
Comments by dha (page 5)

  • review comment
    a year ago
    Recommend going
    Honestly UKfan, youvreview is perfect. Short and to the point. Based on what you said, if i wss ne to the area, there is enough info in your review for me to decide whether or no to go. And thank you for not including excessive detail.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Recommend going
    Sometimes I think Minnow operates purely on artificial intelligence. That's a joke, so whiteknight squad, you do not need to come to his rescue.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Falling in Love (or lust) with a dancer
    I think I'm in love ❤️ with Nicespice!
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    South Florida
    Is Minnow taking over where DesertScrub left off?
    I would pay to see more reviews by strippers, Nicespice. Gives us a perspective we can never experience on our own. The insight is valuable so please keep your reviews coming.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    South Florida
    Is Minnow taking over where DesertScrub left off?
    No ones perfect Ishie.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    New York
    That's hilarious. Mike Tyson is awesome. The good, bad, and ugly shrouded in a sense of humour and extreme ferocity. Only "Cus" D'Amato, a Bronx Italian-American, could manage to show Mike love and keep him focused and out of trouble.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    South Florida
    Is Minnow taking over where DesertScrub left off?
    I'm a sinner, a hypocrite, a liar, cheater, profiteer, a charlatan, etc etc etc. Lol Now that we got that out of the way, how about you coming clean about what you are. Or are you just the righteous ideal of what a person on this site should be? Lol. Fact remains. Minnow rejects a lot of reviews. Live wiith it.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Cities use local laws to curb strip clubs
    It's great to live in a free country like the US. But, it was founded on relifious principles and this does not coincide with strip clubs in a positivecway. It's also great that almost everywhere else in the world is not as uptight as the US when it comes to sex. So, all you need to know is where to go, how to book a flight and hotel, maybe how to get a visa, and have a passport.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Most Pointless Professions
    All professions are pointless when you have enough money to do what you want and are free to do it.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    What Type of PL Uses TUSCL?
    #1. Someone that loves pussy and wants it immediately without the chase and the other bullshit that could go with it. #2. Someone willing to spend their money and walk away with a memory that may only last an hour. A love for immediate gratification. #3. Some one that likes to have a good time. #4. Any age, nationality, or race. The only prerequisite is that naked ladies get you horny.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Falling in Love (or lust) with a dancer
    The book provides guidance for married men. The common places are visited by many married men. OP could easily find a wingman upon arrival. However, if he is not an experienced traveler, it would advisable to find and go with an experienced wingman. For OP try this link: Costaricaticas.com. Pretty sure you can find a reliable wingman there. Or, maybe someone on this board would be willing to show you the ropes.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    South Florida
    Thank You NAACP. Sincerely, Florida.
    Racist and just generally ignorant of reality to think that way. Plus I dont care what you call it. NAACP is associated with criminal activity. However, they should be applauded for issuing a travel warning to Florida.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Falling in Love (or lust) with a dancer
    OP. Go on Amazon and buy this book - The Hedonist: World Vacation Guide. Take a few trips, if you have not already. This should help put things in perspective for you.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Falling in Love (or lust) with a dancer
    @ilbbaicni - I have a lot of respect for the skills strippers. Just think allowing yourself to completely allow yiurself to fall in love with someone with these skills, prior experiences, and potential to continue using those skills, is, in general, a mistake. I fall in love with multiple strippers everytime I enter a club and they fall in love with me. Lol But, it's short-term and ends when I leave. Then, they find soneone else to love.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Falling in Love (or lust) with a dancer
    Maybe, more than yourself? Can't imagine anyone feeling that way about a stripper. Think about how rediculous that is.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Falling in Love (or lust) with a dancer
    Define love .....
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    South Florida
    Thank You NAACP. Sincerely, Florida.
    Thank you NAACP for protecting Floridians from some of these criminals. Actually, considering the florida stand your ground laws the NAACP may be saving some of these criminals lives.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    South Florida
    Is Minnow taking over where DesertScrub left off?
    I am human and a sinner but that does not change the fact that the pot is black, squad member #2.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    South Florida
    Is Minnow taking over where DesertScrub left off?
    Yes. Just like that. And, this one. You are a long standing member of the whiteknight squad. Makes your childish, ill-conceived responses, worthless and immature. Now you can respond with one of your childishly rediculous comments. Go ........ !
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    South Florida
    Is Minnow taking over where DesertScrub left off?
    The free month sb eliminated. Thanks for the excellant value added comments by Doc and Tet. Those of you who are members of the whiteknight squad who get upset when someone else surfaces issues with one of their squad, should think before responding with unfounded accusations and name calling. Its The simple truth is that minnow rejects many reviews that are approved. That's all. I'm sure he is a good guy with all the best intentions.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    South Florida
    Is Minnow taking over where DesertScrub left off?
    Fact remains, minnow rejects a lot of reviews.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Republicans and the National Debt
  • review comment
    a year ago
    A good game is really helpful to maximize ROI but anyone can have a fun time.
    Sorry to hear you got taken advantage of with the dance counts. It is all too common in this club. Unfortunately, you were not aware of the ROBs in this place before going. If you did know, you could have controlled it better and gotten more value and fun for your money. But, sounds like you had fun anyway. The daytime girls are less agressive with trying to rip you off. But it is alway good to confirm each dance as you get it at this club. Just an FYI for your next trip.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Republicans and the National Debt
    Biden should politely and humbly ask Trump to negotiate with Putin. Trump would also make Ukraine pay the US back for that service and all the aid Biden keeps giving them. That would be a good start.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    An hour of my life I won’t get back.
    This used to be a great club and was used as a model for the Booby Trap in Pompano.