
Comments by metaldude (page 17)

  • article comment
    9 years ago
    I started dancing in the Worst Possible Strip Club ever, but...
    Always glad to hear about happy strippers!
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    9 years ago
    How I Accidentally became a Stripper
    Good for you going for it and telling your story here. Don't let the negative comments get to you. Now if you really want to get on all our good sides...pictures really do help. Keep posting...
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    9 years ago
    Spending The Big Money
    As with the others I would love to hear about all the adventures on your trip. You writing style is always enjoyable and entertaining.
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    9 years ago
    Finding a Diamond in a Strip Club
    Sorry, but difficult read with little useful info. I did get a kick out of how you must like really tall girls since you said "you want the ladder".
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    12 years ago
    How to not Piss off a Stripper!
    Mostly common sense stuff in the article, although a little too stripper oriented. However, totally awesome picutes! Thanks for those and feel free to post more.
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    13 years ago
    A catch-all account
    Pathetic Losers Anonymous
    Great read, most entertaining thing I've read here in awhile. My opinion- you are certainly NOT a PL. Everything has been on your terms and you have received value for payment. Whether she's telling the truth or not, and I think we all think she is, you would only be a PL if you allowed that information to modify your behavior/pay scale. I see no reason why you would do either. Neither of you are looking for a relationship other than what you already have. Just sit back, or lay back, and enjoy!
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    13 years ago
    That was the last straw: Boycotting Virginia clubs
    Not sure if Pure Pleasure, down the street from Paper Moon South, has put the same rules in place, but at least it's a 2 sided club where you can get hard liquor on one side and strippers on the other. Yes, they wear pasties but the contact was 2 way last time I was there.