
Comments by mark94

  • review comment
    3 days ago
    Thursday mid afternoon dead.
    IMO, on any given day, 90% of the dancers at HL are not dance worthy, mostly the result of the Cuban invasion. It takes too much time, effort, and luck to connect with the other 10%. Combine that with an economy where the average customer has less money to spend, and HL is not a pleasant environment for customers or dancers.
  • review comment
    8 days ago
    7 up, but tough to connect
    I tried submitting an S44 review again. Once again, it froze and would let me submit
  • review comment
    9 days ago
    7 up, but tough to connect
    I typed a S44 review but the system froze when I hit submit. I’ll probably try again
  • discussion comment
    12 days ago
    Help me figure out this interaction.
    The female equivalent of a Pick Up Artist. Insult the customer. Gain control. Take his money. When he gets wise, find another victim
  • discussion comment
    12 days ago
    Has any city recovered to pre-pandemic looks & mileage?
    My impression is the better clubs are getting good foot traffic but the spending on dances is down. In this economy, guys are willing to spend $50 for a night of looking and drinking but can’t spend $300-$500 for a more intimate experience.
  • discussion comment
    12 days ago
    Clubs in Phoenix
    Bourbon Street.
  • review comment
    13 days ago
    About the same
    One added thing about my recent visit. I saw relatively few lap dances and VIP visits while I was there. IMO, there were only a handful of lap-worthy dancers, the chairs along the wall ( prime lapdance area ) were occupied by dancers, and VIP was way too visible. There was plenty of drinking going on, so the club was making money, but I’d guess 80% of dancers had a tough time covering their house fee.
  • discussion comment
    13 days ago
    Motor City
    Questions for Wisconsin mongers
    It’s been years since I’ve been to any northern wisconsin clubs but I’m guessing, if you are from Detroit, you’ll be incredibly disappointed. Entirely different experience and not in a good way.
  • review comment
    13 days ago
    Strip Clubs!
    Summertime blues (missing the usual regulars on this visit)
    My last few afternoon visits to S44 have been subpar. Fewer dancers and lower quality. I don’t know if that’s bad luck or a trend. Probably just a summer season thing. I hope.
  • discussion comment
    13 days ago
    Back in the day
    I remember dancers would comment and critique each other’s technique in real time. The waitress would walk through with drinks like it was just another day at the office Wild stuff
  • review comment
    18 days ago
    Should I be done with this club?
    If you like the party vibe, this is still a good club for hanging out with friends. If you like women with some meat on the bones, this is definitely your place. If your preference in dancers is fit, hot, personable women, this is not your destination.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    On the prowl in Tucson and Phoenix
    Curves Price Increase - Effective 7-26-24
    It’s my experience that clubs raise their prices during tough economic times, under the theory that will increase dancer’s income. Of course, having taken Econ 101, I know the opposite happens.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Hostess Bars in Houston
    I remember reading about these on USASG ( which seems to be closed down ). Koreans in their 40s or 50s. Typically a bartender, one or two workers, and no other customers. Services provided behind a curtain. Calling it a hostess bar seems generous.
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    Bourbon Street, not the best anywhere, but still the best in the area
    You must have been there on an off night. Or, you have a really tough grading standard for dancers
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    The three things that have kept me away from HL in recent years are 1. ID scan ( that’s a deal breaker for me ) 2. Chubby Cubans 3. Brighter lighting in VIP ( a recent development ). It sounds like #2 has seen improvement.
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    Good, but not really.
    Any club that “ gives a tour of VIP” is a rip off joint.
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    Surprisingly Fun
    With dances around 3 minutes, an hour would be about 20 dances or $600. So, on that basis, $300 is a bargain. If it takes you an hour to accomplish your goal. 😉
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    San Francisco
    Slow Wednesday Night But Then Vanessa
    Remember to ask for the sale. “ I’d like some dances”.
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    San Francisco
    Slow Wednesday Night But Then Vanessa
    The problem with not getting dances during an entire rotation is dancers assume you will never get dances and they stop asking.
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Saturday, Afternoon, at the Hi-Liter
    Hi Liter has really gone downhill. It seems with its past history and set up, a new manager could turn it around in a matter of weeks. Fire most of the Cubans and hire a more diverse group of new dancers. They wouldn’t even need to be stunners. Or, maybe there are enough Cuban fans to make money. There’s got to be a reason it’s Little Havana. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. Or, maybe they make enough money during tourist season they don’t need to care about the other 8 months.
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Decent Weekday Outing
    It’s impossible to know how many dancers are at BSC unless you sit through all the stage sets. Many dancers are out of view, either in VIP or the dressing room. They will either go straight to VIP after their stage or disappear into the dressing room if no one shows immediate interest.
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Great for Phoenix. Fun times for sure.
    What employee posters think is important: Praise non-dancer employees by name. DJ. Bar staff. Pole work. What customers care about: Prices and how far dancers will go, especially in private
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Very good value
    I’m confused by your review. I don’t think they’ve had $41 three dance packages since 3 years ago.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Israeli ethnic cleansing of Armenian Christians in Jerusalem continues
    From CNN. “A deal has been signed by the Armenian Patriarchate that will hand up to 25% of the quarter to a commercial entity for a 99-year lease, according to lawyers working to stop the deal. According to the lawyers and residents, the reported intention is to build a luxury hotel on some of the land that is currently a parking lot, but is on prime real estate nestled just within the Old City walls. Few have seen the contract itself, and those who have are not commenting publicly on how much the deal is worth. The drama has pitted the Armenian community against its religious leader, the Armenian Patriarch Nourhan Manougian. Regular protests have been held, with Armenian residents and supporters creating a human chain around the part of the quarter allegedly part of the deal.”
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Alternative city?
    In June, Phoenix clubs have fewer dancers. They go somewhere, I know not where. Phoenix has 2 noteworthy clubs, as does Tucson. If you split your time between Phoenix, Tucson, and Vegas you could fill 7 days with strippers, gambling, and heat. And, Mexican food.