
Where is the absolute, hands down worst place for strip clubs?

I was looking at strip club reviews for Edmonton, Alberta. I guess in Alberta they have rules in which no contact whatsoever air dances are all that’s allowed. It’s sounds so shitty nobody’s reviewed an Edmonton club in almost a decade. Sad reviews before then. Even TUSCL has given up on that city.


  • rickthelion
    a year ago

    The correct answer to “where is the absolute, hands down worst place for a strip club?” is “yo’ momma’s house”.

    Well, maybe not everybody’s momma’s house. There are some fine MILFs that this rick don’t mind watchin’ strip. But I strongly suspect that I wouldn’t want to see Muddy Ape’s Momma strip.

    And for those of y’all sayin’ “but rick, she’s prolly like 500 years old or sumpthin’ you’re being too harsh” I say this: imagine that you traveled back to the Ben Franklin days, would you really want a lap dance from Muddy’s momma?

    Wait…where the fuck was I? This is the problem with my breakfast bottle of Jack…I am constantly forgetting what I’m sayin’. Anyhoo… I don’t wanna see Muddy’s momma get naked and I’m sure of that. ROAR!!!
  • motorhead
    a year ago
    I think we should all be thank we live in good ole Murica despite all its problems

    I remember there was a review of a club in Nigeria or some God forsaken place in Africa where guards with automatic weapons were posted at metal doors that were bolted shut
  • shadowcat
    a year ago
    I cannot think of Edmonton without remembering Farmerart the colorful oil man. Here is his review of an Edmonton club.


    I would think that Iceland has got to the worst. Strip clubs are flat assed illegal.
  • 5footguy
    a year ago
    From https://www.tampabay.com/florida/2019/06…

    "Weeks later, the City Council unveiled its weapon to clean up Tampa: the 6-foot rule.

    The proposed ordinance would require that distance between patrons and adult entertainers. It wasn’t technically a ban on lap dances, but how can you gyrate on someone from that far away?

    Other governments in Florida had already passed ordinances designed to stop the spread of prostitution and disease. Pinellas County had a 3-foot rule, as did Brevard, Citrus, Collier, Manatee, Volusia, Polk and Seminole. A handful of places outside of Florida imposed 10-foot rules. Tampa tried to land somewhere in the middle with 6 feet, a distance that would prevent “hand-to-genital contact” and be easy to enforce."

    Sounds pretty much like hell.
  • Dolfan
    a year ago
    Orlando is pretty bad, exaggerated by the fact that the areas within a few hours drive are pretty much the exact opposite. A lot of places where there aren't any are worse though.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    Vatican City
  • mike710
    a year ago
    This is extracted from the written code of San Diego County. This is the letter of the law. Thankfully, it's not enforced to the letter but when the powers that be want to, they could close any club for not following the letter of the law. The 6' rule has been around a long time here.

    a. It shall be a violation of this chapter for a patron, employee or any other person in an adult entertainment establish ent, to knowingly or intentionally appear in a state of nudity regardless of whether such public nudity is expressive in nature.

    b. It shall be a violation of this chapter for an employee in an adult entertainment establishment, to knowingly or intentionally appear in a state of semi-nudity unless the employee is at least six (6) feet from the nearest area occupied by patrons and on a stage elevated at least eighteen (18) inches from the floor.

    c. It shall be a violation of this chapter for an employee, who regularly appears in a state of semi-nudity in the adult entertainment establishment, to knowingly or intentionally receive any pay or gratuity directly from any patron, or for any patron to knowingly or intentionally pay or give any gratuity directly to any employee who appears in a state of semi-nudity in the adult entertainment establishment.

    d. It shall be a violation of this chapter for an employee who regularly appears in a state of semi-nudity in an adult entertainment establishment, to knowingly or intentionally touch a customer or the clothing of a customer while on the premises of the
  • Brahma2k
    a year ago
    “Go into any one of Tampa’s numerous clubs today and you’ll see dozens of women twerking a lot closer than 6 feet from their customers.

    The rule that prohibits that activity is still on the books, but police reports show it hasn’t resulted in an arrest since 2005. And no one really talks about it anymore.”

    “If it were up to me,” … “I would make it over a mile distance, but six foot seems reasonable.”
  • Brahma2k
    a year ago
    @Mike710 writes “This is extracted from the written code of San Diego County. This is the letter of the law. Thankfully, it's not enforced to the letter but when the powers that be want to, they could close any club for not following the letter of the law. The 6' rule has been around a long time here.”

    That is precisely correct. “When the powers that be want to” — and the powers that be will always, eventually, want to. It creates media headlines, the kind of headlines that say the right things “human trafficking, spreading disease, drugs, prostitution” and it is said against precisely the right people: strippers and straight men that go to strip clubs.
    In what can only be considered hilarious, want to see strip clubs left alone by leaders? Make sure there is at least a few transgender and gay clubs of this type operating. Now “leaders” will be in the uncomfortable position of inferring enforcement against the wrong people that will get them negative headlines.
  • Tetradon
    a year ago
    @mark, good one. Unless they have one with little boys as dancers.

    The "pink mafia" within the Vatican is real.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    I got to know an Italian stripper in the US who told me about clubs around Vatican City whose customers were from VC.
  • londonguy
    a year ago
    Orlando is terrible, even worse than London and that’s saying something.
  • whodey
    a year ago
    Cincinnati- they ran all of the clubs in this part of the state out of business with the regulations they imposed that were drafted by the same people that sued Larry Flynt trying to shut down Hustler magazine.. The only clubs left are across the river in Northern KY and they are bikini clubs that aren't allowed to show anything you wouldn't see at a public beach.
  • dha
    a year ago
    On any MLK street.
  • bkkruined
    a year ago
    Saudi Arabia.
  • rickdugan
    a year ago
    Virginia. I won't even club there anymore. It's bad enough that the girls have to wear clothes designed to cover a certain amount of their asses and tops, but add to that the alcohol restrictions (beer and wine only) and for me it's a special kind of Hell. I have always found VA clubs to be especially depressing.
  • rugrat
    a year ago
    Agree with Rick on Virginia. Ohio and Missouri are also pretty strict, at least in Missouri if you are in St Louis or KC there are good options just across the state line.
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