards to ED. I'm 36 and going to see the Urologist for the first time next week. "He" just doesn't work like he used to when I was in my 20's. I discussed it with my family doctor about 6 months and he said lose some weight and you'll be fine. Well I've lost 40+ lbs and everything is not fine. He also did the blood work ups for diabetes, high blood pressure, etc, etc and all was fine. My problem is not necessarily getting an erection but maintaining it to ejaculation during intercourse. I can usually get it hard enough to manually finish but not quite hard enough to insert again. This doesn't happen all the time probably about 50%. This isn't something I discuss with friends and co workers about, so is this normal for a guy approaching middle age? How about recovery time? Does Viagra and the others help in that regard as well? I'm I freaking out over nothing or is this all normal? Thanks all D.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    YOUR policy on extras?
    That's kinda how I feel. Like I said in my orginal post, I'm not crazy about my dick being fully exposed in a public venue. As for cuming in my pants via a HJ or good grinding.....Not real sure how I feel about doing that. We all have a point of no return of course, but I've never (yet) let myself cross that line. However, return trip to Treasures may be in cards and no telling what will happen this time.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Need Y'alls Advice..
    I'm sure there are even some groups of dancers that not only take pride in making a guy nut, they probably even brag about it backstage: "How many did you make cum tonight? I made 3."