
Comments by NotFromTX

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who needs guns?
    No hope of a serious answer to my questions. As to who's the dumb ass, I got a pair of 800s on my SATs. I can tell your scores (for the subset smart enough to have gone to college) are nowhere near mine just from the quality of your thought. The many gun-loving men in the US ought to try thinking in something other than slogans and clichés. There are very few even semi-intelligent people in other countries who fall for the NRA's barrage of BS.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who needs guns?
    Do you jackasses really think that you'd equally like to be threatened by a guy with a gun and a guy with a knife? Do you really think that the death tolls would usually be equal? Do you really think that under guns-available-to-all regimes guns would kill fewer people? If you think any of these things, you are stupid asses. And yet you and your ilk talk and write as if you do.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    14 people stabbed at Tx college campus just now
    See the stupid gun lovers are at it big time as always on the Internet. There are probably between 10 and 30 people in Houston who are just damn glad the stupid box cutter guy had a box cutter and not a gun, or they'd be dead. And for the stupid gun lovers, ask yourself: 1) Why is the United States known to INTELLIGENT people around the world for the high murder rate with guns? and 2) Why are you so stupid that you think good people are always going to be better with guns than bad people if both have them? Is it because you are so stupid that you believe movies?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    It's a man thing.
    Wish I could comment from experience but my wife won't do bj's and I'm too scared of disease to get one from a stripper. Btw, the New Yorker says that oral sex is more like to get you an STD than coital sex. So I stick to fucking.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Work history of strippers. Valuable or not?
    Newbies are usually a minus. I had one who had been a waitress for a year and had practiced with her friends before starting. She was damn good. But most are not too good. Of course, I don't know if and inept "new" girl ever gets good later. And I still remember a tall, cute veteran girl in Dallas who stayed on for years and was always a crappy dancer one-on-one. She did well with her looks on new customers.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Is the weekend night shift the strip clubs best looking girls?
    I'm not so sure about weekend nights. I've heard complaints about too many rude and poor young guys on Fridays especially. I have done very well on Saturdays, though, and usually feel lucky if I get a hotty on Sunday or Monday nights, but the hottest girl I ever had was on a Monday night.
  • review comment
    11 years ago
    A catch-all account
    The smell is awful. Like never...
    "never washed pussy everywhere" and "girls all drunk" both cannot be true. There are lots of girls who are neither, and I'd say at least one out of three never drink.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Ohio and Texas Strip Club Laws Differ, and the Reason Why
    I agree with Ohioseeker. I went to a Grand Rapids, MI, club, where rules are so restrictive that girls have to wear bras!!! But get the girl into the private room, which is pretty damn private in the one I went to, and anything goes, just like in Dallas and other clubs. You can do a hell of a lot more in public in a Dallas club than in this GR club, but the real fun is in private anyway.