
Comments by mark94 (page 19)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: The Stock Market ?
    And, some trivia. In the last 10 days, Tesla’s market cap has increased more than the total value of Ford and GM combined.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: The Stock Market ?
    Out of the S&P 500, I think 10 or 20 will do incredibly well over the next 5 years. Maybe 300 will do okay. The rest will be crushed by nimble competitors innovating with AI.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: The Stock Market ?
    I’m on record, above, as buying Tesla, tons of it, before the recent run up. I explained why, in detail. I’m also now on record as saying I’m going to stay heavily invested in Tesla until 2027. If that’s a bad decision, feel free to point that out in future years. It’s easy for any troll to claim stock success after the run up.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Left versus Right
    STATEMENT FROM CONGRESSMAN HUNT ON THE BIDEN DOJ INDICTMENT OF PRESIDENT TRUMP On very same day the FBI agreed to allow members of the Oversight Committee to review documents tying Joe Biden to a $5 Million bribery scheme with a foreign national, President Trump is informed that he will be indicted by Biden’s DOJ. Coincidence?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Left versus Right
    The new head of the FBI counter terrorism division appeared before Congress recently. That’s the division that knowingly pushed the false Steele document, as documented by the Durham report She was asked about the Durham report. She said she hadn’t read it, hadn’t been briefed on it, and had no interest in it.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Ozempic / Semaglutide
    For some people, taking Ozempic gives them permission to eat an even worse diet. Either you have food discipline or you don’t. If you don’t, meds won’t help. If you do, you don’t need meds. There is no Royal Road to fitness.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: The Stock Market ?
    Artificial intelligence will change everything about how our economy works. The winners will be companies that provide AI hardware, software, and the necessary data. Plus, nimble companies that embrace the use of AI to improve their performance. Most large companies will be too slow to act. They will be devoured by their less bureaucratic, risk taking, competitors. This transition is happening fast. Probably over the next few years. Any investor who correctly identifies the likely winners will prosper.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: The Stock Market ?
    The problem in 1929 is most of the people, rich and poor, were buying stock on margin. A small drop in the stock price could wipe them out. Once the market started to correct, it whipsawed into a collapse.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: The Stock Market ?
    Quick Tesla update. It’s opening this morning at $250. Six weeks ago, it was $160. Thats when I went all in on Tesla. That’s a 56% increase. Many technical analysts say there is now no barrier to reaching $300. It could happen quickly. That would be an 87% increase. Its historic high is $400. I expect it to regain that by early next year, after attaining several production milestones. That would be a 150% increase in under a year.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    In NJ. Goes to Pa for BJ.
    Quitting porn
    I suggest you watch Boogie Nights for an answer.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Phx mongers weigh in?
    In general, Phoenix clubs are about lapdances during the day and groups partying at night. If you are on your own, daytime is your friend.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Phx mongers weigh in?
    I thought Jaguars was more a night club than a strip club these days. I recall reading about at least one shooting in the parking lot.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Left versus Right
    The President, any President, has an unlimited power to declassify any document. Trump, while President, declared that any document he removed from the WH was automatically declassified. All the documents he removed were known to the national archives staff and held in a secure room guarded by the Secret Service. He was negotiating with the national archives whether to return some of these documents. Instead of continuing to negotiate, the FBI raided his home in a very public way taking thousands of documents, including a small number of formerly classified documents. Many of the documents were personal records. The vast majority were unclassified. The thousands of classified documents held in multiple locations by Joe Biden were obtained when he was Senator or Vice President, a time when he had no power to declassified. They were not secure. Beyond keeping them in his garage, many were in a Chinatown office at a time when Biden family members were being given millions of dollars by the Chinese. There are records on Hunter’s laptop proving he shared classified info with his foreign business partners. Given these facts, the DOJ has decided to indict Trump while the FBI conceals records showing the millions paid to the Biden family by foreign governments. All this, so Democrats can use a Trump indictment to hide their own corruption.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Saudi Arabia is slashing oil supply. It could mean higher gas prices...
    “Biden is a unifier” Joe doesn’t know what day it is. He spends three days a week at one of his Delaware mansions hiding out. Unlike in past administrations, the President wasn’t personally involved. He sent underlings to negotiate. I don’t know who is running the WH, but it isn’t Joe.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Left versus Right
    The difference between left/RINOS and right/MAGA In 2016 Hillary Clinton sent or received over 2,000 emails with classified marking. Zero charges In November of 2022 classified documents were found in Joe Bidens garage dating back to his time in the Senate. Zero charges In 2022 classified documents were discovered in Mike Pence’s home. Zero charges Donald Trump, the only one who was President and had the power to declassify documents, had documents in his home and was raided by the FBI, had a special counsel appointed, and will most likely face criminal charges.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Born in NYC, conceived at Woodstock.
    The worst thing to say to a stripper??!!
    I overheard a long conversation where an Uber driver/PL described his day, fare by fare, and complained about his job. The dancer feigned interest. It was painful.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: A “novel” idea to fighting crime
    If Communist China were carrying out a plot to destroy the US from within, they’d be doing exactly what is happening. Fentanyl. Antifa. BLM. Defund the police. CoVid lockdown. Joe Biden. At some point, we’ve got to consider this isn’t random.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: A “novel” idea to fighting crime
    I saw an article arguing that, in large cities with high crime rates, much of the crime can be traced back to just 500 repeat offenders and gang leaders. In years past, these 500 would already be in prison.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Saudi Arabia is slashing oil supply. It could mean higher gas prices...
    The biggest mystery to me is why there aren’t nuclear plants being built. The new, modular plants are safe and efficient. They are the size of a large house and provide energy for 300,000 houses.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    OT: Apple vision Pro
    And, will they work for anyone over 40 who needs reading glasses ?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Where is the absolute, hands down worst place for strip clubs?
    I got to know an Italian stripper in the US who told me about clubs around Vatican City whose customers were from VC.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Left versus Right
    The best TV show to portray modern politics was “ Yes, Minister”. We are controlled by entrenched, self serving, bureaucrats.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Where is the absolute, hands down worst place for strip clubs?
    Vatican City
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Carl Jung said that every patient he had over the age of 40 had a fear of death as a root cause of their psychological problems.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    South Florida
    Is strip clubs music volume bad for your hearing?
    Yes, I’ve gotten alerts from my phone