Finding a Diamond in a Strip Club
1. Let her scope you out
Keep an eye on whom is keeping an eye on you. We humans have a sixth sense for knowing when we're being watched
2 Sit at a goddamned table
I never understood the allure of bar seating at a titty bar. If your at the bar it's probably going to be crowded.Not to mention if your approached she will be sitting on the opposite stool not your lap. This will be important later
3 Pay attention to who comes and goes
The one in the pink that has been to five tables already and gotten 0 dances. Ya she's your girl. just shoot her your best seductive gaze.she'll find you soon enough
4 Be innocent but calculating
OK if she is on your lap place your hand on a non sexual body part almost as if your helping her keep balance. If she is at the chair opposite you just a hand on the shoulder. Feel if she shys away or if she stays relaxed you want the ladder.
5 Buy her a drink and take notes
Strippers know you have a predetermined amount you plan to spend and they want all of it. Buy her a drink if she orders top shelf brands ( no smirnoff is NOT top shelf you cheap basted think grey goose, kettle one) you know she is in it for the good time but if she orders smirnoff or ciroc or if you hit the holy grail domestics you know she is in make money mode.
6 Yes you still have to ask about rules
Although if the girl meets the criteria you should be pleasantly surprised by what you here.
These are not 100 percent guaranteed but in my experience the girl who is invited to sit while on stage will typically give the worst dance. Good luck and happy hunting
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The main allure/function of a strip club is that one does not have to jump thru hoops “to get a girl”.
Strip clubs are business and are about $$$ - if one spends the required-amount/going-rate one usually gets what one wants (if it's the the type of club w/o restrictions).
IMO no need for all this psycho-analysis - do you jump thru all these hoops when ordering from the girl at the register at McDonald's? i.e. similar to McDonald's SCs are just a business transaction.
I go to the SCs to be entertained and relax; not to have my head on swivel about who's watching me. If a dancer is interested in me she'll either approach me or I'll approach her if I'm interested.
“... Sit at a goddamned table ...”
This will probably get you the most attention but not all attention is good – I often sit at the bar and normally don't have an issue getting dancers' attention – when I sit at a table it seems 3/4 of the dancers that make themselves welcomed at my table are dancers I have no interest in and just end up wasting my time (and hers) and cockblocking me from the dancers I want – additionally it can get tiring having a dancer on one's lap – I find it better to sit on a barstool and be able to grab/touch/hug her while she stands in front of me.
“... The one in the pink that has been to five tables already and gotten 0 dances. Ya she's your girl ...”
The good dancers are often in demand; if she's constantly getting turned down it may be b/c of her bad looks or bad personality – not always the case though.
“... Feel if she shys away or if she stays relaxed you want the ladder ...”
Dancers are often a crapshoot – sometimes they act one way on the floor and differently in the dance area – but yeah; for me this last point does have some merit – if I'm interacting w/ a dancer and she does not let me touch her while we are talking; then often times I'll pass since I feel she'll be as cold in the dance area – but not necessarily always the case.
I do agree with touching during the pitch. But none of your quasi accidental stuff. I intentionally touch her thigh.
Every club has good and bad spots for front room interactions. But yeah, dancers approach the guys watching the dancers more than guys drinking at the bar watching tv.
I don't buy drinks, but talk is free locally. If she wants my cash she needs to convince me to buy dances.
I'm not sure if I totally agree with papi in terms of popularity = quality. I feel like a lot of PLs go solely on looks. The Hottest Girl In The Club usually has no issue selling dances. . And she's often low mileage.
At the stage: "If you would like me to give you money, come sit with me."
At the table/bar: "If you would like me to give you more money, I'd like to grope you during a lap dance or two."
During the lap dance: "If you'd like me to give you more money, how do you feel about blowjobs in VIP?"
During VIP: "How would you feel about not sharing the money I give you with the club, and meet me at my motel room for sex?"
Press "A" if brilliant
Press "B" if not brilliant
Have somewhere to go afterward (preferably a nightcap with your FWB). Never let what happens at a club dictate your evening.