
Comments by paulrevere

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    14 years ago
    Best porno chick
    Jesse Jane, Stoya, Faye Reagan - Gold, Silver, Bronze - Blonde, Brunette, Redhead
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    15 years ago
    Heading to Vegas and need some reccomendations
    I like Cheetahs - see my articles on going there. Be patient and find the right girl or girls. Pickings can be slim at times, but there are some gems - usually better late evenings (after 9pm). SR is good if money is no object, but Cheetahs is better value if you play cards right. Doormen and bouncers are generally pretty cool - bartenders are crabby. Shot girl is annoying.
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    12 years ago
    How I get Pussy in Strip Clubs
    I've read worse articles - I've probably written worse. I agree with the one commentator - if you're going there to pay for it, just pay for it. Don't pretend it's a relationship or you're getting some kind of discount. Hey, if this works for this fellow, though, leave him alone. What I've found is you put in the same amount of work in a strip club to end up being friends as you would at a regular bar to get more. But being friends with the occasional exceptional dancer that you like can be fun as shit. But just like any relationship, you don't buy friends or lovers. You can buy sex, though, and this may be a way that is more satisfying to some people.
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    14 years ago
    The Election, Ayn Rand, and Strippers
    Still sorry about the paragraphs - geez - I wrote it with paragraphs. And yah - it's a tad too angry - must've had a bad watching election results or Dancing With the Stars. Ok - that was funny - come on, guys. Geez. So gk - you're on target and inno123 was actually the funniest comment - I like the ten-ten story.
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    14 years ago
    The Election, Ayn Rand, and Strippers
    <p>Yah - shouldn't have started off with the comment about Neo-Fascists, but Obama's been getting called a Socialist for two years because he believes in Mixed Capitalism.</p> <p>Man - you people think way too hard.....Did I mention I like tits?</p>
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    14 years ago
    The Election, Ayn Rand, and Strippers
    Thank you Sinclair - good guess
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    14 years ago
    The Election, Ayn Rand, and Strippers
    <p>Rickdugan - fair comments - appreciate the opinion</p> <p>Quicksandman - don't agree, but good response</p> <p>Dudester - thanks for launching a personal attack on me and lecturing me about 'maturity'. Your efforts in support of people like W have play a wonderful role in destroying America and even undermining healthy sexuality - if that's your idea of positive change, you can have it. I see you spend most of your time writing articles and reviews out here so I won't pretend I'll ever get in the last word with someone like you. You use typical right wing bullying and intimidation tactics to scream louder than anyone else.</p> <p>The strippers I had read this thought it was funny - guess I'll stick with them - they have better tits and drink more tequila.</p>
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    14 years ago
    The Election, Ayn Rand, and Strippers
    <p>First of all, I humbly apologize for the lack of paragraphs. I wrote the 'rant' (hey - that's a fair assessment!) in paragraphs, but it did not come out that way. I will try to fix it if you each of you that complained sends me $500 and joins my AmWay pyramid scam.</p> <p>There are a lot of interesting comments here. Perhaps the most amusing are that I'm 'waaaay too smart' - wow, glad to hear it - I'll tell my kids - and that I have no 'real world' experience. Oh brother - there - I've got waaaaay too much real world experience.</p> <p>I'm sorry if it sounds like I encourage generally fucking over strippers - I don't. There are a few of them who occassionally deserve it, but that is not the general case. Once in awhile, it's fun to piss one off, though - admit it.</p> <p>When Conservatives want to legalize prostitution, I'll take them seriously and believe they are real Conservatives. Right now Libertarians are allied with Creationists - gimme a break.</p> <p>Finally - nobody laughed? Not once? The whole fucking thing was supposed to be funny. Geez - people - lighten the fuck up. Or does Ayn not allow that?</p>
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    14 years ago
    The Perfect OTC Date
    Good article.&nbsp; Yes - things are more accessible now.&nbsp; I've had a safe in my room and used it for my wallet and valuables.&nbsp; For the women I enjoyed most, I just gave them a card with some money in it and they never even bothered to open it until&nbsp;they went home&nbsp;because we had established a lot of mutual trust.&nbsp; They are no better or worse than guys - some guys are complete idiots that they have to watch out for.<br /> <br /> One visit can be enough, but it does have to be the right person.&nbsp; A couple of visits and some good dances and conversation are musts.&nbsp; Don't ever go out with someone you wouldn't want to date if you hadn't met them in a club.&nbsp; Ever.&nbsp; Don't see someone who is hot and immediately try to get them OTC - you won't unless you are one of the greatest Casanovas on earth - and if you're that, you don't need to be in a club in the first place.
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    15 years ago
    Why I'm Stripping
    If your husband is refusing access to his income to help pay for basic items, there is something wrong with that.&nbsp; His money is your money - I am not a lawyer, but think that is true legally as well as just in basic terms of how marriages/relationships work.&nbsp; I think he needs an ultimatum on that.&nbsp; You are exactly right that all of us guys are trying to get the most we can for our dollar in a strip club, but honestly if you started telling me this stuff there I would probably break down and cry - and I've heard some pretty sad stuff from strippers.&nbsp; Don't let him get away with this - he needs to contribute his money fully to the relationship.&nbsp; Then, if you still need to work, go ahead and do it, but on your terms.<br /> <br /> I agree with the other men and women on this - your relationship sounds like it is problematic enough that you need to seriously think about whether it will truly be best for your kids or not.&nbsp; Some of us guys are ones to talk - both my kids are nearly grown up and I may have stayed in a less than perfect relationship for them, but it was not problematic at the level yours is - never any money issues or gross irresponsibility.&nbsp; Do what is right for you, sweetheart.&nbsp; It sounds like you deserve much better.
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    15 years ago
    Flash or Trash? How About Someting Between the Two?
    <p>Good article and good point raised.&nbsp; New Jersey isn't alone.&nbsp; Finding the right combination is hard - a lot of it goes to trying to figure out what works given the local laws and the morality police everywhere.&nbsp; But good points - too bad there aren't some club owners - and some girls - out there looking to provide what guys actually like rather than trying to shove this thing and that thing down our throats.</p>