OT: A “novel” idea to fighting crime

avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

"Crime Plunges In Haiti Amid ‘Brutal Vigilante Campaign’"

A rise in vigilante justice on the impoverished island of Haiti has reportedly led to a dramatic reduction in the vicious gang violence that has plagued the island for years.

The New York Times reported that the “brutal vigilante campaign” began in late April when a group of people “overpowered” police in Haiti’s capital Port-au-Prince after they took 14 alleged gang members into custody.

The group of vigilantes took the suspects outside, doused them with gasoline, and burned them to death.

Since the 14 suspects were executed, civilians have reportedly killed at least 160 additional gang members in the area, the report said.

The report said that the vigilante campaign has led to a “sharp drop in kidnappings and killings attributed to gangs.”

People in the areas infested with gangs have reportedly feared leaving their homes for a long time and often face extortion. In a less than 10-day span last summer, nearly 500 people were murdered in the city, leaving many afraid to even go buy food.

“Before the 24th, every day someone passed by and demanded that I give him money because of my little business,” one resident told the newspaper. “When I had no money, they took whatever they wanted from my table, and this happened at any time of the day.”

Burning gang members alive appears to be one of the vigilantes’ preferred methods for dealing with the thugs.

“The reaction of the population, after years of gangs imposing their law, can be attributed to self-defense,” Gédéon Jean, the executive director of CARDH, told The New York Times. “Gangs are supported by certain authorities, politicians and business people. At almost all levels of the police force, gangs have links with police officers. The police do not have the means to systematically and simultaneously confront the growing gangs.”

The gang problem exploded when Haitian President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated at his home two years ago. The result has been a power vacuum and a country on the brink of a civil war.



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avatar for tin man
tin man
1 yr ago

Papi you don't want to see this in Miami or anyward else in Dade county. Seeing someone burned to death changes you, and not in a good way

avatar for misterorange
1 yr ago

^^ Right. Using their own tactics of fear and intimidation against them is terrible. People should just continue being abused and living in terror.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
1 yr ago

I guess that is the Haitian version of "tough love"

avatar for sinclair
1 yr ago

It happened several times in American history. When elected officials are not doing their jobs and crime gets so bad, regular citizens need to band together and kill the criminals themselves. The San Francisco Committee of Vigilance brought law and order to San Francisco during the gold rush. The Montana Vigilantes hunted down and hanged something like thirty road agents who were responsible for over one hundred robberies and murders in less than three months around Virginia City. The left has defunded, mocked, and neutered the police in this country. Crime is out of control. Enough is enough.

avatar for rattdog
1 yr ago

a very good friend of mine who i regard as a sister is haitian. she follows the situation down there on a daily basis through her phone. not via youtube either but instead some more reliable local net news outlet. story of clinton's brother setting up shop years ago and taking away a nice haul of the nation's gold was news to me.

so when you have outside nations teaming up with local gov't mafia poisoning the people with cholera, taking away natural resources, promise to spend funds to hundreds of houses but instead only build two, fuck with their farming, and then compound that with gangs daily roughing you up for your assets you as a haitian citizen just trying to survive are fucked. frankly i'm totally shocked that these burnings didn't start happening decades ago.

maybe it is time for this to start happening. on our front. maybe certain parts in cali would be a good place to start. first test should be frisco. citizens of all countries facing similar patterns that we're facing should also take notes and start sowing seeds of these thoughts inside their minds. this applies to all levels. from low level street scum all the way to the top echelon of shitty world leaders. take someone like trudeau. i gotta think that more than 60% of the canadiens would love to see that guy literally burn to the crisp.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

I might well do the same in their shows.

The U.S. helped overthrow the Aristede government because his supporters started doing stuff like this. Contributing to the current violent chaos. We never learn.

avatar for gammanu95
1 yr ago

I agree with the OP that it is necessary, justifiable, and effective for ordinary citizens to become vigilantes when government fails to control and prevent criminal and crime. However, activist judges and DAs choose not to punish criminals and prevent crime, but do choose to punish citizens and prevent us from stopping criminals on our own.

Officer Darren Wilson, Ferguson MO George Zimmerman v Trayvon Martin Mark and Patricia McCloskey Daniel Penny v Jordan Neely Jose Alba

Thr list goes on and on of people acting in self defense who are facing charges or were prosecuted because they didnt let.the criminals get away with their crimes.

avatar for Muddy
1 yr ago

This stuff will start happening here, people don’t have a choice. The state failing to do its job of incarcerating violent criminals in certain parts of this country, and throwing it into the lap of innocent law abiding civilians, they don’t have a choice anymore. It’s die or fight back.

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

It makes a good movie, but it never works well in real life.

avatar for Studme53
1 yr ago

People learn and fill the void when the state fails.

avatar for nicespice
1 yr ago

I mean, lot of gangs are really a self-managed police and HOA body wrapped up in one. Or at least that’s how they start out as. Some are more effective at keeping a neighborhood in line from rampant thuggery activities than others. And by thuggery activities, I mean actions by too many individual hotheads instead of deferring to whatever is the agreed upon authority in an area. A gang that is “established” in an area can often make an area safer than it would otherwise be…as long as they have the luxury to not deal with too many turf wars.

This is a long-winded way for me to say that I would consider that group a gang as well, and one that seems to be more effective than its competitors. 🤷🏻‍♀️ That’s not a judgement on the group itself. Just what it is.

avatar for mark94
1 yr ago

I saw an article arguing that, in large cities with high crime rates, much of the crime can be traced back to just 500 repeat offenders and gang leaders. In years past, these 500 would already be in prison.

avatar for mark94
1 yr ago

If Communist China were carrying out a plot to destroy the US from within, they’d be doing exactly what is happening. Fentanyl. Antifa. BLM. Defund the police. CoVid lockdown. Joe Biden.

At some point, we’ve got to consider this isn’t random.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

A least your HOA sends you a letter, instead of tagging your house, when they want to threaten you.

Humans are more effectively violent in organized groups. Violence can be defensive or offensive. Many street gangs are more defensive than the worser police forces. Or the military industrial complex.

avatar for Tetradon
1 yr ago

Security is a basic human need, and if the law can't provide it, extra-legal forces will.

I'd suggest reading Sudhir Venkatesh's "Gang Leader for a Day" to see the dynamic. At one point, a pastor and a cop broker a truce between two crack-dealing gangs. The cops know they don't have the manpower to keep law and order in the projects, so the cops effectively deputize the gangs to keep shit from getting out of control. Such is life in a world of finite resources.

Of course the new idiot mayor of Chicago thinks kids committing armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon is kids acting silly, and that a few more summer programs are going to stop carjackings. Bless his heart.

avatar for gammanu95
1 yr ago

New York woman seen in park rampage video back on the streets as witnesses describe mayhem


This woman, except for not being dead, is just like the subway psycho. She needed yo be put in a chokehold or otherwise subdued to protect all the people she attacked. I can guarantee you that if even just one person had resisted or tried to stop her, especially a White person, that individual would be in jail facing charges and she would be back out on the street just like she is.

New York City's chickens are coming home to roost.

avatar for dha
1 yr ago

Nobody gives a hot shit about haiti. The Domincan Republic is a different story. They have some hot women there and fun places to enjoy them.

avatar for Tetradon
1 yr ago

^ I've dated/banged some hot ass Haitian women in the Boston area. But I wouldn't set foot on Haitian soil for all the rum on the island.

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